using Gee; using Gtk; using Pango; using Dino.Entities; namespace Dino.Ui.ConversationSummary { [GtkTemplate (ui = "/im/dino/Dino/conversation_summary/view.ui")] public class ConversationView : Box, Plugins.ConversationItemCollection, Plugins.NotificationCollection { public Conversation? conversation { get; private set; } [GtkChild] public ScrolledWindow scrolled; [GtkChild] private Revealer notification_revealer; [GtkChild] private Box notifications; [GtkChild] private Box main; [GtkChild] private Stack stack; private StreamInteractor stream_interactor; private Gee.TreeSet content_items = new Gee.TreeSet(compare_meta_items); private Gee.TreeSet meta_items = new TreeSet(compare_meta_items); private Gee.HashMap item_item_skeletons = new Gee.HashMap(); private Gee.HashMap widgets = new Gee.HashMap(); private Gee.List item_skeletons = new Gee.ArrayList(); private ContentProvider content_populator; private SubscriptionNotitication subscription_notification; private double? was_value; private double? was_upper; private double? was_page_size; private Mutex reloading_mutex = Mutex(); private bool animate = false; private bool firstLoad = true; private bool at_current_content = true; private bool reload_messages = true; public ConversationView init(StreamInteractor stream_interactor) { this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor; scrolled.vadjustment.notify["upper"].connect_after(on_upper_notify); scrolled.vadjustment.notify["value"].connect(on_value_notify); content_populator = new ContentProvider(stream_interactor); subscription_notification = new SubscriptionNotitication(stream_interactor); add_meta_notification.connect(on_add_meta_notification); remove_meta_notification.connect(on_remove_meta_notification); Application app = GLib.Application.get_default() as Application; app.plugin_registry.register_conversation_addition_populator(new ChatStatePopulator(stream_interactor)); app.plugin_registry.register_conversation_addition_populator(new DateSeparatorPopulator(stream_interactor)); Timeout.add_seconds(60, () => { foreach (ConversationItemSkeleton item_skeleton in item_skeletons) { item_skeleton.update_time(); } return true; }); return this; } public void initialize_for_conversation(Conversation? conversation) { // Workaround for rendering issues if (firstLoad) { main.visible = false; Idle.add(() => { main.visible=true; return false; }); firstLoad = false; } stack.set_visible_child_name("void"); initialize_for_conversation_(conversation); display_latest(); stack.set_visible_child_name("main"); } public void initialize_around_message(Conversation conversation, ContentItem content_item) { stack.set_visible_child_name("void"); clear(); initialize_for_conversation_(conversation); Gee.List before_items = content_populator.populate_before(conversation, content_item, 40); foreach (ContentMetaItem item in before_items) { do_insert_item(item); } ContentMetaItem meta_item = content_populator.get_content_meta_item(content_item); meta_item.can_merge = false; Widget w = insert_new(meta_item); content_items.add(meta_item); meta_items.add(meta_item); Gee.List after_items = content_populator.populate_after(conversation, content_item, 40); foreach (ContentMetaItem item in after_items) { do_insert_item(item); } if (after_items.size == 40) { at_current_content = false; } // Compute where to jump to for centered message, jump, highlight. reload_messages = false; Timeout.add(700, () => { int h = 0, i = 0; bool @break = false; main.@foreach((widget) => { if (widget == w || @break) { @break = true; return; } h += widget.get_allocated_height(); i++; }); scrolled.vadjustment.value = h - scrolled.vadjustment.page_size * 1/3; w.get_style_context().add_class("highlight-once"); reload_messages = true; stack.set_visible_child_name("main"); return false; }); } private void initialize_for_conversation_(Conversation? conversation) { // Deinitialize old conversation Dino.Application app = Dino.Application.get_default(); if (this.conversation != null) { foreach (Plugins.ConversationItemPopulator populator in app.plugin_registry.conversation_addition_populators) { populator.close(conversation); } foreach (Plugins.NotificationPopulator populator in app.plugin_registry.notification_populators) { populator.close(conversation); } } // Clear data structures clear_notifications(); this.conversation = conversation; // Init for new conversation foreach (Plugins.ConversationItemPopulator populator in app.plugin_registry.conversation_addition_populators) { populator.init(conversation, this, Plugins.WidgetType.GTK); } content_populator.init(this, conversation, Plugins.WidgetType.GTK); subscription_notification.init(conversation, this); animate = false; Timeout.add(20, () => { animate = true; return false; }); } private void display_latest() { clear(); Gee.List items = content_populator.populate_latest(conversation, 40); foreach (ContentMetaItem item in items) { do_insert_item(item); } Application app = GLib.Application.get_default() as Application; foreach (Plugins.NotificationPopulator populator in app.plugin_registry.notification_populators) { populator.init(conversation, this, Plugins.WidgetType.GTK); } Idle.add(() => { on_value_notify(); return false; }); } public void insert_item(Plugins.MetaConversationItem item) { if (meta_items.size > 0) { bool after_last = meta_items.last() < 0; bool within_range = meta_items.last() > 0 && meta_items.first() < 0; bool accept = within_range || (at_current_content && after_last); if (!accept) { return; } } do_insert_item(item); } public void do_insert_item(Plugins.MetaConversationItem item) { lock (meta_items) { insert_new(item); if (item as ContentMetaItem != null) { content_items.add(item); } meta_items.add(item); } inserted_item(item); } private void remove_item(Plugins.MetaConversationItem item) { ConversationItemSkeleton? skeleton = item_item_skeletons[item]; if (skeleton != null) { widgets[item].destroy(); widgets.unset(item); skeleton.destroy(); item_skeletons.remove(skeleton); item_item_skeletons.unset(item); content_items.remove(item); meta_items.remove(item); } removed_item(item); } public void on_add_meta_notification(Plugins.MetaConversationNotification notification) { Widget? widget = (Widget) notification.get_widget(Plugins.WidgetType.GTK); if (widget != null) { add_notification(widget); } } public void on_remove_meta_notification(Plugins.MetaConversationNotification notification){ Widget? widget = (Widget) notification.get_widget(Plugins.WidgetType.GTK); if (widget != null) { remove_notification(widget); } } public void add_notification(Widget widget) { notifications.add(widget); Timeout.add(20, () => { notification_revealer.transition_duration = 200; notification_revealer.reveal_child = true; return false; }); } public void remove_notification(Widget widget) { notification_revealer.reveal_child = false; widget.destroy(); } private Widget insert_new(Plugins.MetaConversationItem item) { Plugins.MetaConversationItem? lower_item = meta_items.lower(item); // Fill datastructure ConversationItemSkeleton item_skeleton = new ConversationItemSkeleton(stream_interactor, conversation, item) { visible=true }; item_item_skeletons[item] = item_skeleton; int index = lower_item != null ? item_skeletons.index_of(item_item_skeletons[lower_item]) + 1 : 0; item_skeletons.insert(index, item_skeleton); // Insert widget Widget insert = item_skeleton; if (animate) { Revealer revealer = new Revealer() {transition_duration = 200, transition_type = RevealerTransitionType.SLIDE_UP, visible = true}; revealer.add(item_skeleton); insert = revealer; main.add(insert); revealer.reveal_child = true; } else { main.add(insert); } widgets[item] = insert; main.reorder_child(insert, index); if (lower_item != null) { ConversationItemSkeleton lower_skeleton = item_item_skeletons[lower_item]; Plugins.MetaConversationItem lower_start_item = lower_skeleton.item; if (item.display_time != null && lower_start_item.display_time != null && item.display_time.difference(lower_start_item.display_time) < TimeSpan.MINUTE && lower_start_item.jid.equals(item.jid) && lower_start_item.encryption == item.encryption && (item.mark == Message.Marked.WONTSEND) == (lower_start_item.mark == Message.Marked.WONTSEND)) { item_skeleton.show_skeleton = false; lower_skeleton.last_group_item = false; } } // If an item from the past was added, add everything between that item and the (post-)first present item if (index == 0) { Dino.Application app = Dino.Application.get_default(); if (item_skeletons.size == 1) { foreach (Plugins.ConversationAdditionPopulator populator in app.plugin_registry.conversation_addition_populators) { populator.populate_timespan(conversation, item.sort_time, new DateTime.now_utc()); } } else { foreach (Plugins.ConversationAdditionPopulator populator in app.plugin_registry.conversation_addition_populators) { populator.populate_timespan(conversation, item.sort_time, meta_items.higher(item).sort_time); } } } return insert; } private void on_upper_notify() { if (was_upper == null || scrolled.vadjustment.value > was_upper - was_page_size - 1) { // scrolled down or content smaller than page size if (at_current_content) { scrolled.vadjustment.value = scrolled.vadjustment.upper - scrolled.vadjustment.page_size; // scroll down } } else if (scrolled.vadjustment.value < scrolled.vadjustment.upper - scrolled.vadjustment.page_size - 1) { scrolled.vadjustment.value = scrolled.vadjustment.upper - was_upper + scrolled.vadjustment.value; // stay at same content } was_upper = scrolled.vadjustment.upper; was_page_size = scrolled.vadjustment.page_size; was_value = scrolled.vadjustment.value; reloading_mutex.trylock(); reloading_mutex.unlock(); } private void on_value_notify() { if (scrolled.vadjustment.value < 400) { load_earlier_messages(); } else if (scrolled.vadjustment.upper - (scrolled.vadjustment.value + scrolled.vadjustment.page_size) < 400) { load_later_messages(); } } private void load_earlier_messages() { was_value = scrolled.vadjustment.value; if (!reloading_mutex.trylock()) return; if (meta_items.size > 0) { Gee.List items = content_populator.populate_before(conversation, (content_items.first() as ContentMetaItem).content_item, 20); foreach (ContentMetaItem item in items) { do_insert_item(item); } } else { reloading_mutex.unlock(); } } private void load_later_messages() { if (!reloading_mutex.trylock()) return; if (meta_items.size > 0 && !at_current_content) { Gee.List items = content_populator.populate_after(conversation, (content_items.last() as ContentMetaItem).content_item, 20); if (items.size == 0) { at_current_content = true; } foreach (ContentMetaItem item in items) { do_insert_item(item); } } else { reloading_mutex.unlock(); } } private static int compare_meta_items(Plugins.MetaConversationItem a, Plugins.MetaConversationItem b) { int cmp1 =; if (cmp1 == 0) { double cmp2 = a.seccondary_sort_indicator - b.seccondary_sort_indicator; if (cmp2 == 0) { return (int) (a.tertiary_sort_indicator - b.tertiary_sort_indicator); } return (int) cmp2; } return cmp1; } private void clear() { was_upper = null; was_page_size = null; content_items.clear(); meta_items.clear(); item_skeletons.clear(); item_item_skeletons.clear(); widgets.clear(); main.@foreach((widget) => { widget.destroy(); }); } private void clear_notifications() { notifications.@foreach((widget) => { widget.destroy(); }); notification_revealer.transition_duration = 0; notification_revealer.set_reveal_child(false); } } }