path: root/plugins/omemo/src/manage_key_dialog.vala
diff options
authorSamuel Hand <samuel.hand@openmailbox.org>2018-08-03 19:07:23 +0100
committerSamuel Hand <samuel.hand@openmailbox.org>2018-08-03 19:07:23 +0100
commit01d26bffd890c08dfd374631c498fec614cdf430 (patch)
tree86df768ea1d51152494635afe6426d6f1deac27f /plugins/omemo/src/manage_key_dialog.vala
parent3edc72cf6b977d0d1167e8905a93082f254575f5 (diff)
UI update: make the trust management interface more user friendly
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/omemo/src/manage_key_dialog.vala')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/omemo/src/manage_key_dialog.vala b/plugins/omemo/src/manage_key_dialog.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb41ea0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/omemo/src/manage_key_dialog.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+using Gtk;
+using Qlite;
+namespace Dino.Plugins.Omemo {
+[GtkTemplate (ui = "/im/dino/Dino/omemo/manage_key_dialog.ui")]
+public class ManageKeyDialog : Gtk.Dialog {
+ [GtkChild] private Button cancel_button;
+ [GtkChild] private Button ok_button;
+ [GtkChild] private Box main_screen;
+ [GtkChild] private Label main_desc;
+ [GtkChild] private ListBox main_action_list;
+ [GtkChild] private Box confirm_screen;
+ [GtkChild] private Image confirm_image;
+ [GtkChild] private Label confirm_title;
+ [GtkChild] private Label confirm_desc;
+ [GtkChild] private Box verify_screen;
+ [GtkChild] private Label verify_label;
+ [GtkChild] private Button verify_yes;
+ [GtkChild] private Button verify_no;
+ private Row device;
+ private Database db;
+ private bool return_to_main;
+ private int current_response;
+ private void handle_cancel() {
+ if (main_screen.visible) close();
+ if (verify_screen.visible) {
+ verify_screen.visible = false;
+ main_screen.visible = true;
+ cancel_button.label = "Cancel";
+ }
+ if (confirm_screen.visible) {
+ if (return_to_main) {
+ confirm_screen.visible = false;
+ main_screen.visible = true;
+ cancel_button.label = "Cancel";
+ } else {
+ confirm_screen.visible = false;
+ verify_screen.visible = true;
+ }
+ }
+ ok_button.sensitive = false;
+ }
+ public ManageKeyDialog(Row device, Database db) {
+ Object(use_header_bar : 1);
+ this.device = device;
+ this.db = db;
+ setup_main_screen();
+ setup_verify_screen();
+ cancel_button.clicked.connect(handle_cancel);
+ ok_button.clicked.connect(() => {
+ response(current_response);
+ close();
+ });
+ verify_yes.clicked.connect(() => {
+ confirm_image.set_from_icon_name("security-high-symbolic", IconSize.DIALOG);
+ confirm_title.label = "Complete key verfication";
+ confirm_desc.set_markup(@"Once confirmed, any future messages sent by <b>$(device[db.identity_meta.address_name])</b> using this key will be highlighted accordingly in the chat window.");
+ return_to_main = false;
+ verify_screen.visible = false;
+ confirm_screen.visible = true;
+ ok_button.sensitive = true;
+ current_response = Database.IdentityMetaTable.TrustLevel.VERIFIED;
+ });
+ verify_no.clicked.connect(() => {
+ confirm_image.set_from_icon_name("action-unavailable-symbolic", IconSize.DIALOG);
+ confirm_title.label = "Complete key rejection";
+ confirm_desc.set_markup(@"Once confirmed, any future messages sent by <b>$(device[db.identity_meta.address_name])</b> using this key will be ignored and none of your messages will be readable using this key.");
+ return_to_main = false;
+ verify_screen.visible = false;
+ confirm_screen.visible = true;
+ ok_button.sensitive = true;
+ current_response = Database.IdentityMetaTable.TrustLevel.UNTRUSTED;
+ });
+ }
+ private Box make_action_box(string title, string desc){
+ Box box = new Box(Orientation.VERTICAL, 0) { visible = true, margin_start = 20, margin_end = 20, margin_top = 14, margin_bottom = 14 };
+ Label lbl_title = new Label(title) { visible = true, halign = Align.START };
+ Label lbl_desc = new Label(desc) { visible = true, xalign = 0, wrap = true, max_width_chars = 40 };
+ Pango.AttrList title_attrs = new Pango.AttrList();
+ title_attrs.insert(Pango.attr_scale_new(1.1));
+ lbl_title.attributes = title_attrs;
+ Pango.AttrList desc_attrs = new Pango.AttrList();
+ desc_attrs.insert(Pango.attr_scale_new(0.8));
+ lbl_desc.attributes = desc_attrs;
+ lbl_desc.get_style_context().add_class("dim-label");
+ box.add(lbl_title);
+ box.add(lbl_desc);
+ return box;
+ }
+ private Box make_trust_screen(string icon_name, string title, string desc) {
+ Box box = new Box(Orientation.VERTICAL, 12) { margin = 12, spacing = 12 };
+ Image icon = new Image.from_icon_name(icon_name, IconSize.DIALOG) { visible = true };
+ box.add(icon);
+ Label lbl_title = new Label(title) { visible = true };
+ Label lbl_desc = new Label(desc) { visible = true, use_markup = true, max_width_chars = 1, wrap = true, justify = Justification.CENTER };
+ Pango.AttrList title_attrs = new Pango.AttrList();
+ title_attrs.insert(Pango.attr_scale_new(1.1));
+ lbl_title.attributes = title_attrs;
+ Pango.AttrList desc_attrs = new Pango.AttrList();
+ desc_attrs.insert(Pango.attr_scale_new(0.8));
+ lbl_desc.attributes = desc_attrs;
+ lbl_desc.get_style_context().add_class("dim-label");
+ box.add(lbl_title);
+ box.add(lbl_desc);
+ return box;
+ }
+ private void setup_main_screen() {
+ main_action_list.set_header_func((row, before_row) => {
+ if (row.get_header() == null && before_row != null) {
+ row.set_header(new Separator(Orientation.HORIZONTAL));
+ }
+ });
+ ListBoxRow verify = new ListBoxRow() { visible = true };
+ verify.add(make_action_box("Verify Key Fingerprint", "Compare this key's fingerprint with the fingerprint displayed on the contact's device."));
+ ListBoxRow reject = new ListBoxRow() { visible = true };
+ reject.add(make_action_box("Reject Key", "Stop accepting this key during communication with its associated contact."));
+ ListBoxRow accept = new ListBoxRow() {visible = true };
+ accept.add(make_action_box("Accept Key", "Start accepting this key during communication with its assoicated contact"));
+ switch((Database.IdentityMetaTable.TrustLevel) device[db.identity_meta.trust_level]) {
+ case Database.IdentityMetaTable.TrustLevel.TRUSTED:
+ main_desc.set_markup(@"This key is currently <span color='#1A63D9'>accepted</span>. This means it can be used by <b>$(device[db.identity_meta.address_name])</b> to receive and send messages.");
+ main_action_list.add(verify);
+ main_action_list.add(reject);
+ break;
+ case Database.IdentityMetaTable.TrustLevel.VERIFIED:
+ main_desc.set_markup(@"This key is currently <span color='#1A63D9'>verified</span>. This means it can be used by <b>$(device[db.identity_meta.address_name])</b> to receive and send messages. Additionaly it has been verified out-of-band to match the key on the contact's device.");
+ main_action_list.add(reject);
+ break;
+ case Database.IdentityMetaTable.TrustLevel.UNTRUSTED:
+ main_desc.set_markup(@"This key is currently <span color='#D91900'>rejected</span>. This means it cannot be used by <b>$(device[db.identity_meta.address_name])</b> to receive messages, and any messages sent by it will be ignored");
+ main_action_list.add(accept);
+ break;
+ }
+ main_action_list.row_activated.connect((row) => {
+ if(row == verify) {
+ verify_screen.visible = true;
+ } else if (row == reject) {
+ confirm_image.set_from_icon_name("action-unavailable-symbolic", IconSize.DIALOG);
+ confirm_title.label = "Complete key rejection";
+ confirm_desc.set_markup(@"Once confirmed, any future messages sent by <b>$(device[db.identity_meta.address_name])</b> using this key will be ignored and none of your messages will be readable using this key.");
+ return_to_main = true;
+ confirm_screen.visible = true;
+ ok_button.sensitive = true;
+ current_response = Database.IdentityMetaTable.TrustLevel.UNTRUSTED;
+ } else if (row == accept) {
+ confirm_image.set_from_icon_name("emblem-ok-symbolic", IconSize.DIALOG);
+ confirm_title.label = "Complete key acception";
+ confirm_desc.set_markup(@"Once confirmed this key will be usable by <b>$(device[db.identity_meta.address_name])</b> to receive and send messages.");
+ return_to_main = true;
+ confirm_screen.visible = true;
+ ok_button.sensitive = true;
+ current_response = Database.IdentityMetaTable.TrustLevel.TRUSTED;
+ }
+ cancel_button.label = "Back";
+ main_screen.visible = false;
+ });
+ }
+ private void setup_verify_screen() {
+ verify_label.set_markup(fingerprint_markup(fingerprint_from_base64(device[db.identity_meta.identity_key_public_base64])));
+ }