path: root/libdino/src/service/search_processor.vala
diff options
authorfiaxh <fiaxh@users.noreply.github.com>2018-08-31 16:25:51 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2018-08-31 16:25:51 +0200
commitecb18afdb51b3230ea451a27a5b345cf5100f02e (patch)
tree44bae666c4cc31afce3a5d6891f6b4f65dfcebb1 /libdino/src/service/search_processor.vala
parent9e93a77a624aed24402cf1ece69c05aaa0aab600 (diff)
parentf5547076d2397cec5c9d7374bd161f93327488c4 (diff)
Merge pull request #415 from bobufa/message-search
Message search
Diffstat (limited to 'libdino/src/service/search_processor.vala')
1 files changed, 263 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libdino/src/service/search_processor.vala b/libdino/src/service/search_processor.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a14dfe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libdino/src/service/search_processor.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+using Gee;
+using Xmpp;
+using Qlite;
+using Dino.Entities;
+namespace Dino {
+public class SearchProcessor : StreamInteractionModule, Object {
+ public static ModuleIdentity<SearchProcessor> IDENTITY = new ModuleIdentity<SearchProcessor>("search_processor");
+ public string id { get { return IDENTITY.id; } }
+ private StreamInteractor stream_interactor;
+ private Database db;
+ public static void start(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Database db) {
+ SearchProcessor m = new SearchProcessor(stream_interactor, db);
+ stream_interactor.add_module(m);
+ }
+ public SearchProcessor(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Database db) {
+ this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor;
+ this.db = db;
+ }
+ private QueryBuilder prepare_search(string query, bool join_content) {
+ string words = "";
+ string? with = null;
+ string? in_ = null;
+ string? from = null;
+ foreach(string word in query.split(" ")) {
+ if (word.has_prefix("with:")) {
+ if (with == null) {
+ with = word.substring(5);
+ } else {
+ return db.message.select().where("0");
+ }
+ } else if (word.has_prefix("in:")) {
+ if (in_ == null) {
+ in_ = word.substring(3);
+ } else {
+ return db.message.select().where("0");
+ }
+ } else if (word.has_prefix("from:")) {
+ if (from == null) {
+ from = word.substring(5);
+ } else {
+ return db.message.select().where("0");
+ }
+ } else {
+ words += word + "* ";
+ }
+ }
+ if (in_ != null && with != null) {
+ return db.message.select().where("0");
+ }
+ QueryBuilder rows = db.message
+ .match(db.message.body, words)
+ .order_by(db.message.id, "DESC")
+ .join_with(db.jid, db.jid.id, db.message.counterpart_id)
+ .join_with(db.account, db.account.id, db.message.account_id)
+ .outer_join_with(db.real_jid, db.real_jid.message_id, db.message.id)
+ .with(db.account.enabled, "=", true);
+ if (join_content) {
+ rows.join_on(db.content, "message.id=content_item.foreign_id AND content_item.content_type=1")
+ .with(db.content.content_type, "=", 1);
+ }
+ if (with != null) {
+ if (with.index_of("/") > 0) {
+ rows.with(db.message.type_, "=", Message.Type.GROUPCHAT_PM)
+ .with(db.jid.bare_jid, "LIKE", with.substring(0, with.index_of("/")))
+ .with(db.message.counterpart_resource, "LIKE", with.substring(with.index_of("/") + 1));
+ } else {
+ rows.where(@"($(db.message.type_) = $((int)Message.Type.CHAT) AND $(db.jid.bare_jid) LIKE ?)"
+ + @" OR ($(db.message.type_) = $((int)Message.Type.GROUPCHAT_PM) AND $(db.real_jid.real_jid) LIKE ?)"
+ + @" OR ($(db.message.type_) = $((int)Message.Type.GROUPCHAT_PM) AND $(db.message.counterpart_resource) LIKE ?)", {with, with, with});
+ }
+ } else if (in_ != null) {
+ rows.with(db.jid.bare_jid, "LIKE", in_)
+ .with(db.message.type_, "=", Message.Type.GROUPCHAT);
+ }
+ if (from != null) {
+ rows.where(@"($(db.message.direction) = 1 AND $(db.account.bare_jid) LIKE ?)"
+ + @" OR ($(db.message.direction) = 1 AND $(db.message.type_) IN ($((int)Message.Type.GROUPCHAT), $((int)Message.Type.GROUPCHAT_PM)) AND $(db.message.our_resource) LIKE ?)"
+ + @" OR ($(db.message.direction) = 0 AND $(db.message.type_) = $((int)Message.Type.CHAT) AND $(db.jid.bare_jid) LIKE ?)"
+ + @" OR ($(db.message.direction) = 0 AND $(db.message.type_) IN ($((int)Message.Type.GROUPCHAT), $((int)Message.Type.GROUPCHAT_PM)) AND $(db.real_jid.real_jid) LIKE ?)"
+ + @" OR ($(db.message.direction) = 0 AND $(db.message.type_) IN ($((int)Message.Type.GROUPCHAT), $((int)Message.Type.GROUPCHAT_PM)) AND $(db.message.counterpart_resource) LIKE ?)", {from, from, from, from, from});
+ }
+ return rows;
+ }
+ public Gee.List<SearchSuggestion> suggest_auto_complete(string query, int cursor_position, int limit = 5) {
+ int after_prev_space = query.substring(0, cursor_position).last_index_of(" ") + 1;
+ int next_space = query.index_of(" ", after_prev_space);
+ if (next_space < 0) next_space = query.length;
+ string current_query = query.substring(after_prev_space, next_space - after_prev_space);
+ Gee.List<SearchSuggestion> suggestions = new ArrayList<SearchSuggestion>();
+ if (current_query.has_prefix("from:")) {
+ if (cursor_position < after_prev_space + 5) return suggestions;
+ string current_from = current_query.substring(5);
+ string[] splitted = query.split(" ");
+ foreach(string s in splitted) {
+ if (s.has_prefix("from:") && s != "from:" + current_from) {
+ // Already have an from: filter -> no useful autocompletion possible
+ return suggestions;
+ }
+ }
+ string? current_in = null;
+ string? current_with = null;
+ foreach(string s in splitted) {
+ if (s.has_prefix("in:")) {
+ current_in = s.substring(3);
+ } else if (s.has_prefix("with:")) {
+ current_with = s.substring(5);
+ }
+ }
+ if (current_in != null && current_with != null) {
+ // in: and with: -> no useful autocompletion possible
+ return suggestions;
+ }
+ if (current_with != null) {
+ // Can only be the other one or us
+ // Normal chat
+ QueryBuilder chats = db.conversation.select()
+ .join_with(db.jid, db.jid.id, db.conversation.jid_id)
+ .join_with(db.account, db.account.id, db.conversation.account_id)
+ .with(db.jid.bare_jid, "=", current_with)
+ .with(db.account.enabled, "=", true)
+ .with(db.conversation.type_, "=", Conversation.Type.CHAT)
+ .order_by(db.conversation.last_active, "DESC");
+ foreach(Row chat in chats) {
+ if (suggestions.size == 0) {
+ suggestions.add(new SearchSuggestion(new Account.from_row(db, chat), new Jid(chat[db.jid.bare_jid]), "from:"+chat[db.jid.bare_jid], after_prev_space, next_space));
+ }
+ suggestions.add(new SearchSuggestion(new Account.from_row(db, chat), new Jid(chat[db.account.bare_jid]), "from:"+chat[db.account.bare_jid], after_prev_space, next_space));
+ }
+ return suggestions;
+ }
+ if (current_in != null) {
+ // All members of the MUC with history
+ QueryBuilder msgs = db.message.select()
+ .select_string(@"account.*, $(db.message.counterpart_resource)")
+ .join_with(db.jid, db.jid.id, db.message.counterpart_id)
+ .join_with(db.account, db.account.id, db.message.account_id)
+ .with(db.jid.bare_jid, "=", current_in)
+ .with(db.account.enabled, "=", true)
+ .with(db.message.type_, "=", Message.Type.GROUPCHAT)
+ .with(db.message.counterpart_resource, "LIKE", @"%$current_from%")
+ .group_by({db.message.counterpart_resource})
+ .order_by_name(@"MAX($(db.message.time))", "DESC")
+ .limit(5);
+ foreach(Row msg in msgs) {
+ suggestions.add(new SearchSuggestion(new Account.from_row(db, msg), new Jid(current_in).with_resource(msg[db.message.counterpart_resource]), "from:"+msg[db.message.counterpart_resource], after_prev_space, next_space));
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: auto complete from
+ } else if (current_query.has_prefix("with:")) {
+ if (cursor_position < after_prev_space + 5) return suggestions;
+ string current_with = current_query.substring(5);
+ string[] splitted = query.split(" ");
+ foreach(string s in splitted) {
+ if ((s.has_prefix("with:") && s != "with:" + current_with) || s.has_prefix("in:")) {
+ // Already have an in: or with: filter -> no useful autocompletion possible
+ return suggestions;
+ }
+ }
+ // Normal chat
+ QueryBuilder chats = db.conversation.select()
+ .join_with(db.jid, db.jid.id, db.conversation.jid_id)
+ .join_with(db.account, db.account.id, db.conversation.account_id)
+ .outer_join_on(db.roster, @"$(db.jid.bare_jid) = $(db.roster.jid) AND $(db.account.id) = $(db.roster.account_id)")
+ .where(@"$(db.jid.bare_jid) LIKE ? OR $(db.roster.handle) LIKE ?", {@"%$current_with%", @"%$current_with%"})
+ .with(db.account.enabled, "=", true)
+ .with(db.conversation.type_, "=", Conversation.Type.CHAT)
+ .order_by(db.conversation.last_active, "DESC")
+ .limit(limit);
+ foreach(Row chat in chats) {
+ suggestions.add(new SearchSuggestion(new Account.from_row(db, chat), new Jid(chat[db.jid.bare_jid]), "with:"+chat[db.jid.bare_jid], after_prev_space, next_space) { order = chat[db.conversation.last_active]});
+ }
+ // Groupchat PM
+ if (suggestions.size < 5) {
+ chats = db.conversation.select()
+ .join_with(db.jid, db.jid.id, db.conversation.jid_id)
+ .join_with(db.account, db.account.id, db.conversation.account_id)
+ .where(@"$(db.jid.bare_jid) LIKE ? OR $(db.conversation.resource) LIKE ?", {@"%$current_with%", @"%$current_with%"})
+ .with(db.account.enabled, "=", true)
+ .with(db.conversation.type_, "=", Conversation.Type.GROUPCHAT_PM)
+ .order_by(db.conversation.last_active, "DESC")
+ .limit(limit - suggestions.size);
+ foreach(Row chat in chats) {
+ suggestions.add(new SearchSuggestion(new Account.from_row(db, chat), new Jid(chat[db.jid.bare_jid]).with_resource(chat[db.conversation.resource]), "with:"+chat[db.jid.bare_jid]+"/"+chat[db.conversation.resource], after_prev_space, next_space) { order = chat[db.conversation.last_active]});
+ }
+ suggestions.sort((a, b) => (int)(b.order - a.order));
+ }
+ } else if (current_query.has_prefix("in:")) {
+ if (cursor_position < after_prev_space + 3) return suggestions;
+ string current_in = current_query.substring(3);
+ string[] splitted = query.split(" ");
+ foreach(string s in splitted) {
+ if ((s.has_prefix("in:") && s != "in:" + current_in) || s.has_prefix("with:")) {
+ // Already have an in: or with: filter -> no useful autocompletion possible
+ return suggestions;
+ }
+ }
+ QueryBuilder groupchats = db.conversation.select()
+ .join_with(db.jid, db.jid.id, db.conversation.jid_id)
+ .join_with(db.account, db.account.id, db.conversation.account_id)
+ .with(db.jid.bare_jid, "LIKE", @"%$current_in%")
+ .with(db.account.enabled, "=", true)
+ .with(db.conversation.type_, "=", Conversation.Type.GROUPCHAT)
+ .order_by(db.conversation.last_active, "DESC")
+ .limit(limit);
+ foreach(Row chat in groupchats) {
+ suggestions.add(new SearchSuggestion(new Account.from_row(db, chat), new Jid(chat[db.jid.bare_jid]), "in:"+chat[db.jid.bare_jid], after_prev_space, next_space));
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Other auto complete?
+ }
+ return suggestions;
+ }
+ public Gee.List<MessageItem> match_messages(string query, int offset = -1) {
+ Gee.List<MessageItem> ret = new ArrayList<MessageItem>();
+ QueryBuilder rows = prepare_search(query, true).limit(10);
+ if (offset > 0) {
+ rows.offset(offset);
+ }
+ foreach (Row row in rows) {
+ Message message = new Message.from_row(db, row);
+ Conversation? conversation = stream_interactor.get_module(ConversationManager.IDENTITY).get_conversation_for_message(message);
+ ret.add(new MessageItem(message, conversation, row[db.content.id]));
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public int count_match_messages(string query) {
+ return (int)prepare_search(query, false).select({db.message.id}).count();
+ }
+public class SearchSuggestion : Object {
+ public Account account { get; private set; }
+ public Jid? jid { get; private set; }
+ public string completion { get; private set; }
+ public int start_index { get; private set; }
+ public int end_index { get; private set; }
+ public long order { get; set; }
+ public SearchSuggestion(Account account, Jid? jid, string completion, int start_index, int end_index) {
+ this.account = account;
+ this.jid = jid;
+ this.completion = completion;
+ this.start_index = start_index;
+ this.end_index = end_index;
+ }