#!/usr/bin/perl -T my $mail = undef; use warnings; use strict; use DBI; use CGI qw/param/; use CGI::Carp qw/fatalsToBrowser/; use Crypt::Argon2 qw/argon2id_pass/; use Email::Valid; use Net::SMTP; use Net::SMTPS; use String::Random; use File::Path qw/make_path rmtree/; use Mail::GPG; sub EscapeArobase { my $esc = shift; if ($esc =~ /^([-\@\w.]+)$/) { $esc = $1; # $data now untainted $esc =~ s/@/\\@/; return $esc; } } sub SetMail { print "Mail address: "; my $addr = ; if (not Email::Valid->address($addr)){ die "\nNot a valid email address."; } chomp $addr; return $addr; } sub DbGetLine { my ($dbh, $query) = @_; my $prep = $dbh->prepare( $query ); my $exec = $prep->execute() or die $DBI::errstr; if ($exec < 0){ print $DBI::errstr; } while (my @rows = $prep->fetchrow_array()) { my $row = $rows[0]; return $row; } } sub MakeGPGDir { my $homedir = shift; make_path($homedir) unless -d $homedir; chmod(0700, $homedir); if(not -e "$homedir/gpg.conf"){ open my $out, '>', "$homedir/gpg.conf" or die "[MakeGPGDir function] Can't open $homedir/gpg.conf: $!"; print $out "use-agent\n"; print $out "charset utf-8\n"; print $out "no-escape-from-lines\n"; print $out "trust-model always\n"; print $out "personal-digest-preferences SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224\n"; print $out "default-preference-list SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224 AES256 AES192 AES CAST5 BZIP2 ZLIB ZIP Uncompressed"; close $out; } } sub GetRFC822Date { # https://stackoverflow.com/a/40149475, Daniel VÃrità use POSIX qw(strftime locale_h); my $old_locale = setlocale(LC_TIME, "C"); my $date = strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", localtime(time())); setlocale(LC_TIME, $old_locale); return $date; } delete @ENV{qw(IFS PATH CDPATH BASH_ENV)}; $ENV{'PATH'} = q{bin_path_goes_here}; my $HAS_MAILSERVER = q{0}; my $EMAIL_NOTIF = q{0}; my $cgi = CGI->new; if (not defined $mail){ $mail = scalar $cgi->param('mailaddr'); } my $mailfield = q{mailfield_goes_here}; my $mailsender = q{sender_addr_goes_here}; my $mailsender_pw = q{sender_pw_goes_here}; my $mailsender_smtp = q{smtp_domain_goes_here}; my $mailsender_port = q{smtp_port_goes_here}; my $isadmin = q{is_admin_goes_here}; my $db_path = q{db_path_goes_here}; my $GNUPGHOME = q{gpg_homedir_goes_here}; my $TEST_GPGHOME = q{test_gpgdir_goes_here}; my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:SQLite:dbname=$db_path", undef, undef, { RaiseError => 1}) or die $DBI::errstr; chomp $mail; my $nick = $cgi->param('username'); chomp $nick; my $pw = $cgi->param('pw'); my $pw2 = $cgi->param('pw2'); my $gpgpubk = $cgi->param('gpgpubk'); $gpgpubk =~ tr/\r//d; my ($err, $smtp) = undef; my $pwmatch = $pw cmp $pw2; if ($ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} eq 'POST'){ if (length($gpgpubk) eq 0){ $err = q{No public GPG key text found !}; } if (not $pwmatch eq 0){ $err = q{Passwords don't match}; } if (length($pw) eq 0 or length($pw) < 10){ $err = q{Password can't be empty or less than 10 characters !}; } if(length($nick) < 0){ $nick = $mail; } else{ if(length($nick) > 255){ $err = q{Username is too long (more than 255 characters).}; } if(length($nick) > 0 and length($nick) < 255){ #we need to check if duplicate username in db if($nick =~ /^([\w\'\s_]+)$/){ $nick = $1; my $dbnick = DbGetLine($dbh, qq{SELECT name from pigeons where name="$nick";}); chomp $dbnick; my $samenick = $nick cmp $dbnick; if($samenick == 0){ $err = q{Username is already taken.}; } } else{ $err = q{Username must be left blank or contains alphanumeric characters, space(s) and single quotes.}; } } } if (not Email::Valid->address($mail)){ $err = q{Invalid mail address !}; } else { my $dbmail = DbGetLine($dbh, qq{SELECT mail from pigeons where mail='$mail';}); chomp $dbmail; my $samemail = $dbmail cmp $mail; if ($samemail == 0){ $err = q{Mail is already taken.}; } } if (not defined $err){ my $str_rand_obj = String::Random->new; my $val = $str_rand_obj->randregex('\w{64}'); MakeGPGDir($TEST_GPGHOME); my $pubkfile="$TEST_GPGHOME/$val-public.key.asc"; open my $out, '>', $pubkfile or die "$!"; print $out $gpgpubk; close $out; `gpg --homedir $TEST_GPGHOME --import $pubkfile`; my $gpgmail = Mail::GPG->new( gnupg_hash_init => {homedir=>$TEST_GPGHOME}, debug => 0, no_strict_7bit_encoding =>1, ); my $escaddr = EscapeArobase($mail); my $keyid = `gpg --homedir $TEST_GPGHOME --with-colons -k $escaddr | grep "pub:" | cut -d':' -f5`; if ($keyid =~ /([\w]+)/ and length($keyid) eq 16){ $keyid = $1; } if (not defined $keyid){ $err = q{Email and the public GPG key text doesn't match.}; } else{ # this is where we can begin to insert data in db MakeGPGDir($GNUPGHOME); `gpg --homedir $GNUPGHOME --import $pubkfile`, my $gpgmail = Mail::GPG->new( gnupg_hash_init => {homedir => $GNUPGHOME}, no_strict_7bit_encoding => 1, debug => 0, ) or die "$!"; my $rfc822date = GetRFC822Date(); my $mimentity = MIME::Entity->build( Date => $rfc822date, From => $mailsender, To => $mail, Charset => 'utf-8', Subject => "Your GPIGEON Account registration was successful !", Data => ["Hello,\n\tYour GPIGEON account has been successfully created.\n\tHere's your account details:\n\n\t\tUsername: $mail\n\t\tNickname: $nick\n\t\tPassword: $pw\t\nYou can connect through our website, https://$ENV{HOSTNAME}.\n\nThank you,\nGPIGEON Mailer"]); my $encrypted_mime_blob = $gpgmail->mime_encrypt(entity => $mimentity, recipients => [$keyid]) or die; my $encrypted_mime = $encrypted_mime_blob->as_string; my $salt = `openssl rand 16`; my $hash = argon2id_pass($pw, $salt, 3, '32M', 1, 32); $dbh->do(qq{INSERT INTO pigeons VALUES( ?, '$mail', '$nick', '$hash', '$keyid', $adminflag)}) or die $DBI::errstr; $dbh->disconnect; if ($EMAIL_NOTIF){ use Net::SMTP; use Net::SMTPS; if ($HAS_MAILSERVER){ $smtp = Net::SMTP->new(Host => 'localhost'); } else { $smtp = Net::SMTPS->new($mailsender_smtp, Port => $mailsender_port, doSSL => 'ssl', Debug_SSL => 0); $smtp->auth($mailsender, $mailsender_pw) or die "$!"; } $smtp->mail($mailsender) or die "Net::SMTP module has broke: $!"; if ($smtp->to($mail)){ $smtp->data($encrypted_mime); $smtp->dataend(); $smtp->quit(); } else { die $smtp->message(); } } } rmtree($TEST_GPGHOME, {keep_root=>1, safe=>1}); } } print 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8',"\n\n", qq{ GPIGEON - Registration form

GPIGEON - Registration form

Mail adress: $mailfield
(Optional) Username:
Password (confirmation):
GPG public key:
