path: root/plugins/crypto-vala/src
diff options
authorMarvin W <git@larma.de>2019-09-10 20:55:24 +0200
committerMarvin W <git@larma.de>2019-09-16 23:31:11 +0200
commit87d64524c8e4397515be045901427e71b660134f (patch)
tree491a80731746c5b85d889901b4e37469feeb952d /plugins/crypto-vala/src
parent784319a9c162896dbaaf3beb4a9f8ba777b149ff (diff)
Add basic crypto-vala
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/crypto-vala/src')
3 files changed, 257 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/crypto-vala/src/cipher.vala b/plugins/crypto-vala/src/cipher.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5236314
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/crypto-vala/src/cipher.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+namespace Crypto {
+public class SymmetricCipher {
+ private GCrypt.Cipher.Cipher cipher;
+ public static bool supports(string algo_name) {
+ GCrypt.Cipher.Algorithm algo;
+ GCrypt.Cipher.Mode mode;
+ GCrypt.Cipher.Flag flags;
+ return parse(algo_name, out algo, out mode, out flags);
+ }
+ private static unowned string mode_to_string(GCrypt.Cipher.Mode mode) {
+ switch (mode) {
+ case ECB: return "ECB";
+ case CFB: return "CFB";
+ case CBC: return "CBC";
+ case STREAM: return "STREAM";
+ case OFB: return "OFB";
+ case CTR: return "CTR";
+ case AESWRAP: return "AESWRAP";
+ case GCM: return "GCM";
+ case POLY1305: return "POLY1305";
+ case OCB: return "OCB";
+ case CFB8: return "CFB8";
+ case XTS: return "XTS";
+ }
+ return "NONE";
+ }
+ private static GCrypt.Cipher.Mode mode_from_string(string name) {
+ switch (name) {
+ case "ECB": return GCrypt.Cipher.Mode.ECB;
+ case "CFB": return GCrypt.Cipher.Mode.CFB;
+ case "CBC": return GCrypt.Cipher.Mode.CBC;
+ case "STREAM": return GCrypt.Cipher.Mode.STREAM;
+ case "OFB": return GCrypt.Cipher.Mode.OFB;
+ case "CTR": return GCrypt.Cipher.Mode.CTR;
+ case "AESWRAP": return GCrypt.Cipher.Mode.AESWRAP;
+ case "GCM": return GCrypt.Cipher.Mode.GCM;
+ case "POLY1305": return GCrypt.Cipher.Mode.POLY1305;
+ case "OCB": return GCrypt.Cipher.Mode.OCB;
+ case "CFB8": return GCrypt.Cipher.Mode.CFB8;
+ case "XTS": return GCrypt.Cipher.Mode.XTS;
+ }
+ return GCrypt.Cipher.Mode.NONE;
+ }
+ private static string flags_to_string(GCrypt.Cipher.Flag flags) {
+ string? s = null;
+ if ((GCrypt.Cipher.Flag.CBC_MAC & flags) != 0) s = (s == null ? "" : @"$s-") + "MAC";
+ if ((GCrypt.Cipher.Flag.CBC_CTS & flags) != 0) s = (s == null ? "" : @"$s-") + "CTS";
+ if ((GCrypt.Cipher.Flag.ENABLE_SYNC & flags) != 0) s = (s == null ? "" : @"$s-") + "SYNC";
+ if ((GCrypt.Cipher.Flag.SECURE & flags) != 0) s = (s == null ? "" : @"$s-") + "SECURE";
+ return s ?? "NONE";
+ }
+ private static GCrypt.Cipher.Flag flag_from_string(string flag_name) {
+ if (flag_name == "SECURE") return GCrypt.Cipher.Flag.SECURE;
+ if (flag_name == "SYNC") return GCrypt.Cipher.Flag.ENABLE_SYNC;
+ if (flag_name == "CTS") return GCrypt.Cipher.Flag.CBC_CTS;
+ if (flag_name == "MAC") return GCrypt.Cipher.Flag.CBC_MAC;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ private static GCrypt.Cipher.Flag flags_from_string(string flag_names) {
+ GCrypt.Cipher.Flag flags = 0;
+ foreach(string flag in flag_names.split("-")) {
+ flags |= flag_from_string(flag);
+ }
+ return flags;
+ }
+ private static bool parse(string algo_name, out GCrypt.Cipher.Algorithm algo, out GCrypt.Cipher.Mode mode, out GCrypt.Cipher.Flag flags) {
+ algo = GCrypt.Cipher.Algorithm.NONE;
+ mode = GCrypt.Cipher.Mode.NONE;
+ flags = 0;
+ string[] algo_parts = algo_name.split("-", 3);
+ algo = GCrypt.Cipher.Algorithm.from_string(algo_parts[0]);
+ if (algo_parts.length >= 2) {
+ mode = mode_from_string(algo_parts[1]);
+ }
+ if (algo_parts.length == 3) {
+ flags |= flags_from_string(algo_parts[2]);
+ }
+ return to_algo_name(algo, mode, flags) == algo_name;
+ }
+ private static string to_algo_name(GCrypt.Cipher.Algorithm algo = GCrypt.Cipher.Algorithm.NONE, GCrypt.Cipher.Mode mode = GCrypt.Cipher.Mode.NONE, GCrypt.Cipher.Flag flags = 0) {
+ if (flags != 0) {
+ return @"$algo-$(mode_to_string(mode))-$(flags_to_string(flags))";
+ } else if (mode != GCrypt.Cipher.Mode.NONE) {
+ return @"$algo-$(mode_to_string(mode))";
+ } else {
+ return algo.to_string();
+ }
+ }
+ public SymmetricCipher(string algo_name) throws Error {
+ GCrypt.Cipher.Algorithm algo;
+ GCrypt.Cipher.Mode mode;
+ GCrypt.Cipher.Flag flags;
+ if (parse(algo_name, out algo, out mode, out flags)) {
+ this.gcrypt(algo, mode, flags);
+ } else {
+ throw new Error.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS(@"The algorithm $algo_name is not supported");
+ }
+ }
+ private SymmetricCipher.gcrypt(GCrypt.Cipher.Algorithm algo, GCrypt.Cipher.Mode mode, GCrypt.Cipher.Flag flags) throws Error {
+ may_throw_gcrypt_error(GCrypt.Cipher.Cipher.open(out this.cipher, algo, mode, flags));
+ }
+ public void set_key(uint8[] key) throws Error {
+ may_throw_gcrypt_error(cipher.set_key(key));
+ }
+ public void set_iv(uint8[] iv) throws Error {
+ may_throw_gcrypt_error(cipher.set_iv(iv));
+ }
+ public void set_counter_vector(uint8[] ctr) throws Error {
+ may_throw_gcrypt_error(cipher.set_counter_vector(ctr));
+ }
+ public void reset() throws Error {
+ may_throw_gcrypt_error(cipher.reset());
+ }
+ public uint8[] get_tag(size_t taglen) throws Error {
+ uint8[] tag = new uint8[taglen];
+ may_throw_gcrypt_error(cipher.get_tag(tag));
+ return tag;
+ }
+ public void check_tag(uint8[] tag) throws Error {
+ may_throw_gcrypt_error(cipher.check_tag(tag));
+ }
+ public void encrypt(uint8[] output, uint8[] input) throws Error {
+ may_throw_gcrypt_error(cipher.encrypt(output, input));
+ }
+ public void decrypt(uint8[] output, uint8[] input) throws Error {
+ may_throw_gcrypt_error(cipher.decrypt(output, input));
+ }
+ public void sync() throws Error {
+ may_throw_gcrypt_error(cipher.sync());
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/crypto-vala/src/cipher_converter.vala b/plugins/crypto-vala/src/cipher_converter.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72e11dcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/crypto-vala/src/cipher_converter.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+using GLib;
+namespace Crypto {
+public abstract class SymmetricCipherConverter : Converter, Object {
+ internal SymmetricCipher cipher;
+ internal size_t attached_taglen;
+ public abstract ConverterResult convert(uint8[] inbuf, uint8[] outbuf, ConverterFlags flags, out size_t bytes_read, out size_t bytes_written) throws IOError;
+ public uint8[] get_tag(size_t taglen) throws Error {
+ return cipher.get_tag(taglen);
+ }
+ public void check_tag(uint8[] tag) throws Error {
+ cipher.check_tag(tag);
+ }
+ public void reset() {
+ cipher.reset();
+ }
+public class SymmetricCipherEncrypter : SymmetricCipherConverter {
+ public SymmetricCipherEncrypter(owned SymmetricCipher cipher, size_t attached_taglen = 0) {
+ this.cipher = (owned) cipher;
+ this.attached_taglen = attached_taglen;
+ }
+ public override ConverterResult convert(uint8[] inbuf, uint8[] outbuf, ConverterFlags flags, out size_t bytes_read, out size_t bytes_written) throws IOError {
+ if (inbuf.length > outbuf.length) {
+ throw new IOError.NO_SPACE("CipherConverter needs at least the size of input as output space");
+ }
+ if ((flags & ConverterFlags.INPUT_AT_END) != 0 && inbuf.length + attached_taglen > outbuf.length) {
+ throw new IOError.NO_SPACE("CipherConverter needs additional output space to attach tag");
+ }
+ if (inbuf.length > 0) {
+ cipher.encrypt(outbuf, inbuf);
+ }
+ bytes_read = inbuf.length;
+ bytes_written = inbuf.length;
+ if ((flags & ConverterFlags.INPUT_AT_END) != 0) {
+ if (attached_taglen > 0) {
+ Memory.copy((uint8*)outbuf + inbuf.length, get_tag(attached_taglen), attached_taglen);
+ bytes_written = inbuf.length + attached_taglen;
+ }
+ return ConverterResult.FINISHED;
+ }
+ if ((flags & ConverterFlags.FLUSH) != 0) {
+ return ConverterResult.FLUSHED;
+ }
+ return ConverterResult.CONVERTED;
+ }
+public class SymmetricCipherDecrypter : SymmetricCipherConverter {
+ public SymmetricCipherDecrypter(owned SymmetricCipher cipher, size_t attached_taglen = 0) {
+ this.cipher = (owned) cipher;
+ this.attached_taglen = attached_taglen;
+ }
+ public override ConverterResult convert(uint8[] inbuf, uint8[] outbuf, ConverterFlags flags, out size_t bytes_read, out size_t bytes_written) throws IOError {
+ if (inbuf.length > outbuf.length + attached_taglen) {
+ throw new IOError.NO_SPACE("CipherConverter needs at least the size of input as output space");
+ }
+ if ((flags & ConverterFlags.INPUT_AT_END) != 0 && inbuf.length < attached_taglen) {
+ throw new IOError.PARTIAL_INPUT("CipherConverter needs additional input to read tag");
+ } else if ((flags & ConverterFlags.INPUT_AT_END) == 0 && inbuf.length < attached_taglen + 1) {
+ throw new IOError.PARTIAL_INPUT("CipherConverter needs additional input to make sure to not accidentally read tag");
+ }
+ inbuf.length -= (int) attached_taglen;
+ if (inbuf.length > 0) {
+ cipher.decrypt(outbuf, inbuf);
+ }
+ bytes_read = inbuf.length;
+ bytes_written = inbuf.length;
+ inbuf.length += (int) attached_taglen;
+ if ((flags & ConverterFlags.INPUT_AT_END) != 0) {
+ if (attached_taglen > 0) {
+ print("Checking tag\n");
+ check_tag(inbuf[(inbuf.length - attached_taglen):inbuf.length]);
+ print("tag ok\n");
+ bytes_read = inbuf.length;
+ }
+ return ConverterResult.FINISHED;
+ }
+ if ((flags & ConverterFlags.FLUSH) != 0) {
+ return ConverterResult.FLUSHED;
+ }
+ return ConverterResult.CONVERTED;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/crypto-vala/src/error.vala b/plugins/crypto-vala/src/error.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c694dfc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/crypto-vala/src/error.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+namespace Crypto {
+public errordomain Error {
+internal void may_throw_gcrypt_error(GCrypt.Error e) throws GLib.Error {
+ if (((int)e) != 0) {
+ throw new Crypto.Error.GCRYPT(e.to_string());
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file