using Dino.Entities; using Gee; using Xmpp; public class Dino.PeerState : Object { public signal void counterpart_sends_video_updated(bool mute); public signal void info_received(Xep.JingleRtp.CallSessionInfo session_info); public signal void connection_ready(); public signal void session_terminated(bool we_terminated, string? reason_name, string? reason_text); public signal void encryption_updated(Xep.Jingle.ContentEncryption? audio_encryption, Xep.Jingle.ContentEncryption? video_encryption, bool same); public StreamInteractor stream_interactor; public Calls calls; public Call call; public Jid jid; public Xep.Jingle.Session session; public string sid; public string internal_id = Xmpp.random_uuid(); public Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters? audio_content_parameter = null; public Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters? video_content_parameter = null; public Xep.Jingle.Content? audio_content = null; public Xep.Jingle.Content? video_content = null; public Xep.Jingle.ContentEncryption? video_encryption = null; public Xep.Jingle.ContentEncryption? audio_encryption = null; public bool encryption_keys_same = false; public HashMap? video_encryptions = null; public HashMap? audio_encryptions = null; public bool first_peer = false; public bool accepted_jmi = false; public bool waiting_for_inbound_muji_connection = false; public Xep.Muji.GroupCall? group_call { get; set; } public bool counterpart_sends_video = false; public bool we_should_send_audio { get; set; default=false; } public bool we_should_send_video { get; set; default=false; } public PeerState(Jid jid, Call call, StreamInteractor stream_interactor) { this.jid = jid; = call; this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor; this.calls = stream_interactor.get_module(Calls.IDENTITY); var session_info_type = stream_interactor.module_manager.get_module(call.account, Xep.JingleRtp.Module.IDENTITY).session_info_type; session_info_type.mute_update_received.connect((session,mute, name) => { if (this.sid != session.sid) return; foreach (Xep.Jingle.Content content in session.contents) { if (name == null || content.content_name == name) { Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters? rtp_content_parameter = content.content_params as Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters; if (rtp_content_parameter != null) { on_counterpart_mute_update(mute,; } } } }); session_info_type.info_received.connect((session, session_info) => { if (this.sid != session.sid) return; info_received(session_info); }); } public async void initiate_call(Jid counterpart) { Gee.List call_resources = yield calls.get_call_resources(call.account, counterpart); bool do_jmi = false; Jid? jid_for_direct = null; if (yield calls.contains_jmi_resources(call.account, call_resources)) { do_jmi = true; } else if (!call_resources.is_empty) { jid_for_direct = call_resources[0]; } else if (calls.has_jmi_resources(jid)) { do_jmi = true; } sid = Xmpp.random_uuid(); if (do_jmi) { XmppStream? stream = stream_interactor.get_stream(call.account); calls.current_jmi_request_call[call.account] = calls.call_states[call]; calls.current_jmi_request_peer[call.account] = this; var descriptions = new ArrayList(); descriptions.add(new"description", Xep.JingleRtp.NS_URI).add_self_xmlns().put_attribute("media", "audio")); if (we_should_send_video) { descriptions.add(new"description", Xep.JingleRtp.NS_URI).add_self_xmlns().put_attribute("media", "video")); } stream.get_module(Xmpp.Xep.JingleMessageInitiation.Module.IDENTITY).send_session_propose_to_peer(stream, jid, sid, descriptions); } else if (jid_for_direct != null) { yield call_resource(jid_for_direct); } } public async void call_resource(Jid full_jid) { XmppStream? stream = stream_interactor.get_stream(call.account); if (stream == null) return; if (sid == null) sid = Xmpp.random_uuid(); Xep.Jingle.Session session = yield stream.get_module(Xep.JingleRtp.Module.IDENTITY).start_call(stream, full_jid, we_should_send_video, sid, group_call != null ? group_call.muc_jid : null); set_session(session); } public void accept() { if (session != null) { foreach (Xep.Jingle.Content content in session.contents) { content.accept(); } } else { // Only a JMI so far XmppStream stream = stream_interactor.get_stream(call.account); if (stream == null) return; accepted_jmi = true; calls.current_jmi_request_call[call.account] = calls.call_states[call]; calls.current_jmi_request_peer[call.account] = this; stream.get_module(Xep.JingleMessageInitiation.Module.IDENTITY).send_session_accept_to_self(stream, sid); stream.get_module(Xep.JingleMessageInitiation.Module.IDENTITY).send_session_proceed_to_peer(stream, jid, sid); } } public void reject() { call.state = Call.State.DECLINED; if (session != null) { foreach (Xep.Jingle.Content content in session.contents) { content.reject(); } } else { // Only a JMI so far XmppStream stream = stream_interactor.get_stream(call.account); if (stream == null) return; stream.get_module(Xep.JingleMessageInitiation.Module.IDENTITY).send_session_reject_to_peer(stream, jid, sid); stream.get_module(Xep.JingleMessageInitiation.Module.IDENTITY).send_session_reject_to_self(stream, sid); } } public void end(string terminate_reason, string? reason_text = null) { switch (terminate_reason) { case Xep.Jingle.ReasonElement.SUCCESS: if (session != null) { session.terminate(terminate_reason, reason_text, "success"); } break; case Xep.Jingle.ReasonElement.CANCEL: if (session != null) { session.terminate(terminate_reason, reason_text, "cancel"); } else if (group_call != null) { // We don't have to do anything (?) } else { // Only a JMI so far XmppStream? stream = stream_interactor.get_stream(call.account); if (stream == null) return; stream.get_module(Xep.JingleMessageInitiation.Module.IDENTITY).send_session_retract_to_peer(stream, jid, sid); } break; } } internal void mute_own_audio(bool mute) { // Call isn't fully established yet. Audio will be muted once the stream is created. if (session == null || audio_content_parameter == null || == null) return; Xep.JingleRtp.Stream stream =; // Inform our counterpart that we (un)muted our audio stream_interactor.module_manager.get_module(call.account, Xep.JingleRtp.Module.IDENTITY).session_info_type.send_mute(session, mute, "audio"); // Start/Stop sending audio data Application.get_default().plugin_registry.video_call_plugin.set_pause(stream, mute); } internal void mute_own_video(bool mute) { if (session == null) { // Call hasn't been established yet return; } Xep.JingleRtp.Module rtp_module = stream_interactor.module_manager.get_module(call.account, Xep.JingleRtp.Module.IDENTITY); if (video_content_parameter != null && != null && session.senders_include_us(video_content.senders)) { // A video content already exists // Start/Stop sending video data Xep.JingleRtp.Stream stream =; if (stream != null) { Application.get_default().plugin_registry.video_call_plugin.set_pause(stream, mute); } // Inform our counterpart that we started/stopped our video rtp_module.session_info_type.send_mute(session, mute, "video"); } else if (!mute) { // Add a new video content XmppStream stream = stream_interactor.get_stream(call.account); rtp_module.add_outgoing_video_content.begin(stream, session, group_call != null ? group_call.muc_jid : null, (_, res) => { if (video_content_parameter == null) { Xep.Jingle.Content content = rtp_module.add_outgoing_video_content.end(res); Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters? rtp_content_parameter = content.content_params as Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters; if (rtp_content_parameter != null) { connect_content_signals(content, rtp_content_parameter); } } }); } // If video_content_parameter == null && !mute we're trying to mute a non-existant feed. It will be muted as soon as it is created. } public Xep.JingleRtp.Stream? get_video_stream(Call call) { if (video_content_parameter != null) { return; } return null; } public Xep.JingleRtp.Stream? get_audio_stream(Call call) { if (audio_content_parameter != null) { return; } return null; } internal void set_session(Xep.Jingle.Session session) { this.session = session; this.sid = session.sid; session.terminated.connect((stream, we_terminated, reason_name, reason_text) => session_terminated(we_terminated, reason_name, reason_text) ); session.additional_content_add_incoming.connect((session,stream, content) => on_incoming_content_add(stream, session, content) ); foreach (Xep.Jingle.Content content in session.contents) { Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters? rtp_content_parameter = content.content_params as Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters; if (rtp_content_parameter == null) continue; connect_content_signals(content, rtp_content_parameter); } } public PeerInfo get_info() { var ret = new PeerInfo(); if (audio_content_parameter != null) { ret.audio_rtcp_ready = audio_content_parameter.rtcp_ready; ret.audio_rtp_ready = audio_content_parameter.rtp_ready; if (audio_content_parameter.agreed_payload_type != null) { ret.audio_codec =; ret.audio_clockrate = audio_content_parameter.agreed_payload_type.clockrate; } if ( != null && { ret.audio_target_receive_bitrate =; ret.audio_target_send_bitrate =; } } if (audio_content != null) { Xmpp.Xep.Jingle.ComponentConnection? component0 = audio_content.get_transport_connection(1); if (component0 != null) { ret.audio_bytes_received = component0.bytes_received; ret.audio_bytes_sent = component0.bytes_sent; } } if (video_content_parameter != null) { ret.video_content_exists = true; ret.video_rtcp_ready = video_content_parameter.rtcp_ready; ret.video_rtp_ready = video_content_parameter.rtp_ready; if (video_content_parameter.agreed_payload_type != null) { ret.video_codec =; } if ( != null && { ret.video_target_receive_bitrate =; ret.video_target_send_bitrate =; } } if (video_content != null) { Xmpp.Xep.Jingle.ComponentConnection? component0 = video_content.get_transport_connection(1); if (component0 != null) { ret.video_bytes_received = component0.bytes_received; ret.video_bytes_sent = component0.bytes_sent; } } return ret; } private void connect_content_signals(Xep.Jingle.Content content, Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters rtp_content_parameter) { if ( == "audio") { audio_content = content; audio_content_parameter = rtp_content_parameter; } else if ( == "video") { video_content = content; video_content_parameter = rtp_content_parameter; } debug(@"[%s] %s connecting content signals %s", call.account.bare_jid.to_string(), jid.to_string(),; rtp_content_parameter.stream_created.connect((stream) => on_stream_created(, stream)); rtp_content_parameter.connection_ready.connect((status) => on_connection_ready(content,; content.senders_modify_incoming.connect((content, proposed_senders) => { if (content.session.senders_include_us(content.senders) != content.session.senders_include_us(proposed_senders)) { warning("counterpart set us to (not)sending %s. ignoring", content.content_name); return; } if (!content.session.senders_include_counterpart(content.senders) && content.session.senders_include_counterpart(proposed_senders)) { // Counterpart wants to start sending. Ok. content.accept_content_modify(proposed_senders); on_counterpart_mute_update(false, "video"); } }); } private void on_incoming_content_add(XmppStream stream, Xep.Jingle.Session session, Xep.Jingle.Content content) { Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters? rtp_content_parameter = content.content_params as Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters; if (rtp_content_parameter == null) { content.reject(); return; } // Our peer shouldn't tell us to start sending, that's for us to initiate if (session.senders_include_us(content.senders)) { if (session.senders_include_counterpart(content.senders)) { // If our peer wants to send, let them content.modify(session.we_initiated ? Xep.Jingle.Senders.RESPONDER : Xep.Jingle.Senders.INITIATOR); } else { // If only we're supposed to send, reject content.reject(); } } connect_content_signals(content, rtp_content_parameter); content.accept(); } private void on_stream_created(string media, Xep.JingleRtp.Stream stream) { if (media == "video" && stream.receiving) { counterpart_sends_video = true; video_content_parameter.connection_ready.connect((status) => { counterpart_sends_video_updated(false); }); } // Outgoing audio/video might have been muted in the meanwhile. if (media == "video" && !we_should_send_video) { mute_own_video(true); } else if (media == "audio" && !we_should_send_audio) { mute_own_audio(true); } } private void on_counterpart_mute_update(bool mute, string? media) { if (!call.equals(call)) return; if (media == "video") { counterpart_sends_video = !mute; debug(@"[%s] %s video muted %s", call.account.bare_jid.to_string(), jid.to_string(), mute.to_string()); counterpart_sends_video_updated(mute); } } private void on_connection_ready(Xep.Jingle.Content content, string media) { debug("[%s] %s on_connection_ready", call.account.bare_jid.to_string(), jid.to_string()); connection_ready(); if (call.state == Call.State.RINGING || call.state == Call.State.ESTABLISHING) { call.state = Call.State.IN_PROGRESS; } if (media == "audio") { audio_encryptions = content.encryptions; } else if (media == "video") { video_encryptions = content.encryptions; } if ((audio_encryptions != null && audio_encryptions.is_empty) || (video_encryptions != null && video_encryptions.is_empty)) { call.encryption = Encryption.NONE; encryption_updated(null, null, true); return; } HashMap encryptions = audio_encryptions ?? video_encryptions; Xep.Jingle.ContentEncryption? omemo_encryption = null, dtls_encryption = null, srtp_encryption = null; foreach (string encr_name in encryptions.keys) { if (video_encryptions != null && !video_encryptions.has_key(encr_name)) continue; var encryption = encryptions[encr_name]; if (encryption.encryption_ns == "") { omemo_encryption = encryption; } else if (encryption.encryption_ns == Xep.JingleIceUdp.DTLS_NS_URI) { dtls_encryption = encryption; } else if (encryption.encryption_name == "SRTP") { srtp_encryption = encryption; } } if (omemo_encryption != null && dtls_encryption != null) { call.encryption = Encryption.OMEMO; omemo_encryption.peer_key = dtls_encryption.peer_key; omemo_encryption.our_key = dtls_encryption.our_key; audio_encryption = omemo_encryption; encryption_keys_same = true; video_encryption = video_encryptions != null ? video_encryptions[""] : null; } else if (dtls_encryption != null) { call.encryption = Encryption.DTLS_SRTP; audio_encryption = dtls_encryption; video_encryption = video_encryptions != null ? video_encryptions[Xep.JingleIceUdp.DTLS_NS_URI] : null; encryption_keys_same = true; if (video_encryption != null && dtls_encryption.peer_key.length == video_encryption.peer_key.length) { for (int i = 0; i < dtls_encryption.peer_key.length; i++) { if (dtls_encryption.peer_key[i] != video_encryption.peer_key[i]) { encryption_keys_same = false; break; } } } } else if (srtp_encryption != null) { call.encryption = Encryption.SRTP; audio_encryption = srtp_encryption; video_encryption = video_encryptions != null ? video_encryptions["SRTP"] : null; encryption_keys_same = false; } else { call.encryption = Encryption.NONE; encryption_keys_same = true; } encryption_updated(audio_encryption, video_encryption, encryption_keys_same); } } public class Dino.PeerInfo { public bool audio_rtp_ready { get; set; } public bool audio_rtcp_ready { get; set; } public ulong? audio_bytes_sent { get; set; default=0; } public ulong? audio_bytes_received { get; set; default=0; } public string? audio_codec { get; set; } public uint32 audio_clockrate { get; set; } public uint audio_target_receive_bitrate { get; set; default=0; } public uint audio_target_send_bitrate { get; set; default=0; } public bool video_content_exists { get; set; } public bool video_rtp_ready { get; set; } public bool video_rtcp_ready { get; set; } public ulong? video_bytes_sent { get; set; default=0; } public ulong? video_bytes_received { get; set; default=0; } public string? video_codec { get; set; } public uint video_target_receive_bitrate { get; set; default=0; } public uint video_target_send_bitrate { get; set; default=0; } }