using Gdk; using Gee; using Qlite; using Xmpp; using Dino.Entities; namespace Dino { public class AvatarManager : StreamInteractionModule, Object { public static ModuleIdentity IDENTITY = new ModuleIdentity("avatar_manager"); public string id { get { return; } } public signal void received_avatar(Jid jid, Account account); public signal void fetched_avatar(Jid jid, Account account); private enum Source { USER_AVATARS, VCARD } private StreamInteractor stream_interactor; private Database db; private string folder = null; private HashMap user_avatars = new HashMap(Jid.hash_func, Jid.equals_func); private HashMap vcard_avatars = new HashMap(Jid.hash_func, Jid.equals_func); private HashMap cached_pixbuf = new HashMap(); private HashMap> pending_pixbuf = new HashMap>(); private HashSet pending_fetch = new HashSet(); private const int MAX_PIXEL = 192; public static void start(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Database db) { AvatarManager m = new AvatarManager(stream_interactor, db); stream_interactor.add_module(m); } private AvatarManager(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Database db) { this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor; this.db = db; this.folder = Path.build_filename(Dino.get_cache_dir(), "avatars"); string old_avatars_folder = Path.build_filename(Dino.get_storage_dir(), "avatars"); if (FileUtils.test(old_avatars_folder, FileTest.IS_DIR)) { if (FileUtils.test(this.folder, FileTest.IS_DIR)){ var res = DirUtils.remove(old_avatars_folder); if (res == -1){ // directory not empty File old_avatars = File.new_for_path(old_avatars_folder); try { old_avatars.trash(); // debug("Old avatar folder %s trashed.", old_avatars_folder); } catch (Error e) { debug("Error trashing old avatar folder %s: %s\nFalling back to GLib method.", old_avatars_folder, e.message); Dino.recurse_delete_folder(old_avatars,"",null); // fallback to GLib } } else { debug("Old avatar directory %s removed.", old_avatars_folder); } } else{ File old_avatars = File.new_for_path(old_avatars_folder); File new_avatars = File.new_for_path(this.folder); DirUtils.create_with_parents(Dino.get_cache_dir(), 0700); old_avatars.move(new_avatars, FileCopyFlags.NONE, null); debug("Avatars directory %s moved to %s", old_avatars_folder, this.folder); } } else { DirUtils.create_with_parents(this.folder, 0700); } stream_interactor.account_added.connect(on_account_added); stream_interactor.module_manager.initialize_account_modules.connect((_, modules) => { modules.add(new Xep.UserAvatars.Module()); modules.add(new Xep.VCard.Module()); }); } public File? get_avatar_file(Account account, Jid jid_) { string? hash = get_avatar_hash(account, jid_); if (hash == null) return null; File file = File.new_for_path(Path.build_filename(folder, hash)); if (!file.query_exists()) { fetch_and_store_for_jid.begin(account, jid_); return null; } else { return file; } } private string? get_avatar_hash(Account account, Jid jid_) { Jid jid = jid_; if (!stream_interactor.get_module(MucManager.IDENTITY).is_groupchat_occupant(jid_, account)) { jid = jid_.bare_jid; } if (user_avatars.has_key(jid)) { return user_avatars[jid]; } else if (vcard_avatars.has_key(jid)) { return vcard_avatars[jid]; } else { return null; } } [Version (deprecated = true)] public bool has_avatar_cached(Account account, Jid jid) { string? hash = get_avatar_hash(account, jid); return hash != null && cached_pixbuf.has_key(hash); } public bool has_avatar(Account account, Jid jid) { return get_avatar_hash(account, jid) != null; } [Version (deprecated = true)] public Pixbuf? get_cached_avatar(Account account, Jid jid_) { string? hash = get_avatar_hash(account, jid_); if (hash == null) return null; if (cached_pixbuf.has_key(hash)) return cached_pixbuf[hash]; return null; } [Version (deprecated = true)] public async Pixbuf? get_avatar(Account account, Jid jid_) { Jid jid = jid_; if (!stream_interactor.get_module(MucManager.IDENTITY).is_groupchat_occupant(jid_, account)) { jid = jid_.bare_jid; } int source = -1; string? hash = null; if (user_avatars.has_key(jid)) { hash = user_avatars[jid]; source = 1; } else if (vcard_avatars.has_key(jid)) { hash = vcard_avatars[jid]; source = 2; } if (hash == null) return null; if (cached_pixbuf.has_key(hash)) { return cached_pixbuf[hash]; } XmppStream? stream = stream_interactor.get_stream(account); if (stream == null || !stream.negotiation_complete) return null; if (pending_pixbuf.has_key(hash)) { pending_pixbuf[hash].add(new SourceFuncWrapper(get_avatar.callback)); yield; return cached_pixbuf[hash]; } pending_pixbuf[hash] = new ArrayList(); Pixbuf? image = yield get_image(hash); if (image != null) { cached_pixbuf[hash] = image; } else { if (yield fetch_and_store(stream, account, jid, source, hash)) { image = yield get_image(hash); } cached_pixbuf[hash] = image; } foreach (SourceFuncWrapper sfw in pending_pixbuf[hash]) { sfw.sfun(); } return image; } public void publish(Account account, string file) { try { Pixbuf pixbuf = new Pixbuf.from_file(file); if (pixbuf.width >= pixbuf.height && pixbuf.width > MAX_PIXEL) { int dest_height = (int) ((float) MAX_PIXEL / pixbuf.width * pixbuf.height); pixbuf = pixbuf.scale_simple(MAX_PIXEL, dest_height, InterpType.BILINEAR); } else if (pixbuf.height > pixbuf.width && pixbuf.width > MAX_PIXEL) { int dest_width = (int) ((float) MAX_PIXEL / pixbuf.height * pixbuf.width); pixbuf = pixbuf.scale_simple(dest_width, MAX_PIXEL, InterpType.BILINEAR); } uint8[] buffer; pixbuf.save_to_buffer(out buffer, "png"); XmppStream stream = stream_interactor.get_stream(account); if (stream != null) { Xmpp.Xep.UserAvatars.publish_png(stream, buffer, pixbuf.width, pixbuf.height); } } catch (Error e) { warning(e.message); } } public void unset_avatar(Account account) { XmppStream stream = stream_interactor.get_stream(account); if (stream == null) return; Xmpp.Xep.UserAvatars.unset_avatar(stream); } private void on_account_added(Account account) { stream_interactor.module_manager.get_module(account, Xep.UserAvatars.Module.IDENTITY).received_avatar_hash.connect((stream, jid, id) => on_user_avatar_received(account, jid, id) ); stream_interactor.module_manager.get_module(account, Xep.UserAvatars.Module.IDENTITY).avatar_removed.connect((stream, jid) => { on_user_avatar_removed(account, jid); }); stream_interactor.module_manager.get_module(account, Xep.VCard.Module.IDENTITY).received_avatar_hash.connect((stream, jid, id) => on_vcard_avatar_received(account, jid, id) ); foreach (var entry in get_avatar_hashes(account, Source.USER_AVATARS).entries) { on_user_avatar_received(account, entry.key, entry.value); } foreach (var entry in get_avatar_hashes(account, Source.VCARD).entries) { on_vcard_avatar_received(account, entry.key, entry.value); } } private void on_user_avatar_received(Account account, Jid jid_, string id) { Jid jid = jid_.bare_jid; if (!user_avatars.has_key(jid) || user_avatars[jid] != id) { user_avatars[jid] = id; set_avatar_hash(account, jid, id, Source.USER_AVATARS); } received_avatar(jid, account); } private void on_user_avatar_removed(Account account, Jid jid_) { Jid jid = jid_.bare_jid; user_avatars.unset(jid); remove_avatar_hash(account, jid, Source.USER_AVATARS); received_avatar(jid, account); } private void on_vcard_avatar_received(Account account, Jid jid_, string id) { bool is_gc = stream_interactor.get_module(MucManager.IDENTITY).might_be_groupchat(jid_.bare_jid, account); Jid jid = is_gc ? jid_ : jid_.bare_jid; if (!vcard_avatars.has_key(jid) || vcard_avatars[jid] != id) { vcard_avatars[jid] = id; if (jid.is_bare()) { // don't save MUC occupant avatars set_avatar_hash(account, jid, id, Source.VCARD); } } received_avatar(jid, account); } public void set_avatar_hash(Account account, Jid jid, string hash, int type) { db.avatar.insert() .value(db.avatar.jid_id, db.get_jid_id(jid)) .value(db.avatar.account_id, .value(db.avatar.hash, hash) .value(db.avatar.type_, type) .perform(); } public void remove_avatar_hash(Account account, Jid jid, int type) { db.avatar.delete() .with(db.avatar.jid_id, "=", db.get_jid_id(jid)) .with(db.avatar.account_id, "=", .with(db.avatar.type_, "=", type) .perform(); } public HashMap get_avatar_hashes(Account account, int type) { HashMap ret = new HashMap(Jid.hash_func, Jid.equals_func); foreach (Row row in{db.avatar.jid_id, db.avatar.hash}) .with(db.avatar.type_, "=", type) .with(db.avatar.account_id, "=", { ret[db.get_jid_by_id(row[db.avatar.jid_id])] = row[db.avatar.hash]; } return ret; } public async bool fetch_and_store_for_jid(Account account, Jid jid) { int source = -1; string? hash = null; if (user_avatars.has_key(jid)) { hash = user_avatars[jid]; source = 1; } else if (vcard_avatars.has_key(jid)) { hash = vcard_avatars[jid]; source = 2; } else { return false; } XmppStream? stream = stream_interactor.get_stream(account); if (stream == null || !stream.negotiation_complete) return false; return yield fetch_and_store(stream, account, jid, source, hash); } private async bool fetch_and_store(XmppStream stream, Account account, Jid jid, int source, string? hash) { if (hash == null || pending_fetch.contains(hash)) return false; pending_fetch.add(hash); Bytes? bytes = null; if (source == 1) { bytes = yield Xmpp.Xep.UserAvatars.fetch_image(stream, jid, hash); } else if (source == 2) { bytes = yield Xmpp.Xep.VCard.fetch_image(stream, jid, hash); if (bytes == null && jid.is_bare()) { db.avatar.delete().with(db.avatar.jid_id, "=", db.get_jid_id(jid)).perform(); } } if (bytes != null) { yield store_image(hash, bytes); fetched_avatar(jid, account); } pending_fetch.remove(hash); return bytes != null; } private async void store_image(string id, Bytes data) { File file = File.new_for_path(Path.build_filename(folder, id)); try { if (file.query_exists()) file.delete(); //TODO y? DataOutputStream fos = new DataOutputStream(file.create(FileCreateFlags.REPLACE_DESTINATION)); yield fos.write_bytes_async(data); } catch (Error e) { // Ignore: we failed in storing, so we refuse to display later... } } public bool has_image(string id) { File file = File.new_for_path(Path.build_filename(folder, id)); return file.query_exists(); } public async Pixbuf? get_image(string id) { try { File file = File.new_for_path(Path.build_filename(folder, id)); FileInputStream stream = yield file.read_async(Priority.LOW); uint8 fbuf[1024]; size_t size; Checksum checksum = new Checksum (ChecksumType.SHA1); while ((size = yield stream.read_async(fbuf, Priority.LOW)) > 0) { checksum.update(fbuf, size); } if (checksum.get_string() != id) { FileUtils.remove(file.get_path()); }, SeekType.SET); return yield new Pixbuf.from_stream_async(stream, null); } catch (Error e) { return null; } } } }