path: root/plugins/omemo/src/file_sender.vala
diff options
authorfiaxh <git@lightrise.org>2019-05-11 09:39:02 -0600
committerfiaxh <git@lightrise.org>2019-07-08 18:46:30 +0200
commit837de4063dbe398735a5b1d35bde1821c177b555 (patch)
tree81c46027a32a9ff14f2c4932260ac97d3574b848 /plugins/omemo/src/file_sender.vala
parent701175fcd3b39aff46f52627af74b4de29363058 (diff)
OMEMO: Move files to fitting subdirectory
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/omemo/src/file_sender.vala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/omemo/src/file_sender.vala b/plugins/omemo/src/file_sender.vala
deleted file mode 100644
index b63d3dc5..00000000
--- a/plugins/omemo/src/file_sender.vala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-using Dino.Entities;
-using Gee;
-using Signal;
-using Xmpp;
-namespace Dino.Plugins.Omemo {
-public class AesGcmFileSender : StreamInteractionModule, FileSender, Object {
- public static ModuleIdentity<Manager> IDENTITY = new ModuleIdentity<Manager>("http_files");
- public string id { get { return IDENTITY.id; } }
- private StreamInteractor stream_interactor;
- private HashMap<Account, long> max_file_sizes = new HashMap<Account, long>(Account.hash_func, Account.equals_func);
- public AesGcmFileSender(StreamInteractor stream_interactor) {
- this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor;
- stream_interactor.stream_negotiated.connect(on_stream_negotiated);
- }
- public void send_file(Conversation conversation, FileTransfer file_transfer) {
- Xmpp.XmppStream? stream = stream_interactor.get_stream(file_transfer.account);
- uint8[] buf = new uint8[256];
- Array<uint8> data = new Array<uint8>(false, true, 0);
- size_t len = -1;
- do {
- try {
- len = file_transfer.input_stream.read(buf);
- } catch (IOError error) {
- warning(@"HTTP upload: IOError reading stream: $(error.message)");
- file_transfer.state = FileTransfer.State.FAILED;
- }
- data.append_vals(buf, (uint) len);
- } while(len > 0);
- //Create a key and use it to encrypt the file
- uint8[] iv = new uint8[16];
- Plugin.get_context().randomize(iv);
- uint8[] key = new uint8[32];
- Plugin.get_context().randomize(key);
- uint8[] ciphertext = aes_encrypt(Cipher.AES_GCM_NOPADDING, key, iv, data.data);
- // Convert iv and key to hex
- string iv_and_key = "";
- foreach (uint8 byte in iv) iv_and_key += byte.to_string("%02x");
- foreach (uint8 byte in key) iv_and_key += byte.to_string("%02x");
- stream_interactor.module_manager.get_module(file_transfer.account, Xmpp.Xep.HttpFileUpload.Module.IDENTITY).request_slot(stream, file_transfer.server_file_name, (int) ciphertext.length, file_transfer.mime_type,
- (stream, url_down, url_up) => {
- Soup.Message message = new Soup.Message("PUT", url_up);
- message.set_request(file_transfer.mime_type, Soup.MemoryUse.COPY, ciphertext);
- Soup.Session session = new Soup.Session();
- session.send_async.begin(message, null, (obj, res) => {
- try {
- session.send_async.end(res);
- if (message.status_code >= 200 && message.status_code < 300) {
- string aesgcm_link = url_down + "#" + iv_and_key;
- aesgcm_link = "aesgcm://" + aesgcm_link.substring(8); // replace https:// by aesgcm://
- file_transfer.info = aesgcm_link; // store the message content temporarily so the message gets filtered out
- Entities.Message xmpp_message = stream_interactor.get_module(MessageProcessor.IDENTITY).create_out_message(aesgcm_link, conversation);
- xmpp_message.encryption = Encryption.OMEMO;
- stream_interactor.get_module(MessageProcessor.IDENTITY).send_message(xmpp_message, conversation);
- file_transfer.info = xmpp_message.id.to_string();
- ContentItem? content_item = stream_interactor.get_module(ContentItemStore.IDENTITY).get_item(conversation, 1, xmpp_message.id);
- if (content_item != null) {
- stream_interactor.get_module(ContentItemStore.IDENTITY).set_item_hide(content_item, true);
- }
- } else {
- warning("HTTP upload status code " + message.status_code.to_string());
- file_transfer.state = FileTransfer.State.FAILED;
- }
- } catch (Error e) {
- warning("HTTP upload error: " + e.message);
- file_transfer.state = FileTransfer.State.FAILED;
- }
- });
- },
- (stream, error) => {
- warning("HTTP upload error: " + error);
- file_transfer.state = FileTransfer.State.FAILED;
- }
- );
- }
- public bool can_send(Conversation conversation, FileTransfer file_transfer) {
- return file_transfer.encryption == Encryption.OMEMO;
- }
- public bool is_upload_available(Conversation conversation) {
- lock (max_file_sizes) {
- return max_file_sizes.has_key(conversation.account);
- }
- }
- private void on_stream_negotiated(Account account, XmppStream stream) {
- stream_interactor.module_manager.get_module(account, Xmpp.Xep.HttpFileUpload.Module.IDENTITY).feature_available.connect((stream, max_file_size) => {
- lock (max_file_sizes) {
- max_file_sizes[account] = max_file_size;
- }
- upload_available(account);
- });
- }