GPIGEON ======== Gpigeon generate links for a GPG user to be sent to a non technical person (or not a GPG user) so they can send you encrypted mail messages via a one-time web link. Feels of déjàvu ? I was inspired by but wasn't really interested in the multi-user perspective and managing a database. Features ======== * Single user: no database required. * One-time GPG form: after sending the encrypted message, the generated form self-destructs. * A table of the links generated is visible when you connect so you can keep track. You can also delete link individually or all at once. Dependencies ============ You need perl and the following modules and my perl version is v5.32.0, YMMV: * Net:SSLeay * Digest::SHA * Email::Valid * String::Random * HTML::Entities * CGI (I'm planning on removing it, I use it just for the convenient param function.) * CGI::Carp (primarly for debugging, comment the line in gpigeon-template.cgi if you won't need it) * Net::SMTP * Net::SMTPS * GPG Having a webserver with CGI support or a separate CGI engine is needed. I'm using nginx and fcgiwrap. A note on Net::SMTP and Net:SMTPS dependencies: if you have a mailserver well configured with OpenDKIM and the likes (so your chances to get your mail treated as spam is greatly reduced) you could replace these two deps with Mail::Sendmail then comment and uncomment some lines in . Installation ============ Look in the [gpigeon-template.cgi]( source code you should figure things out quickly. Hint: look for variables values ending in 'goes_here'.