path: root/libdino/src/service/content_item_store.vala
blob: 2de804a1a0d96ea7fcf45be6097824a12a3c0c0a (plain) (tree)





























using Gee;

using Dino.Entities;
using Qlite;
using Xmpp;

namespace Dino {

public class ContentItemStore : StreamInteractionModule, Object {
    public static ModuleIdentity<ContentItemStore> IDENTITY = new ModuleIdentity<ContentItemStore>("content_item_store");
    public string id { get { return IDENTITY.id; } }

    public signal void new_item(ContentItem item, Conversation conversation);

    private StreamInteractor stream_interactor;
    private Database db;
    private Gee.List<ContentFilter> filters = new ArrayList<ContentFilter>();
    private HashMap<Conversation, ContentItemCollection> collection_conversations = new HashMap<Conversation, ContentItemCollection>(Conversation.hash_func, Conversation.equals_func);

    public static void start(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Database db) {
        ContentItemStore m = new ContentItemStore(stream_interactor, db);

    public ContentItemStore(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Database db) {
        this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor;
        this.db = db;


    public void init(Conversation conversation, ContentItemCollection item_collection) {
        collection_conversations[conversation] = item_collection;

    public void uninit(Conversation conversation, ContentItemCollection item_collection) {

    public Gee.List<ContentItem> get_items_from_query(QueryBuilder select, Conversation conversation) {
        Gee.TreeSet<ContentItem> items = new Gee.TreeSet<ContentItem>(ContentItem.compare_func);

        foreach (var row in select) {
            int provider = row[db.content_item.content_type];
            int foreign_id = row[db.content_item.foreign_id];
            DateTime time = new DateTime.from_unix_utc(row[db.content_item.time]);
            switch (provider) {
                case 1:
                    Message? message = stream_interactor.get_module(MessageStorage.IDENTITY).get_message_by_id(foreign_id, conversation);
                    if (message != null) {
                        var message_item = new MessageItem(message, conversation, row[db.content_item.id]);
                        message_item.time = time;
                case 2:
                    FileTransfer? file_transfer = stream_interactor.get_module(FileTransferStorage.IDENTITY).get_call_by_id(foreign_id);
                    if (file_transfer != null) {
                        var file_item = new FileItem(file_transfer, conversation, row[db.content_item.id]);

        Gee.List<ContentItem> ret = new ArrayList<ContentItem>();
        foreach (ContentItem item in items) {
        return ret;

    public ContentItem? get_item(Conversation conversation, int type, int foreign_id) {
        QueryBuilder select = db.content_item.select()
            .with(db.content_item.content_type, "=", type)
            .with(db.content_item.foreign_id, "=", foreign_id);

        Gee.List<ContentItem> item = get_items_from_query(select, conversation);

        return item.size > 0 ? item[0] : null;

    public ContentItem? get_item_by_id(Conversation conversation, int id) {
        QueryBuilder select = db.content_item.select()
                .with(db.content_item.id, "=", id);

        Gee.List<ContentItem> item = get_items_from_query(select, conversation);

        return item.size > 0 ? item[0] : null;

    public ContentItem? get_latest(Conversation conversation) {
        Gee.List<ContentItem> items = get_n_latest(conversation, 1);
        if (items.size > 0) {
            return items.get(0);
        return null;

    public Gee.List<ContentItem> get_n_latest(Conversation conversation, int count) {
        QueryBuilder select = db.content_item.select()
            .with(db.content_item.conversation_id, "=", conversation.id)
            .with(db.content_item.hide, "=", false)
            .order_by(db.content_item.time, "DESC")
            .order_by(db.content_item.id, "DESC")

        return get_items_from_query(select, conversation);

    public Gee.List<ContentItem> get_before(Conversation conversation, ContentItem item, int count) {
        long time = (long) item.time.to_unix();
        QueryBuilder select = db.content_item.select()
            .where(@"time < ? OR (time = ? AND id < ?)", { time.to_string(), time.to_string(), item.id.to_string() })
            .with(db.content_item.conversation_id, "=", conversation.id)
            .with(db.content_item.hide, "=", false)
            .order_by(db.content_item.time, "DESC")
            .order_by(db.content_item.id, "DESC")

        return get_items_from_query(select, conversation);

    public Gee.List<ContentItem> get_after(Conversation conversation, ContentItem item, int count) {
        long time = (long) item.time.to_unix();
        QueryBuilder select = db.content_item.select()
            .where(@"time > ? OR (time = ? AND id > ?)", { time.to_string(), time.to_string(), item.id.to_string() })
            .with(db.content_item.conversation_id, "=", conversation.id)
            .with(db.content_item.hide, "=", false)
            .order_by(db.content_item.time, "ASC")
            .order_by(db.content_item.id, "ASC")

        return get_items_from_query(select, conversation);

    public void add_filter(ContentFilter content_filter) {

    public void insert_message(Message message, Conversation conversation, bool hide = false) {
        MessageItem item = new MessageItem(message, conversation, -1);
        item.id = db.add_content_item(conversation, message.time, message.local_time, 1, message.id, hide);

    private void announce_message(Message message, Conversation conversation) {
        QueryBuilder select = db.content_item.select();
        select.with(db.content_item.foreign_id, "=", message.id);
        select.with(db.content_item.content_type, "=", 1);
        select.with(db.content_item.hide, "=", false);
        foreach (Row row in select) {
            MessageItem item = new MessageItem(message, conversation, row[db.content_item.id]);
            if (!discard(item)) {
                if (collection_conversations.has_key(conversation)) {
                new_item(item, conversation);

    private void insert_file_transfer(FileTransfer file_transfer, Conversation conversation) {
        FileItem item = new FileItem(file_transfer, conversation, -1);
        item.id = db.add_content_item(conversation, file_transfer.time, file_transfer.local_time, 2, file_transfer.id, false);
        if (!discard(item)) {
            if (collection_conversations.has_key(conversation)) {
            new_item(item, conversation);

    public bool get_item_hide(ContentItem content_item) {
        return db.content_item.row_with(db.content_item.id, content_item.id)[db.content_item.hide, false];

    public void set_item_hide(ContentItem content_item, bool hide) {
            .with(db.content_item.id, "=", content_item.id)
            .set(db.content_item.hide, hide)

    private bool discard(ContentItem content_item) {
        foreach (ContentFilter filter in filters) {
            if (filter.discard(content_item)) {
                return true;
        return false;

public interface ContentItemCollection : Object {
    public abstract void insert_item(ContentItem item);
    public abstract void remove_item(ContentItem item);

public interface ContentFilter : Object {
    public abstract bool discard(ContentItem content_item);

public abstract class ContentItem : Object {
    public int id { get; set; }
    public string type_ { get; set; }
    public Jid jid { get; set; }
    public DateTime time { get; set; }
    public Encryption encryption { get; set; }
    public Entities.Message.Marked mark { get; set; }

    ContentItem(int id, string ty, Jid jid, DateTime time, Encryption encryption, Entities.Message.Marked mark) {
        this.id = id;
        this.type_ = ty;
        this.jid = jid;
        this.time = time;
        this.encryption = encryption;
        this.mark = mark;

    public int compare(ContentItem c) {
        return compare_func(this, c);

    public static int compare_func(ContentItem a, ContentItem b) {
        int res = a.time.compare(b.time);
        if (res == 0) {
            res = a.id - b.id > 0 ? 1 : -1;
        return res;

public class MessageItem : ContentItem {
    public const string TYPE = "message";

    public Message message;
    public Conversation conversation;

    public MessageItem(Message message, Conversation conversation, int id) {
        base(id, TYPE, message.from, message.time, message.encryption, message.marked);

        this.message = message;
        this.conversation = conversation;
        message.bind_property("marked", this, "mark");

public class FileItem : ContentItem {
    public const string TYPE = "file";

    public FileTransfer file_transfer;
    public Conversation conversation;

    public FileItem(FileTransfer file_transfer, Conversation conversation, int id, Message? message = null) {
        Entities.Message.Marked mark = Entities.Message.Marked.NONE;
        if (message != null) {
            mark = message.marked;
        } else if (file_transfer.direction == FileTransfer.DIRECTION_SENT) {
            mark = file_to_message_state(file_transfer.state);
        base(id, TYPE, file_transfer.from, file_transfer.time, file_transfer.encryption, mark);

        this.file_transfer = file_transfer;
        this.conversation = conversation;

        // TODO those don't work
        if (message != null) {
            message.bind_property("marked", this, "mark");
        } else if (file_transfer.direction == FileTransfer.DIRECTION_SENT) {
            file_transfer.bind_property("state", this, "mark", BindingFlags.DEFAULT, (_, from_value, ref to_value) => {
                to_value = file_to_message_state((FileTransfer.State)from_value.get_enum());
                return true;

    private static Entities.Message.Marked file_to_message_state(FileTransfer.State state) {
        switch (state) {
            case FileTransfer.State.IN_PROGRESS:
                return Entities.Message.Marked.UNSENT;
            case FileTransfer.State.COMPLETE:
                return Entities.Message.Marked.NONE;
            case FileTransfer.State.NOT_STARTED:
                return Entities.Message.Marked.UNSENT;
            case FileTransfer.State.FAILED:
                return Entities.Message.Marked.WONTSEND;
