public class Dino.LimitInputStream : InputStream, PollableInputStream { private InputStream inner; public int64 max_bytes { public get; private set; } public int64 retrieved_bytes { public get; private set; } public int64 remaining_bytes { get { return max_bytes < 0 ? -1 : max_bytes - retrieved_bytes; }} public LimitInputStream(InputStream inner, int64 max_bytes) { this.inner = inner; this.max_bytes = max_bytes; } public bool can_poll() { return inner is PollableInputStream && ((PollableInputStream)inner).can_poll(); } public PollableSource create_source(Cancellable? cancellable = null) { if (!can_poll()) throw new IOError.NOT_SUPPORTED("Stream is not pollable"); return ((PollableInputStream)inner).create_source(cancellable); } public bool is_readable() { if (!can_poll()) throw new IOError.NOT_SUPPORTED("Stream is not pollable"); return remaining_bytes == 0 || ((PollableInputStream)inner).is_readable(); } private ssize_t check_limit(ssize_t read) throws IOError { if (remaining_bytes - (int64) read < 0) throw new IOError.FAILED("Stream length exceeded limit"); this.retrieved_bytes += read; return read; } public override ssize_t read(uint8[] buffer, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError { if (remaining_bytes == 0) return 0; int original_buffer_length = buffer.length; if (remaining_bytes != -1 && (int64) buffer.length > remaining_bytes) { // Never read more than remaining_bytes by limiting the buffer length buffer.length = (int) remaining_bytes; } ssize_t read_bytes =, cancellable); this.retrieved_bytes += read_bytes; buffer.length = original_buffer_length; return read_bytes; } public override async ssize_t read_async(uint8[]? buffer, int io_priority = GLib.Priority.DEFAULT, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError { if (remaining_bytes == 0) return 0; int original_buffer_length = buffer.length; if (remaining_bytes != -1 && (int64) buffer.length > remaining_bytes) { // Never read more than remaining_bytes by limiting the buffer length buffer.length = (int) remaining_bytes; } ssize_t read_bytes = yield inner.read_async(buffer, io_priority, cancellable); this.retrieved_bytes += read_bytes; buffer.length = original_buffer_length; return read_bytes; } public ssize_t read_nonblocking_fn(uint8[] buffer) throws Error { if (!is_readable()) throw new IOError.WOULD_BLOCK("Stream is not readable"); return read(buffer); } public override bool close(Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError { return inner.close(cancellable); } public override async bool close_async(int io_priority = GLib.Priority.DEFAULT, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError { return yield inner.close_async(io_priority, cancellable); } }