#!/usr/bin/env python """ aneatocli : a Neato Robot command and state querying cli. Usage: aneatocli.py (--gc | --get-commands) aneatocli.py [--go | --start-cleaning ] aneatocli.py [--stp | --stop-cleaning ] aneatocli.py [--pse | --pause-cleaning ] aneatocli.py [--res | --resume-cleaning] aneatocli.py [--base | --send-to-base ] aneatocli.py [--gi |--get-infos ] aneatocli.py (--lgsc | --log-secrets) aneatocli.py -h | --help aneatocli.py -v | --version Options: -h , --help Show this message. -v , --version Show version. --go , --start-cleaning Tell the robot to start cleaning. --stp , --stop-cleaning Tell the robot to stop cleaning. --pse , --pause-cleaning Tell the robot to pause cleaning. --res , --resume-cleaning Tell the robot to resume cleaning. --base ,--send-to-base Tell the robot to go back to its dock. --gc , --get-commands Get the available commands. --lgsc , --log-secrets Log the credentials into the json file. """ from sys import exit from os.path import exists as chkf from pprint import pprint from getpass import getpass as getp import json try: from pybotvac import Robot from pybotvac import Account except: print("pybotvac package is not installed.\n\nPlease run 'pip install pybotvac' from your command prompt\n") exit() try: from docopt import docopt except: print("docopt package is not installed.\n\nPlease run 'pip install docopt==0.6.2' from your command prompt\n") exit() def logCreds(): try: mail=arguments[""] passwd=getp("Password:") acc=Account(mail,passwd) except: print("Cannot login. Please try again.") raise try: for robot in acc.robots: json_data="{\"serialID\": \""+robot.serial+"\" ,\"secretID\": \""+robot.secret+"\" ,\"traits\": \""+robot.traits[0]+"\" ,\"name\": \""+robot.name+"\"}" json_filename=robot.name+".json" with open(json_filename,"w") as json_file: json_file.write(json_data) json_file.close() except: print("Cannot write robot creds.") raise def initRobot(): json_filename=arguments[""]+".json" try: with open(json_filename,"r") as json_file: creds=json.load(json_file) except: print("File doesn't exist.") exit() try: robot = Robot(creds["serialID"],creds["secretID"],creds["traits"],creds["name"]) return robot except: print("Cannot init the robot "+arguments[""]) raise def getCmds(): rob=initRobot() getInfos() # get the available commands try: cmds = rob.state["availableCommands"] except: print("HTTP Error or Network failure.") raise exit() # write available cmds to file try: json_state_file=arguments[""]+"-robotcommands.json" with open(json_state_file, "w") as json_file: json.dump(cmds, json_file) print("File "+json_state_file+" created") except: raise exit() def getInfos(): rob=initRobot() try: json_info_file=arguments[""]+"-robotinfos.json" with open(json_info_file, "w") as info_file: json.dump(rob.state,info_file, indent=4) json.dump(rob.get_general_info().json(),info_file, indent=4) json.dump(rob.get_robot_info().json(),info_file, indent=4) print("File "+json_info_file+" created") except: print("Cannot retrieve infos.") raise exit() def funCallFromArgs(simpleArg, verboseArg, func, *args): if arguments[simpleArg] or arguments[verboseArg]: func( *args ) def actC(act): rob=initRobot() def checkActRun(robofunc): try: if rob.state["availableCommands"][act]: robofunc() except: print("Cannot "+act+" the robot.") if "start" in act: checkActRun(rob.start_cleaning) elif "stop" in act: checkActRun(rob.stop_cleaning) elif "pause" in act: checkActRun(rob.pause_cleaning) elif "resume" in act: checkActRun(rob.resume_cleaning) elif "goToBase" in act: checkActRun(rob.send_to_base) if __name__ == '__main__': arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='aneatocli 0.1') #nts:useful pour debugging #pprint(arguments) funCallFromArgs("--go","--start-cleaning",actC,"start") funCallFromArgs("--stp","--stop-cleaning",actC,"stop") funCallFromArgs("--pse","--pause-cleaning",actC,"pause") funCallFromArgs("--res","--resume-cleaning",actC,"resume") funCallFromArgs("--base","--send-to-base",actC,"goToBase") funCallFromArgs("--gc","--get-commands",getCmds) funCallFromArgs("--gi","--get-infos",getInfos) funCallFromArgs("--lgsc","--log-secrets",logCreds)