import DeltaChat 1.0 import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 as Controls import org.kde.kirigami 2.12 as Kirigami import DcNotifications 1.0 Kirigami.ApplicationWindow { id: root property DcAccountsEventEmitter eventEmitter title: qsTr("Delta Chat") onClosing: { // Cancel all tasks that may block the termination of event loop. dcAccounts.stopIo(); } Component.onCompleted: { console.log('starting'); // Create an account if there is none. if (dcAccounts.getSelectedAccount() == null) { console.log("Adding first account"); dcAccounts.addAccount(); } eventEmitter = dcAccounts.getEventEmitter(); eventEmitter.start(); // Open selected account if there is one. let selectedAccount = dcAccounts.getSelectedAccount(); if (selectedAccount) { if (selectedAccount.isConfigured()) pageStack.replace("qrc:/qml/ChatlistPage.qml", { "context": selectedAccount, "eventEmitter": eventEmitter }); else pageStack.replace("qrc:/qml/ConfigurePage.qml", { "context": selectedAccount, "eventEmitter": eventEmitter }); } } Component { id: accountsPage AccountsPage { } } DcAccounts { id: dcAccounts } Shortcut { sequence: 'Esc' onActivated: { while (pageStack.layers.depth > 1) pageStack.layers.pop(); } } // Make Ctrl+Q works even when popup // windows are opened // Quit application Shortcut { sequence: 'Ctrl+Q' onActivated: root.close() context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut } // Show sidebar with 'Work offline', 'Switch // accounts' options Shortcut { sequence: 'Ctrl+Tab' onActivated: sideBar.drawerOpen = true } // Refresh network connectivity. Can be used // to retry fetching messages Shortcut { sequence: 'F5' onActivated: dcAccounts.maybeNetwork() } // Show a popup listing keyboards shortcuts // for KDeltaChat Shortcut { //context: Qt.ApplicationShortcut sequence: "F1" onActivated: } Controls.Popup { id: helpPopup modal: true focus: true anchors.centerIn: parent width: 200 height: 260 padding: 10 contentChildren: [ Text { text: "Shortcuts :" bottomPadding: 10 font.bold: true font.pixelSize: 14 }, Text { text: "F1: Displays this" + "
F2: Work on/offline" + "
F5: Network check" + "
Shift+Tab: Account settings" + "
Alt+C: Clear search" + "
Alt+Tab: Switch accounts" + "
Ctrl+F: Search contacts" + "
Ctrl+N: New chat" + "
Enter: Send message" + "
Shift/Ctrl+Enter: Add
newline" + "
Ctrl+Tab: Show sidebar" + "
Ctrl+Q: Quit" topPadding: 20 leftPadding: 10 bottomPadding: 20 } ] } pageStack.initialPage: Kirigami.Page { } globalDrawer: Kirigami.GlobalDrawer { id: sideBar actions: [ Kirigami.Action { text: "Maybe network" tooltip: "F5" iconName: "view-refresh" onTriggered: dcAccounts.maybeNetwork() }, Kirigami.Action { shortcut: "Alt+Tab" text: "Switch account" tooltip: "Alt+Tab" iconName: "system-users" onTriggered: { while (pageStack.layers.depth > 1) pageStack.layers.pop(); pageStack.layers.push(accountsPage); } }, Kirigami.Action { text: "Shortcuts" tooltip: "F1" iconName: "preferences-desktop-keyboard" onTriggered: }, Kirigami.Action { text: "Quit" tooltip: "Ctrl+Q" onTriggered: root.close() } ] header: Controls.Switch { id: offlineSwitch text: "Work offline" onCheckedChanged: { if (checked) dcAccounts.stopIo(); else dcAccounts.startIo(); } action: Kirigami.Action { id: workOff shortcut: "F2" tooltip: "F2" onTriggered: { if (offlineSwitch.state == "on") { offlineSwitch.checked = false; offlineSwitch.state = "off"; KNotif.send("workMode", ":/res/", "KDeltaChat - Working online", "Switching to online mode..."); console.log("Work online"); } else { offlineSwitch.checked = true; offlineSwitch.state = "on"; KNotif.send("workMode", ":/res/", "KDeltaChat - Working offline", "Switching to offline mode..."); console.log("Work offline"); } } } } } contextDrawer: Kirigami.ContextDrawer { id: contextDrawer } }