using Gee; using Qlite; using Xmpp; using Dino.Entities; namespace Dino { public class Database : Qlite.Database { private const int VERSION = 19; public class AccountTable : Table { public Column id = new Column.Integer("id") { primary_key = true, auto_increment = true }; public Column bare_jid = new Column.Text("bare_jid") { unique = true, not_null = true }; public Column resourcepart = new Column.Text("resourcepart"); public Column password = new Column.Text("password"); public Column alias = new Column.Text("alias"); public Column enabled = new Column.BoolInt("enabled"); public Column roster_version = new Column.Text("roster_version") { min_version=2 }; public Column mam_earliest_synced = new Column.Long("mam_earliest_synced") { min_version=4 }; internal AccountTable(Database db) { base(db, "account"); init({id, bare_jid, resourcepart, password, alias, enabled, roster_version, mam_earliest_synced}); } } public class JidTable : Table { public Column id = new Column.Integer("id") { primary_key = true, auto_increment = true }; public Column bare_jid = new Column.Text("bare_jid") { unique = true, not_null = true }; internal JidTable(Database db) { base(db, "jid"); init({id, bare_jid}); } } public class EntityTable : Table { public Column id = new Column.Integer("id") { primary_key = true, auto_increment = true }; public Column account_id = new Column.Integer("account_id"); public Column jid_id = new Column.Integer("jid_id"); public Column resource = new Column.Text("resource"); public Column caps_hash = new Column.Text("caps_hash"); public Column last_seen = new Column.Long("last_seen"); internal EntityTable(Database db) { base(db, "entity"); init({id, account_id, jid_id, resource, caps_hash, last_seen}); unique({account_id, jid_id, resource}, "IGNORE"); } } public class ContentItemTable : Table { public Column id = new Column.Integer("id") { primary_key = true, auto_increment = true }; public Column conversation_id = new Column.Integer("conversation_id") { not_null = true }; public Column time = new Column.Long("time") { not_null = true }; public Column local_time = new Column.Long("local_time") { not_null = true }; public Column content_type = new Column.Integer("content_type") { not_null = true }; public Column foreign_id = new Column.Integer("foreign_id") { not_null = true }; public Column hide = new Column.BoolInt("hide") { default = "0", not_null = true, min_version = 9 }; internal ContentItemTable(Database db) { base(db, "content_item"); init({id, conversation_id, time, local_time, content_type, foreign_id, hide}); index("contentitem_conversation_hide_time_idx", {conversation_id, hide, time}); unique({content_type, foreign_id}, "IGNORE"); } } public class MessageTable : Table { public Column id = new Column.Integer("id") { primary_key = true, auto_increment = true }; public Column stanza_id = new Column.Text("stanza_id"); public Column server_id = new Column.Text("server_id") { min_version=10 }; public Column account_id = new Column.Integer("account_id") { not_null = true }; public Column counterpart_id = new Column.Integer("counterpart_id") { not_null = true }; public Column counterpart_resource = new Column.Text("counterpart_resource"); public Column our_resource = new Column.Text("our_resource"); public Column direction = new Column.BoolInt("direction") { not_null = true }; public Column type_ = new Column.Integer("type"); public Column time = new Column.Long("time"); public Column local_time = new Column.Long("local_time"); public Column body = new Column.Text("body"); public Column encryption = new Column.Integer("encryption"); public Column marked = new Column.Integer("marked"); internal MessageTable(Database db) { base(db, "message"); init({id, stanza_id, server_id, account_id, counterpart_id, our_resource, counterpart_resource, direction, type_, time, local_time, body, encryption, marked}); // get latest messages index("message_account_counterpart_time_idx", {account_id, counterpart_id, time}); // deduplication index("message_account_counterpart_stanzaid_idx", {account_id, counterpart_id, stanza_id}); fts({body}); } } public class MessageCorrectionTable : Table { public Column id = new Column.Integer("id") { primary_key = true, auto_increment = true }; public Column message_id = new Column.Integer("message_id") { unique=true }; public Column to_stanza_id = new Column.Text("to_stanza_id"); internal MessageCorrectionTable(Database db) { base(db, "message_correction"); init({id, message_id, to_stanza_id}); index("message_correction_to_stanza_id_idx", {to_stanza_id}); } } public class RealJidTable : Table { public Column message_id = new Column.Integer("message_id") { primary_key = true }; public Column real_jid = new Column.Text("real_jid"); internal RealJidTable(Database db) { base(db, "real_jid"); init({message_id, real_jid}); } } public class UndecryptedTable : Table { public Column message_id = new Column.Integer("message_id"); public Column type_ = new Column.Integer("type"); public Column data = new Column.Text("data"); internal UndecryptedTable(Database db) { base(db, "undecrypted"); init({message_id, type_, data}); } } public class FileTransferTable : Table { public Column id = new Column.Integer("id") { primary_key = true, auto_increment = true }; public Column account_id = new Column.Integer("account_id") { not_null = true }; public Column counterpart_id = new Column.Integer("counterpart_id") { not_null = true }; public Column counterpart_resource = new Column.Text("counterpart_resource"); public Column our_resource = new Column.Text("our_resource"); public Column direction = new Column.BoolInt("direction") { not_null = true }; public Column time = new Column.Long("time"); public Column local_time = new Column.Long("local_time"); public Column encryption = new Column.Integer("encryption"); public Column file_name = new Column.Text("file_name"); public Column path = new Column.Text("path"); public Column mime_type = new Column.Text("mime_type"); public Column size = new Column.Integer("size"); public Column state = new Column.Integer("state"); public Column provider = new Column.Integer("provider"); public Column info = new Column.Text("info"); internal FileTransferTable(Database db) { base(db, "file_transfer"); init({id, account_id, counterpart_id, counterpart_resource, our_resource, direction, time, local_time, encryption, file_name, path, mime_type, size, state, provider, info}); } } public class ConversationTable : Table { public Column id = new Column.Integer("id") { primary_key = true, auto_increment = true }; public Column account_id = new Column.Integer("account_id") { not_null = true }; public Column jid_id = new Column.Integer("jid_id") { not_null = true }; public Column resource = new Column.Text("resource") { min_version=1 }; public Column active = new Column.BoolInt("active"); public Column last_active = new Column.Long("last_active"); public Column type_ = new Column.Integer("type"); public Column encryption = new Column.Integer("encryption"); public Column read_up_to = new Column.Integer("read_up_to"); public Column read_up_to_item = new Column.Integer("read_up_to_item") { not_null=true, default="-1", min_version=15 }; public Column notification = new Column.Integer("notification") { min_version=3 }; public Column send_typing = new Column.Integer("send_typing") { min_version=3 }; public Column send_marker = new Column.Integer("send_marker") { min_version=3 }; internal ConversationTable(Database db) { base(db, "conversation"); init({id, account_id, jid_id, resource, active, last_active, type_, encryption, read_up_to, read_up_to_item, notification, send_typing, send_marker}); } } public class AvatarTable : Table { public Column jid_id = new Column.Integer("jid_id"); public Column account_id = new Column.Integer("account_id"); public Column hash = new Column.Text("hash"); public Column type_ = new Column.Integer("type"); internal AvatarTable(Database db) { base(db, "contact_avatar"); init({jid_id, account_id, hash, type_}); unique({jid_id, account_id, type_}, "REPLACE"); } } public class EntityIdentityTable : Table { public Column entity = new Column.Text("entity"); public Column category = new Column.Text("category"); public Column type = new Column.Text("type"); public Column entity_name = new Column.Text("name"); internal EntityIdentityTable(Database db) { base(db, "entity_identity"); init({entity, category, entity_name, type}); unique({entity, category, type}, "IGNORE"); index("entity_identity_idx", {entity}); } } public class EntityFeatureTable : Table { public Column entity = new Column.Text("entity"); public Column feature = new Column.Text("feature"); internal EntityFeatureTable(Database db) { base(db, "entity_feature"); init({entity, feature}); unique({entity, feature}, "IGNORE"); index("entity_feature_idx", {entity}); } } public class RosterTable : Table { public Column account_id = new Column.Integer("account_id"); public Column jid = new Column.Text("jid"); public Column handle = new Column.Text("name"); public Column subscription = new Column.Text("subscription"); internal RosterTable(Database db) { base(db, "roster"); init({account_id, jid, handle, subscription}); unique({account_id, jid}, "IGNORE"); } } public class MamCatchupTable : Table { public Column id = new Column.Integer("id") { primary_key = true, auto_increment = true }; public Column account_id = new Column.Integer("account_id") { not_null = true }; public Column from_end = new Column.BoolInt("from_end"); public Column from_id = new Column.Text("from_id"); public Column from_time = new Column.Long("from_time") { not_null = true }; public Column to_id = new Column.Text("to_id"); public Column to_time = new Column.Long("to_time") { not_null = true }; internal MamCatchupTable(Database db) { base(db, "mam_catchup"); init({id, account_id, from_end, from_id, from_time, to_id, to_time}); } } public class SettingsTable : Table { public Column id = new Column.Integer("id") { primary_key = true, auto_increment = true }; public Column key = new Column.Text("key") { unique = true, not_null = true }; public Column value = new Column.Text("value"); internal SettingsTable(Database db) { base(db, "settings"); init({id, key, value}); } } public class ConversationSettingsTable : Table { public Column id = new Column.Integer("id") { primary_key = true, auto_increment = true }; public Column conversation_id = new Column.Integer("conversation_id") {not_null=true}; public Column key = new Column.Text("key") { not_null=true }; public Column value = new Column.Text("value"); internal ConversationSettingsTable(Database db) { base(db, "conversation_settings"); init({id, conversation_id, key, value}); index("settings_conversationid_key", { conversation_id, key }, true); } } public AccountTable account { get; private set; } public JidTable jid { get; private set; } public EntityTable entity { get; private set; } public ContentItemTable content_item { get; private set; } public MessageTable message { get; private set; } public MessageCorrectionTable message_correction { get; private set; } public RealJidTable real_jid { get; private set; } public FileTransferTable file_transfer { get; private set; } public ConversationTable conversation { get; private set; } public AvatarTable avatar { get; private set; } public EntityIdentityTable entity_identity { get; private set; } public EntityFeatureTable entity_feature { get; private set; } public RosterTable roster { get; private set; } public MamCatchupTable mam_catchup { get; private set; } public SettingsTable settings { get; private set; } public ConversationSettingsTable conversation_settings { get; private set; } public Map jid_table_cache = new HashMap(); public Map jid_table_reverse = new HashMap(Jid.hash_func, Jid.equals_func); public Map account_table_cache = new HashMap(); public Database(string fileName) { base(fileName, VERSION); account = new AccountTable(this); jid = new JidTable(this); entity = new EntityTable(this); content_item = new ContentItemTable(this); message = new MessageTable(this); message_correction = new MessageCorrectionTable(this); real_jid = new RealJidTable(this); file_transfer = new FileTransferTable(this); conversation = new ConversationTable(this); avatar = new AvatarTable(this); entity_identity = new EntityIdentityTable(this); entity_feature = new EntityFeatureTable(this); roster = new RosterTable(this); mam_catchup = new MamCatchupTable(this); settings = new SettingsTable(this); conversation_settings = new ConversationSettingsTable(this); init({ account, jid, entity, content_item, message, message_correction, real_jid, file_transfer, conversation, avatar, entity_identity, entity_feature, roster, mam_catchup, settings, conversation_settings }); try { exec("PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL"); exec("PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL"); exec("PRAGMA secure_delete = ON"); } catch (Error e) { error("Failed to set database properties: %s", e.message); } } public override void migrate(long oldVersion) { // new table columns are added, outdated columns are still present if (oldVersion < 7) { message.fts_rebuild(); } if (oldVersion < 8) { try { exec(""" insert into content_item (conversation_id, time, local_time, content_type, foreign_id, hide) select, message.time, message.local_time, 1,, 0 from message join conversation on message.account_id=conversation.account_id and message.counterpart_id=conversation.jid_id and message.type=conversation.type+1 and (message.counterpart_resource=conversation.resource or message.type != 3) where message.body not in (select info from file_transfer where info not null) and not in (select info from file_transfer where info not null) union select, message.time, message.local_time, 2,, 0 from file_transfer join message on join conversation on file_transfer.account_id=conversation.account_id and file_transfer.counterpart_id=conversation.jid_id and message.type=conversation.type+1 and (message.counterpart_resource=conversation.resource or message.type != 3)"""); } catch (Error e) { error("Failed to upgrade to database version 8: %s", e.message); } } if (oldVersion < 9) { try { exec(""" insert into content_item (conversation_id, time, local_time, content_type, foreign_id, hide) select, message.time, message.local_time, 1,, 1 from message join conversation on message.account_id=conversation.account_id and message.counterpart_id=conversation.jid_id and message.type=conversation.type+1 and (message.counterpart_resource=conversation.resource or message.type != 3) where message.body in (select info from file_transfer where info not null) or in (select info from file_transfer where info not null)"""); } catch (Error e) { error("Failed to upgrade to database version 9: %s", e.message); } } if (oldVersion < 11) { try { exec(""" insert into mam_catchup (account_id, from_end, from_time, to_time) select id, 1, 0, mam_earliest_synced from account where mam_earliest_synced not null and mam_earliest_synced > 0"""); } catch (Error e) { error("Failed to upgrade to database version 11: %s", e.message); } } if (oldVersion < 12) { try { exec("delete from avatar"); } catch (Error e) { error("Failed to upgrade to database version 12: %s", e.message); } } if (oldVersion < 15) { // Initialize `conversation.read_up_to_item` with the content item id corresponding to the `read_up_to` message. try { exec(" update conversation set read_up_to_item=ifnull(( select from content_item where content_item.foreign_id=conversation.read_up_to and content_type=1) , -1);"); } catch (Error e) { error("Failed to upgrade to database version 15: %s", e.message); } } if (oldVersion < 16) { try { exec("DROP TABLE contact_avatar"); avatar.create_table_at_version(VERSION); } catch (Error e) { error("Failed to upgrade to database version 16: %s", e.message); } } if (oldVersion < 17) { try { exec("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS contentitem_localtime_counterpart_idx"); exec("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS contentitem_conversation_hide_localtime_time_idx ON content_item (conversation_id, hide, local_time, time)"); } catch (Error e) { error("Failed to upgrade to database version 17: %s", e.message); } } if (oldVersion < 18) { try { exec("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS contentitem_conversation_hide_localtime_time_idx"); exec("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS contentitem_conversation_hide_time_idx ON content_item (conversation_id, hide, time)"); exec("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS message_account_counterpart_localtime_idx"); exec("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS message_account_counterpart_time_idx ON message (account_id, counterpart_id, time)"); exec("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS filetransfer_localtime_counterpart_idx"); } catch (Error e) { error("Failed to upgrade to database version 18: %s", e.message); } } } public ArrayList get_accounts() { ArrayList ret = new ArrayList(Account.equals_func); foreach(Row row in { try { Account account = new Account.from_row(this, row); ret.add(account); account_table_cache[] = account; } catch (InvalidJidError e) { warning("Ignoring account with invalid Jid: %s", e.message); } } return ret; } public Account? get_account_by_id(int id) { if (account_table_cache.has_key(id)) { return account_table_cache[id]; } else { Row? row = account.row_with(, id).inner; if (row != null) { try { Account a = new Account.from_row(this, row); account_table_cache[] = a; return a; } catch (InvalidJidError e) { warning("Ignoring account with invalid Jid: %s", e.message); } } return null; } } public int add_content_item(Conversation conversation, DateTime time, DateTime local_time, int content_type, int foreign_id, bool hide) { return (int) content_item.insert() .value(content_item.conversation_id, .value(content_item.local_time, (long) local_time.to_unix()) .value(content_item.time, (long) time.to_unix()) .value(content_item.content_type, content_type) .value(content_item.foreign_id, foreign_id) .value(content_item.hide, hide) .perform(); } public Gee.List get_messages(Jid jid, Account account, Message.Type? type, int count, DateTime? before, DateTime? after, int id) { QueryBuilder select =; if (before != null) { if (id > 0) { select.where(@"time < ? OR (time = ? AND < ?)", { before.to_unix().to_string(), before.to_unix().to_string(), id.to_string() }); } else { select.with(, "<", id); } } if (after != null) { if (id > 0) { select.where(@"time > ? OR (time = ? AND > ?)", { after.to_unix().to_string(), after.to_unix().to_string(), id.to_string() }); } else { select.with(message.time, ">", (long) after.to_unix()); } if (id > 0) { select.with(, ">", id); } } else { select.order_by(message.time, "DESC"); } select.with(message.counterpart_id, "=", get_jid_id(jid)) .with(message.account_id, "=", .limit(count); if (jid.resourcepart != null) { select.with(message.counterpart_resource, "=", jid.resourcepart); } if (type != null) { select.with(message.type_, "=", (int) type); } select.outer_join_with(real_jid, real_jid.message_id,; select.outer_join_with(message_correction, message_correction.message_id,; LinkedList ret = new LinkedList(); foreach (Row row in select) { try { ret.insert(0, new Message.from_row(this, row)); } catch (InvalidJidError e) { warning("Ignoring message with invalid Jid: %s", e.message); } } return ret; } public Message? get_message_by_id(int id) { Row? row = message.row_with(, id).inner; if (row != null) { try { return new Message.from_row(this, row); } catch (InvalidJidError e) { warning("Ignoring message with invalid Jid: %s", e.message); } } return null; } public ArrayList get_conversations(Account account) { ArrayList ret = new ArrayList(); foreach (Row row in, "=", { try { ret.add(new Conversation.from_row(this, row)); } catch (InvalidJidError e) { warning("Ignoring conversation with invalid Jid: %s", e.message); } } return ret; } public int get_jid_id(Jid jid_obj) { var bare_jid = jid_obj.bare_jid; if (jid_table_reverse.has_key(bare_jid)) { return jid_table_reverse[bare_jid]; } else { Row? row = jid.row_with(jid.bare_jid, jid_obj.bare_jid.to_string()).inner; if (row != null) { int id = row[]; jid_table_cache[id] = bare_jid; jid_table_reverse[bare_jid] = id; return id; } else { return add_jid(jid_obj); } } } public Jid? get_jid_by_id(int id) throws InvalidJidError { if (jid_table_cache.has_key(id)) { return jid_table_cache[id]; } else { string? bare_jid ={jid.bare_jid}).with(, "=", id)[jid.bare_jid]; if (bare_jid != null) { Jid jid_parsed = new Jid(bare_jid); jid_table_cache[id] = jid_parsed; // Only store fully normalized Jids for reverse lookup if (jid_parsed.to_string() == bare_jid) { jid_table_reverse[jid_parsed] = id; } return jid_parsed; } return null; } } private int add_jid(Jid jid_obj) { Jid bare_jid = jid_obj.bare_jid; int id = (int) jid.insert().value(jid.bare_jid, bare_jid.to_string()).perform(); jid_table_cache[id] = bare_jid; jid_table_reverse[bare_jid] = id; return id; } } }