BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
fix-global-search-entryfix: Query duplication in global message search (#1636)Miquel Lionel11 hours
dot-cache-avatarsStore avatars in the user's cache directory.Miquel Lionel4 months
set-presenceEnable setting your own presenceMiquel Lionel4 months
masterAdd keyboard shortcut to show preferences (Ctrl+,) (#1435)eerielili4 months
add-yourselfMerge branch 'master' into add-yourselfeerielili5 months
allow-blocking-entire-domainAllow blocking entire domain from conversation detailsMiquel Lionel7 months
openpgp-plugin-hide-revoked-expiredOPENPGP PLUGIN: Don't list expired/revoked GPG keyMiquel Lionel9 months
ignore-subject-if-w-thread-or-message-nodeFix malformed message stanzas changing MUC subjectMiquel Lionel10 months
fix-highlight-color-message-search-dark-themeFix poor contrast of highlight in search results with dark themeMiquel Lionel11 months
sensible-conversation-details-iconUse "user-info-symbolic" icon for conversation details buttonMiquel Lionel11 months
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
11 hoursfix: Query duplication in global message search (#1636)fix-global-search-entryMiquel Lionel1-0/+1
3 daysShow banner when contact is not yet subscribedfiaxh5-16/+53
3 daysContact details dialog: Add encryption tabfiaxh25-568/+483
3 daysShow file upload/download progressfiaxh5-10/+25
12 daysSearch: Build preview string based on chars not bytesMarvin W1-6/+7
12 daysWork around pango bugMarvin W6-4/+51
13 daysUpdate README.mdfiaxh1-5/+9
2024-12-27Fix memory leak when displaying image filesMarvin W2-10/+21
2024-12-27Update DOAPMarvin W2-4/+164
2024-12-18fix: Apply CSS with toolkit and platform version checks (#1643)mesonium1-4/+2