path: root/main/src/ui/conversation_content_view/message_item_widget.vala
diff options
authorfiaxh <git@lightrise.org>2022-02-14 14:55:59 +0100
committerfiaxh <git@lightrise.org>2022-07-27 20:34:20 +0200
commit7e7dcedaf31ee35499875491c9f569c575d28435 (patch)
tree0c5fee2b28baf320775fbc92b3c252e97d9d054f /main/src/ui/conversation_content_view/message_item_widget.vala
parentf25bfb00969a7e09996da2d5500e6718f4cc0148 (diff)
Port from GTK3 to GTK4
Diffstat (limited to 'main/src/ui/conversation_content_view/message_item_widget.vala')
1 files changed, 229 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/main/src/ui/conversation_content_view/message_item_widget.vala b/main/src/ui/conversation_content_view/message_item_widget.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..23a499d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/src/ui/conversation_content_view/message_item_widget.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+using Dino.Entities;
+using Gtk;
+namespace Dino.Ui {
+ public class MessageItemWidget : SizeRequestBin {
+ public signal void edit_cancelled();
+ public signal void edit_sent(string text);
+ enum AdditionalInfo {
+ }
+ StreamInteractor stream_interactor;
+ public ContentItem content_item;
+ public Message.Marked marked { get; set; }
+ Label label = new Label("") { use_markup=true, xalign=0, selectable=true, wrap=true, wrap_mode=Pango.WrapMode.WORD_CHAR, vexpand=true, visible=true };
+ MessageItemEditMode? edit_mode = null;
+ ChatTextViewController? controller = null;
+ AdditionalInfo additional_info = AdditionalInfo.NONE;
+ ulong realize_id = -1;
+ ulong style_updated_id = -1;
+ ulong marked_notify_handler_id = -1;
+ construct {
+ this.append(label);
+ label.activate_link.connect(on_label_activate_link);
+ this.size_request_mode = SizeRequestMode.HEIGHT_FOR_WIDTH;
+ }
+ public MessageItemWidget(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, ContentItem content_item) {
+ this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor;
+ this.content_item = content_item;
+ Message message = ((MessageItem) content_item).message;
+ if (message.direction == Message.DIRECTION_SENT && !(message.marked in Message.MARKED_RECEIVED)) {
+ var binding = message.bind_property("marked", this, "marked");
+ marked_notify_handler_id = this.notify["marked"].connect(() => {
+ // Currently "pending", but not anymore
+ if (additional_info == AdditionalInfo.PENDING &&
+ message.marked != Message.Marked.SENDING && message.marked != Message.Marked.UNSENT) {
+ update_label();
+ }
+ // Currently "error", but not anymore
+ if (additional_info == AdditionalInfo.DELIVERY_FAILED && message.marked != Message.Marked.ERROR) {
+ update_label();
+ }
+ // Currently not error, but should be
+ if (additional_info != AdditionalInfo.DELIVERY_FAILED && message.marked == Message.Marked.ERROR) {
+ update_label();
+ }
+ // Nothing bad can happen anymore
+ if (message.marked in Message.MARKED_RECEIVED) {
+ binding.unbind();
+ this.disconnect(marked_notify_handler_id);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ update_label();
+ }
+ public void set_edit_mode() {
+ MessageItem message_item = content_item as MessageItem;
+ Message message = message_item.message;
+ if (edit_mode == null) {
+ edit_mode = new MessageItemEditMode();
+ controller = new ChatTextViewController(edit_mode.chat_text_view, stream_interactor);
+ Conversation conversation = message_item.conversation;
+ controller.initialize_for_conversation(conversation);
+ edit_mode.cancelled.connect(() => {
+ edit_cancelled();
+ unset_edit_mode();
+ });
+ edit_mode.send.connect(() => {
+ if (((MessageItem) content_item).message.body != edit_mode.chat_text_view.text_view.buffer.text) {
+ edit_sent(edit_mode.chat_text_view.text_view.buffer.text);
+ } else {
+ edit_cancelled();
+ }
+ unset_edit_mode();
+ });
+ }
+ edit_mode.chat_text_view.text_view.buffer.text = message.body;
+ this.remove(label);
+ this.append(edit_mode);
+ edit_mode.chat_text_view.text_view.grab_focus();
+ }
+ public void unset_edit_mode() {
+ this.remove(edit_mode);
+ this.append(label);
+ label.grab_focus();
+ label.selectable = false;
+ label.selectable = true;
+ }
+ public void update_label() {
+ label.label = generate_markup_text(content_item);
+ }
+ private string generate_markup_text(ContentItem item) {
+ MessageItem message_item = item as MessageItem;
+ Conversation conversation = message_item.conversation;
+ Message message = message_item.message;
+ bool theme_dependent = false;
+ string markup_text = message.body;
+ if (markup_text.length > 10000) {
+ markup_text = markup_text.substring(0, 10000) + " [" + _("Message too long") + "]";
+ }
+ if (message.body.has_prefix("/me ")) {
+ markup_text = markup_text.substring(4);
+ }
+ if (conversation.type_ == Conversation.Type.GROUPCHAT) {
+ markup_text = Util.parse_add_markup_theme(markup_text, conversation.nickname, true, true, true, Util.is_dark_theme(this), ref theme_dependent);
+ } else {
+ markup_text = Util.parse_add_markup_theme(markup_text, null, true, true, true, Util.is_dark_theme(this), ref theme_dependent);
+ }
+ if (message.body.has_prefix("/me ")) {
+ string display_name = Util.get_participant_display_name(stream_interactor, conversation, message.from);
+ markup_text = @"<i><b>$(Markup.escape_text(display_name))</b> " + markup_text + "</i>";
+ }
+ int only_emoji_count = Util.get_only_emoji_count(markup_text);
+ if (only_emoji_count != -1) {
+ string size_str = only_emoji_count < 5 ? "xx-large" : "large";
+ markup_text = @"<span size=\'$size_str\'>" + markup_text + "</span>";
+ }
+ string dim_color = Util.is_dark_theme(this) ? "#BDBDBD" : "#707070";
+ if (message.edit_to != null) {
+ markup_text += @" <span size='small' color='$dim_color'>(%s)</span>".printf(_("edited"));
+ theme_dependent = true;
+ }
+ // Append message status info
+ additional_info = AdditionalInfo.NONE;
+ if (message.direction == Message.DIRECTION_SENT && (message.marked == Message.Marked.SENDING || message.marked == Message.Marked.UNSENT)) {
+ // Append "pending..." iff message has not been sent yet
+ if (message.time.compare(new DateTime.now_utc().add_seconds(-10)) < 0) {
+ markup_text += @" <span size='small' color='$dim_color'>%s</span>".printf(_("pending…"));
+ theme_dependent = true;
+ additional_info = AdditionalInfo.PENDING;
+ } else {
+ int time_diff = (- (int) message.time.difference(new DateTime.now_utc()) / 1000);
+ Timeout.add(10000 - time_diff, () => {
+ update_label();
+ return false;
+ });
+ }
+ } else if (message.direction == Message.DIRECTION_SENT && message.marked == Message.Marked.ERROR) {
+ // Append "delivery failed" if there was a server error
+ string error_color = Util.rgba_to_hex(Util.get_label_pango_color(label, "@error_color"));
+ markup_text += " <span size='small' color='%s'>%s</span>".printf(error_color, _("delivery failed"));
+ theme_dependent = true;
+ additional_info = AdditionalInfo.DELIVERY_FAILED;
+ }
+ if (theme_dependent && realize_id == -1) {
+ realize_id = label.realize.connect(update_label);
+ // style_updated_id = label.style_updated.connect(update_label);
+ } else if (!theme_dependent && realize_id != -1) {
+ label.disconnect(realize_id);
+ label.disconnect(style_updated_id);
+ }
+ return markup_text;
+ }
+ public static bool on_label_activate_link(string uri) {
+ // Always handle xmpp URIs with Dino
+ if (!uri.has_prefix("xmpp:")) return false;
+ File file = File.new_for_uri(uri);
+ Dino.Application.get_default().open(new File[]{file}, "");
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ [GtkTemplate (ui = "/im/dino/Dino/message_item_widget_edit_mode.ui")]
+ public class MessageItemEditMode : Box {
+ public signal void cancelled();
+ public signal void send();
+ [GtkChild] public unowned MenuButton emoji_button;
+ [GtkChild] public unowned ChatTextView chat_text_view;
+ [GtkChild] public unowned Button cancel_button;
+ [GtkChild] public unowned Button send_button;
+ [GtkChild] public unowned Frame frame;
+ construct {
+ Util.force_css(frame, "* { border-radius: 3px; }");
+ EmojiChooser chooser = new EmojiChooser();
+ chooser.emoji_picked.connect((emoji) => {
+ chat_text_view.text_view.buffer.insert_at_cursor(emoji, emoji.data.length);
+ });
+ emoji_button.set_popover(chooser);
+ chat_text_view.text_view.buffer.changed.connect_after(on_text_view_changed);
+ cancel_button.clicked.connect(() => cancelled());
+ send_button.clicked.connect(() => send());
+ chat_text_view.cancel_input.connect(() => cancelled());
+ chat_text_view.send_text.connect(() => send());
+ }
+ private void on_text_view_changed() {
+ send_button.sensitive = chat_text_view.text_view.buffer.text != "";
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file