path: root/plugins
diff options
authorfiaxh <git@lightrise.org>2021-05-11 12:57:02 +0200
committerfiaxh <git@lightrise.org>2021-05-11 12:57:02 +0200
commitd71604913dd5b3372a823320db83c37c845fac5c (patch)
tree2ffbff97a02c81d48d8aef4a4b7ee870507236e9 /plugins
parente92ed27317ae398c867c946cf7206b1f0b32f3b4 (diff)
parent90f9ecf62b2ebfef14de2874e7942552409632bf (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/calls'
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins')
40 files changed, 5720 insertions, 412 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/CMakeLists.txt b/plugins/CMakeLists.txt
index 6cccec3b..00bb6509 100644
--- a/plugins/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/plugins/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -2,6 +2,14 @@ if(DINO_PLUGIN_ENABLED_http-files)
+ add_subdirectory(ice)
+ add_subdirectory(rtp)
diff --git a/plugins/crypto-vala/CMakeLists.txt b/plugins/crypto-vala/CMakeLists.txt
index 2c9f790a..f615854c 100644
--- a/plugins/crypto-vala/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/plugins/crypto-vala/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
find_package(GCrypt REQUIRED)
+find_package(Srtp2 REQUIRED)
@@ -10,8 +11,11 @@ SOURCES
+ "src/random.vala"
+ "src/srtp.vala"
+ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/vapi/libsrtp2.vapi"
@@ -20,9 +24,9 @@ GENERATE_HEADER
add_library(crypto-vala STATIC ${CRYPTO_VALA_C})
-target_link_libraries(crypto-vala ${CRYPTO_VALA_PACKAGES} gcrypt)
+target_link_libraries(crypto-vala ${CRYPTO_VALA_PACKAGES} gcrypt libsrtp2)
diff --git a/plugins/crypto-vala/src/error.vala b/plugins/crypto-vala/src/error.vala
index bae4ad08..5007d725 100644
--- a/plugins/crypto-vala/src/error.vala
+++ b/plugins/crypto-vala/src/error.vala
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ namespace Crypto {
public errordomain Error {
internal void may_throw_gcrypt_error(GCrypt.Error e) throws Error {
diff --git a/plugins/crypto-vala/src/random.vala b/plugins/crypto-vala/src/random.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3f5d3ba9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/crypto-vala/src/random.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+namespace Crypto {
+public static void randomize(uint8[] buffer) {
+ GCrypt.Random.randomize(buffer);
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/crypto-vala/src/srtp.vala b/plugins/crypto-vala/src/srtp.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..493afdb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/crypto-vala/src/srtp.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+using Srtp;
+public class Crypto.Srtp {
+ public const string AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 = "AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80";
+ public const string AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32 = "AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32";
+ public const string F8_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 = "F8_128_HMAC_SHA1_80";
+ public class Session {
+ public bool has_encrypt { get; private set; default = false; }
+ public bool has_decrypt { get; private set; default = false; }
+ private Context encrypt_context;
+ private Context decrypt_context;
+ static construct {
+ init();
+ install_log_handler(log);
+ }
+ private static void log(LogLevel level, string msg) {
+ print(@"SRTP[$level]: $msg\n");
+ }
+ public Session() {
+ Context.create(out encrypt_context, null);
+ Context.create(out decrypt_context, null);
+ }
+ public uint8[] encrypt_rtp(uint8[] data) throws Error {
+ uint8[] buf = new uint8[data.length + MAX_TRAILER_LEN];
+ Memory.copy(buf, data, data.length);
+ int buf_use = data.length;
+ ErrorStatus res = encrypt_context.protect(buf, ref buf_use);
+ if (res != ErrorStatus.ok) {
+ throw new Error.UNKNOWN(@"SRTP encrypt failed: $res");
+ }
+ uint8[] ret = new uint8[buf_use];
+ GLib.Memory.copy(ret, buf, buf_use);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint8[] decrypt_rtp(uint8[] data) throws Error {
+ uint8[] buf = new uint8[data.length];
+ Memory.copy(buf, data, data.length);
+ int buf_use = data.length;
+ ErrorStatus res = decrypt_context.unprotect(buf, ref buf_use);
+ switch (res) {
+ case ErrorStatus.auth_fail:
+ throw new Error.AUTHENTICATION_FAILED("SRTP packet failed the message authentication check");
+ case ErrorStatus.ok:
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error.UNKNOWN(@"SRTP decrypt failed: $res");
+ }
+ uint8[] ret = new uint8[buf_use];
+ GLib.Memory.copy(ret, buf, buf_use);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint8[] encrypt_rtcp(uint8[] data) throws Error {
+ uint8[] buf = new uint8[data.length + MAX_TRAILER_LEN + 4];
+ Memory.copy(buf, data, data.length);
+ int buf_use = data.length;
+ ErrorStatus res = encrypt_context.protect_rtcp(buf, ref buf_use);
+ if (res != ErrorStatus.ok) {
+ throw new Error.UNKNOWN(@"SRTCP encrypt failed: $res");
+ }
+ uint8[] ret = new uint8[buf_use];
+ GLib.Memory.copy(ret, buf, buf_use);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public uint8[] decrypt_rtcp(uint8[] data) throws Error {
+ uint8[] buf = new uint8[data.length];
+ Memory.copy(buf, data, data.length);
+ int buf_use = data.length;
+ ErrorStatus res = decrypt_context.unprotect_rtcp(buf, ref buf_use);
+ switch (res) {
+ case ErrorStatus.auth_fail:
+ throw new Error.AUTHENTICATION_FAILED("SRTCP packet failed the message authentication check");
+ case ErrorStatus.ok:
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error.UNKNOWN(@"SRTP decrypt failed: $res");
+ }
+ uint8[] ret = new uint8[buf_use];
+ GLib.Memory.copy(ret, buf, buf_use);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private Policy create_policy(string profile) {
+ Policy policy = Policy();
+ switch (profile) {
+ case AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80:
+ policy.rtp.set_aes_cm_128_hmac_sha1_80();
+ policy.rtcp.set_aes_cm_128_hmac_sha1_80();
+ break;
+ }
+ return policy;
+ }
+ public void set_encryption_key(string profile, uint8[] key, uint8[] salt) {
+ Policy policy = create_policy(profile);
+ policy.ssrc.type = SsrcType.any_outbound;
+ policy.key = new uint8[key.length + salt.length];
+ Memory.copy(policy.key, key, key.length);
+ Memory.copy(((uint8*)policy.key) + key.length, salt, salt.length);
+ encrypt_context.add_stream(ref policy);
+ has_encrypt = true;
+ }
+ public void set_decryption_key(string profile, uint8[] key, uint8[] salt) {
+ Policy policy = create_policy(profile);
+ policy.ssrc.type = SsrcType.any_inbound;
+ policy.key = new uint8[key.length + salt.length];
+ Memory.copy(policy.key, key, key.length);
+ Memory.copy(((uint8*)policy.key) + key.length, salt, salt.length);
+ decrypt_context.add_stream(ref policy);
+ has_decrypt = true;
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/crypto-vala/vapi/libsrtp2.vapi b/plugins/crypto-vala/vapi/libsrtp2.vapi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5ceedced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/crypto-vala/vapi/libsrtp2.vapi
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+[CCode (cheader_filename = "srtp2/srtp.h")]
+namespace Srtp {
+public const uint MAX_TRAILER_LEN;
+public static ErrorStatus init();
+public static ErrorStatus shutdown();
+[CCode (cname = "srtp_ctx_t", cprefix = "srtp_", free_function = "srtp_dealloc")]
+public class Context {
+ public static ErrorStatus create(out Context session, Policy? policy);
+ public ErrorStatus protect([CCode (type = "void*", array_length = false)] uint8[] rtp, ref int len);
+ public ErrorStatus unprotect([CCode (type = "void*", array_length = false)] uint8[] rtp, ref int len);
+ public ErrorStatus protect_rtcp([CCode (type = "void*", array_length = false)] uint8[] rtcp, ref int len);
+ public ErrorStatus unprotect_rtcp([CCode (type = "void*", array_length = false)] uint8[] rtcp, ref int len);
+ public ErrorStatus add_stream(ref Policy policy);
+ public ErrorStatus update_stream(ref Policy policy);
+ public ErrorStatus remove_stream(uint ssrc);
+ public ErrorStatus update(ref Policy policy);
+[CCode (cname = "srtp_ssrc_t")]
+public struct Ssrc {
+ public SsrcType type;
+ public uint value;
+[CCode (cname = "srtp_ssrc_type_t", cprefix = "ssrc_")]
+public enum SsrcType {
+ undefined, specific, any_inbound, any_outbound
+[CCode (cname = "srtp_policy_t", destroy_function = "")]
+public struct Policy {
+ public Ssrc ssrc;
+ public CryptoPolicy rtp;
+ public CryptoPolicy rtcp;
+ [CCode (array_length = false)]
+ public uint8[] key;
+ public ulong num_master_keys;
+ public ulong window_size;
+ public int allow_repeat_tx;
+ [CCode (array_length_cname = "enc_xtn_hdr_count")]
+ public int[] enc_xtn_hdr;
+[CCode (cname = "srtp_crypto_policy_t")]
+public struct CryptoPolicy {
+ public CipherType cipher_type;
+ public int cipher_key_len;
+ public AuthType auth_type;
+ public int auth_key_len;
+ public int auth_tag_len;
+ public SecurityServices sec_serv;
+ public void set_aes_cm_128_hmac_sha1_80();
+ public void set_aes_cm_128_hmac_sha1_32();
+ public void set_aes_cm_128_null_auth();
+ public void set_aes_cm_192_hmac_sha1_32();
+ public void set_aes_cm_192_hmac_sha1_80();
+ public void set_aes_cm_192_null_auth();
+ public void set_aes_cm_256_hmac_sha1_32();
+ public void set_aes_cm_256_hmac_sha1_80();
+ public void set_aes_cm_256_null_auth();
+ public void set_aes_gcm_128_16_auth();
+ public void set_aes_gcm_128_8_auth();
+ public void set_aes_gcm_128_8_only_auth();
+ public void set_aes_gcm_256_16_auth();
+ public void set_aes_gcm_256_8_auth();
+ public void set_aes_gcm_256_8_only_auth();
+ public void set_null_cipher_hmac_null();
+ public void set_null_cipher_hmac_sha1_80();
+ public void set_rtp_default();
+ public void set_rtcp_default();
+ public void set_from_profile_for_rtp(Profile profile);
+ public void set_from_profile_for_rtcp(Profile profile);
+[CCode (cname = "srtp_profile_t", cprefix = "srtp_profile_")]
+public enum Profile {
+ reserved, aes128_cm_sha1_80, aes128_cm_sha1_32, null_sha1_80, null_sha1_32, aead_aes_128_gcm, aead_aes_256_gcm
+[CCode (cname = "srtp_cipher_type_id_t")]
+public struct CipherType : uint32 {}
+[CCode (cname = "srtp_auth_type_id_t")]
+public struct AuthType : uint32 {}
+[CCode (cname = "srtp_sec_serv_t", cprefix = "sec_serv_")]
+public enum SecurityServices {
+ none, conf, auth, conf_and_auth;
+[CCode (cname = "srtp_err_status_t", cprefix = "srtp_err_status_", has_type_id = false)]
+public enum ErrorStatus {
+ ok, fail, bad_param, alloc_fail, dealloc_fail, init_fail, terminus, auth_fail, cipher_fail, replay_fail, algo_fail, no_such_op, no_ctx, cant_check, key_expired, socket_err, signal_err, nonce_bad, encode_err, semaphore_err, pfkey_err, bad_mki, pkt_idx_old, pkt_idx_adv
+[CCode (cname = "srtp_log_level_t", cprefix = "srtp_log_level_", has_type_id = false)]
+public enum LogLevel {
+ error, warning, info, debug
+[CCode (cname = "srtp_log_handler_func_t")]
+public delegate void LogHandler(LogLevel level, string msg);
+public static ErrorStatus install_log_handler(LogHandler func);
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/http-files/src/file_sender.vala b/plugins/http-files/src/file_sender.vala
index 25db49b9..a038e70f 100644
--- a/plugins/http-files/src/file_sender.vala
+++ b/plugins/http-files/src/file_sender.vala
@@ -81,12 +81,6 @@ public class HttpFileSender : FileSender, Object {
- public async long get_max_file_size(Account account) {
- lock (max_file_sizes) {
- return max_file_sizes[account];
- }
- }
private static void transfer_more_bytes(InputStream stream, Soup.MessageBody body) {
uint8[] bytes = new uint8[4096];
ssize_t read = stream.read(bytes);
diff --git a/plugins/ice/CMakeLists.txt b/plugins/ice/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4783cea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/ice/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+find_package(Nice 0.1.15 REQUIRED)
+find_package(GnuTLS REQUIRED)
+ Gee
+ GLib
+ GModule
+ GObject
+ GTK3
+ src/dtls_srtp.vala
+ src/module.vala
+ src/plugin.vala
+ src/transport_parameters.vala
+ src/util.vala
+ src/register_plugin.vala
+ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/exports/xmpp-vala.vapi
+ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/exports/dino.vapi
+ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/exports/qlite.vapi
+ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/exports/crypto-vala.vapi
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/vapi/nice.vapi
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/vapi/gnutls.vapi
+add_definitions(${VALA_CFLAGS} -DG_LOG_DOMAIN="ice")
+add_library(ice SHARED ${ICE_VALA_C})
+target_link_libraries(ice libdino crypto-vala ${ICE_PACKAGES} nice gnutls)
+set_target_properties(ice PROPERTIES PREFIX "")
+set_target_properties(ice PROPERTIES LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/plugins/)
diff --git a/plugins/ice/src/dtls_srtp.vala b/plugins/ice/src/dtls_srtp.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0254351d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/ice/src/dtls_srtp.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+using GnuTLS;
+namespace Dino.Plugins.Ice.DtlsSrtp {
+public class CredentialsCapsule {
+ public uint8[] own_fingerprint;
+ public X509.Certificate[] own_cert;
+ public X509.PrivateKey private_key;
+public class Handler {
+ public signal void send_data(uint8[] data);
+ public bool ready { get {
+ return srtp_session.has_encrypt && srtp_session.has_decrypt;
+ }}
+ public Mode mode { get; set; default = Mode.CLIENT; }
+ public uint8[] own_fingerprint { get; private set; }
+ public uint8[] peer_fingerprint { get; set; }
+ public string peer_fp_algo { get; set; }
+ private CredentialsCapsule credentials;
+ private Cond buffer_cond = Cond();
+ private Mutex buffer_mutex = Mutex();
+ private Gee.LinkedList<Bytes> buffer_queue = new Gee.LinkedList<Bytes>();
+ private bool running = false;
+ private bool stop = false;
+ private bool restart = false;
+ private Crypto.Srtp.Session srtp_session = new Crypto.Srtp.Session();
+ public Handler.with_cert(CredentialsCapsule creds) {
+ this.credentials = creds;
+ this.own_fingerprint = creds.own_fingerprint;
+ }
+ public uint8[]? process_incoming_data(uint component_id, uint8[] data) {
+ if (srtp_session.has_decrypt) {
+ try {
+ if (component_id == 1) {
+ if (data.length >= 2 && data[1] >= 192 && data[1] < 224) {
+ return srtp_session.decrypt_rtcp(data);
+ }
+ return srtp_session.decrypt_rtp(data);
+ }
+ if (component_id == 2) return srtp_session.decrypt_rtcp(data);
+ } catch (Error e) {
+ warning("%s (%d)", e.message, e.code);
+ return null;
+ }
+ } else if (component_id == 1) {
+ on_data_rec(data);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public uint8[]? process_outgoing_data(uint component_id, uint8[] data) {
+ if (srtp_session.has_encrypt) {
+ try {
+ if (component_id == 1) {
+ if (data.length >= 2 && data[1] >= 192 && data[1] < 224) {
+ return srtp_session.encrypt_rtcp(data);
+ }
+ return srtp_session.encrypt_rtp(data);
+ }
+ if (component_id == 2) return srtp_session.encrypt_rtcp(data);
+ } catch (Error e) {
+ warning("%s (%d)", e.message, e.code);
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public void on_data_rec(owned uint8[] data) {
+ buffer_mutex.lock();
+ buffer_queue.add(new Bytes.take(data));
+ buffer_cond.signal();
+ buffer_mutex.unlock();
+ }
+ internal static CredentialsCapsule generate_credentials() throws GLib.Error {
+ int err = 0;
+ X509.PrivateKey private_key = X509.PrivateKey.create();
+ err = private_key.generate(PKAlgorithm.RSA, 2048);
+ throw_if_error(err);
+ var start_time = new DateTime.now_local().add_days(1);
+ var end_time = start_time.add_days(2);
+ X509.Certificate cert = X509.Certificate.create();
+ cert.set_key(private_key);
+ cert.set_version(1);
+ cert.set_activation_time ((time_t) start_time.to_unix ());
+ cert.set_expiration_time ((time_t) end_time.to_unix ());
+ uint32 serial = 1;
+ cert.set_serial(&serial, sizeof(uint32));
+ cert.sign(cert, private_key);
+ uint8[] own_fingerprint = get_fingerprint(cert, DigestAlgorithm.SHA256);
+ X509.Certificate[] own_cert = new X509.Certificate[] { (owned)cert };
+ var creds = new CredentialsCapsule();
+ creds.own_fingerprint = own_fingerprint;
+ creds.own_cert = (owned) own_cert;
+ creds.private_key = (owned) private_key;
+ return creds;
+ }
+ public void stop_dtls_connection() {
+ buffer_mutex.lock();
+ stop = true;
+ buffer_cond.signal();
+ buffer_mutex.unlock();
+ }
+ public async Xmpp.Xep.Jingle.ContentEncryption? setup_dtls_connection() {
+ buffer_mutex.lock();
+ if (stop) {
+ restart = true;
+ buffer_mutex.unlock();
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (running || ready) {
+ buffer_mutex.unlock();
+ return null;
+ }
+ running = true;
+ restart = false;
+ buffer_mutex.unlock();
+ InitFlags server_or_client = mode == Mode.SERVER ? InitFlags.SERVER : InitFlags.CLIENT;
+ debug("Setting up DTLS connection. We're %s", mode.to_string());
+ CertificateCredentials cert_cred = CertificateCredentials.create();
+ int err = cert_cred.set_x509_key(credentials.own_cert, credentials.private_key);
+ throw_if_error(err);
+ Session? session = Session.create(server_or_client | InitFlags.DATAGRAM);
+ session.enable_heartbeat(1);
+ session.set_srtp_profile_direct("SRTP_AES128_CM_HMAC_SHA1_80");
+ session.set_credentials(GnuTLS.CredentialsType.CERTIFICATE, cert_cred);
+ session.server_set_request(CertificateRequest.REQUEST);
+ session.set_priority_from_string("NORMAL:!VERS-TLS-ALL:+VERS-DTLS-ALL:+CTYPE-CLI-X509");
+ session.set_transport_pointer(this);
+ session.set_pull_function(pull_function);
+ session.set_pull_timeout_function(pull_timeout_function);
+ session.set_push_function(push_function);
+ session.set_verify_function(verify_function);
+ Thread<int> thread = new Thread<int> (null, () => {
+ DateTime maximum_time = new DateTime.now_utc().add_seconds(20);
+ do {
+ err = session.handshake();
+ DateTime current_time = new DateTime.now_utc();
+ if (maximum_time.compare(current_time) < 0) {
+ warning("DTLS handshake timeouted");
+ err = ErrorCode.APPLICATION_ERROR_MIN + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (stop) {
+ debug("DTLS handshake stopped");
+ err = ErrorCode.APPLICATION_ERROR_MIN + 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (err < 0 && !((ErrorCode)err).is_fatal());
+ Idle.add(setup_dtls_connection.callback);
+ return err;
+ });
+ yield;
+ err = thread.join();
+ buffer_mutex.lock();
+ if (stop) {
+ stop = false;
+ running = false;
+ bool restart = restart;
+ buffer_mutex.unlock();
+ if (restart) {
+ debug("Restarting DTLS handshake");
+ return yield setup_dtls_connection();
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ buffer_mutex.unlock();
+ if (err != ErrorCode.SUCCESS) {
+ warning("DTLS handshake failed: %s", ((ErrorCode)err).to_string());
+ return null;
+ }
+ uint8[] km = new uint8[150];
+ Datum? client_key, client_salt, server_key, server_salt;
+ session.get_srtp_keys(km, km.length, out client_key, out client_salt, out server_key, out server_salt);
+ if (client_key == null || client_salt == null || server_key == null || server_salt == null) {
+ warning("SRTP client/server key/salt null");
+ }
+ debug("Finished DTLS connection. We're %s", mode.to_string());
+ if (mode == Mode.SERVER) {
+ srtp_session.set_encryption_key(Crypto.Srtp.AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80, server_key.extract(), server_salt.extract());
+ srtp_session.set_decryption_key(Crypto.Srtp.AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80, client_key.extract(), client_salt.extract());
+ } else {
+ srtp_session.set_encryption_key(Crypto.Srtp.AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80, client_key.extract(), client_salt.extract());
+ srtp_session.set_decryption_key(Crypto.Srtp.AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80, server_key.extract(), server_salt.extract());
+ }
+ return new Xmpp.Xep.Jingle.ContentEncryption() { encryption_ns=Xmpp.Xep.JingleIceUdp.DTLS_NS_URI, encryption_name = "DTLS-SRTP", our_key=credentials.own_fingerprint, peer_key=peer_fingerprint };
+ }
+ private static ssize_t pull_function(void* transport_ptr, uint8[] buffer) {
+ Handler self = transport_ptr as Handler;
+ self.buffer_mutex.lock();
+ while (self.buffer_queue.size == 0) {
+ self.buffer_cond.wait(self.buffer_mutex);
+ if (self.stop) {
+ self.buffer_mutex.unlock();
+ debug("DTLS handshake pull_function stopped");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ Bytes data = self.buffer_queue.remove_at(0);
+ self.buffer_mutex.unlock();
+ uint8[] data_uint8 = Bytes.unref_to_data((owned) data);
+ Memory.copy(buffer, data_uint8, data_uint8.length);
+ // The callback should return 0 on connection termination, a positive number indicating the number of bytes received, and -1 on error.
+ return (ssize_t)data_uint8.length;
+ }
+ private static int pull_timeout_function(void* transport_ptr, uint ms) {
+ Handler self = transport_ptr as Handler;
+ int64 end_time = get_monotonic_time() + ms * 1000;
+ self.buffer_mutex.lock();
+ while (self.buffer_queue.size == 0) {
+ self.buffer_cond.wait_until(self.buffer_mutex, end_time);
+ if (self.stop) {
+ self.buffer_mutex.unlock();
+ debug("DTLS handshake pull_timeout_function stopped");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (get_monotonic_time() > end_time) {
+ self.buffer_mutex.unlock();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ self.buffer_mutex.unlock();
+ // The callback should return 0 on timeout, a positive number if data can be received, and -1 on error.
+ return 1;
+ }
+ private static ssize_t push_function(void* transport_ptr, uint8[] buffer) {
+ Handler self = transport_ptr as Handler;
+ self.send_data(buffer);
+ // The callback should return a positive number indicating the bytes sent, and -1 on error.
+ return (ssize_t)buffer.length;
+ }
+ private static int verify_function(Session session) {
+ Handler self = session.get_transport_pointer() as Handler;
+ try {
+ bool valid = self.verify_peer_cert(session);
+ if (!valid) {
+ warning("DTLS certificate invalid. Aborting handshake.");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ } catch (Error e) {
+ warning("Error during DTLS certificate validation: %s. Aborting handshake.", e.message);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // The callback function should return 0 for the handshake to continue or non-zero to terminate.
+ return 0;
+ }
+ private bool verify_peer_cert(Session session) throws GLib.Error {
+ unowned Datum[] cert_datums = session.get_peer_certificates();
+ if (cert_datums.length == 0) {
+ warning("No peer certs");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (cert_datums.length > 1) warning("More than one peer cert");
+ X509.Certificate peer_cert = X509.Certificate.create();
+ peer_cert.import(ref cert_datums[0], CertificateFormat.DER);
+ DigestAlgorithm algo;
+ switch (peer_fp_algo) {
+ case "sha-256":
+ algo = DigestAlgorithm.SHA256;
+ break;
+ default:
+ warning("Unkown peer fingerprint algorithm: %s", peer_fp_algo);
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint8[] real_peer_fp = get_fingerprint(peer_cert, algo);
+ if (real_peer_fp.length != this.peer_fingerprint.length) {
+ warning("Fingerprint lengths not equal %i vs %i", real_peer_fp.length, peer_fingerprint.length);
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < real_peer_fp.length; i++) {
+ if (real_peer_fp[i] != this.peer_fingerprint[i]) {
+ warning("First cert in peer cert list doesn't equal advertised one: %s vs %s", format_fingerprint(real_peer_fp), format_fingerprint(peer_fingerprint));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+private uint8[] get_fingerprint(X509.Certificate certificate, DigestAlgorithm digest_algo) {
+ uint8[] buf = new uint8[512];
+ size_t buf_out_size = 512;
+ certificate.get_fingerprint(digest_algo, buf, ref buf_out_size);
+ uint8[] ret = new uint8[buf_out_size];
+ for (int i = 0; i < buf_out_size; i++) {
+ ret[i] = buf[i];
+ }
+ return ret;
+private string format_fingerprint(uint8[] fingerprint) {
+ var sb = new StringBuilder();
+ for (int i = 0; i < fingerprint.length; i++) {
+ sb.append("%02x".printf(fingerprint[i]));
+ if (i < fingerprint.length - 1) {
+ sb.append(":");
+ }
+ }
+ return sb.str;
+public enum Mode {
diff --git a/plugins/ice/src/module.vala b/plugins/ice/src/module.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2645d7dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/ice/src/module.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+using Gee;
+using Xmpp;
+using Xmpp.Xep;
+public class Dino.Plugins.Ice.Module : JingleIceUdp.Module {
+ public string? stun_ip = null;
+ public uint stun_port = 0;
+ public string? turn_ip = null;
+ public Xep.ExternalServiceDiscovery.Service? turn_service = null;
+ private weak Nice.Agent? agent;
+ private HashMap<string, DtlsSrtp.CredentialsCapsule> cerds = new HashMap<string, DtlsSrtp.CredentialsCapsule>();
+ private Nice.Agent get_agent() {
+ Nice.Agent? agent = this.agent;
+ if (agent == null) {
+ agent = new Nice.Agent(MainContext.@default(), Nice.Compatibility.RFC5245);
+ if (stun_ip != null) {
+ agent.stun_server = stun_ip;
+ agent.stun_server_port = stun_port;
+ }
+ agent.ice_tcp = false;
+ agent.set_software("Dino");
+ agent.weak_ref(agent_unweak);
+ this.agent = agent;
+ debug("STUN server for libnice %s %u", agent.stun_server, agent.stun_server_port);
+ }
+ return agent;
+ }
+ public override Jingle.TransportParameters create_transport_parameters(XmppStream stream, uint8 components, Jid local_full_jid, Jid peer_full_jid) {
+ DtlsSrtp.CredentialsCapsule? cred = get_create_credentials(local_full_jid, peer_full_jid);
+ return new TransportParameters(get_agent(), cred, turn_service, turn_ip, components, local_full_jid, peer_full_jid);
+ }
+ public override Jingle.TransportParameters parse_transport_parameters(XmppStream stream, uint8 components, Jid local_full_jid, Jid peer_full_jid, StanzaNode transport) throws Jingle.IqError {
+ DtlsSrtp.CredentialsCapsule? cred = get_create_credentials(local_full_jid, peer_full_jid);
+ return new TransportParameters(get_agent(), cred, turn_service, turn_ip, components, local_full_jid, peer_full_jid, transport);
+ }
+ private DtlsSrtp.CredentialsCapsule? get_create_credentials(Jid local_full_jid, Jid peer_full_jid) {
+ string from_to_id = local_full_jid.to_string() + peer_full_jid.to_string();
+ try {
+ if (!cerds.has_key(from_to_id)) cerds[from_to_id] = DtlsSrtp.Handler.generate_credentials();
+ } catch (Error e) {
+ warning("Error creating dtls credentials: %s", e.message);
+ }
+ return cerds[from_to_id];
+ }
+ private void agent_unweak() {
+ this.agent = null;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/ice/src/plugin.vala b/plugins/ice/src/plugin.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ee8a72a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/ice/src/plugin.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+using Gee;
+using Dino.Entities;
+using Xmpp;
+using Xmpp.Xep;
+private extern const size_t NICE_ADDRESS_STRING_LEN;
+public class Dino.Plugins.Ice.Plugin : RootInterface, Object {
+ public Dino.Application app;
+ public void registered(Dino.Application app) {
+ Nice.debug_enable(true);
+ this.app = app;
+ app.stream_interactor.module_manager.initialize_account_modules.connect((account, list) => {
+ list.add(new Module());
+ });
+ app.stream_interactor.stream_attached_modules.connect((account, stream) => {
+ stream.get_module(Socks5Bytestreams.Module.IDENTITY).set_local_ip_address_handler(get_local_ip_addresses);
+ });
+ app.stream_interactor.stream_negotiated.connect(on_stream_negotiated);
+ }
+ private async void on_stream_negotiated(Account account, XmppStream stream) {
+ Module? ice_udp_module = stream.get_module(JingleIceUdp.Module.IDENTITY) as Module;
+ if (ice_udp_module == null) return;
+ Gee.List<Xep.ExternalServiceDiscovery.Service> services = yield ExternalServiceDiscovery.request_services(stream);
+ foreach (Xep.ExternalServiceDiscovery.Service service in services) {
+ if (service.transport == "udp" && (service.ty == "stun" || service.ty == "turn")) {
+ InetAddress ip = yield lookup_ipv4_addess(service.host);
+ if (ip == null) continue;
+ if (service.ty == "stun") {
+ debug("Server offers STUN server: %s:%u, resolved to %s", service.host, service.port, ip.to_string());
+ ice_udp_module.stun_ip = ip.to_string();
+ ice_udp_module.stun_port = service.port;
+ } else if (service.ty == "turn") {
+ debug("Server offers TURN server: %s:%u, resolved to %s", service.host, service.port, ip.to_string());
+ ice_udp_module.turn_ip = ip.to_string();
+ ice_udp_module.turn_service = service;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ice_udp_module.stun_ip == null) {
+ InetAddress ip = yield lookup_ipv4_addess("stun.l.google.com");
+ if (ip == null) return;
+ debug("Using fallback STUN server: stun.l.google.com:19302, resolved to %s", ip.to_string());
+ ice_udp_module.stun_ip = ip.to_string();
+ ice_udp_module.stun_port = 19302;
+ }
+ }
+ public void shutdown() {
+ // Nothing to do
+ }
+ private async InetAddress? lookup_ipv4_addess(string host) {
+ try {
+ Resolver resolver = Resolver.get_default();
+ GLib.List<GLib.InetAddress>? ips = yield resolver.lookup_by_name_async(host);
+ foreach (GLib.InetAddress ina in ips) {
+ if (ina.get_family() != SocketFamily.IPV4) continue;
+ return ina;
+ }
+ } catch (Error e) {
+ warning("Failed looking up IP address of %s", host);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/ice/src/register_plugin.vala b/plugins/ice/src/register_plugin.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2ed56c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/ice/src/register_plugin.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+public Type register_plugin(Module module) {
+ return typeof (Dino.Plugins.Ice.Plugin);
diff --git a/plugins/ice/src/transport_parameters.vala b/plugins/ice/src/transport_parameters.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62c04906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/ice/src/transport_parameters.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+using Gee;
+using Xmpp;
+using Xmpp.Xep;
+public class Dino.Plugins.Ice.TransportParameters : JingleIceUdp.IceUdpTransportParameters {
+ private Nice.Agent agent;
+ private uint stream_id;
+ private bool we_want_connection;
+ private bool remote_credentials_set;
+ private Map<uint8, DatagramConnection> connections = new HashMap<uint8, DatagramConnection>();
+ private DtlsSrtp.Handler? dtls_srtp_handler;
+ private class DatagramConnection : Jingle.DatagramConnection {
+ private Nice.Agent agent;
+ private DtlsSrtp.Handler? dtls_srtp_handler;
+ private uint stream_id;
+ private string? error;
+ private ulong sent;
+ private ulong sent_reported;
+ private ulong recv;
+ private ulong recv_reported;
+ private ulong datagram_received_id;
+ public DatagramConnection(Nice.Agent agent, DtlsSrtp.Handler? dtls_srtp_handler, uint stream_id, uint8 component_id) {
+ this.agent = agent;
+ this.dtls_srtp_handler = dtls_srtp_handler;
+ this.stream_id = stream_id;
+ this.component_id = component_id;
+ this.datagram_received_id = this.datagram_received.connect((datagram) => {
+ recv += datagram.length;
+ if (recv > recv_reported + 100000) {
+ debug("Received %lu bytes via stream %u component %u", recv, stream_id, component_id);
+ recv_reported = recv;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ public override async void terminate(bool we_terminated, string? reason_string = null, string? reason_text = null) {
+ yield base.terminate(we_terminated, reason_string, reason_text);
+ this.disconnect(datagram_received_id);
+ agent = null;
+ dtls_srtp_handler = null;
+ }
+ public override void send_datagram(Bytes datagram) {
+ if (this.agent != null && is_component_ready(agent, stream_id, component_id)) {
+ uint8[] encrypted_data = null;
+ if (dtls_srtp_handler != null) {
+ encrypted_data = dtls_srtp_handler.process_outgoing_data(component_id, datagram.get_data());
+ if (encrypted_data == null) return;
+ }
+ agent.send(stream_id, component_id, encrypted_data ?? datagram.get_data());
+ sent += datagram.length;
+ if (sent > sent_reported + 100000) {
+ debug("Sent %lu bytes via stream %u component %u", sent, stream_id, component_id);
+ sent_reported = sent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public TransportParameters(Nice.Agent agent, DtlsSrtp.CredentialsCapsule? credentials, Xep.ExternalServiceDiscovery.Service? turn_service, string? turn_ip, uint8 components, Jid local_full_jid, Jid peer_full_jid, StanzaNode? node = null) {
+ base(components, local_full_jid, peer_full_jid, node);
+ this.we_want_connection = (node == null);
+ this.agent = agent;
+ if (this.peer_fingerprint != null || !incoming) {
+ dtls_srtp_handler = setup_dtls(this, credentials);
+ own_fingerprint = dtls_srtp_handler.own_fingerprint;
+ if (incoming) {
+ own_setup = "active";
+ dtls_srtp_handler.mode = DtlsSrtp.Mode.CLIENT;
+ dtls_srtp_handler.peer_fingerprint = peer_fingerprint;
+ dtls_srtp_handler.peer_fp_algo = peer_fp_algo;
+ } else {
+ own_setup = "actpass";
+ dtls_srtp_handler.mode = DtlsSrtp.Mode.SERVER;
+ dtls_srtp_handler.setup_dtls_connection.begin((_, res) => {
+ var content_encryption = dtls_srtp_handler.setup_dtls_connection.end(res);
+ if (content_encryption != null) {
+ this.content.encryptions[content_encryption.encryption_ns] = content_encryption;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ agent.candidate_gathering_done.connect(on_candidate_gathering_done);
+ agent.initial_binding_request_received.connect(on_initial_binding_request_received);
+ agent.component_state_changed.connect(on_component_state_changed);
+ agent.new_selected_pair_full.connect(on_new_selected_pair_full);
+ agent.new_candidate_full.connect(on_new_candidate);
+ agent.controlling_mode = !incoming;
+ stream_id = agent.add_stream(components);
+ if (turn_ip != null) {
+ for (uint8 component_id = 1; component_id <= components; component_id++) {
+ agent.set_relay_info(stream_id, component_id, turn_ip, turn_service.port, turn_service.username, turn_service.password, Nice.RelayType.UDP);
+ debug("TURN info (component %i) %s:%u", component_id, turn_ip, turn_service.port);
+ }
+ }
+ string ufrag;
+ string pwd;
+ agent.get_local_credentials(stream_id, out ufrag, out pwd);
+ init(ufrag, pwd);
+ for (uint8 component_id = 1; component_id <= components; component_id++) {
+ // We don't properly get local candidates before this call
+ agent.attach_recv(stream_id, component_id, MainContext.@default(), on_recv);
+ }
+ agent.gather_candidates(stream_id);
+ }
+ private static DtlsSrtp.Handler setup_dtls(TransportParameters tp, DtlsSrtp.CredentialsCapsule credentials) {
+ var weak_self = WeakRef(tp);
+ DtlsSrtp.Handler dtls_srtp = new DtlsSrtp.Handler.with_cert(credentials);
+ dtls_srtp.send_data.connect((data) => {
+ TransportParameters self = (TransportParameters) weak_self.get();
+ if (self != null) self.agent.send(self.stream_id, 1, data);
+ });
+ return dtls_srtp;
+ }
+ private void on_candidate_gathering_done(uint stream_id) {
+ if (stream_id != this.stream_id) return;
+ debug("on_candidate_gathering_done in %u", stream_id);
+ for (uint8 i = 1; i <= components; i++) {
+ foreach (unowned Nice.Candidate nc in agent.get_local_candidates(stream_id, i)) {
+ if (nc.transport == Nice.CandidateTransport.UDP) {
+ JingleIceUdp.Candidate? candidate = candidate_to_jingle(nc);
+ if (candidate == null) continue;
+ debug("Local candidate summary: %s", agent.generate_local_candidate_sdp(nc));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_new_candidate(Nice.Candidate nc) {
+ if (nc.stream_id != stream_id) return;
+ JingleIceUdp.Candidate? candidate = candidate_to_jingle(nc);
+ if (candidate == null) return;
+ if (nc.transport == Nice.CandidateTransport.UDP) {
+ // Execution was in the agent thread before
+ add_local_candidate_threadsafe(candidate);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void handle_transport_accept(StanzaNode transport) throws Jingle.IqError {
+ debug("on_transport_accept from %s", peer_full_jid.to_string());
+ base.handle_transport_accept(transport);
+ if (dtls_srtp_handler != null && peer_fingerprint != null) {
+ dtls_srtp_handler.peer_fingerprint = peer_fingerprint;
+ dtls_srtp_handler.peer_fp_algo = peer_fp_algo;
+ if (peer_setup == "passive") {
+ dtls_srtp_handler.mode = DtlsSrtp.Mode.CLIENT;
+ dtls_srtp_handler.stop_dtls_connection();
+ dtls_srtp_handler.setup_dtls_connection.begin((_, res) => {
+ var content_encryption = dtls_srtp_handler.setup_dtls_connection.end(res);
+ if (content_encryption != null) {
+ this.content.encryptions[content_encryption.encryption_ns] = content_encryption;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ dtls_srtp_handler = null;
+ }
+ }
+ public override void handle_transport_info(StanzaNode transport) throws Jingle.IqError {
+ debug("on_transport_info from %s", peer_full_jid.to_string());
+ base.handle_transport_info(transport);
+ if (!we_want_connection) return;
+ if (remote_ufrag != null && remote_pwd != null && !remote_credentials_set) {
+ agent.set_remote_credentials(stream_id, remote_ufrag, remote_pwd);
+ remote_credentials_set = true;
+ }
+ for (uint8 i = 1; i <= components; i++) {
+ SList<Nice.Candidate> candidates = new SList<Nice.Candidate>();
+ foreach (JingleIceUdp.Candidate candidate in remote_candidates) {
+ if (candidate.component == i) {
+ candidates.append(candidate_to_nice(candidate));
+ }
+ }
+ int new_candidates = agent.set_remote_candidates(stream_id, i, candidates);
+ debug("Updated to %i remote candidates for candidate %u via transport info", new_candidates, i);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void create_transport_connection(XmppStream stream, Jingle.Content content) {
+ debug("create_transport_connection: %s", content.session.sid);
+ debug("local_credentials: %s %s", local_ufrag, local_pwd);
+ debug("remote_credentials: %s %s", remote_ufrag, remote_pwd);
+ debug("expected incoming credentials: %s %s", local_ufrag + ":" + remote_ufrag, local_pwd);
+ debug("expected outgoing credentials: %s %s", remote_ufrag + ":" + local_ufrag, remote_pwd);
+ we_want_connection = true;
+ if (remote_ufrag != null && remote_pwd != null && !remote_credentials_set) {
+ agent.set_remote_credentials(stream_id, remote_ufrag, remote_pwd);
+ remote_credentials_set = true;
+ }
+ for (uint8 i = 1; i <= components; i++) {
+ SList<Nice.Candidate> candidates = new SList<Nice.Candidate>();
+ foreach (JingleIceUdp.Candidate candidate in remote_candidates) {
+ if (candidate.ip.has_prefix("fe80::")) continue;
+ if (candidate.component == i) {
+ candidates.append(candidate_to_nice(candidate));
+ debug("remote candidate: %s", agent.generate_local_candidate_sdp(candidate_to_nice(candidate)));
+ }
+ }
+ int new_candidates = agent.set_remote_candidates(stream_id, i, candidates);
+ debug("Initiated component %u with %i remote candidates", i, new_candidates);
+ connections[i] = new DatagramConnection(agent, dtls_srtp_handler, stream_id, i);
+ content.set_transport_connection(connections[i], i);
+ }
+ base.create_transport_connection(stream, content);
+ }
+ private void on_component_state_changed(uint stream_id, uint component_id, uint state) {
+ if (stream_id != this.stream_id) return;
+ debug("stream %u component %u state changed to %s", stream_id, component_id, agent.get_component_state(stream_id, component_id).to_string());
+ may_consider_ready(stream_id, component_id);
+ if (incoming && dtls_srtp_handler != null && !dtls_srtp_handler.ready && is_component_ready(agent, stream_id, component_id) && dtls_srtp_handler.mode == DtlsSrtp.Mode.CLIENT) {
+ dtls_srtp_handler.setup_dtls_connection.begin((_, res) => {
+ Jingle.ContentEncryption? encryption = dtls_srtp_handler.setup_dtls_connection.end(res);
+ if (encryption != null) {
+ this.content.encryptions[encryption.encryption_ns] = encryption;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ private void may_consider_ready(uint stream_id, uint component_id) {
+ if (stream_id != this.stream_id) return;
+ if (connections.has_key((uint8) component_id) && !connections[(uint8)component_id].ready && is_component_ready(agent, stream_id, component_id) && (dtls_srtp_handler == null || dtls_srtp_handler.ready)) {
+ connections[(uint8)component_id].ready = true;
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_initial_binding_request_received(uint stream_id) {
+ if (stream_id != this.stream_id) return;
+ debug("initial_binding_request_received");
+ }
+ private void on_new_selected_pair_full(uint stream_id, uint component_id, Nice.Candidate p1, Nice.Candidate p2) {
+ if (stream_id != this.stream_id) return;
+ debug("new_selected_pair_full %u [%s, %s]", component_id, agent.generate_local_candidate_sdp(p1), agent.generate_local_candidate_sdp(p2));
+ }
+ private void on_recv(Nice.Agent agent, uint stream_id, uint component_id, uint8[] data) {
+ if (stream_id != this.stream_id) return;
+ uint8[] decrypt_data = null;
+ if (dtls_srtp_handler != null) {
+ decrypt_data = dtls_srtp_handler.process_incoming_data(component_id, data);
+ if (decrypt_data == null) return;
+ }
+ may_consider_ready(stream_id, component_id);
+ if (connections.has_key((uint8) component_id)) {
+ if (!connections[(uint8) component_id].ready) {
+ debug("on_recv stream %u component %u when state %s", stream_id, component_id, agent.get_component_state(stream_id, component_id).to_string());
+ }
+ connections[(uint8) component_id].datagram_received(new Bytes(decrypt_data ?? data));
+ } else {
+ debug("on_recv stream %u component %u length %u", stream_id, component_id, data.length);
+ }
+ }
+ private static Nice.Candidate candidate_to_nice(JingleIceUdp.Candidate c) {
+ Nice.CandidateType type;
+ switch (c.type_) {
+ case JingleIceUdp.Candidate.Type.HOST: type = Nice.CandidateType.HOST; break;
+ case JingleIceUdp.Candidate.Type.PRFLX: type = Nice.CandidateType.PEER_REFLEXIVE; break;
+ case JingleIceUdp.Candidate.Type.RELAY: type = Nice.CandidateType.RELAYED; break;
+ case JingleIceUdp.Candidate.Type.SRFLX: type = Nice.CandidateType.SERVER_REFLEXIVE; break;
+ default: assert_not_reached();
+ }
+ Nice.Candidate candidate = new Nice.Candidate(type);
+ candidate.component_id = c.component;
+ char[] foundation = new char[Nice.CANDIDATE_MAX_FOUNDATION];
+ Memory.copy(foundation, c.foundation.data, size_t.min(c.foundation.length, Nice.CANDIDATE_MAX_FOUNDATION - 1));
+ candidate.foundation = foundation;
+ candidate.addr = Nice.Address();
+ candidate.addr.init();
+ candidate.addr.set_from_string(c.ip);
+ candidate.addr.set_port(c.port);
+ candidate.priority = c.priority;
+ if (c.rel_addr != null) {
+ candidate.base_addr = Nice.Address();
+ candidate.base_addr.init();
+ candidate.base_addr.set_from_string(c.rel_addr);
+ candidate.base_addr.set_port(c.rel_port);
+ }
+ candidate.transport = Nice.CandidateTransport.UDP;
+ return candidate;
+ }
+ private static JingleIceUdp.Candidate? candidate_to_jingle(Nice.Candidate nc) {
+ JingleIceUdp.Candidate candidate = new JingleIceUdp.Candidate();
+ switch (nc.type) {
+ case Nice.CandidateType.HOST: candidate.type_ = JingleIceUdp.Candidate.Type.HOST; break;
+ case Nice.CandidateType.PEER_REFLEXIVE: candidate.type_ = JingleIceUdp.Candidate.Type.PRFLX; break;
+ case Nice.CandidateType.RELAYED: candidate.type_ = JingleIceUdp.Candidate.Type.RELAY; break;
+ case Nice.CandidateType.SERVER_REFLEXIVE: candidate.type_ = JingleIceUdp.Candidate.Type.SRFLX; break;
+ default: assert_not_reached();
+ }
+ candidate.component = (uint8) nc.component_id;
+ candidate.foundation = ((string)nc.foundation).dup();
+ candidate.generation = 0;
+ candidate.id = Random.next_int().to_string("%08x"); // TODO
+ char[] res = new char[NICE_ADDRESS_STRING_LEN];
+ nc.addr.to_string(res);
+ candidate.ip = (string) res;
+ candidate.network = 0; // TODO
+ candidate.port = (uint16) nc.addr.get_port();
+ candidate.priority = nc.priority;
+ candidate.protocol = "udp";
+ if (nc.base_addr.is_valid() && !nc.base_addr.equal(nc.addr)) {
+ res = new char[NICE_ADDRESS_STRING_LEN];
+ nc.base_addr.to_string(res);
+ candidate.rel_addr = (string) res;
+ candidate.rel_port = (uint16) nc.base_addr.get_port();
+ }
+ if (candidate.ip.has_prefix("fe80::")) return null;
+ return candidate;
+ }
+ public override void dispose() {
+ base.dispose();
+ agent = null;
+ dtls_srtp_handler = null;
+ connections.clear();
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/ice/src/util.vala b/plugins/ice/src/util.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd89d2f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/ice/src/util.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+using Gee;
+namespace Dino.Plugins.Ice {
+internal static bool is_component_ready(Nice.Agent agent, uint stream_id, uint component_id) {
+ var state = agent.get_component_state(stream_id, component_id);
+ return state == Nice.ComponentState.CONNECTED || state == Nice.ComponentState.READY;
+internal Gee.List<string> get_local_ip_addresses() {
+ Gee.List<string> result = new ArrayList<string>();
+ foreach (string ip_address in Nice.interfaces_get_local_ips(false)) {
+ result.add(ip_address);
+ }
+ return result;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/ice/vapi/gnutls.vapi b/plugins/ice/vapi/gnutls.vapi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bc3f13d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/ice/vapi/gnutls.vapi
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+[CCode (cprefix = "gnutls_", lower_case_cprefix = "gnutls_", cheader_filename = "gnutls/gnutls.h")]
+namespace GnuTLS {
+ public int global_init();
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_pull_func", has_target = false)]
+ public delegate ssize_t PullFunc(void* transport_ptr, [CCode (ctype = "void*", array_length_type="size_t")] uint8[] array);
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_pull_timeout_func", has_target = false)]
+ public delegate int PullTimeoutFunc(void* transport_ptr, uint ms);
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_push_func", has_target = false)]
+ public delegate ssize_t PushFunc(void* transport_ptr, [CCode (ctype = "void*", array_length_type="size_t")] uint8[] array);
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_certificate_verify_function", has_target = false)]
+ public delegate int VerifyFunc(Session session);
+ [Compact]
+ [CCode (cname = "struct gnutls_session_int", free_function = "gnutls_deinit")]
+ public class Session {
+ public static Session? create(int con_end) throws GLib.Error {
+ Session result;
+ var ret = init(out result, con_end);
+ throw_if_error(ret);
+ return result;
+ }
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_init")]
+ private static int init(out Session session, int con_end);
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_transport_set_push_function")]
+ public void set_push_function(PushFunc func);
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_transport_set_pull_function")]
+ public void set_pull_function(PullFunc func);
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_transport_set_pull_timeout_function")]
+ public void set_pull_timeout_function(PullTimeoutFunc func);
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_transport_set_ptr")]
+ public void set_transport_pointer(void* ptr);
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_transport_get_ptr")]
+ public void* get_transport_pointer();
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_heartbeat_enable")]
+ public int enable_heartbeat(uint type);
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_certificate_server_set_request")]
+ public void server_set_request(CertificateRequest req);
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_credentials_set")]
+ public int set_credentials_(CredentialsType type, void* cred);
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_credentials_set_")]
+ public void set_credentials(CredentialsType type, void* cred) throws GLib.Error {
+ int err = set_credentials_(type, cred);
+ throw_if_error(err);
+ }
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_priority_set_direct")]
+ public int set_priority_from_string_(string priority, out unowned string err_pos = null);
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_priority_set_direct_")]
+ public void set_priority_from_string(string priority, out unowned string err_pos = null) throws GLib.Error {
+ int err = set_priority_from_string_(priority, out err_pos);
+ throw_if_error(err);
+ }
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_srtp_set_profile_direct")]
+ public int set_srtp_profile_direct_(string profiles, out unowned string err_pos = null);
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_srtp_set_profile_direct_")]
+ public void set_srtp_profile_direct(string profiles, out unowned string err_pos = null) throws GLib.Error {
+ int err = set_srtp_profile_direct_(profiles, out err_pos);
+ throw_if_error(err);
+ }
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_transport_set_int")]
+ public void transport_set_int(int fd);
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_handshake")]
+ public int handshake();
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_srtp_get_keys")]
+ public int get_srtp_keys_(void *key_material, uint32 key_material_size, out Datum client_key, out Datum client_salt, out Datum server_key, out Datum server_salt);
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_srtp_get_keys_")]
+ public void get_srtp_keys(void *key_material, uint32 key_material_size, out Datum client_key, out Datum client_salt, out Datum server_key, out Datum server_salt) throws GLib.Error {
+ get_srtp_keys_(key_material, key_material_size, out client_key, out client_salt, out server_key, out server_salt);
+ }
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_certificate_get_peers", array_length_type = "unsigned int")]
+ public unowned Datum[]? get_peer_certificates();
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_session_set_verify_function")]
+ public void set_verify_function(VerifyFunc func);
+ }
+ [Compact]
+ [CCode (cname = "struct gnutls_certificate_credentials_st", free_function = "gnutls_certificate_free_credentials", cprefix = "gnutls_certificate_")]
+ public class CertificateCredentials {
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_certificate_allocate_credentials")]
+ private static int allocate(out CertificateCredentials credentials);
+ public static CertificateCredentials create() throws GLib.Error {
+ CertificateCredentials result;
+ var ret = allocate (out result);
+ throw_if_error(ret);
+ return result;
+ }
+ public void get_x509_crt(uint index, [CCode (array_length_type = "unsigned int")] out unowned X509.Certificate[] x509_ca_list);
+ public int set_x509_key(X509.Certificate[] cert_list, X509.PrivateKey key);
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gnutls/x509.h", cprefix = "GNUTLS_")]
+ namespace X509 {
+ [Compact]
+ [CCode (cname = "struct gnutls_x509_crt_int", cprefix = "gnutls_x509_crt_", free_function = "gnutls_x509_crt_deinit")]
+ public class Certificate {
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_x509_crt_init")]
+ private static int init (out Certificate cert);
+ public static Certificate create() throws GLib.Error {
+ Certificate result;
+ var ret = init (out result);
+ throw_if_error(ret);
+ return result;
+ }
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_x509_crt_import")]
+ public int import_(ref Datum data, CertificateFormat format);
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_x509_crt_import_")]
+ public void import(ref Datum data, CertificateFormat format) throws GLib.Error {
+ int err = import_(ref data, format);
+ throw_if_error(err);
+ }
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_x509_crt_set_version")]
+ public int set_version_(uint version);
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_x509_crt_set_version_")]
+ public void set_version(uint version) throws GLib.Error {
+ int err = set_version_(version);
+ throw_if_error(err);
+ }
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_x509_crt_set_key")]
+ public int set_key_(PrivateKey key);
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_x509_crt_set_key_")]
+ public void set_key(PrivateKey key) throws GLib.Error {
+ int err = set_key_(key);
+ throw_if_error(err);
+ }
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_x509_crt_set_activation_time")]
+ public int set_activation_time_(time_t act_time);
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_x509_crt_set_activation_time_")]
+ public void set_activation_time(time_t act_time) throws GLib.Error {
+ int err = set_activation_time_(act_time);
+ throw_if_error(err);
+ }
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_x509_crt_set_expiration_time")]
+ public int set_expiration_time_(time_t exp_time);
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_x509_crt_set_expiration_time_")]
+ public void set_expiration_time(time_t exp_time) throws GLib.Error {
+ int err = set_expiration_time_(exp_time);
+ throw_if_error(err);
+ }
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_x509_crt_set_serial")]
+ public int set_serial_(void* serial, size_t serial_size);
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_x509_crt_set_serial_")]
+ public void set_serial(void* serial, size_t serial_size) throws GLib.Error {
+ int err = set_serial_(serial, serial_size);
+ throw_if_error(err);
+ }
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_x509_crt_sign")]
+ public int sign_(Certificate issuer, PrivateKey issuer_key);
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_x509_crt_sign_")]
+ public void sign(Certificate issuer, PrivateKey issuer_key) throws GLib.Error {
+ int err = sign_(issuer, issuer_key);
+ throw_if_error(err);
+ }
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_x509_crt_get_fingerprint")]
+ public int get_fingerprint_(DigestAlgorithm algo, void* buf, ref size_t buf_size);
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_x509_crt_get_fingerprint_")]
+ public void get_fingerprint(DigestAlgorithm algo, void* buf, ref size_t buf_size) throws GLib.Error {
+ int err = get_fingerprint_(algo, buf, ref buf_size);
+ throw_if_error(err);
+ }
+ }
+ [Compact]
+ [CCode (cname = "struct gnutls_x509_privkey_int", cprefix = "gnutls_x509_privkey_", free_function = "gnutls_x509_privkey_deinit")]
+ public class PrivateKey {
+ private static int init (out PrivateKey key);
+ public static PrivateKey create () throws GLib.Error {
+ PrivateKey result;
+ var ret = init (out result);
+ throw_if_error(ret);
+ return result;
+ }
+ public int generate(PKAlgorithm algo, uint bits, uint flags = 0);
+ }
+ }
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_certificate_request_t", cprefix = "GNUTLS_CERT_", has_type_id = false)]
+ public enum CertificateRequest {
+ }
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_pk_algorithm_t", cprefix = "GNUTLS_PK_", has_type_id = false)]
+ public enum PKAlgorithm {
+ RSA,
+ DSA;
+ }
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_digest_algorithm_t", cprefix = "GNUTLS_DIG_", has_type_id = false)]
+ public enum DigestAlgorithm {
+ MD5,
+ SHA1,
+ RMD160,
+ MD2,
+ SHA224,
+ SHA256,
+ SHA384,
+ SHA512;
+ }
+ [Flags]
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_init_flags_t", cprefix = "GNUTLS_", has_type_id = false)]
+ public enum InitFlags {
+ }
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_credentials_type_t", cprefix = "GNUTLS_CRD_", has_type_id = false)]
+ public enum CredentialsType {
+ SRP,
+ PSK,
+ IA
+ }
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_x509_crt_fmt_t", cprefix = "GNUTLS_X509_FMT_", has_type_id = false)]
+ public enum CertificateFormat {
+ DER,
+ }
+ [Flags]
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_certificate_status_t", cprefix = "GNUTLS_CERT_", has_type_id = false)]
+ public enum CertificateStatus {
+ INVALID, // will be set if the certificate was not verified.
+ REVOKED, // in X.509 this will be set only if CRLs are checked
+ }
+ [SimpleType]
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_datum_t", has_type_id = false)]
+ public struct Datum {
+ public uint8* data;
+ public uint size;
+ public uint8[] extract() {
+ uint8[] ret = new uint8[size];
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ ret[i] = data[i];
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ // Gnutls error codes. The mapping to a TLS alert is also shown in comments.
+ [CCode (cname = "int", cprefix = "GNUTLS_E_", lower_case_cprefix = "gnutls_error_", has_type_id = false)]
+ public enum ErrorCode {
+ // returned if libextra functionality was requested but
+ // gnutls_global_init_extra() was not called.
+ // returned if you need to generate temporary RSA
+ // parameters. These are needed for export cipher suites.
+ // For certificate and key stuff
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_error_is_fatal")]
+ public bool is_fatal();
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_perror")]
+ public void print();
+ [CCode (cname = "gnutls_strerror")]
+ public unowned string to_string();
+ }
+ public void throw_if_error(int err_int) throws GLib.Error {
+ ErrorCode error = (ErrorCode)err_int;
+ if (error != ErrorCode.SUCCESS) {
+ throw new GLib.Error(-1, error, "%s%s", error.to_string(), error.is_fatal() ? " fatal" : "");
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/ice/vapi/metadata/Nice-0.1.metadata b/plugins/ice/vapi/metadata/Nice-0.1.metadata
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7fcf046a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/ice/vapi/metadata/Nice-0.1.metadata
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Nice cheader_filename="nice.h"
+Address.to_string.dst type="char[]"
+Agent.new_reliable#constructor name="create_reliable"
+Agent.attach_recv skip=false
+Agent.send.buf type="uint8[]" array_length_idx=2
+AgentRecvFunc.buf type="uint8[]" array_length_idx=3
+PseudoTcpCallbacks#record skip
+PseudoTcpSocket#class skip
+# Not yet supported by vapigen
+# Candidate copy_function="nice_candidate_copy" free_function="nice_candidate_free" type_id=""
diff --git a/plugins/ice/vapi/nice.vapi b/plugins/ice/vapi/nice.vapi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..540e2b4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/ice/vapi/nice.vapi
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+/* nice.vapi generated by vapigen, do not modify. */
+[CCode (cprefix = "Nice", gir_namespace = "Nice", gir_version = "0.1", lower_case_cprefix = "nice_")]
+namespace Nice {
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", type_id = "nice_agent_get_type ()")]
+ public class Agent : GLib.Object {
+ [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+ public Agent (GLib.MainContext ctx, Nice.Compatibility compat);
+ public bool add_local_address (Nice.Address addr);
+ public uint add_stream (uint n_components);
+ public bool attach_recv (uint stream_id, uint component_id, GLib.MainContext ctx, Nice.AgentRecvFunc func);
+ [Version (since = "0.1.16")]
+ public async void close_async ();
+ [CCode (cname = "nice_agent_new_reliable", has_construct_function = false)]
+ [Version (since = "0.0.11")]
+ public Agent.create_reliable (GLib.MainContext ctx, Nice.Compatibility compat);
+ [Version (since = "0.1.6")]
+ public bool forget_relays (uint stream_id, uint component_id);
+ [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+ [Version (since = "0.1.15")]
+ public Agent.full (GLib.MainContext ctx, Nice.Compatibility compat, Nice.AgentOption flags);
+ public bool gather_candidates (uint stream_id);
+ [Version (since = "0.1.4")]
+ public string generate_local_candidate_sdp (Nice.Candidate candidate);
+ [Version (since = "0.1.4")]
+ public string generate_local_sdp ();
+ [Version (since = "0.1.4")]
+ public string generate_local_stream_sdp (uint stream_id, bool include_non_ice);
+ [Version (since = "0.1.8")]
+ public Nice.ComponentState get_component_state (uint stream_id, uint component_id);
+ public Nice.Candidate get_default_local_candidate (uint stream_id, uint component_id);
+ [Version (since = "0.1.5")]
+ public GLib.IOStream get_io_stream (uint stream_id, uint component_id);
+ public GLib.SList<Nice.Candidate> get_local_candidates (uint stream_id, uint component_id);
+ public bool get_local_credentials (uint stream_id, out string ufrag, out string pwd);
+ public GLib.SList<Nice.Candidate> get_remote_candidates (uint stream_id, uint component_id);
+ public bool get_selected_pair (uint stream_id, uint component_id, Nice.Candidate local, Nice.Candidate remote);
+ [Version (since = "0.1.5")]
+ public GLib.Socket? get_selected_socket (uint stream_id, uint component_id);
+ [Version (since = "0.1.4")]
+ public unowned string get_stream_name (uint stream_id);
+ [Version (since = "0.1.4")]
+ public Nice.Candidate parse_remote_candidate_sdp (uint stream_id, string sdp);
+ [Version (since = "0.1.4")]
+ public int parse_remote_sdp (string sdp);
+ [Version (since = "0.1.4")]
+ public GLib.SList<Nice.Candidate> parse_remote_stream_sdp (uint stream_id, string sdp, string ufrag, string pwd);
+ [Version (since = "0.1.16")]
+ public bool peer_candidate_gathering_done (uint stream_id);
+ [Version (since = "0.1.5")]
+ public ssize_t recv (uint stream_id, uint component_id, [CCode (array_length_cname = "buf_len", array_length_pos = 3.5, array_length_type = "gsize")] out unowned uint8[] buf, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
+ [Version (since = "0.1.5")]
+ public int recv_messages (uint stream_id, uint component_id, [CCode (array_length_cname = "n_messages", array_length_pos = 3.5, array_length_type = "guint")] out unowned Nice.InputMessage[] messages, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
+ [Version (since = "0.1.5")]
+ public int recv_messages_nonblocking (uint stream_id, uint component_id, [CCode (array_length_cname = "n_messages", array_length_pos = 3.5, array_length_type = "guint")] out unowned Nice.InputMessage[] messages, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
+ [Version (since = "0.1.5")]
+ public ssize_t recv_nonblocking (uint stream_id, uint component_id, [CCode (array_length_cname = "buf_len", array_length_pos = 3.5, array_length_type = "gsize")] out unowned uint8[] buf, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
+ public void remove_stream (uint stream_id);
+ public bool restart ();
+ [Version (since = "0.1.6")]
+ public bool restart_stream (uint stream_id);
+ public int send (uint stream_id, uint component_id, [CCode (array_length_cname = "len", array_length_pos = 2.5, array_length_type = "guint", type = "const gchar*")] uint8[] buf);
+ [Version (since = "0.1.5")]
+ public int send_messages_nonblocking (uint stream_id, uint component_id, [CCode (array_length_cname = "n_messages", array_length_pos = 3.5, array_length_type = "guint")] Nice.OutputMessage[] messages, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
+ public bool set_local_credentials (uint stream_id, string ufrag, string pwd);
+ public void set_port_range (uint stream_id, uint component_id, uint min_port, uint max_port);
+ public bool set_relay_info (uint stream_id, uint component_id, string server_ip, uint server_port, string username, string password, Nice.RelayType type);
+ public int set_remote_candidates (uint stream_id, uint component_id, GLib.SList<Nice.Candidate> candidates);
+ public bool set_remote_credentials (uint stream_id, string ufrag, string pwd);
+ public bool set_selected_pair (uint stream_id, uint component_id, string lfoundation, string rfoundation);
+ public bool set_selected_remote_candidate (uint stream_id, uint component_id, Nice.Candidate candidate);
+ [Version (since = "0.0.10")]
+ public void set_software (string software);
+ [Version (since = "0.1.4")]
+ public bool set_stream_name (uint stream_id, string name);
+ [Version (since = "0.0.9")]
+ public void set_stream_tos (uint stream_id, int tos);
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ [Version (since = "0.1.8")]
+ public bool bytestream_tcp { get; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ public uint compatibility { get; construct; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ public bool controlling_mode { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ [Version (since = "0.1.14")]
+ public bool force_relay { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ public bool full_mode { get; construct; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ [Version (since = "0.1.8")]
+ public bool ice_tcp { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ [Version (since = "0.1.16")]
+ public bool ice_trickle { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ [Version (since = "0.1.8")]
+ public bool ice_udp { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ [Version (since = "0.1.8")]
+ public bool keepalive_conncheck { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ public void* main_context { get; construct; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ public uint max_connectivity_checks { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ [Version (since = "0.0.4")]
+ public string proxy_ip { owned get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ [Version (since = "0.0.4")]
+ public string proxy_password { owned get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ [Version (since = "0.0.4")]
+ public uint proxy_port { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ [Version (since = "0.0.4")]
+ public uint proxy_type { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ [Version (since = "0.0.4")]
+ public string proxy_username { owned get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ [Version (since = "0.0.11")]
+ public bool reliable { get; construct; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ [Version (since = "0.1.15")]
+ public uint stun_initial_timeout { get; set construct; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ [Version (since = "0.1.15")]
+ public uint stun_max_retransmissions { get; set construct; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ public uint stun_pacing_timer { get; set construct; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ [Version (since = "0.1.15")]
+ public uint stun_reliable_timeout { get; set construct; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ public string stun_server { owned get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ public uint stun_server_port { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ public bool support_renomination { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ [Version (since = "0.0.7")]
+ public bool upnp { get; set construct; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ [Version (since = "0.0.7")]
+ public uint upnp_timeout { get; set construct; }
+ public signal void candidate_gathering_done (uint stream_id);
+ public signal void component_state_changed (uint stream_id, uint component_id, uint state);
+ public signal void initial_binding_request_received (uint stream_id);
+ [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.1.8")]
+ public signal void new_candidate (uint stream_id, uint component_id, string foundation);
+ [Version (since = "0.1.8")]
+ public signal void new_candidate_full (Nice.Candidate candidate);
+ [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.1.8")]
+ public signal void new_remote_candidate (uint stream_id, uint component_id, string foundation);
+ [Version (since = "0.1.8")]
+ public signal void new_remote_candidate_full (Nice.Candidate candidate);
+ [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.1.8")]
+ public signal void new_selected_pair (uint stream_id, uint component_id, string lfoundation, string rfoundation);
+ [Version (since = "0.1.8")]
+ public signal void new_selected_pair_full (uint stream_id, uint component_id, Nice.Candidate lcandidate, Nice.Candidate rcandidate);
+ [Version (since = "0.0.11")]
+ public signal void reliable_transport_writable (uint stream_id, uint component_id);
+ [Version (since = "0.1.5")]
+ public signal void streams_removed ([CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] uint[] stream_ids);
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", copy_function = "nice_candidate_copy", free_function = "nice_candidate_free")]
+ [Compact]
+ public class Candidate {
+ public Nice.Address addr;
+ public Nice.Address base_addr;
+ public uint component_id;
+ [CCode (array_length = false)]
+ public weak char foundation[33];
+ public weak string password;
+ public uint32 priority;
+ public void* sockptr;
+ public uint stream_id;
+ public Nice.CandidateTransport transport;
+ public Nice.TurnServer turn;
+ public Nice.CandidateType type;
+ public weak string username;
+ [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+ public Candidate (Nice.CandidateType type);
+ public Nice.Candidate copy ();
+ [Version (since = "0.1.15")]
+ public bool equal_target (Nice.Candidate candidate2);
+ public void free ();
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", has_type_id = false)]
+ public struct Address {
+ [CCode (cname = "s.addr")]
+ public void* s_addr;
+ [CCode (cname = "s.ip4")]
+ public void* s_ip4;
+ [CCode (cname = "s.ip6")]
+ public void* s_ip6;
+ public void copy_to_sockaddr (void* sin);
+ public bool equal (Nice.Address b);
+ [Version (since = "0.1.8")]
+ public bool equal_no_port (Nice.Address b);
+ public void free ();
+ public uint get_port ();
+ public void init ();
+ public int ip_version ();
+ public bool is_private ();
+ public bool is_valid ();
+ public void set_from_sockaddr (void* sin);
+ public bool set_from_string (string str);
+ public void set_ipv4 (uint32 addr_ipv4);
+ public void set_ipv6 (uint8 addr_ipv6);
+ public void set_port (uint port);
+ public void to_string ([CCode (array_length = false, type = "gchar*")] char[] dst);
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", has_type_id = false)]
+ [Version (since = "0.1.5")]
+ public struct InputMessage {
+ [CCode (array_length_cname = "n_buffers")]
+ public weak GLib.InputVector[] buffers;
+ public int n_buffers;
+ public Nice.Address from;
+ public size_t length;
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", has_type_id = false)]
+ [Version (since = "0.1.5")]
+ public struct OutputMessage {
+ [CCode (array_length_cname = "n_buffers")]
+ public weak GLib.OutputVector[] buffers;
+ public int n_buffers;
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cname = "TurnServer", has_type_id = false)]
+ public struct TurnServer {
+ public int ref_count;
+ public Nice.Address server;
+ public weak string username;
+ public weak string password;
+ public Nice.RelayType type;
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cprefix = "NICE_AGENT_OPTION_", has_type_id = false)]
+ [Flags]
+ [Version (since = "0.1.15")]
+ public enum AgentOption {
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cprefix = "NICE_CANDIDATE_TRANSPORT_", has_type_id = false)]
+ public enum CandidateTransport {
+ UDP,
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cprefix = "NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_", has_type_id = false)]
+ public enum CandidateType {
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cprefix = "NICE_COMPATIBILITY_", has_type_id = false)]
+ public enum Compatibility {
+ RFC5245,
+ DRAFT19,
+ MSN,
+ WLM2009,
+ OC2007,
+ OC2007R2,
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cprefix = "NICE_COMPONENT_STATE_", has_type_id = false)]
+ public enum ComponentState {
+ [Version (since = "0.1.6")]
+ public unowned string to_string ();
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cprefix = "NICE_COMPONENT_TYPE_", has_type_id = false)]
+ public enum ComponentType {
+ RTP,
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cprefix = "NICE_NOMINATION_MODE_", has_type_id = false)]
+ [Version (since = "0.1.15")]
+ public enum NominationMode {
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cprefix = "NICE_PROXY_TYPE_", has_type_id = false)]
+ [Version (since = "0.0.4")]
+ public enum ProxyType {
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cname = "PseudoTcpDebugLevel", cprefix = "PSEUDO_TCP_DEBUG_", has_type_id = false)]
+ [Version (since = "0.0.11")]
+ public enum PseudoTcpDebugLevel {
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cname = "PseudoTcpShutdown", cprefix = "PSEUDO_TCP_SHUTDOWN_", has_type_id = false)]
+ [Version (since = "0.1.8")]
+ public enum PseudoTcpShutdown {
+ RD,
+ WR,
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cname = "PseudoTcpState", cprefix = "PSEUDO_TCP_", has_type_id = false)]
+ [Version (since = "0.0.11")]
+ public enum PseudoTcpState {
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cname = "PseudoTcpWriteResult", cprefix = "WR_", has_type_id = false)]
+ [Version (since = "0.0.11")]
+ public enum PseudoTcpWriteResult {
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cprefix = "NICE_RELAY_TYPE_TURN_", has_type_id = false)]
+ public enum RelayType {
+ UDP,
+ TCP,
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", instance_pos = 4.9)]
+ public delegate void AgentRecvFunc (Nice.Agent agent, uint stream_id, uint component_id, [CCode (array_length_cname = "len", array_length_pos = 3.5, array_length_type = "guint", type = "gchar*")] uint8[] buf);
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cname = "NICE_AGENT_MAX_REMOTE_CANDIDATES")]
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cname = "NICE_CANDIDATE_DIRECTION_MS_PREF_ACTIVE")]
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cname = "NICE_CANDIDATE_DIRECTION_MS_PREF_PASSIVE")]
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cname = "NICE_CANDIDATE_MAX_FOUNDATION")]
+ public const int CANDIDATE_MAX_FOUNDATION;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cname = "NICE_CANDIDATE_TRANSPORT_MS_PREF_TCP")]
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cname = "NICE_CANDIDATE_TRANSPORT_MS_PREF_UDP")]
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cname = "NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_PREF_HOST")]
+ public const int CANDIDATE_TYPE_PREF_HOST;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cname = "NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_PREF_NAT_ASSISTED")]
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cname = "NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_PREF_PEER_REFLEXIVE")]
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cname = "NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_PREF_RELAYED")]
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cname = "NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_PREF_RELAYED_UDP")]
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cname = "NICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_PREF_SERVER_REFLEXIVE")]
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h")]
+ public static void debug_disable (bool with_stun);
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h")]
+ public static void debug_enable (bool with_stun);
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h")]
+ public static string? interfaces_get_ip_for_interface (string interface_name);
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h")]
+ public static GLib.List<string> interfaces_get_local_interfaces ();
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h")]
+ public static GLib.List<string> interfaces_get_local_ips (bool include_loopback);
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "nice.h", cname = "pseudo_tcp_set_debug_level")]
+ [Version (since = "0.0.11")]
+ public static void pseudo_tcp_set_debug_level (Nice.PseudoTcpDebugLevel level);
diff --git a/plugins/omemo/CMakeLists.txt b/plugins/omemo/CMakeLists.txt
index 0f5a1521..195001cb 100644
--- a/plugins/omemo/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/plugins/omemo/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ find_package(Gettext)
+find_package(Qrencode REQUIRED)
- Qrencode
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ compile_gresources(
+ src/dtls_srtp_verification_draft.vala
@@ -39,7 +40,8 @@ SOURCES
- src/logic/encrypt_state.vala
+ src/logic/decrypt.vala
+ src/logic/encrypt.vala
@@ -53,6 +55,7 @@ SOURCES
+ src/ui/call_encryption_entry.vala
@@ -66,18 +69,17 @@ CUSTOM_VAPIS
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/vapi/libqrencode.vapi
- --vapidir=${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/vapi
add_dependencies(omemo ${GETTEXT_PACKAGE}-translations)
-target_link_libraries(omemo libdino signal-protocol-vala crypto-vala ${OMEMO_PACKAGES})
+target_link_libraries(omemo libdino signal-protocol-vala crypto-vala ${OMEMO_PACKAGES} libqrencode)
set_target_properties(omemo PROPERTIES PREFIX "")
set_target_properties(omemo PROPERTIES LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/plugins/)
diff --git a/plugins/omemo/src/dtls_srtp_verification_draft.vala b/plugins/omemo/src/dtls_srtp_verification_draft.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5fc9b339
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/omemo/src/dtls_srtp_verification_draft.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+using Signal;
+using Gee;
+using Xmpp;
+namespace Dino.Plugins.Omemo.DtlsSrtpVerificationDraft {
+ public const string NS_URI = "http://gultsch.de/xmpp/drafts/omemo/dlts-srtp-verification";
+ public class StreamModule : XmppStreamModule {
+ public static Xmpp.ModuleIdentity<StreamModule> IDENTITY = new Xmpp.ModuleIdentity<StreamModule>(NS_URI, "dtls_srtp_omemo_verification_draft");
+ private VerificationSendListener send_listener = new VerificationSendListener();
+ private HashMap<string, int> device_id_by_jingle_sid = new HashMap<string, int>();
+ private HashMap<string, Gee.List<string>> content_names_by_jingle_sid = new HashMap<string, Gee.List<string>>();
+ private void on_preprocess_incoming_iq_set_get(XmppStream stream, Xmpp.Iq.Stanza iq) {
+ if (iq.type_ != Iq.Stanza.TYPE_SET) return;
+ Gee.List<StanzaNode> content_nodes = iq.stanza.get_deep_subnodes(Xep.Jingle.NS_URI + ":jingle", Xep.Jingle.NS_URI + ":content");
+ if (content_nodes.size == 0) return;
+ string? jingle_sid = iq.stanza.get_deep_attribute(Xep.Jingle.NS_URI + ":jingle", "sid");
+ if (jingle_sid == null) return;
+ Xep.Omemo.OmemoDecryptor decryptor = stream.get_module(Xep.Omemo.OmemoDecryptor.IDENTITY);
+ foreach (StanzaNode content_node in content_nodes) {
+ string? content_name = content_node.get_attribute("name");
+ if (content_name == null) continue;
+ StanzaNode? transport_node = content_node.get_subnode("transport", Xep.JingleIceUdp.NS_URI);
+ if (transport_node == null) continue;
+ StanzaNode? fingerprint_node = transport_node.get_subnode("fingerprint", NS_URI);
+ if (fingerprint_node == null) continue;
+ StanzaNode? encrypted_node = fingerprint_node.get_subnode("encrypted", Omemo.NS_URI);
+ if (encrypted_node == null) continue;
+ Xep.Omemo.ParsedData? parsed_data = decryptor.parse_node(encrypted_node);
+ if (parsed_data == null || parsed_data.ciphertext == null) continue;
+ if (device_id_by_jingle_sid.has_key(jingle_sid) && device_id_by_jingle_sid[jingle_sid] != parsed_data.sid) {
+ warning("Expected DTLS fingerprint to be OMEMO encrypted from %s %d, but it was from %d", iq.from.to_string(), device_id_by_jingle_sid[jingle_sid], parsed_data.sid);
+ }
+ foreach (Bytes encr_key in parsed_data.our_potential_encrypted_keys.keys) {
+ parsed_data.is_prekey = parsed_data.our_potential_encrypted_keys[encr_key];
+ parsed_data.encrypted_key = encr_key.get_data();
+ try {
+ uint8[] key = decryptor.decrypt_key(parsed_data, iq.from.bare_jid);
+ string cleartext = decryptor.decrypt(parsed_data.ciphertext, key, parsed_data.iv);
+ StanzaNode new_fingerprint_node = new StanzaNode.build("fingerprint", Xep.JingleIceUdp.DTLS_NS_URI).add_self_xmlns()
+ .put_node(new StanzaNode.text(cleartext));
+ string? hash_attr = fingerprint_node.get_attribute("hash", NS_URI);
+ string? setup_attr = fingerprint_node.get_attribute("setup", NS_URI);
+ if (hash_attr != null) new_fingerprint_node.put_attribute("hash", hash_attr);
+ if (setup_attr != null) new_fingerprint_node.put_attribute("setup", setup_attr);
+ transport_node.put_node(new_fingerprint_node);
+ device_id_by_jingle_sid[jingle_sid] = parsed_data.sid;
+ if (!content_names_by_jingle_sid.has_key(content_name)) {
+ content_names_by_jingle_sid[content_name] = new ArrayList<string>();
+ }
+ content_names_by_jingle_sid[content_name].add(content_name);
+ stream.get_flag(Xep.Jingle.Flag.IDENTITY).get_session.begin(jingle_sid, (_, res) => {
+ Xep.Jingle.Session? session = stream.get_flag(Xep.Jingle.Flag.IDENTITY).get_session.end(res);
+ if (session == null || !session.contents_map.has_key(content_name)) return;
+ var encryption = new OmemoContentEncryption() { encryption_ns=NS_URI, encryption_name="OMEMO", our_key=new uint8[0], peer_key=new uint8[0], sid=device_id_by_jingle_sid[jingle_sid], jid=iq.from.bare_jid };
+ session.contents_map[content_name].encryptions[NS_URI] = encryption;
+ if (iq.stanza.get_deep_attribute(Xep.Jingle.NS_URI + ":jingle", "action") == "session-accept") {
+ session.additional_content_add_incoming.connect(on_content_add_received);
+ }
+ });
+ break;
+ } catch (Error e) {
+ debug("Decrypting message from %s/%d failed: %s", iq.from.bare_jid.to_string(), parsed_data.sid, e.message);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_preprocess_outgoing_iq_set_get(XmppStream stream, Xmpp.Iq.Stanza iq) {
+ if (iq.type_ != Iq.Stanza.TYPE_SET) return;
+ StanzaNode? jingle_node = iq.stanza.get_subnode("jingle", Xep.Jingle.NS_URI);
+ if (jingle_node == null) return;
+ string? sid = jingle_node.get_attribute("sid", Xep.Jingle.NS_URI);
+ if (sid == null || !device_id_by_jingle_sid.has_key(sid)) return;
+ Gee.List<StanzaNode> content_nodes = jingle_node.get_subnodes("content", Xep.Jingle.NS_URI);
+ if (content_nodes.size == 0) return;
+ foreach (StanzaNode content_node in content_nodes) {
+ StanzaNode? transport_node = content_node.get_subnode("transport", Xep.JingleIceUdp.NS_URI);
+ if (transport_node == null) continue;
+ StanzaNode? fingerprint_node = transport_node.get_subnode("fingerprint", Xep.JingleIceUdp.DTLS_NS_URI);
+ if (fingerprint_node == null) continue;
+ string fingerprint = fingerprint_node.get_deep_string_content();
+ Xep.Omemo.OmemoEncryptor encryptor = stream.get_module(Xep.Omemo.OmemoEncryptor.IDENTITY);
+ Xep.Omemo.EncryptionData enc_data = encryptor.encrypt_plaintext(fingerprint);
+ encryptor.encrypt_key(enc_data, iq.to.bare_jid, device_id_by_jingle_sid[sid]);
+ StanzaNode new_fingerprint_node = new StanzaNode.build("fingerprint", NS_URI).add_self_xmlns().put_node(enc_data.get_encrypted_node());
+ string? hash_attr = fingerprint_node.get_attribute("hash", Xep.JingleIceUdp.DTLS_NS_URI);
+ string? setup_attr = fingerprint_node.get_attribute("setup", Xep.JingleIceUdp.DTLS_NS_URI);
+ if (hash_attr != null) new_fingerprint_node.put_attribute("hash", hash_attr);
+ if (setup_attr != null) new_fingerprint_node.put_attribute("setup", setup_attr);
+ transport_node.put_node(new_fingerprint_node);
+ transport_node.sub_nodes.remove(fingerprint_node);
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_message_received(XmppStream stream, Xmpp.MessageStanza message) {
+ StanzaNode? proceed_node = message.stanza.get_subnode("proceed", Xep.JingleMessageInitiation.NS_URI);
+ if (proceed_node == null) return;
+ string? jingle_sid = proceed_node.get_attribute("id");
+ if (jingle_sid == null) return;
+ StanzaNode? device_node = proceed_node.get_subnode("device", NS_URI);
+ if (device_node == null) return;
+ int device_id = device_node.get_attribute_int("id", -1);
+ if (device_id == -1) return;
+ device_id_by_jingle_sid[jingle_sid] = device_id;
+ }
+ private void on_session_initiate_received(XmppStream stream, Xep.Jingle.Session session) {
+ if (device_id_by_jingle_sid.has_key(session.sid)) {
+ foreach (Xep.Jingle.Content content in session.contents) {
+ on_content_add_received(stream, content);
+ }
+ }
+ session.additional_content_add_incoming.connect(on_content_add_received);
+ }
+ private void on_content_add_received(XmppStream stream, Xep.Jingle.Content content) {
+ if (!content_names_by_jingle_sid.has_key(content.session.sid) || content_names_by_jingle_sid[content.session.sid].contains(content.content_name)) {
+ var encryption = new OmemoContentEncryption() { encryption_ns=NS_URI, encryption_name="OMEMO", our_key=new uint8[0], peer_key=new uint8[0], sid=device_id_by_jingle_sid[content.session.sid], jid=content.peer_full_jid.bare_jid };
+ content.encryptions[encryption.encryption_ns] = encryption;
+ }
+ }
+ public override void attach(XmppStream stream) {
+ stream.get_module(Xmpp.MessageModule.IDENTITY).received_message.connect(on_message_received);
+ stream.get_module(Xmpp.MessageModule.IDENTITY).send_pipeline.connect(send_listener);
+ stream.get_module(Xmpp.Iq.Module.IDENTITY).preprocess_incoming_iq_set_get.connect(on_preprocess_incoming_iq_set_get);
+ stream.get_module(Xmpp.Iq.Module.IDENTITY).preprocess_outgoing_iq_set_get.connect(on_preprocess_outgoing_iq_set_get);
+ stream.get_module(Xep.Jingle.Module.IDENTITY).session_initiate_received.connect(on_session_initiate_received);
+ }
+ public override void detach(XmppStream stream) {
+ stream.get_module(Xmpp.MessageModule.IDENTITY).received_message.disconnect(on_message_received);
+ stream.get_module(Xmpp.MessageModule.IDENTITY).send_pipeline.disconnect(send_listener);
+ stream.get_module(Xmpp.Iq.Module.IDENTITY).preprocess_incoming_iq_set_get.disconnect(on_preprocess_incoming_iq_set_get);
+ stream.get_module(Xmpp.Iq.Module.IDENTITY).preprocess_outgoing_iq_set_get.disconnect(on_preprocess_outgoing_iq_set_get);
+ stream.get_module(Xep.Jingle.Module.IDENTITY).session_initiate_received.disconnect(on_session_initiate_received);
+ }
+ public override string get_ns() { return NS_URI; }
+ public override string get_id() { return IDENTITY.id; }
+ }
+ public class VerificationSendListener : StanzaListener<MessageStanza> {
+ private const string[] after_actions_const = {};
+ public override string action_group { get { return "REWRITE_NODES"; } }
+ public override string[] after_actions { get { return after_actions_const; } }
+ public override async bool run(XmppStream stream, MessageStanza message) {
+ StanzaNode? proceed_node = message.stanza.get_subnode("proceed", Xep.JingleMessageInitiation.NS_URI);
+ if (proceed_node == null) return false;
+ StanzaNode device_node = new StanzaNode.build("device", NS_URI).add_self_xmlns()
+ .put_attribute("id", stream.get_module(Omemo.StreamModule.IDENTITY).store.local_registration_id.to_string());
+ proceed_node.put_node(device_node);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public class OmemoContentEncryption : Xep.Jingle.ContentEncryption {
+ public Jid jid { get; set; }
+ public int sid { get; set; }
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/omemo/src/jingle/jet_omemo.vala b/plugins/omemo/src/jingle/jet_omemo.vala
index 14307be2..afcdfcd6 100644
--- a/plugins/omemo/src/jingle/jet_omemo.vala
+++ b/plugins/omemo/src/jingle/jet_omemo.vala
@@ -7,18 +7,15 @@ using Xmpp;
using Xmpp.Xep;
namespace Dino.Plugins.JetOmemo {
private const string NS_URI = "urn:xmpp:jingle:jet-omemo:0";
private const string AES_128_GCM_URI = "urn:xmpp:ciphers:aes-128-gcm-nopadding";
public class Module : XmppStreamModule, Jet.EnvelopEncoding {
public static Xmpp.ModuleIdentity<Module> IDENTITY = new Xmpp.ModuleIdentity<Module>(NS_URI, "0396_jet_omemo");
- private Omemo.Plugin plugin;
const uint KEY_SIZE = 16;
const uint IV_SIZE = 12;
- public Module(Omemo.Plugin plugin) {
- this.plugin = plugin;
- }
public override void attach(XmppStream stream) {
if (stream.get_module(Jet.Module.IDENTITY) != null) {
stream.get_module(ServiceDiscovery.Module.IDENTITY).add_feature(stream, NS_URI);
@@ -44,71 +41,38 @@ public class Module : XmppStreamModule, Jet.EnvelopEncoding {
public Jet.TransportSecret decode_envolop(XmppStream stream, Jid local_full_jid, Jid peer_full_jid, StanzaNode security) throws Jingle.IqError {
- Store store = stream.get_module(Omemo.StreamModule.IDENTITY).store;
StanzaNode? encrypted = security.get_subnode("encrypted", Omemo.NS_URI);
if (encrypted == null) throw new Jingle.IqError.BAD_REQUEST("Invalid JET-OMEMO envelop: missing encrypted element");
- StanzaNode? header = encrypted.get_subnode("header", Omemo.NS_URI);
- if (header == null) throw new Jingle.IqError.BAD_REQUEST("Invalid JET-OMEMO envelop: missing header element");
- string? iv_node = header.get_deep_string_content("iv");
- if (header == null) throw new Jingle.IqError.BAD_REQUEST("Invalid JET-OMEMO envelop: missing iv element");
- uint8[] iv = Base64.decode((!)iv_node);
- foreach (StanzaNode key_node in header.get_subnodes("key")) {
- if (key_node.get_attribute_int("rid") == store.local_registration_id) {
- string? key_node_content = key_node.get_string_content();
- uint8[] key;
- Address address = new Address(peer_full_jid.bare_jid.to_string(), header.get_attribute_int("sid"));
- if (key_node.get_attribute_bool("prekey")) {
- PreKeySignalMessage msg = Omemo.Plugin.get_context().deserialize_pre_key_signal_message(Base64.decode((!)key_node_content));
- SessionCipher cipher = store.create_session_cipher(address);
- key = cipher.decrypt_pre_key_signal_message(msg);
- } else {
- SignalMessage msg = Omemo.Plugin.get_context().deserialize_signal_message(Base64.decode((!)key_node_content));
- SessionCipher cipher = store.create_session_cipher(address);
- key = cipher.decrypt_signal_message(msg);
- }
- address.device_id = 0; // TODO: Hack to have address obj live longer
- uint8[] authtag = null;
- if (key.length >= 32) {
- int authtaglength = key.length - 16;
- authtag = new uint8[authtaglength];
- uint8[] new_key = new uint8[16];
- Memory.copy(authtag, (uint8*)key + 16, 16);
- Memory.copy(new_key, key, 16);
- key = new_key;
- }
- // TODO: authtag?
- return new Jet.TransportSecret(key, iv);
+ Xep.Omemo.OmemoDecryptor decryptor = stream.get_module(Xep.Omemo.OmemoDecryptor.IDENTITY);
+ Xmpp.Xep.Omemo.ParsedData? data = decryptor.parse_node(encrypted);
+ if (data == null) throw new Jingle.IqError.BAD_REQUEST("Invalid JET-OMEMO envelop: bad encrypted element");
+ foreach (Bytes encr_key in data.our_potential_encrypted_keys.keys) {
+ data.is_prekey = data.our_potential_encrypted_keys[encr_key];
+ data.encrypted_key = encr_key.get_data();
+ try {
+ uint8[] key = decryptor.decrypt_key(data, peer_full_jid.bare_jid);
+ return new Jet.TransportSecret(key, data.iv);
+ } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+ debug("Decrypting JET key from %s/%d failed: %s", peer_full_jid.bare_jid.to_string(), data.sid, e.message);
throw new Jingle.IqError.NOT_ACCEPTABLE("Not encrypted for targeted device");
public void encode_envelop(XmppStream stream, Jid local_full_jid, Jid peer_full_jid, Jet.SecurityParameters security_params, StanzaNode security) {
- ArrayList<Account> accounts = plugin.app.stream_interactor.get_accounts();
Store store = stream.get_module(Omemo.StreamModule.IDENTITY).store;
- Account? account = null;
- foreach (Account compare in accounts) {
- if (compare.bare_jid.equals_bare(local_full_jid)) {
- account = compare;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (account == null) {
- // TODO
- critical("Sending from offline account %s", local_full_jid.to_string());
- }
- StanzaNode header_node;
- StanzaNode encrypted_node = new StanzaNode.build("encrypted", Omemo.NS_URI).add_self_xmlns()
- .put_node(header_node = new StanzaNode.build("header", Omemo.NS_URI)
- .put_attribute("sid", store.local_registration_id.to_string())
- .put_node(new StanzaNode.build("iv", Omemo.NS_URI)
- .put_node(new StanzaNode.text(Base64.encode(security_params.secret.initialization_vector)))));
+ var encryption_data = new Xep.Omemo.EncryptionData(store.local_registration_id);
+ encryption_data.iv = security_params.secret.initialization_vector;
+ encryption_data.keytag = security_params.secret.transport_key;
+ Xep.Omemo.OmemoEncryptor encryptor = stream.get_module(Xep.Omemo.OmemoEncryptor.IDENTITY);
+ encryptor.encrypt_key_to_recipient(stream, encryption_data, peer_full_jid.bare_jid);
- plugin.trust_manager.encrypt_key(header_node, security_params.secret.transport_key, local_full_jid.bare_jid, new ArrayList<Jid>.wrap(new Jid[] {peer_full_jid.bare_jid}), stream, account);
- security.put_node(encrypted_node);
+ security.put_node(encryption_data.get_encrypted_node());
public override string get_ns() { return NS_URI; }
diff --git a/plugins/omemo/src/logic/decrypt.vala b/plugins/omemo/src/logic/decrypt.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cfbb9c58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/omemo/src/logic/decrypt.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+using Dino.Entities;
+using Qlite;
+using Gee;
+using Signal;
+using Xmpp;
+namespace Dino.Plugins.Omemo {
+ public class OmemoDecryptor : Xep.Omemo.OmemoDecryptor {
+ private Account account;
+ private Store store;
+ private Database db;
+ private StreamInteractor stream_interactor;
+ private TrustManager trust_manager;
+ public override uint32 own_device_id { get { return store.local_registration_id; }}
+ public OmemoDecryptor(Account account, StreamInteractor stream_interactor, TrustManager trust_manager, Database db, Store store) {
+ this.account = account;
+ this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor;
+ this.trust_manager = trust_manager;
+ this.db = db;
+ this.store = store;
+ }
+ public bool decrypt_message(Entities.Message message, Xmpp.MessageStanza stanza, Conversation conversation) {
+ StanzaNode? encrypted_node = stanza.stanza.get_subnode("encrypted", NS_URI);
+ if (encrypted_node == null || MessageFlag.get_flag(stanza) != null || stanza.from == null) return false;
+ if (message.body == null && Xep.ExplicitEncryption.get_encryption_tag(stanza) == NS_URI) {
+ message.body = "[This message is OMEMO encrypted]"; // TODO temporary
+ }
+ if (!Plugin.ensure_context()) return false;
+ int identity_id = db.identity.get_id(conversation.account.id);
+ MessageFlag flag = new MessageFlag();
+ stanza.add_flag(flag);
+ Xep.Omemo.ParsedData? data = parse_node(encrypted_node);
+ if (data == null || data.ciphertext == null) return false;
+ foreach (Bytes encr_key in data.our_potential_encrypted_keys.keys) {
+ data.is_prekey = data.our_potential_encrypted_keys[encr_key];
+ data.encrypted_key = encr_key.get_data();
+ Gee.List<Jid> possible_jids = get_potential_message_jids(message, data, identity_id);
+ if (possible_jids.size == 0) {
+ debug("Received message from unknown entity with device id %d", data.sid);
+ }
+ foreach (Jid possible_jid in possible_jids) {
+ try {
+ uint8[] key = decrypt_key(data, possible_jid);
+ string cleartext = arr_to_str(aes_decrypt(Cipher.AES_GCM_NOPADDING, key, data.iv, data.ciphertext));
+ // If we figured out which real jid a message comes from due to decryption working, save it
+ if (conversation.type_ == Conversation.Type.GROUPCHAT && message.real_jid == null) {
+ message.real_jid = possible_jid;
+ }
+ message.body = cleartext;
+ message.encryption = Encryption.OMEMO;
+ trust_manager.message_device_id_map[message] = data.sid;
+ return true;
+ } catch (Error e) {
+ debug("Decrypting message from %s/%d failed: %s", possible_jid.to_string(), data.sid, e.message);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (
+ encrypted_node.get_deep_string_content("payload") != null && // Ratchet forwarding doesn't contain payload and might not include us, which is ok
+ data.our_potential_encrypted_keys.size == 0 && // The message was not encrypted to us
+ stream_interactor.module_manager.get_module(message.account, StreamModule.IDENTITY).store.local_registration_id != data.sid // Message from this device. Never encrypted to itself.
+ ) {
+ db.identity_meta.update_last_message_undecryptable(identity_id, data.sid, message.time);
+ trust_manager.bad_message_state_updated(conversation.account, message.from, data.sid);
+ }
+ debug("Received OMEMO encryped message that could not be decrypted.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ public Gee.List<Jid> get_potential_message_jids(Entities.Message message, Xmpp.Xep.Omemo.ParsedData data, int identity_id) {
+ Gee.List<Jid> possible_jids = new ArrayList<Jid>();
+ if (message.type_ == Message.Type.CHAT) {
+ possible_jids.add(message.from.bare_jid);
+ } else {
+ if (message.real_jid != null) {
+ possible_jids.add(message.real_jid.bare_jid);
+ } else if (data.is_prekey) {
+ // pre key messages do store the identity key, so we can use that to find the real jid
+ PreKeySignalMessage msg = Plugin.get_context().deserialize_pre_key_signal_message(data.encrypted_key);
+ string identity_key = Base64.encode(msg.identity_key.serialize());
+ foreach (Row row in db.identity_meta.get_with_device_id(identity_id, data.sid).with(db.identity_meta.identity_key_public_base64, "=", identity_key)) {
+ try {
+ possible_jids.add(new Jid(row[db.identity_meta.address_name]));
+ } catch (InvalidJidError e) {
+ warning("Ignoring invalid jid from database: %s", e.message);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If we don't know the device name (MUC history w/o MAM), test decryption with all keys with fitting device id
+ foreach (Row row in db.identity_meta.get_with_device_id(identity_id, data.sid)) {
+ try {
+ possible_jids.add(new Jid(row[db.identity_meta.address_name]));
+ } catch (InvalidJidError e) {
+ warning("Ignoring invalid jid from database: %s", e.message);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return possible_jids;
+ }
+ public override uint8[] decrypt_key(Xmpp.Xep.Omemo.ParsedData data, Jid from_jid) throws GLib.Error {
+ int sid = data.sid;
+ uint8[] ciphertext = data.ciphertext;
+ uint8[] encrypted_key = data.encrypted_key;
+ Address address = new Address(from_jid.to_string(), sid);
+ uint8[] key;
+ if (data.is_prekey) {
+ int identity_id = db.identity.get_id(account.id);
+ PreKeySignalMessage msg = Plugin.get_context().deserialize_pre_key_signal_message(encrypted_key);
+ string identity_key = Base64.encode(msg.identity_key.serialize());
+ bool ok = update_db_for_prekey(identity_id, identity_key, from_jid, sid);
+ if (!ok) return null;
+ debug("Starting new session for decryption with device from %s/%d", from_jid.to_string(), sid);
+ SessionCipher cipher = store.create_session_cipher(address);
+ key = cipher.decrypt_pre_key_signal_message(msg);
+ // TODO: Finish session
+ } else {
+ debug("Continuing session for decryption with device from %s/%d", from_jid.to_string(), sid);
+ SignalMessage msg = Plugin.get_context().deserialize_signal_message(encrypted_key);
+ SessionCipher cipher = store.create_session_cipher(address);
+ key = cipher.decrypt_signal_message(msg);
+ }
+ if (key.length >= 32) {
+ int authtaglength = key.length - 16;
+ uint8[] new_ciphertext = new uint8[ciphertext.length + authtaglength];
+ uint8[] new_key = new uint8[16];
+ Memory.copy(new_ciphertext, ciphertext, ciphertext.length);
+ Memory.copy((uint8*)new_ciphertext + ciphertext.length, (uint8*)key + 16, authtaglength);
+ Memory.copy(new_key, key, 16);
+ data.ciphertext = new_ciphertext;
+ key = new_key;
+ }
+ return key;
+ }
+ public override string decrypt(uint8[] ciphertext, uint8[] key, uint8[] iv) throws GLib.Error {
+ return arr_to_str(aes_decrypt(Cipher.AES_GCM_NOPADDING, key, iv, ciphertext));
+ }
+ private bool update_db_for_prekey(int identity_id, string identity_key, Jid from_jid, int sid) {
+ Row? device = db.identity_meta.get_device(identity_id, from_jid.to_string(), sid);
+ if (device != null && device[db.identity_meta.identity_key_public_base64] != null) {
+ if (device[db.identity_meta.identity_key_public_base64] != identity_key) {
+ critical("Tried to use a different identity key for a known device id.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ debug("Learn new device from incoming message from %s/%d", from_jid.to_string(), sid);
+ bool blind_trust = db.trust.get_blind_trust(identity_id, from_jid.to_string(), true);
+ if (db.identity_meta.insert_device_session(identity_id, from_jid.to_string(), sid, identity_key, blind_trust ? TrustLevel.TRUSTED : TrustLevel.UNKNOWN) < 0) {
+ critical("Failed learning a device.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ XmppStream? stream = stream_interactor.get_stream(account);
+ if (device == null && stream != null) {
+ stream.get_module(StreamModule.IDENTITY).request_user_devicelist.begin(stream, from_jid);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private string arr_to_str(uint8[] arr) {
+ // null-terminate the array
+ uint8[] rarr = new uint8[arr.length+1];
+ Memory.copy(rarr, arr, arr.length);
+ return (string)rarr;
+ }
+ }
+ public class DecryptMessageListener : MessageListener {
+ public string[] after_actions_const = new string[]{ };
+ public override string action_group { get { return "DECRYPT"; } }
+ public override string[] after_actions { get { return after_actions_const; } }
+ private HashMap<Account, OmemoDecryptor> decryptors;
+ public DecryptMessageListener(HashMap<Account, OmemoDecryptor> decryptors) {
+ this.decryptors = decryptors;
+ }
+ public override async bool run(Entities.Message message, Xmpp.MessageStanza stanza, Conversation conversation) {
+ decryptors[message.account].decrypt_message(message, stanza, conversation);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/omemo/src/logic/encrypt.vala b/plugins/omemo/src/logic/encrypt.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd994c3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/omemo/src/logic/encrypt.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+using Gee;
+using Signal;
+using Dino.Entities;
+using Xmpp;
+using Xmpp.Xep.Omemo;
+namespace Dino.Plugins.Omemo {
+ public class OmemoEncryptor : Xep.Omemo.OmemoEncryptor {
+ private Account account;
+ private Store store;
+ private TrustManager trust_manager;
+ public override uint32 own_device_id { get { return store.local_registration_id; }}
+ public OmemoEncryptor(Account account, TrustManager trust_manager, Store store) {
+ this.account = account;
+ this.trust_manager = trust_manager;
+ this.store = store;
+ }
+ public override Xep.Omemo.EncryptionData encrypt_plaintext(string plaintext) throws GLib.Error {
+ const uint KEY_SIZE = 16;
+ const uint IV_SIZE = 12;
+ //Create a key and use it to encrypt the message
+ uint8[] key = new uint8[KEY_SIZE];
+ Plugin.get_context().randomize(key);
+ uint8[] iv = new uint8[IV_SIZE];
+ Plugin.get_context().randomize(iv);
+ uint8[] aes_encrypt_result = aes_encrypt(Cipher.AES_GCM_NOPADDING, key, iv, plaintext.data);
+ uint8[] ciphertext = aes_encrypt_result[0:aes_encrypt_result.length - 16];
+ uint8[] tag = aes_encrypt_result[aes_encrypt_result.length - 16:aes_encrypt_result.length];
+ uint8[] keytag = new uint8[key.length + tag.length];
+ Memory.copy(keytag, key, key.length);
+ Memory.copy((uint8*)keytag + key.length, tag, tag.length);
+ var ret = new Xep.Omemo.EncryptionData(own_device_id);
+ ret.ciphertext = ciphertext;
+ ret.keytag = keytag;
+ ret.iv = iv;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public EncryptState encrypt(MessageStanza message, Jid self_jid, Gee.List<Jid> recipients, XmppStream stream) {
+ EncryptState status = new EncryptState();
+ if (!Plugin.ensure_context()) return status;
+ if (message.to == null) return status;
+ try {
+ EncryptionData enc_data = encrypt_plaintext(message.body);
+ status = encrypt_key_to_recipients(enc_data, self_jid, recipients, stream);
+ message.stanza.put_node(enc_data.get_encrypted_node());
+ Xep.ExplicitEncryption.add_encryption_tag_to_message(message, NS_URI, "OMEMO");
+ message.body = "[This message is OMEMO encrypted]";
+ status.encrypted = true;
+ } catch (Error e) {
+ warning(@"Signal error while encrypting message: $(e.message)\n");
+ message.body = "[OMEMO encryption failed]";
+ status.encrypted = false;
+ }
+ return status;
+ }
+ internal EncryptState encrypt_key_to_recipients(EncryptionData enc_data, Jid self_jid, Gee.List<Jid> recipients, XmppStream stream) throws Error {
+ EncryptState status = new EncryptState();
+ //Check we have the bundles and device lists needed to send the message
+ if (!trust_manager.is_known_address(account, self_jid)) return status;
+ status.own_list = true;
+ status.own_devices = trust_manager.get_trusted_devices(account, self_jid).size;
+ status.other_waiting_lists = 0;
+ status.other_devices = 0;
+ foreach (Jid recipient in recipients) {
+ if (!trust_manager.is_known_address(account, recipient)) {
+ status.other_waiting_lists++;
+ }
+ if (status.other_waiting_lists > 0) return status;
+ status.other_devices += trust_manager.get_trusted_devices(account, recipient).size;
+ }
+ if (status.own_devices == 0 || status.other_devices == 0) return status;
+ //Encrypt the key for each recipient's device individually
+ foreach (Jid recipient in recipients) {
+ EncryptionResult enc_res = encrypt_key_to_recipient(stream, enc_data, recipient);
+ status.add_result(enc_res, false);
+ }
+ // Encrypt the key for each own device
+ EncryptionResult enc_res = encrypt_key_to_recipient(stream, enc_data, self_jid);
+ status.add_result(enc_res, true);
+ return status;
+ }
+ public override EncryptionResult encrypt_key_to_recipient(XmppStream stream, Xep.Omemo.EncryptionData enc_data, Jid recipient) throws GLib.Error {
+ var result = new EncryptionResult();
+ StreamModule module = stream.get_module(StreamModule.IDENTITY);
+ foreach(int32 device_id in trust_manager.get_trusted_devices(account, recipient)) {
+ if (module.is_ignored_device(recipient, device_id)) {
+ result.lost++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ try {
+ encrypt_key(enc_data, recipient, device_id);
+ result.success++;
+ } catch (Error e) {
+ if (e.code == ErrorCode.UNKNOWN) result.unknown++;
+ else result.failure++;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ public override void encrypt_key(Xep.Omemo.EncryptionData encryption_data, Jid jid, int32 device_id) throws GLib.Error {
+ Address address = new Address(jid.to_string(), device_id);
+ SessionCipher cipher = store.create_session_cipher(address);
+ CiphertextMessage device_key = cipher.encrypt(encryption_data.keytag);
+ address.device_id = 0;
+ debug("Created encrypted key for %s/%d", jid.to_string(), device_id);
+ encryption_data.add_device_key(device_id, device_key.serialized, device_key.type == CiphertextType.PREKEY);
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/omemo/src/logic/encrypt_state.vala b/plugins/omemo/src/logic/encrypt_state.vala
deleted file mode 100644
index fd72faf4..00000000
--- a/plugins/omemo/src/logic/encrypt_state.vala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-namespace Dino.Plugins.Omemo {
-public class EncryptState {
- public bool encrypted { get; internal set; }
- public int other_devices { get; internal set; }
- public int other_success { get; internal set; }
- public int other_lost { get; internal set; }
- public int other_unknown { get; internal set; }
- public int other_failure { get; internal set; }
- public int other_waiting_lists { get; internal set; }
- public int own_devices { get; internal set; }
- public int own_success { get; internal set; }
- public int own_lost { get; internal set; }
- public int own_unknown { get; internal set; }
- public int own_failure { get; internal set; }
- public bool own_list { get; internal set; }
- public string to_string() {
- return @"EncryptState (encrypted=$encrypted, other=(devices=$other_devices, success=$other_success, lost=$other_lost, unknown=$other_unknown, failure=$other_failure, waiting_lists=$other_waiting_lists, own=(devices=$own_devices, success=$own_success, lost=$own_lost, unknown=$own_unknown, failure=$own_failure, list=$own_list))";
- }
diff --git a/plugins/omemo/src/logic/manager.vala b/plugins/omemo/src/logic/manager.vala
index 64b117c7..5552e212 100644
--- a/plugins/omemo/src/logic/manager.vala
+++ b/plugins/omemo/src/logic/manager.vala
@@ -13,11 +13,12 @@ public class Manager : StreamInteractionModule, Object {
private StreamInteractor stream_interactor;
private Database db;
private TrustManager trust_manager;
+ private HashMap<Account, OmemoEncryptor> encryptors;
private Map<Entities.Message, MessageState> message_states = new HashMap<Entities.Message, MessageState>(Entities.Message.hash_func, Entities.Message.equals_func);
private class MessageState {
public Entities.Message msg { get; private set; }
- public EncryptState last_try { get; private set; }
+ public Xep.Omemo.EncryptState last_try { get; private set; }
public int waiting_other_sessions { get; set; }
public int waiting_own_sessions { get; set; }
public bool waiting_own_devicelist { get; set; }
@@ -26,11 +27,11 @@ public class Manager : StreamInteractionModule, Object {
public bool will_send_now { get; private set; }
public bool active_send_attempt { get; set; }
- public MessageState(Entities.Message msg, EncryptState last_try) {
+ public MessageState(Entities.Message msg, Xep.Omemo.EncryptState last_try) {
update_from_encrypt_status(msg, last_try);
- public void update_from_encrypt_status(Entities.Message msg, EncryptState new_try) {
+ public void update_from_encrypt_status(Entities.Message msg, Xep.Omemo.EncryptState new_try) {
this.msg = msg;
this.last_try = new_try;
this.waiting_other_sessions = new_try.other_unknown;
@@ -59,10 +60,11 @@ public class Manager : StreamInteractionModule, Object {
- private Manager(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Database db, TrustManager trust_manager) {
+ private Manager(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Database db, TrustManager trust_manager, HashMap<Account, OmemoEncryptor> encryptors) {
this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor;
this.db = db;
this.trust_manager = trust_manager;
+ this.encryptors = encryptors;
@@ -125,7 +127,7 @@ public class Manager : StreamInteractionModule, Object {
//Attempt to encrypt the message
- EncryptState enc_state = trust_manager.encrypt(message_stanza, conversation.account.bare_jid, recipients, stream, conversation.account);
+ Xep.Omemo.EncryptState enc_state = encryptors[conversation.account].encrypt(message_stanza, conversation.account.bare_jid, recipients, stream);
MessageState state;
lock (message_states) {
if (message_states.has_key(message)) {
@@ -411,8 +413,8 @@ public class Manager : StreamInteractionModule, Object {
return true; // TODO wait for stream?
- public static void start(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Database db, TrustManager trust_manager) {
- Manager m = new Manager(stream_interactor, db, trust_manager);
+ public static void start(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Database db, TrustManager trust_manager, HashMap<Account, OmemoEncryptor> encryptors) {
+ Manager m = new Manager(stream_interactor, db, trust_manager, encryptors);
diff --git a/plugins/omemo/src/logic/trust_manager.vala b/plugins/omemo/src/logic/trust_manager.vala
index 1e61b201..20076a43 100644
--- a/plugins/omemo/src/logic/trust_manager.vala
+++ b/plugins/omemo/src/logic/trust_manager.vala
@@ -12,18 +12,15 @@ public class TrustManager {
private StreamInteractor stream_interactor;
private Database db;
- private DecryptMessageListener decrypt_message_listener;
private TagMessageListener tag_message_listener;
- private HashMap<Message, int> message_device_id_map = new HashMap<Message, int>(Message.hash_func, Message.equals_func);
+ public HashMap<Message, int> message_device_id_map = new HashMap<Message, int>(Message.hash_func, Message.equals_func);
public TrustManager(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Database db) {
this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor;
this.db = db;
- decrypt_message_listener = new DecryptMessageListener(stream_interactor, this, db, message_device_id_map);
tag_message_listener = new TagMessageListener(stream_interactor, this, db, message_device_id_map);
- stream_interactor.get_module(MessageProcessor.IDENTITY).received_pipeline.connect(decrypt_message_listener);
@@ -69,127 +66,6 @@ public class TrustManager {
- private StanzaNode create_encrypted_key_node(uint8[] key, Address address, Store store) throws GLib.Error {
- SessionCipher cipher = store.create_session_cipher(address);
- CiphertextMessage device_key = cipher.encrypt(key);
- debug("Created encrypted key for %s/%d", address.name, address.device_id);
- StanzaNode key_node = new StanzaNode.build("key", NS_URI)
- .put_attribute("rid", address.device_id.to_string())
- .put_node(new StanzaNode.text(Base64.encode(device_key.serialized)));
- if (device_key.type == CiphertextType.PREKEY) key_node.put_attribute("prekey", "true");
- return key_node;
- }
- internal EncryptState encrypt_key(StanzaNode header_node, uint8[] keytag, Jid self_jid, Gee.List<Jid> recipients, XmppStream stream, Account account) throws Error {
- EncryptState status = new EncryptState();
- StreamModule module = stream.get_module(StreamModule.IDENTITY);
- //Check we have the bundles and device lists needed to send the message
- if (!is_known_address(account, self_jid)) return status;
- status.own_list = true;
- status.own_devices = get_trusted_devices(account, self_jid).size;
- status.other_waiting_lists = 0;
- status.other_devices = 0;
- foreach (Jid recipient in recipients) {
- if (!is_known_address(account, recipient)) {
- status.other_waiting_lists++;
- }
- if (status.other_waiting_lists > 0) return status;
- status.other_devices += get_trusted_devices(account, recipient).size;
- }
- if (status.own_devices == 0 || status.other_devices == 0) return status;
- //Encrypt the key for each recipient's device individually
- Address address = new Address("", 0);
- foreach (Jid recipient in recipients) {
- foreach(int32 device_id in get_trusted_devices(account, recipient)) {
- if (module.is_ignored_device(recipient, device_id)) {
- status.other_lost++;
- continue;
- }
- try {
- address.name = recipient.bare_jid.to_string();
- address.device_id = (int) device_id;
- StanzaNode key_node = create_encrypted_key_node(keytag, address, module.store);
- header_node.put_node(key_node);
- status.other_success++;
- } catch (Error e) {
- if (e.code == ErrorCode.UNKNOWN) status.other_unknown++;
- else status.other_failure++;
- }
- }
- }
- // Encrypt the key for each own device
- address.name = self_jid.bare_jid.to_string();
- foreach(int32 device_id in get_trusted_devices(account, self_jid)) {
- if (module.is_ignored_device(self_jid, device_id)) {
- status.own_lost++;
- continue;
- }
- if (device_id != module.store.local_registration_id) {
- address.device_id = (int) device_id;
- try {
- StanzaNode key_node = create_encrypted_key_node(keytag, address, module.store);
- header_node.put_node(key_node);
- status.own_success++;
- } catch (Error e) {
- if (e.code == ErrorCode.UNKNOWN) status.own_unknown++;
- else status.own_failure++;
- }
- }
- }
- return status;
- }
- public EncryptState encrypt(MessageStanza message, Jid self_jid, Gee.List<Jid> recipients, XmppStream stream, Account account) {
- const uint KEY_SIZE = 16;
- const uint IV_SIZE = 12;
- EncryptState status = new EncryptState();
- if (!Plugin.ensure_context()) return status;
- if (message.to == null) return status;
- StreamModule module = stream.get_module(StreamModule.IDENTITY);
- try {
- //Create a key and use it to encrypt the message
- uint8[] key = new uint8[KEY_SIZE];
- Plugin.get_context().randomize(key);
- uint8[] iv = new uint8[IV_SIZE];
- Plugin.get_context().randomize(iv);
- uint8[] aes_encrypt_result = aes_encrypt(Cipher.AES_GCM_NOPADDING, key, iv, message.body.data);
- uint8[] ciphertext = aes_encrypt_result[0:aes_encrypt_result.length-16];
- uint8[] tag = aes_encrypt_result[aes_encrypt_result.length-16:aes_encrypt_result.length];
- uint8[] keytag = new uint8[key.length + tag.length];
- Memory.copy(keytag, key, key.length);
- Memory.copy((uint8*)keytag + key.length, tag, tag.length);
- StanzaNode header_node;
- StanzaNode encrypted_node = new StanzaNode.build("encrypted", NS_URI).add_self_xmlns()
- .put_node(header_node = new StanzaNode.build("header", NS_URI)
- .put_attribute("sid", module.store.local_registration_id.to_string())
- .put_node(new StanzaNode.build("iv", NS_URI)
- .put_node(new StanzaNode.text(Base64.encode(iv)))))
- .put_node(new StanzaNode.build("payload", NS_URI)
- .put_node(new StanzaNode.text(Base64.encode(ciphertext))));
- status = encrypt_key(header_node, keytag, self_jid, recipients, stream, account);
- message.stanza.put_node(encrypted_node);
- Xep.ExplicitEncryption.add_encryption_tag_to_message(message, NS_URI, "OMEMO");
- message.body = "[This message is OMEMO encrypted]";
- status.encrypted = true;
- } catch (Error e) {
- warning(@"Signal error while encrypting message: $(e.message)\n");
- message.body = "[OMEMO encryption failed]";
- status.encrypted = false;
- }
- return status;
- }
public bool is_known_address(Account account, Jid jid) {
int identity_id = db.identity.get_id(account.id);
if (identity_id < 0) return false;
@@ -260,182 +136,6 @@ public class TrustManager {
return false;
- private class DecryptMessageListener : MessageListener {
- public string[] after_actions_const = new string[]{ };
- public override string action_group { get { return "DECRYPT"; } }
- public override string[] after_actions { get { return after_actions_const; } }
- private StreamInteractor stream_interactor;
- private TrustManager trust_manager;
- private Database db;
- private HashMap<Message, int> message_device_id_map;
- public DecryptMessageListener(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, TrustManager trust_manager, Database db, HashMap<Message, int> message_device_id_map) {
- this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor;
- this.trust_manager = trust_manager;
- this.db = db;
- this.message_device_id_map = message_device_id_map;
- }
- public override async bool run(Entities.Message message, Xmpp.MessageStanza stanza, Conversation conversation) {
- StreamModule module = stream_interactor.module_manager.get_module(conversation.account, StreamModule.IDENTITY);
- Store store = module.store;
- StanzaNode? _encrypted = stanza.stanza.get_subnode("encrypted", NS_URI);
- if (_encrypted == null || MessageFlag.get_flag(stanza) != null || stanza.from == null) return false;
- StanzaNode encrypted = (!)_encrypted;
- if (message.body == null && Xep.ExplicitEncryption.get_encryption_tag(stanza) == NS_URI) {
- message.body = "[This message is OMEMO encrypted]"; // TODO temporary
- };
- if (!Plugin.ensure_context()) return false;
- int identity_id = db.identity.get_id(conversation.account.id);
- MessageFlag flag = new MessageFlag();
- stanza.add_flag(flag);
- StanzaNode? _header = encrypted.get_subnode("header");
- if (_header == null) return false;
- StanzaNode header = (!)_header;
- int sid = header.get_attribute_int("sid");
- if (sid <= 0) return false;
- var our_nodes = new ArrayList<StanzaNode>();
- foreach (StanzaNode key_node in header.get_subnodes("key")) {
- debug("Is ours? %d =? %u", key_node.get_attribute_int("rid"), store.local_registration_id);
- if (key_node.get_attribute_int("rid") == store.local_registration_id) {
- our_nodes.add(key_node);
- }
- }
- string? payload = encrypted.get_deep_string_content("payload");
- string? iv_node = header.get_deep_string_content("iv");
- foreach (StanzaNode key_node in our_nodes) {
- string? key_node_content = key_node.get_string_content();
- if (payload == null || iv_node == null || key_node_content == null) continue;
- uint8[] key;
- uint8[] ciphertext = Base64.decode((!)payload);
- uint8[] iv = Base64.decode((!)iv_node);
- Gee.List<Jid> possible_jids = new ArrayList<Jid>();
- if (conversation.type_ == Conversation.Type.CHAT) {
- possible_jids.add(stanza.from.bare_jid);
- } else {
- Jid? real_jid = message.real_jid;
- if (real_jid != null) {
- possible_jids.add(real_jid.bare_jid);
- } else if (key_node.get_attribute_bool("prekey")) {
- // pre key messages do store the identity key, so we can use that to find the real jid
- PreKeySignalMessage msg = Plugin.get_context().deserialize_pre_key_signal_message(Base64.decode((!)key_node_content));
- string identity_key = Base64.encode(msg.identity_key.serialize());
- foreach (Row row in db.identity_meta.get_with_device_id(identity_id, sid).with(db.identity_meta.identity_key_public_base64, "=", identity_key)) {
- try {
- possible_jids.add(new Jid(row[db.identity_meta.address_name]));
- } catch (InvalidJidError e) {
- warning("Ignoring invalid jid from database: %s", e.message);
- }
- }
- if (possible_jids.size != 1) {
- continue;
- }
- } else {
- // If we don't know the device name (MUC history w/o MAM), test decryption with all keys with fitting device id
- foreach (Row row in db.identity_meta.get_with_device_id(identity_id, sid)) {
- try {
- possible_jids.add(new Jid(row[db.identity_meta.address_name]));
- } catch (InvalidJidError e) {
- warning("Ignoring invalid jid from database: %s", e.message);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (possible_jids.size == 0) {
- debug("Received message from unknown entity with device id %d", sid);
- }
- foreach (Jid possible_jid in possible_jids) {
- try {
- Address address = new Address(possible_jid.to_string(), sid);
- if (key_node.get_attribute_bool("prekey")) {
- Row? device = db.identity_meta.get_device(identity_id, possible_jid.to_string(), sid);
- PreKeySignalMessage msg = Plugin.get_context().deserialize_pre_key_signal_message(Base64.decode((!)key_node_content));
- string identity_key = Base64.encode(msg.identity_key.serialize());
- if (device != null && device[db.identity_meta.identity_key_public_base64] != null) {
- if (device[db.identity_meta.identity_key_public_base64] != identity_key) {
- critical("Tried to use a different identity key for a known device id.");
- continue;
- }
- } else {
- debug("Learn new device from incoming message from %s/%d", possible_jid.to_string(), sid);
- bool blind_trust = db.trust.get_blind_trust(identity_id, possible_jid.to_string(), true);
- if (db.identity_meta.insert_device_session(identity_id, possible_jid.to_string(), sid, identity_key, blind_trust ? TrustLevel.TRUSTED : TrustLevel.UNKNOWN) < 0) {
- critical("Failed learning a device.");
- continue;
- }
- XmppStream? stream = stream_interactor.get_stream(conversation.account);
- if (device == null && stream != null) {
- module.request_user_devicelist.begin(stream, possible_jid);
- }
- }
- debug("Starting new session for decryption with device from %s/%d", possible_jid.to_string(), sid);
- SessionCipher cipher = store.create_session_cipher(address);
- key = cipher.decrypt_pre_key_signal_message(msg);
- // TODO: Finish session
- } else {
- debug("Continuing session for decryption with device from %s/%d", possible_jid.to_string(), sid);
- SignalMessage msg = Plugin.get_context().deserialize_signal_message(Base64.decode((!)key_node_content));
- SessionCipher cipher = store.create_session_cipher(address);
- key = cipher.decrypt_signal_message(msg);
- }
- //address.device_id = 0; // TODO: Hack to have address obj live longer
- if (key.length >= 32) {
- int authtaglength = key.length - 16;
- uint8[] new_ciphertext = new uint8[ciphertext.length + authtaglength];
- uint8[] new_key = new uint8[16];
- Memory.copy(new_ciphertext, ciphertext, ciphertext.length);
- Memory.copy((uint8*)new_ciphertext + ciphertext.length, (uint8*)key + 16, authtaglength);
- Memory.copy(new_key, key, 16);
- ciphertext = new_ciphertext;
- key = new_key;
- }
- message.body = arr_to_str(aes_decrypt(Cipher.AES_GCM_NOPADDING, key, iv, ciphertext));
- message_device_id_map[message] = address.device_id;
- message.encryption = Encryption.OMEMO;
- flag.decrypted = true;
- } catch (Error e) {
- debug("Decrypting message from %s/%d failed: %s", possible_jid.to_string(), sid, e.message);
- continue;
- }
- // If we figured out which real jid a message comes from due to decryption working, save it
- if (conversation.type_ == Conversation.Type.GROUPCHAT && message.real_jid == null) {
- message.real_jid = possible_jid;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (
- payload != null && // Ratchet forwarding doesn't contain payload and might not include us, which is ok
- our_nodes.size == 0 && // The message was not encrypted to us
- module.store.local_registration_id != sid // Message from this device. Never encrypted to itself.
- ) {
- db.identity_meta.update_last_message_undecryptable(identity_id, sid, message.time);
- trust_manager.bad_message_state_updated(conversation.account, message.from, sid);
- }
- debug("Received OMEMO encryped message that could not be decrypted.");
- return false;
- }
- private string arr_to_str(uint8[] arr) {
- // null-terminate the array
- uint8[] rarr = new uint8[arr.length+1];
- Memory.copy(rarr, arr, arr.length);
- return (string)rarr;
- }
- }
diff --git a/plugins/omemo/src/plugin.vala b/plugins/omemo/src/plugin.vala
index e739fc4d..643428a8 100644
--- a/plugins/omemo/src/plugin.vala
+++ b/plugins/omemo/src/plugin.vala
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+using Gee;
using Dino.Entities;
extern const string GETTEXT_PACKAGE;
@@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ public class Plugin : RootInterface, Object {
return true;
} catch (Error e) {
+ warning("Error initializing Signal Context %s", e.message);
return false;
@@ -33,6 +35,8 @@ public class Plugin : RootInterface, Object {
public DeviceNotificationPopulator device_notification_populator;
public OwnNotifications own_notifications;
public TrustManager trust_manager;
+ public HashMap<Account, OmemoDecryptor> decryptors = new HashMap<Account, OmemoDecryptor>(Account.hash_func, Account.equals_func);
+ public HashMap<Account, OmemoEncryptor> encryptors = new HashMap<Account, OmemoEncryptor>(Account.hash_func, Account.equals_func);
public void registered(Dino.Application app) {
@@ -43,22 +47,32 @@ public class Plugin : RootInterface, Object {
this.contact_details_provider = new ContactDetailsProvider(this);
this.device_notification_populator = new DeviceNotificationPopulator(this, this.app.stream_interactor);
this.trust_manager = new TrustManager(this.app.stream_interactor, this.db);
this.app.plugin_registry.register_conversation_addition_populator(new BadMessagesPopulator(this.app.stream_interactor, this));
+ this.app.plugin_registry.register_call_entryption_entry(DtlsSrtpVerificationDraft.NS_URI, new CallEncryptionEntry(db));
this.app.stream_interactor.module_manager.initialize_account_modules.connect((account, list) => {
- list.add(new StreamModule());
- list.add(new JetOmemo.Module(this));
+ Signal.Store signal_store = Plugin.get_context().create_store();
+ list.add(new StreamModule(signal_store));
+ decryptors[account] = new OmemoDecryptor(account, app.stream_interactor, trust_manager, db, signal_store);
+ list.add(decryptors[account]);
+ encryptors[account] = new OmemoEncryptor(account, trust_manager,signal_store);
+ list.add(encryptors[account]);
+ list.add(new JetOmemo.Module());
+ list.add(new DtlsSrtpVerificationDraft.StreamModule());
this.own_notifications = new OwnNotifications(this, this.app.stream_interactor, account);
+ app.stream_interactor.get_module(MessageProcessor.IDENTITY).received_pipeline.connect(new DecryptMessageListener(decryptors));
app.stream_interactor.get_module(FileManager.IDENTITY).add_file_decryptor(new OmemoFileDecryptor());
app.stream_interactor.get_module(FileManager.IDENTITY).add_file_encryptor(new OmemoFileEncryptor());
JingleFileHelperRegistry.instance.add_encryption_helper(Encryption.OMEMO, new JetOmemo.EncryptionHelper(app.stream_interactor));
- Manager.start(this.app.stream_interactor, db, trust_manager);
+ Manager.start(this.app.stream_interactor, db, trust_manager, encryptors);
SimpleAction own_keys_action = new SimpleAction("own-keys", VariantType.INT32);
own_keys_action.activate.connect((variant) => {
diff --git a/plugins/omemo/src/protocol/stream_module.vala b/plugins/omemo/src/protocol/stream_module.vala
index e4a2733c..39d9c448 100644
--- a/plugins/omemo/src/protocol/stream_module.vala
+++ b/plugins/omemo/src/protocol/stream_module.vala
@@ -25,10 +25,8 @@ public class StreamModule : XmppStreamModule {
public signal void bundle_fetched(Jid jid, int device_id, Bundle bundle);
public signal void bundle_fetch_failed(Jid jid, int device_id);
- public StreamModule() {
- if (Plugin.ensure_context()) {
- this.store = Plugin.get_context().create_store();
- }
+ public StreamModule(Store store) {
+ this.store = store;
public override void attach(XmppStream stream) {
diff --git a/plugins/omemo/src/ui/call_encryption_entry.vala b/plugins/omemo/src/ui/call_encryption_entry.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..69b7b686
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/omemo/src/ui/call_encryption_entry.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+using Dino.Entities;
+using Gtk;
+using Qlite;
+using Xmpp;
+namespace Dino.Plugins.Omemo {
+ public class CallEncryptionEntry : Plugins.CallEncryptionEntry, Object {
+ private Database db;
+ public CallEncryptionEntry(Database db) {
+ this.db = db;
+ }
+ public Plugins.CallEncryptionWidget? get_widget(Account account, Xmpp.Xep.Jingle.ContentEncryption encryption) {
+ DtlsSrtpVerificationDraft.OmemoContentEncryption? omemo_encryption = encryption as DtlsSrtpVerificationDraft.OmemoContentEncryption;
+ if (omemo_encryption == null) return null;
+ int identity_id = db.identity.get_id(account.id);
+ Row? device = db.identity_meta.get_device(identity_id, omemo_encryption.jid.to_string(), omemo_encryption.sid);
+ if (device == null) return null;
+ TrustLevel trust = (TrustLevel) device[db.identity_meta.trust_level];
+ return new CallEncryptionWidget(trust);
+ }
+ }
+ public class CallEncryptionWidget : Plugins.CallEncryptionWidget, Object {
+ string? title = null;
+ string? icon = null;
+ bool should_show_keys = false;
+ public CallEncryptionWidget(TrustLevel trust) {
+ if (trust == TrustLevel.VERIFIED) {
+ title = "This call is <b>encrypted and verified</b> with OMEMO.";
+ icon = "dino-security-high-symbolic";
+ should_show_keys = false;
+ } else {
+ title = "This call is encrypted with OMEMO.";
+ should_show_keys = true;
+ }
+ }
+ public string? get_title() {
+ return title;
+ }
+ public string? get_icon_name() {
+ return icon;
+ }
+ public bool show_keys() {
+ return should_show_keys;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/rtp/CMakeLists.txt b/plugins/rtp/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52419425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/rtp/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+find_package(GstRtp REQUIRED)
+find_package(WebRTCAudioProcessing 0.2)
+ Gee
+ GLib
+ GModule
+ GnuTLS
+ GObject
+ GTK3
+ Gst
+ GstApp
+ GstAudio
+if(WebRTCAudioProcessing_VERSION GREATER "0.4")
+ message(STATUS "Ignoring WebRTCAudioProcessing, only versions < 0.4 supported so far")
+ unset(WebRTCAudioProcessing_FOUND)
+ set(RTP_VOICE_PROCESSOR_VALA src/voice_processor.vala)
+ set(RTP_VOICE_PROCESSOR_CXX src/voice_processor_native.cpp)
+ set(RTP_VOICE_PROCESSOR_LIB webrtc-audio-processing)
+ message(STATUS "WebRTCAudioProcessing not found, build without voice pre-processing!")
+ src/codec_util.vala
+ src/device.vala
+ src/module.vala
+ src/plugin.vala
+ src/stream.vala
+ src/video_widget.vala
+ src/register_plugin.vala
+ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/exports/crypto-vala.vapi
+ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/exports/xmpp-vala.vapi
+ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/exports/dino.vapi
+ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/exports/qlite.vapi
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/vapi/gstreamer-rtp-1.0.vapi
+add_definitions(${VALA_CFLAGS} -DG_LOG_DOMAIN="rtp" -I${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src)
+target_link_libraries(rtp libdino crypto-vala ${RTP_PACKAGES} gstreamer-rtp-1.0 ${RTP_VOICE_PROCESSOR_LIB})
+set_target_properties(rtp PROPERTIES PREFIX "")
+set_target_properties(rtp PROPERTIES LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/plugins/)
diff --git a/plugins/rtp/src/codec_util.vala b/plugins/rtp/src/codec_util.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6a2438f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/rtp/src/codec_util.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+using Gee;
+using Xmpp;
+using Xmpp.Xep;
+public class Dino.Plugins.Rtp.CodecUtil {
+ private Set<string> supported_elements = new HashSet<string>();
+ private Set<string> unsupported_elements = new HashSet<string>();
+ public static Gst.Caps get_caps(string media, JingleRtp.PayloadType payload_type, bool incoming) {
+ Gst.Caps caps = new Gst.Caps.simple("application/x-rtp",
+ "media", typeof(string), media,
+ "payload", typeof(int), payload_type.id);
+ //"channels", typeof(int), payloadType.channels,
+ //"max-ptime", typeof(int), payloadType.maxptime);
+ unowned Gst.Structure s = caps.get_structure(0);
+ if (payload_type.clockrate != 0) {
+ s.set("clock-rate", typeof(int), payload_type.clockrate);
+ }
+ if (payload_type.name != null) {
+ s.set("encoding-name", typeof(string), payload_type.name.up());
+ }
+ if (incoming) {
+ foreach (JingleRtp.RtcpFeedback rtcp_fb in payload_type.rtcp_fbs) {
+ if (rtcp_fb.subtype == null) {
+ s.set(@"rtcp-fb-$(rtcp_fb.type_)", typeof(bool), true);
+ } else {
+ s.set(@"rtcp-fb-$(rtcp_fb.type_)-$(rtcp_fb.subtype)", typeof(bool), true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return caps;
+ }
+ public static string? get_codec_from_payload(string media, JingleRtp.PayloadType payload_type) {
+ if (payload_type.name != null) return payload_type.name.down();
+ if (media == "audio") {
+ switch (payload_type.id) {
+ case 0:
+ return "pcmu";
+ case 8:
+ return "pcma";
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static string? get_media_type_from_payload(string media, JingleRtp.PayloadType payload_type) {
+ return get_media_type(media, get_codec_from_payload(media, payload_type));
+ }
+ public static string? get_media_type(string media, string? codec) {
+ if (codec == null) return null;
+ if (media == "audio") {
+ switch (codec) {
+ case "pcma":
+ return "audio/x-alaw";
+ case "pcmu":
+ return "audio/x-mulaw";
+ }
+ }
+ return @"$media/x-$codec";
+ }
+ public static string? get_rtp_pay_element_name_from_payload(string media, JingleRtp.PayloadType payload_type) {
+ return get_pay_candidate(media, get_codec_from_payload(media, payload_type));
+ }
+ public static string? get_pay_candidate(string media, string? codec) {
+ if (codec == null) return null;
+ return @"rtp$(codec)pay";
+ }
+ public static string? get_rtp_depay_element_name_from_payload(string media, JingleRtp.PayloadType payload_type) {
+ return get_depay_candidate(media, get_codec_from_payload(media, payload_type));
+ }
+ public static string? get_depay_candidate(string media, string? codec) {
+ if (codec == null) return null;
+ return @"rtp$(codec)depay";
+ }
+ public static string[] get_encode_candidates(string media, string? codec) {
+ if (codec == null) return new string[0];
+ if (media == "audio") {
+ switch (codec) {
+ case "opus":
+ return new string[] {"opusenc"};
+ case "speex":
+ return new string[] {"speexenc"};
+ case "pcma":
+ return new string[] {"alawenc"};
+ case "pcmu":
+ return new string[] {"mulawenc"};
+ }
+ } else if (media == "video") {
+ switch (codec) {
+ case "h264":
+ return new string[] {/*"msdkh264enc", */"vaapih264enc", "x264enc"};
+ case "vp9":
+ return new string[] {/*"msdkvp9enc", */"vaapivp9enc" /*, "vp9enc" */};
+ case "vp8":
+ return new string[] {/*"msdkvp8enc", */"vaapivp8enc", "vp8enc"};
+ }
+ }
+ return new string[0];
+ }
+ public static string[] get_decode_candidates(string media, string? codec) {
+ if (codec == null) return new string[0];
+ if (media == "audio") {
+ switch (codec) {
+ case "opus":
+ return new string[] {"opusdec"};
+ case "speex":
+ return new string[] {"speexdec"};
+ case "pcma":
+ return new string[] {"alawdec"};
+ case "pcmu":
+ return new string[] {"mulawdec"};
+ }
+ } else if (media == "video") {
+ switch (codec) {
+ case "h264":
+ return new string[] {/*"msdkh264dec", */"vaapih264dec"};
+ case "vp9":
+ return new string[] {/*"msdkvp9dec", */"vaapivp9dec", "vp9dec"};
+ case "vp8":
+ return new string[] {/*"msdkvp8dec", */"vaapivp8dec", "vp8dec"};
+ }
+ }
+ return new string[0];
+ }
+ public static string? get_encode_prefix(string media, string codec, string encode, JingleRtp.PayloadType? payload_type) {
+ if (encode == "msdkh264enc") return "video/x-raw,format=NV12 ! ";
+ if (encode == "vaapih264enc") return "video/x-raw,format=NV12 ! ";
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static string? get_encode_args(string media, string codec, string encode, JingleRtp.PayloadType? payload_type) {
+ // H264
+ if (encode == "msdkh264enc") return @" rate-control=vbr";
+ if (encode == "vaapih264enc") return @" tune=low-power";
+ if (encode == "x264enc") return @" byte-stream=1 profile=baseline speed-preset=ultrafast tune=zerolatency";
+ // VP8
+ if (encode == "msdkvp8enc") return " rate-control=vbr";
+ if (encode == "vaapivp8enc") return " rate-control=vbr";
+ if (encode == "vp8enc") return " deadline=1 error-resilient=1";
+ // OPUS
+ if (encode == "opusenc") {
+ if (payload_type != null && payload_type.parameters.has("useinbandfec", "1")) return " audio-type=voice inband-fec=true";
+ return " audio-type=voice";
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static string? get_encode_suffix(string media, string codec, string encode, JingleRtp.PayloadType? payload_type) {
+ // H264
+ if (media == "video" && codec == "h264") return " ! video/x-h264,profile=constrained-baseline ! h264parse";
+ return null;
+ }
+ public uint update_bitrate(string media, JingleRtp.PayloadType payload_type, Gst.Element encode_element, uint bitrate) {
+ Gst.Bin? encode_bin = encode_element as Gst.Bin;
+ if (encode_bin == null) return 0;
+ string? codec = get_codec_from_payload(media, payload_type);
+ string? encode_name = get_encode_element_name(media, codec);
+ if (encode_name == null) return 0;
+ Gst.Element encode = encode_bin.get_by_name(@"$(encode_bin.name)_encode");
+ bitrate = uint.min(2048000, bitrate);
+ switch (encode_name) {
+ case "msdkh264enc":
+ case "vaapih264enc":
+ case "x264enc":
+ case "msdkvp8enc":
+ case "vaapivp8enc":
+ bitrate = uint.min(2048000, bitrate);
+ encode.set("bitrate", bitrate);
+ return bitrate;
+ case "vp8enc":
+ bitrate = uint.min(2147483, bitrate);
+ encode.set("target-bitrate", bitrate * 1000);
+ return bitrate;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ public static string? get_decode_prefix(string media, string codec, string decode, JingleRtp.PayloadType? payload_type) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static string? get_decode_args(string media, string codec, string decode, JingleRtp.PayloadType? payload_type) {
+ if (decode == "opusdec" && payload_type != null && payload_type.parameters.has("useinbandfec", "1")) return " use-inband-fec=true";
+ if (decode == "vaapivp9dec" || decode == "vaapivp8dec" || decode == "vaapih264dec") return " max-errors=100";
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static string? get_decode_suffix(string media, string codec, string encode, JingleRtp.PayloadType? payload_type) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static string? get_depay_args(string media, string codec, string encode, JingleRtp.PayloadType? payload_type) {
+ if (codec == "vp8") return " wait-for-keyframe=true";
+ return null;
+ }
+ public bool is_element_supported(string element_name) {
+ if (unsupported_elements.contains(element_name)) return false;
+ if (supported_elements.contains(element_name)) return true;
+ var test_element = Gst.ElementFactory.make(element_name, @"test-$element_name");
+ if (test_element != null) {
+ supported_elements.add(element_name);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ debug("%s is not supported on this platform", element_name);
+ unsupported_elements.add(element_name);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public string? get_encode_element_name(string media, string? codec) {
+ if (!is_element_supported(get_pay_element_name(media, codec))) return null;
+ foreach (string candidate in get_encode_candidates(media, codec)) {
+ if (is_element_supported(candidate)) return candidate;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public string? get_pay_element_name(string media, string? codec) {
+ string candidate = get_pay_candidate(media, codec);
+ if (is_element_supported(candidate)) return candidate;
+ return null;
+ }
+ public string? get_decode_element_name(string media, string? codec) {
+ foreach (string candidate in get_decode_candidates(media, codec)) {
+ if (is_element_supported(candidate)) return candidate;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public string? get_depay_element_name(string media, string? codec) {
+ string candidate = get_depay_candidate(media, codec);
+ if (is_element_supported(candidate)) return candidate;
+ return null;
+ }
+ public void mark_element_unsupported(string element_name) {
+ unsupported_elements.add(element_name);
+ }
+ public string? get_decode_bin_description(string media, string? codec, JingleRtp.PayloadType? payload_type, string? element_name = null, string? name = null) {
+ if (codec == null) return null;
+ string base_name = name ?? @"encode-$codec-$(Random.next_int())";
+ string depay = get_depay_element_name(media, codec);
+ string decode = element_name ?? get_decode_element_name(media, codec);
+ if (depay == null || decode == null) return null;
+ string decode_prefix = get_decode_prefix(media, codec, decode, payload_type) ?? "";
+ string decode_args = get_decode_args(media, codec, decode, payload_type) ?? "";
+ string decode_suffix = get_decode_suffix(media, codec, decode, payload_type) ?? "";
+ string depay_args = get_depay_args(media, codec, decode, payload_type) ?? "";
+ string resample = media == "audio" ? @" ! audioresample name=$(base_name)_resample" : "";
+ return @"$depay$depay_args name=$(base_name)_rtp_depay ! $decode_prefix$decode$decode_args name=$(base_name)_$(codec)_decode$decode_suffix ! $(media)convert name=$(base_name)_convert$resample";
+ }
+ public Gst.Element? get_decode_bin(string media, JingleRtp.PayloadType payload_type, string? name = null) {
+ string? codec = get_codec_from_payload(media, payload_type);
+ string base_name = name ?? @"encode-$codec-$(Random.next_int())";
+ string? desc = get_decode_bin_description(media, codec, payload_type, null, base_name);
+ if (desc == null) return null;
+ debug("Pipeline to decode %s %s: %s", media, codec, desc);
+ Gst.Element bin = Gst.parse_bin_from_description(desc, true);
+ bin.name = name;
+ return bin;
+ }
+ public string? get_encode_bin_description(string media, string? codec, JingleRtp.PayloadType? payload_type, string? element_name = null, string? name = null) {
+ if (codec == null) return null;
+ string base_name = name ?? @"encode_$(codec)_$(Random.next_int())";
+ string pay = get_pay_element_name(media, codec);
+ string encode = element_name ?? get_encode_element_name(media, codec);
+ if (pay == null || encode == null) return null;
+ string encode_prefix = get_encode_prefix(media, codec, encode, payload_type) ?? "";
+ string encode_args = get_encode_args(media, codec, encode, payload_type) ?? "";
+ string encode_suffix = get_encode_suffix(media, codec, encode, payload_type) ?? "";
+ string resample = media == "audio" ? @" ! audioresample name=$(base_name)_resample" : "";
+ return @"$(media)convert name=$(base_name)_convert$resample ! $encode_prefix$encode$encode_args name=$(base_name)_encode$encode_suffix ! $pay pt=$(payload_type != null ? payload_type.id : 96) name=$(base_name)_rtp_pay";
+ }
+ public Gst.Element? get_encode_bin(string media, JingleRtp.PayloadType payload_type, string? name = null) {
+ string? codec = get_codec_from_payload(media, payload_type);
+ string base_name = name ?? @"encode_$(codec)_$(Random.next_int())";
+ string? desc = get_encode_bin_description(media, codec, payload_type, null, base_name);
+ if (desc == null) return null;
+ debug("Pipeline to encode %s %s: %s", media, codec, desc);
+ Gst.Element bin = Gst.parse_bin_from_description(desc, true);
+ bin.name = name;
+ return bin;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/rtp/src/device.vala b/plugins/rtp/src/device.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e25271b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/rtp/src/device.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+public class Dino.Plugins.Rtp.Device : MediaDevice, Object {
+ public Plugin plugin { get; private set; }
+ public Gst.Device device { get; private set; }
+ private string device_name;
+ public string id { get {
+ return device_name;
+ }}
+ private string device_display_name;
+ public string display_name { get {
+ return device_display_name;
+ }}
+ public string detail_name { get {
+ return device.properties.get_string("alsa.card_name") ?? device.properties.get_string("alsa.id") ?? id;
+ }}
+ public Gst.Pipeline pipe { get {
+ return plugin.pipe;
+ }}
+ public string? media { get {
+ if (device.device_class.has_prefix("Audio/")) {
+ return "audio";
+ } else if (device.device_class.has_prefix("Video/")) {
+ return "video";
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }}
+ public bool is_source { get {
+ return device.device_class.has_suffix("/Source");
+ }}
+ public bool is_sink { get {
+ return device.device_class.has_suffix("/Sink");
+ }}
+ private Gst.Element element;
+ private Gst.Element tee;
+ private Gst.Element dsp;
+ private Gst.Element mixer;
+ private Gst.Element filter;
+ private Gst.Element rate;
+ private int links = 0;
+ public Device(Plugin plugin, Gst.Device device) {
+ this.plugin = plugin;
+ update(device);
+ }
+ public bool matches(Gst.Device device) {
+ if (this.device.name == device.name) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ public void update(Gst.Device device) {
+ this.device = device;
+ this.device_name = device.name;
+ this.device_display_name = device.display_name;
+ }
+ public Gst.Element? link_sink() {
+ if (element == null) create();
+ links++;
+ if (mixer != null) return mixer;
+ if (is_sink && media == "audio") return filter;
+ return element;
+ }
+ public Gst.Element? link_source() {
+ if (element == null) create();
+ links++;
+ if (tee != null) return tee;
+ return element;
+ }
+ public void unlink() {
+ if (links <= 0) {
+ critical("Link count below zero.");
+ return;
+ }
+ links--;
+ if (links == 0) {
+ destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ private Gst.Caps get_best_caps() {
+ if (media == "audio") {
+ return Gst.Caps.from_string("audio/x-raw,rate=48000,channels=1");
+ } else if (media == "video" && device.caps.get_size() > 0) {
+ int best_index = 0;
+ Value? best_fraction = null;
+ int best_fps = 0;
+ int best_width = 0;
+ int best_height = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < device.caps.get_size(); i++) {
+ unowned Gst.Structure? that = device.caps.get_structure(i);
+ if (!that.has_name("video/x-raw")) continue;
+ int num = 0, den = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
+ if (!that.has_field("framerate")) continue;
+ Value framerate = that.get_value("framerate");
+ if (framerate.type() == typeof(Gst.Fraction)) {
+ num = Gst.Value.get_fraction_numerator(framerate);
+ den = Gst.Value.get_fraction_denominator(framerate);
+ } else if (framerate.type() == typeof(Gst.ValueList)) {
+ for(uint j = 0; j < Gst.ValueList.get_size(framerate); j++) {
+ Value fraction = Gst.ValueList.get_value(framerate, j);
+ int in_num = Gst.Value.get_fraction_numerator(fraction);
+ int in_den = Gst.Value.get_fraction_denominator(fraction);
+ int fps = den > 0 ? (num/den) : 0;
+ int in_fps = in_den > 0 ? (in_num/in_den) : 0;
+ if (in_fps > fps) {
+ best_fraction = fraction;
+ num = in_num;
+ den = in_den;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ debug("Unknown type for framerate: %s", framerate.type_name());
+ }
+ if (den == 0) continue;
+ if (!that.has_field("width") || !that.get_int("width", out width)) continue;
+ if (!that.has_field("height") || !that.get_int("height", out height)) continue;
+ int fps = num/den;
+ if (best_fps < fps || best_fps == fps && best_width < width || best_fps == fps && best_width == width && best_height < height) {
+ best_fps = fps;
+ best_width = width;
+ best_height = height;
+ best_index = i;
+ }
+ }
+ Gst.Caps res = caps_copy_nth(device.caps, best_index);
+ unowned Gst.Structure? that = res.get_structure(0);
+ Value framerate = that.get_value("framerate");
+ if (framerate.type() == typeof(Gst.ValueList)) {
+ that.set_value("framerate", best_fraction);
+ }
+ debug("Selected caps %s", res.to_string());
+ return res;
+ } else if (device.caps.get_size() > 0) {
+ return caps_copy_nth(device.caps, 0);
+ } else {
+ return new Gst.Caps.any();
+ }
+ }
+ // Backport from gst_caps_copy_nth added in GStreamer 1.16
+ private static Gst.Caps caps_copy_nth(Gst.Caps source, uint index) {
+ Gst.Caps target = new Gst.Caps.empty();
+ target.flags = source.flags;
+ target.append_structure_full(source.get_structure(index).copy(), source.get_features(index).copy());
+ return target;
+ }
+ private void create() {
+ debug("Creating device %s", id);
+ plugin.pause();
+ element = device.create_element(id);
+ pipe.add(element);
+ if (is_source) {
+ element.@set("do-timestamp", true);
+ filter = Gst.ElementFactory.make("capsfilter", @"caps_filter_$id");
+ filter.@set("caps", get_best_caps());
+ pipe.add(filter);
+ element.link(filter);
+ if (media == "audio" && plugin.echoprobe != null) {
+ dsp = new VoiceProcessor(plugin.echoprobe as EchoProbe, element as Gst.Audio.StreamVolume);
+ dsp.name = @"dsp_$id";
+ pipe.add(dsp);
+ filter.link(dsp);
+ }
+ tee = Gst.ElementFactory.make("tee", @"tee_$id");
+ tee.@set("allow-not-linked", true);
+ pipe.add(tee);
+ (dsp ?? filter).link(tee);
+ }
+ if (is_sink) {
+ element.@set("async", false);
+ element.@set("sync", false);
+ }
+ if (is_sink && media == "audio") {
+ filter = Gst.ElementFactory.make("capsfilter", @"caps_filter_$id");
+ filter.@set("caps", get_best_caps());
+ pipe.add(filter);
+ if (plugin.echoprobe != null) {
+ rate = Gst.ElementFactory.make("audiorate", @"rate_$id");
+ rate.@set("tolerance", 100000000);
+ pipe.add(rate);
+ filter.link(rate);
+ rate.link(plugin.echoprobe);
+ plugin.echoprobe.link(element);
+ } else {
+ filter.link(element);
+ }
+ }
+ plugin.unpause();
+ }
+ private void destroy() {
+ if (mixer != null) {
+ if (is_sink && media == "audio" && plugin.echoprobe != null) {
+ plugin.echoprobe.unlink(mixer);
+ }
+ int linked_sink_pads = 0;
+ mixer.foreach_sink_pad((_, pad) => {
+ if (pad.is_linked()) linked_sink_pads++;
+ return true;
+ });
+ if (linked_sink_pads > 0) {
+ warning("%s-mixer still has %i sink pads while being destroyed", id, linked_sink_pads);
+ }
+ mixer.set_locked_state(true);
+ mixer.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ mixer.unlink(element);
+ pipe.remove(mixer);
+ mixer = null;
+ } else if (is_sink && media == "audio") {
+ if (filter != null) {
+ filter.set_locked_state(true);
+ filter.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ filter.unlink(rate ?? ((Gst.Element)plugin.echoprobe) ?? element);
+ pipe.remove(filter);
+ filter = null;
+ }
+ if (rate != null) {
+ rate.set_locked_state(true);
+ rate.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ rate.unlink(plugin.echoprobe);
+ pipe.remove(rate);
+ rate = null;
+ }
+ if (plugin.echoprobe != null) {
+ plugin.echoprobe.unlink(element);
+ }
+ }
+ element.set_locked_state(true);
+ element.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ if (filter != null) element.unlink(filter);
+ else if (is_source) element.unlink(tee);
+ pipe.remove(element);
+ element = null;
+ if (filter != null) {
+ filter.set_locked_state(true);
+ filter.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ filter.unlink(dsp ?? tee);
+ pipe.remove(filter);
+ filter = null;
+ }
+ if (dsp != null) {
+ dsp.set_locked_state(true);
+ dsp.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ dsp.unlink(tee);
+ pipe.remove(dsp);
+ dsp = null;
+ }
+ if (tee != null) {
+ int linked_src_pads = 0;
+ tee.foreach_src_pad((_, pad) => {
+ if (pad.is_linked()) linked_src_pads++;
+ return true;
+ });
+ if (linked_src_pads != 0) {
+ warning("%s-tee still has %d src pads while being destroyed", id, linked_src_pads);
+ }
+ tee.set_locked_state(true);
+ tee.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ pipe.remove(tee);
+ tee = null;
+ }
+ debug("Destroyed device %s", id);
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/rtp/src/module.vala b/plugins/rtp/src/module.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19a7501d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/rtp/src/module.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+using Gee;
+using Xmpp;
+using Xmpp.Xep;
+public class Dino.Plugins.Rtp.Module : JingleRtp.Module {
+ private Set<string> supported_codecs = new HashSet<string>();
+ private Set<string> unsupported_codecs = new HashSet<string>();
+ public Plugin plugin { get; private set; }
+ public CodecUtil codec_util { get {
+ return plugin.codec_util;
+ }}
+ public Module(Plugin plugin) {
+ base();
+ this.plugin = plugin;
+ }
+ private async bool pipeline_works(string media, string element_desc) {
+ var supported = false;
+ string pipeline_desc = @"$(media)testsrc is-live=true ! $element_desc ! appsink name=output";
+ try {
+ var pipeline = Gst.parse_launch(pipeline_desc);
+ var output = (pipeline as Gst.Bin).get_by_name("output") as Gst.App.Sink;
+ SourceFunc callback = pipeline_works.callback;
+ var finished = false;
+ output.emit_signals = true;
+ output.new_sample.connect(() => {
+ if (!finished) {
+ finished = true;
+ supported = true;
+ Idle.add(() => {
+ callback();
+ return Source.REMOVE;
+ });
+ }
+ return Gst.FlowReturn.EOS;
+ });
+ pipeline.bus.add_watch(Priority.DEFAULT, (_, message) => {
+ if (message.type == Gst.MessageType.ERROR && !finished) {
+ Error e;
+ string d;
+ message.parse_error(out e, out d);
+ debug("pipeline [%s] failed: %s", pipeline_desc, e.message);
+ debug(d);
+ finished = true;
+ callback();
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ Timeout.add(2000, () => {
+ if (!finished) {
+ finished = true;
+ callback();
+ }
+ return Source.REMOVE;
+ });
+ pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING);
+ yield;
+ pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ } catch (Error e) {
+ debug("pipeline [%s] failed: %s", pipeline_desc, e.message);
+ }
+ return supported;
+ }
+ private async bool is_payload_supported(string media, JingleRtp.PayloadType payload_type) {
+ string? codec = CodecUtil.get_codec_from_payload(media, payload_type);
+ if (codec == null) return false;
+ if (unsupported_codecs.contains(codec)) return false;
+ if (supported_codecs.contains(codec)) return true;
+ string? encode_element = codec_util.get_encode_element_name(media, codec);
+ string? decode_element = codec_util.get_decode_element_name(media, codec);
+ if (encode_element == null || decode_element == null) {
+ debug("No suitable encoder or decoder found for %s", codec);
+ unsupported_codecs.add(codec);
+ return false;
+ }
+ string encode_bin = codec_util.get_encode_bin_description(media, codec, null, encode_element);
+ while (!(yield pipeline_works(media, encode_bin))) {
+ debug("%s not suited for encoding %s", encode_element, codec);
+ codec_util.mark_element_unsupported(encode_element);
+ encode_element = codec_util.get_encode_element_name(media, codec);
+ if (encode_element == null) {
+ debug("No suitable encoder found for %s", codec);
+ unsupported_codecs.add(codec);
+ return false;
+ }
+ encode_bin = codec_util.get_encode_bin_description(media, codec, null, encode_element);
+ }
+ debug("using %s to encode %s", encode_element, codec);
+ string decode_bin = codec_util.get_decode_bin_description(media, codec, null, decode_element);
+ while (!(yield pipeline_works(media, @"$encode_bin ! $decode_bin"))) {
+ debug("%s not suited for decoding %s", decode_element, codec);
+ codec_util.mark_element_unsupported(decode_element);
+ decode_element = codec_util.get_decode_element_name(media, codec);
+ if (decode_element == null) {
+ debug("No suitable decoder found for %s", codec);
+ unsupported_codecs.add(codec);
+ return false;
+ }
+ decode_bin = codec_util.get_decode_bin_description(media, codec, null, decode_element);
+ }
+ debug("using %s to decode %s", decode_element, codec);
+ supported_codecs.add(codec);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public override bool is_header_extension_supported(string media, JingleRtp.HeaderExtension ext) {
+ if (media == "video" && ext.uri == "urn:3gpp:video-orientation") return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ public override Gee.List<JingleRtp.HeaderExtension> get_suggested_header_extensions(string media) {
+ Gee.List<JingleRtp.HeaderExtension> exts = new ArrayList<JingleRtp.HeaderExtension>();
+ if (media == "video") {
+ exts.add(new JingleRtp.HeaderExtension(1, "urn:3gpp:video-orientation"));
+ }
+ return exts;
+ }
+ public async void add_if_supported(Gee.List<JingleRtp.PayloadType> list, string media, JingleRtp.PayloadType payload_type) {
+ if (yield is_payload_supported(media, payload_type)) {
+ list.add(payload_type);
+ }
+ }
+ public override async Gee.List<JingleRtp.PayloadType> get_supported_payloads(string media) {
+ Gee.List<JingleRtp.PayloadType> list = new ArrayList<JingleRtp.PayloadType>(JingleRtp.PayloadType.equals_func);
+ if (media == "audio") {
+ var opus = new JingleRtp.PayloadType() { channels = 2, clockrate = 48000, name = "opus", id = 99 };
+ opus.parameters["useinbandfec"] = "1";
+ var speex32 = new JingleRtp.PayloadType() { channels = 1, clockrate = 32000, name = "speex", id = 100 };
+ var speex16 = new JingleRtp.PayloadType() { channels = 1, clockrate = 16000, name = "speex", id = 101 };
+ var speex8 = new JingleRtp.PayloadType() { channels = 1, clockrate = 8000, name = "speex", id = 102 };
+ var pcmu = new JingleRtp.PayloadType() { channels = 1, clockrate = 8000, name = "PCMU", id = 0 };
+ var pcma = new JingleRtp.PayloadType() { channels = 1, clockrate = 8000, name = "PCMA", id = 8 };
+ yield add_if_supported(list, media, opus);
+ yield add_if_supported(list, media, speex32);
+ yield add_if_supported(list, media, speex16);
+ yield add_if_supported(list, media, speex8);
+ yield add_if_supported(list, media, pcmu);
+ yield add_if_supported(list, media, pcma);
+ } else if (media == "video") {
+ var h264 = new JingleRtp.PayloadType() { clockrate = 90000, name = "H264", id = 96 };
+ var vp9 = new JingleRtp.PayloadType() { clockrate = 90000, name = "VP9", id = 97 };
+ var vp8 = new JingleRtp.PayloadType() { clockrate = 90000, name = "VP8", id = 98 };
+ var rtcp_fbs = new ArrayList<JingleRtp.RtcpFeedback>();
+ rtcp_fbs.add(new JingleRtp.RtcpFeedback("goog-remb"));
+ rtcp_fbs.add(new JingleRtp.RtcpFeedback("ccm", "fir"));
+ rtcp_fbs.add(new JingleRtp.RtcpFeedback("nack"));
+ rtcp_fbs.add(new JingleRtp.RtcpFeedback("nack", "pli"));
+ h264.rtcp_fbs.add_all(rtcp_fbs);
+ vp9.rtcp_fbs.add_all(rtcp_fbs);
+ vp8.rtcp_fbs.add_all(rtcp_fbs);
+ yield add_if_supported(list, media, h264);
+ yield add_if_supported(list, media, vp9);
+ yield add_if_supported(list, media, vp8);
+ } else {
+ warning("Unsupported media type: %s", media);
+ }
+ return list;
+ }
+ public override async JingleRtp.PayloadType? pick_payload_type(string media, Gee.List<JingleRtp.PayloadType> payloads) {
+ if (media == "audio") {
+ foreach (JingleRtp.PayloadType type in payloads) {
+ if (yield is_payload_supported(media, type)) return adjust_payload_type(media, type.clone());
+ }
+ } else if (media == "video") {
+ // We prefer H.264 (best support for hardware acceleration and good overall codec quality)
+ JingleRtp.PayloadType? h264 = payloads.first_match((it) => it.name.up() == "H264");
+ if (h264 != null && yield is_payload_supported(media, h264)) return adjust_payload_type(media, h264.clone());
+ // Take first of the list that we do support otherwise
+ foreach (JingleRtp.PayloadType type in payloads) {
+ if (yield is_payload_supported(media, type)) return adjust_payload_type(media, type.clone());
+ }
+ } else {
+ warning("Unsupported media type: %s", media);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public JingleRtp.PayloadType adjust_payload_type(string media, JingleRtp.PayloadType type) {
+ var iter = type.rtcp_fbs.iterator();
+ while (iter.next()) {
+ var fb = iter.@get();
+ switch (fb.type_) {
+ case "goog-remb":
+ if (fb.subtype != null) iter.remove();
+ break;
+ case "ccm":
+ if (fb.subtype != "fir") iter.remove();
+ break;
+ case "nack":
+ if (fb.subtype != null && fb.subtype != "pli") iter.remove();
+ break;
+ default:
+ iter.remove();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return type;
+ }
+ public override JingleRtp.Stream create_stream(Jingle.Content content) {
+ return plugin.open_stream(content);
+ }
+ public override void close_stream(JingleRtp.Stream stream) {
+ var rtp_stream = stream as Rtp.Stream;
+ plugin.close_stream(rtp_stream);
+ }
+ public override JingleRtp.Crypto? generate_local_crypto() {
+ uint8[] key_and_salt = new uint8[30];
+ Crypto.randomize(key_and_salt);
+ return JingleRtp.Crypto.create(JingleRtp.Crypto.AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80, key_and_salt);
+ }
+ public override JingleRtp.Crypto? pick_remote_crypto(Gee.List<JingleRtp.Crypto> cryptos) {
+ foreach (JingleRtp.Crypto crypto in cryptos) {
+ if (crypto.is_valid) return crypto;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public override JingleRtp.Crypto? pick_local_crypto(JingleRtp.Crypto? remote) {
+ if (remote == null || !remote.is_valid) return null;
+ uint8[] key_and_salt = new uint8[30];
+ Crypto.randomize(key_and_salt);
+ return remote.rekey(key_and_salt);
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/rtp/src/participant.vala b/plugins/rtp/src/participant.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ca13191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/rtp/src/participant.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+using Gee;
+using Xmpp;
+public class Dino.Plugins.Rtp.Participant {
+ public Jid full_jid { get; private set; }
+ protected Gst.Pipeline pipe;
+ private Map<Stream, uint32> ssrcs = new HashMap<Stream, uint32>();
+ public Participant(Gst.Pipeline pipe, Jid full_jid) {
+ this.pipe = pipe;
+ this.full_jid = full_jid;
+ }
+ public uint32 get_ssrc(Stream stream) {
+ if (ssrcs.has_key(stream)) {
+ return ssrcs[stream];
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ public void set_ssrc(Stream stream, uint32 ssrc) {
+ if (ssrcs.has_key(stream)) {
+ warning("Learning ssrc %ul for %s in %s when it is already known as %ul", ssrc, full_jid.to_string(), stream.to_string(), ssrcs[stream]);
+ } else {
+ stream.on_destroy.connect(unset_ssrc);
+ }
+ ssrcs[stream] = ssrc;
+ }
+ public void unset_ssrc(Stream stream) {
+ ssrcs.unset(stream);
+ stream.on_destroy.disconnect(unset_ssrc);
+ }
+ public string to_string() {
+ return @"participant $full_jid";
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/rtp/src/plugin.vala b/plugins/rtp/src/plugin.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19a266b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/rtp/src/plugin.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+using Gee;
+using Xmpp;
+using Xmpp.Xep;
+public class Dino.Plugins.Rtp.Plugin : RootInterface, VideoCallPlugin, Object {
+ public Dino.Application app { get; private set; }
+ public CodecUtil codec_util { get; private set; }
+ public Gst.DeviceMonitor device_monitor { get; private set; }
+ public Gst.Pipeline pipe { get; private set; }
+ public Gst.Bin rtpbin { get; private set; }
+ public Gst.Element echoprobe { get; private set; }
+ private Gee.List<Stream> streams = new ArrayList<Stream>();
+ private Gee.List<Device> devices = new ArrayList<Device>();
+ // private Gee.List<Participant> participants = new ArrayList<Participant>();
+ public void registered(Dino.Application app) {
+ this.app = app;
+ this.codec_util = new CodecUtil();
+ app.startup.connect(startup);
+ app.add_option_group(Gst.init_get_option_group());
+ app.stream_interactor.module_manager.initialize_account_modules.connect((account, list) => {
+ list.add(new Module(this));
+ });
+ app.plugin_registry.video_call_plugin = this;
+ }
+ private int pause_count = 0;
+ public void pause() {
+// if (pause_count == 0) {
+// debug("Pausing pipe for modifications");
+// pipe.set_state(Gst.State.PAUSED);
+// }
+ pause_count++;
+ }
+ public void unpause() {
+ pause_count--;
+ if (pause_count == 0) {
+ debug("Continue pipe after modifications");
+ pipe.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING);
+ }
+ if (pause_count < 0) warning("Pause count below zero!");
+ }
+ public void startup() {
+ device_monitor = new Gst.DeviceMonitor();
+ device_monitor.show_all = true;
+ device_monitor.get_bus().add_watch(Priority.DEFAULT, on_device_monitor_message);
+ device_monitor.start();
+ foreach (Gst.Device device in device_monitor.get_devices()) {
+ if (device.properties.has_name("pipewire-proplist") && device.device_class.has_prefix("Audio/")) continue;
+ if (device.properties.get_string("device.class") == "monitor") continue;
+ if (devices.any_match((it) => it.matches(device))) continue;
+ devices.add(new Device(this, device));
+ }
+ pipe = new Gst.Pipeline(null);
+ // RTP
+ rtpbin = Gst.ElementFactory.make("rtpbin", null) as Gst.Bin;
+ if (rtpbin == null) {
+ warning("RTP not supported");
+ pipe = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ rtpbin.pad_added.connect(on_rtp_pad_added);
+ rtpbin.@set("latency", 100);
+ rtpbin.@set("do-lost", true);
+ rtpbin.@set("do-sync-event", true);
+ rtpbin.@set("drop-on-latency", true);
+ rtpbin.connect("signal::request-pt-map", request_pt_map, this);
+ pipe.add(rtpbin);
+ // Audio echo probe
+ echoprobe = new EchoProbe();
+ if (echoprobe != null) pipe.add(echoprobe);
+ // Pipeline
+ pipe.auto_flush_bus = true;
+ pipe.bus.add_watch(GLib.Priority.DEFAULT, (_, message) => {
+ on_pipe_bus_message(message);
+ return true;
+ });
+ pipe.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING);
+ }
+ private static Gst.Caps? request_pt_map(Gst.Element rtpbin, uint session, uint pt, Plugin plugin) {
+ debug("request-pt-map");
+ return null;
+ }
+ private void on_rtp_pad_added(Gst.Pad pad) {
+ debug("pad added: %s", pad.name);
+ if (pad.name.has_prefix("recv_rtp_src_")) {
+ string[] split = pad.name.split("_");
+ uint8 rtpid = (uint8)int.parse(split[3]);
+ foreach (Stream stream in streams) {
+ if (stream.rtpid == rtpid) {
+ stream.on_ssrc_pad_added(split[4], pad);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (pad.name.has_prefix("send_rtp_src_")) {
+ string[] split = pad.name.split("_");
+ uint8 rtpid = (uint8)int.parse(split[3]);
+ debug("pad %s for stream %hhu", pad.name, rtpid);
+ foreach (Stream stream in streams) {
+ if (stream.rtpid == rtpid) {
+ stream.on_send_rtp_src_added(pad);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_pipe_bus_message(Gst.Message message) {
+ switch (message.type) {
+ case Gst.MessageType.ERROR:
+ Error error;
+ string str;
+ message.parse_error(out error, out str);
+ warning("Error in pipeline: %s", error.message);
+ debug(str);
+ break;
+ case Gst.MessageType.WARNING:
+ Error error;
+ string str;
+ message.parse_warning(out error, out str);
+ warning("Warning in pipeline: %s", error.message);
+ debug(str);
+ break;
+ case Gst.MessageType.CLOCK_LOST:
+ debug("Clock lost. Restarting");
+ pipe.set_state(Gst.State.READY);
+ pipe.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING);
+ break;
+ case Gst.MessageType.STATE_CHANGED:
+ // Ignore
+ break;
+ case Gst.MessageType.STREAM_STATUS:
+ Gst.StreamStatusType status;
+ Gst.Element owner;
+ message.parse_stream_status(out status, out owner);
+ if (owner != null) {
+ debug("%s stream changed status to %s", owner.name, status.to_string());
+ }
+ break;
+ case Gst.MessageType.ELEMENT:
+ unowned Gst.Structure struc = message.get_structure();
+ if (struc != null && message.src is Gst.Element) {
+ debug("Message from %s in pipeline: %s", ((Gst.Element)message.src).name, struc.to_string());
+ }
+ break;
+ case Gst.MessageType.NEW_CLOCK:
+ debug("New clock.");
+ break;
+ case Gst.MessageType.TAG:
+ // Ignore
+ break;
+ case Gst.MessageType.QOS:
+ // Ignore
+ break;
+ case Gst.MessageType.LATENCY:
+ if (message.src != null && message.src.name != null && message.src is Gst.Element) {
+ Gst.Query latency_query = new Gst.Query.latency();
+ if (((Gst.Element)message.src).query(latency_query)) {
+ bool live;
+ Gst.ClockTime min_latency, max_latency;
+ latency_query.parse_latency(out live, out min_latency, out max_latency);
+ debug("Latency message from %s: live=%s, min_latency=%s, max_latency=%s", message.src.name, live.to_string(), min_latency.to_string(), max_latency.to_string());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ debug("Pipe bus message: %s", message.type.to_string());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private bool on_device_monitor_message(Gst.Bus bus, Gst.Message message) {
+ Gst.Device old_device = null;
+ Gst.Device device = null;
+ Device old = null;
+ switch (message.type) {
+ case Gst.MessageType.DEVICE_ADDED:
+ message.parse_device_added(out device);
+ if (device.properties.has_name("pipewire-proplist") && device.device_class.has_prefix("Audio/")) return Source.CONTINUE;
+ if (device.properties.get_string("device.class") == "monitor") return Source.CONTINUE;
+ if (devices.any_match((it) => it.matches(device))) return Source.CONTINUE;
+ devices.add(new Device(this, device));
+ break;
+#if GST_1_16
+ case Gst.MessageType.DEVICE_CHANGED:
+ message.parse_device_changed(out device, out old_device);
+ if (device.properties.has_name("pipewire-proplist") && device.device_class.has_prefix("Audio/")) return Source.CONTINUE;
+ if (device.properties.get_string("device.class") == "monitor") return Source.CONTINUE;
+ old = devices.first_match((it) => it.matches(old_device));
+ if (old != null) old.update(device);
+ break;
+ case Gst.MessageType.DEVICE_REMOVED:
+ message.parse_device_removed(out device);
+ if (device.properties.has_name("pipewire-proplist") && device.device_class.has_prefix("Audio/")) return Source.CONTINUE;
+ if (device.properties.get_string("device.class") == "monitor") return Source.CONTINUE;
+ old = devices.first_match((it) => it.matches(device));
+ if (old != null) devices.remove(old);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (device != null) {
+ switch (device.device_class) {
+ case "Audio/Source":
+ devices_changed("audio", false);
+ break;
+ case "Audio/Sink":
+ devices_changed("audio", true);
+ break;
+ case "Video/Source":
+ devices_changed("video", false);
+ break;
+ case "Video/Sink":
+ devices_changed("video", true);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return Source.CONTINUE;
+ }
+ public uint8 next_free_id() {
+ uint8 rtpid = 0;
+ while (streams.size < 100 && streams.any_match((stream) => stream.rtpid == rtpid)) {
+ rtpid++;
+ }
+ return rtpid;
+ }
+ // public Participant get_participant(Jid full_jid, bool self) {
+// foreach (Participant participant in participants) {
+// if (participant.full_jid.equals(full_jid)) {
+// return participant;
+// }
+// }
+// Participant participant;
+// if (self) {
+// participant = new SelfParticipant(pipe, full_jid);
+// } else {
+// participant = new Participant(pipe, full_jid);
+// }
+// participants.add(participant);
+// return participant;
+// }
+ public Stream open_stream(Xmpp.Xep.Jingle.Content content) {
+ var content_params = content.content_params as Xmpp.Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters;
+ if (content_params == null) return null;
+ Stream stream;
+ if (content_params.media == "video") {
+ stream = new VideoStream(this, content);
+ } else {
+ stream = new Stream(this, content);
+ }
+ streams.add(stream);
+ return stream;
+ }
+ public void close_stream(Stream stream) {
+ streams.remove(stream);
+ stream.destroy();
+ }
+ public void shutdown() {
+ device_monitor.stop();
+ pipe.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ rtpbin = null;
+ pipe = null;
+ Gst.deinit();
+ }
+ public bool supports(string media) {
+ if (rtpbin == null) return false;
+ if (media == "audio") {
+ if (get_devices("audio", false).is_empty) return false;
+ if (get_devices("audio", true).is_empty) return false;
+ }
+ if (media == "video") {
+ if (Gst.ElementFactory.make("gtksink", null) == null) return false;
+ if (get_devices("video", false).is_empty) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public VideoCallWidget? create_widget(WidgetType type) {
+ if (type == WidgetType.GTK) {
+ return new VideoWidget(this);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public Gee.List<MediaDevice> get_devices(string media, bool incoming) {
+ if (media == "video" && !incoming) {
+ return get_video_sources();
+ }
+ ArrayList<MediaDevice> result = new ArrayList<MediaDevice>();
+ foreach (Device device in devices) {
+ if (device.media == media && (incoming && device.is_sink || !incoming && device.is_source)) {
+ result.add(device);
+ }
+ }
+ if (media == "audio") {
+ // Reorder sources
+ result.sort((media_left, media_right) => {
+ Device left = media_left as Device;
+ Device right = media_right as Device;
+ if (left == null) return 1;
+ if (right == null) return -1;
+ bool left_is_pipewire = left.device.properties.has_name("pipewire-proplist");
+ bool right_is_pipewire = right.device.properties.has_name("pipewire-proplist");
+ bool left_is_default = false;
+ left.device.properties.get_boolean("is-default", out left_is_default);
+ bool right_is_default = false;
+ right.device.properties.get_boolean("is-default", out right_is_default);
+ // Prefer pipewire
+ if (left_is_pipewire && !right_is_pipewire) return -1;
+ if (right_is_pipewire && !left_is_pipewire) return 1;
+ // Prefer pulse audio default device
+ if (left_is_default && !right_is_default) return -1;
+ if (right_is_default && !left_is_default) return 1;
+ return 0;
+ });
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ public Gee.List<MediaDevice> get_video_sources() {
+ ArrayList<MediaDevice> pipewire_devices = new ArrayList<MediaDevice>();
+ ArrayList<MediaDevice> other_devices = new ArrayList<MediaDevice>();
+ foreach (Device device in devices) {
+ if (device.media != "video") continue;
+ if (device.is_sink) continue;
+ bool is_color = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < device.device.caps.get_size(); i++) {
+ unowned Gst.Structure structure = device.device.caps.get_structure(i);
+ if (structure.has_field("format") && !structure.get_string("format").has_prefix("GRAY")) {
+ is_color = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Don't allow grey-scale devices
+ if (!is_color) continue;
+ if (device.device.properties.has_name("pipewire-proplist")) {
+ pipewire_devices.add(device);
+ } else {
+ other_devices.add(device);
+ }
+ }
+ // If we have any pipewire devices, present only those. Don't want duplicated devices from pipewire and video for linux.
+ ArrayList<MediaDevice> devices = pipewire_devices.size > 0 ? pipewire_devices : other_devices;
+ // Reorder sources
+ devices.sort((media_left, media_right) => {
+ Device left = media_left as Device;
+ Device right = media_right as Device;
+ if (left == null) return 1;
+ if (right == null) return -1;
+ int left_fps = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < left.device.caps.get_size(); i++) {
+ unowned Gst.Structure structure = left.device.caps.get_structure(i);
+ int num = 0, den = 0;
+ if (structure.has_field("framerate") && structure.get_fraction("framerate", out num, out den)) left_fps = int.max(left_fps, num / den);
+ }
+ int right_fps = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < left.device.caps.get_size(); i++) {
+ unowned Gst.Structure structure = left.device.caps.get_structure(i);
+ int num = 0, den = 0;
+ if (structure.has_field("framerate") && structure.get_fraction("framerate", out num, out den)) right_fps = int.max(right_fps, num / den);
+ }
+ // More FPS is better
+ if (left_fps > right_fps) return -1;
+ if (right_fps > left_fps) return 1;
+ return 0;
+ });
+ return devices;
+ }
+ public Device? get_preferred_device(string media, bool incoming) {
+ foreach (MediaDevice media_device in get_devices(media, incoming)) {
+ Device? device = media_device as Device;
+ if (device != null) return device;
+ }
+ warning("No preferred device for %s %s. Media will not be processed.", incoming ? "incoming" : "outgoing", media);
+ return null;
+ }
+ public MediaDevice? get_device(Xmpp.Xep.JingleRtp.Stream stream, bool incoming) {
+ Stream plugin_stream = stream as Stream;
+ if (plugin_stream == null) return null;
+ if (incoming) {
+ return plugin_stream.output_device ?? get_preferred_device(stream.media, incoming);
+ } else {
+ return plugin_stream.input_device ?? get_preferred_device(stream.media, incoming);
+ }
+ }
+ private void dump_dot() {
+ string name = @"pipe-$(pipe.clock.get_time())-$(pipe.current_state)";
+ Gst.Debug.bin_to_dot_file(pipe, Gst.DebugGraphDetails.ALL, name);
+ debug("Stored pipe details as %s", name);
+ }
+ public void set_pause(Xmpp.Xep.JingleRtp.Stream stream, bool pause) {
+ Stream plugin_stream = stream as Stream;
+ if (plugin_stream == null) return;
+ if (pause) {
+ plugin_stream.pause();
+ } else {
+ plugin_stream.unpause();
+ }
+ }
+ public void set_device(Xmpp.Xep.JingleRtp.Stream stream, MediaDevice? device) {
+ Device real_device = device as Device;
+ Stream plugin_stream = stream as Stream;
+ if (real_device == null || plugin_stream == null) return;
+ if (real_device.is_source) {
+ plugin_stream.input_device = real_device;
+ } else if (real_device.is_sink) {
+ plugin_stream.output_device = real_device;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/rtp/src/register_plugin.vala b/plugins/rtp/src/register_plugin.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a80137ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/rtp/src/register_plugin.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+public Type register_plugin(Module module) {
+ return typeof (Dino.Plugins.Rtp.Plugin);
diff --git a/plugins/rtp/src/stream.vala b/plugins/rtp/src/stream.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd8a279f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/rtp/src/stream.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,681 @@
+using Gee;
+using Xmpp;
+public class Dino.Plugins.Rtp.Stream : Xmpp.Xep.JingleRtp.Stream {
+ public uint8 rtpid { get; private set; }
+ public Plugin plugin { get; private set; }
+ public Gst.Pipeline pipe { get {
+ return plugin.pipe;
+ }}
+ public Gst.Element rtpbin { get {
+ return plugin.rtpbin;
+ }}
+ public CodecUtil codec_util { get {
+ return plugin.codec_util;
+ }}
+ private Gst.App.Sink send_rtp;
+ private Gst.App.Sink send_rtcp;
+ private Gst.App.Src recv_rtp;
+ private Gst.App.Src recv_rtcp;
+ private Gst.Element encode;
+ private Gst.RTP.BasePayload encode_pay;
+ private Gst.Element decode;
+ private Gst.RTP.BaseDepayload decode_depay;
+ private Gst.Element input;
+ private Gst.Element output;
+ private Gst.Element session;
+ private Device _input_device;
+ public Device input_device { get { return _input_device; } set {
+ if (!paused) {
+ if (this._input_device != null) {
+ this._input_device.unlink();
+ this._input_device = null;
+ }
+ set_input(value != null ? value.link_source() : null);
+ }
+ this._input_device = value;
+ }}
+ private Device _output_device;
+ public Device output_device { get { return _output_device; } set {
+ if (output != null) remove_output(output);
+ if (value != null) add_output(value.link_sink());
+ this._output_device = value;
+ }}
+ public bool created { get; private set; default = false; }
+ public bool paused { get; private set; default = false; }
+ private bool push_recv_data = false;
+ private string participant_ssrc = null;
+ private Gst.Pad recv_rtcp_sink_pad;
+ private Gst.Pad recv_rtp_sink_pad;
+ private Gst.Pad recv_rtp_src_pad;
+ private Gst.Pad send_rtcp_src_pad;
+ private Gst.Pad send_rtp_sink_pad;
+ private Gst.Pad send_rtp_src_pad;
+ private Crypto.Srtp.Session? crypto_session = new Crypto.Srtp.Session();
+ public Stream(Plugin plugin, Xmpp.Xep.Jingle.Content content) {
+ base(content);
+ this.plugin = plugin;
+ this.rtpid = plugin.next_free_id();
+ content.notify["senders"].connect_after(on_senders_changed);
+ }
+ public void on_senders_changed() {
+ if (sending && input == null) {
+ input_device = plugin.get_preferred_device(media, false);
+ }
+ if (receiving && output == null) {
+ output_device = plugin.get_preferred_device(media, true);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void create() {
+ plugin.pause();
+ // Create i/o if needed
+ if (input == null && input_device == null && sending) {
+ input_device = plugin.get_preferred_device(media, false);
+ }
+ if (output == null && output_device == null && receiving && media == "audio") {
+ output_device = plugin.get_preferred_device(media, true);
+ }
+ // Create app elements
+ send_rtp = Gst.ElementFactory.make("appsink", @"rtp_sink_$rtpid") as Gst.App.Sink;
+ send_rtp.async = false;
+ send_rtp.caps = CodecUtil.get_caps(media, payload_type, false);
+ send_rtp.emit_signals = true;
+ send_rtp.sync = false;
+ send_rtp.new_sample.connect(on_new_sample);
+ pipe.add(send_rtp);
+ send_rtcp = Gst.ElementFactory.make("appsink", @"rtcp_sink_$rtpid") as Gst.App.Sink;
+ send_rtcp.async = false;
+ send_rtcp.caps = new Gst.Caps.empty_simple("application/x-rtcp");
+ send_rtcp.emit_signals = true;
+ send_rtcp.sync = false;
+ send_rtcp.new_sample.connect(on_new_sample);
+ pipe.add(send_rtcp);
+ recv_rtp = Gst.ElementFactory.make("appsrc", @"rtp_src_$rtpid") as Gst.App.Src;
+ recv_rtp.caps = CodecUtil.get_caps(media, payload_type, true);
+ recv_rtp.do_timestamp = true;
+ recv_rtp.format = Gst.Format.TIME;
+ recv_rtp.is_live = true;
+ pipe.add(recv_rtp);
+ recv_rtcp = Gst.ElementFactory.make("appsrc", @"rtcp_src_$rtpid") as Gst.App.Src;
+ recv_rtcp.caps = new Gst.Caps.empty_simple("application/x-rtcp");
+ recv_rtcp.do_timestamp = true;
+ recv_rtcp.format = Gst.Format.TIME;
+ recv_rtcp.is_live = true;
+ pipe.add(recv_rtcp);
+ // Connect RTCP
+ send_rtcp_src_pad = rtpbin.get_request_pad(@"send_rtcp_src_$rtpid");
+ send_rtcp_src_pad.link(send_rtcp.get_static_pad("sink"));
+ recv_rtcp_sink_pad = rtpbin.get_request_pad(@"recv_rtcp_sink_$rtpid");
+ recv_rtcp.get_static_pad("src").link(recv_rtcp_sink_pad);
+ // Connect input
+ encode = codec_util.get_encode_bin(media, payload_type, @"encode_$rtpid");
+ encode_pay = (Gst.RTP.BasePayload)((Gst.Bin)encode).get_by_name(@"encode_$(rtpid)_rtp_pay");
+ pipe.add(encode);
+ send_rtp_sink_pad = rtpbin.get_request_pad(@"send_rtp_sink_$rtpid");
+ encode.get_static_pad("src").link(send_rtp_sink_pad);
+ if (input != null) {
+ input.link(encode);
+ }
+ // Connect output
+ decode = codec_util.get_decode_bin(media, payload_type, @"decode_$rtpid");
+ decode_depay = (Gst.RTP.BaseDepayload)((Gst.Bin)encode).get_by_name(@"decode_$(rtpid)_rtp_depay");
+ pipe.add(decode);
+ if (output != null) {
+ decode.link(output);
+ }
+ // Connect RTP
+ recv_rtp_sink_pad = rtpbin.get_request_pad(@"recv_rtp_sink_$rtpid");
+ recv_rtp.get_static_pad("src").link(recv_rtp_sink_pad);
+ created = true;
+ push_recv_data = true;
+ plugin.unpause();
+ GLib.Signal.emit_by_name(rtpbin, "get-session", rtpid, out session);
+ if (session != null && payload_type.rtcp_fbs.any_match((it) => it.type_ == "goog-remb")) {
+ Object internal_session;
+ session.@get("internal-session", out internal_session);
+ if (internal_session != null) {
+ internal_session.connect("signal::on-feedback-rtcp", on_feedback_rtcp, this);
+ }
+ Timeout.add(1000, () => remb_adjust());
+ }
+ if (media == "video") {
+ codec_util.update_bitrate(media, payload_type, encode, 256);
+ }
+ }
+ private uint remb = 256;
+ private int last_packets_lost = -1;
+ private uint64 last_packets_received;
+ private uint64 last_octets_received;
+ private bool remb_adjust() {
+ unowned Gst.Structure? stats;
+ if (session == null) {
+ debug("Session for %u finished, turning off remb adjustment", rtpid);
+ return Source.REMOVE;
+ }
+ session.get("stats", out stats);
+ if (stats == null) {
+ warning("No stats for session %u", rtpid);
+ return Source.REMOVE;
+ }
+ unowned ValueArray? source_stats;
+ stats.get("source-stats", typeof(ValueArray), out source_stats);
+ if (source_stats == null) {
+ warning("No source-stats for session %u", rtpid);
+ return Source.REMOVE;
+ }
+ foreach (Value value in source_stats.values) {
+ unowned Gst.Structure source_stat = (Gst.Structure) value.get_boxed();
+ uint ssrc;
+ if (!source_stat.get_uint("ssrc", out ssrc)) continue;
+ if (ssrc.to_string() == participant_ssrc) {
+ int packets_lost;
+ uint64 packets_received, octets_received;
+ source_stat.get_int("packets-lost", out packets_lost);
+ source_stat.get_uint64("packets-received", out packets_received);
+ source_stat.get_uint64("octets-received", out octets_received);
+ int new_lost = packets_lost - last_packets_lost;
+ uint64 new_received = packets_received - last_packets_received;
+ uint64 new_octets = octets_received - last_octets_received;
+ if (new_received == 0) continue;
+ last_packets_lost = packets_lost;
+ last_packets_received = packets_received;
+ last_octets_received = octets_received;
+ double loss_rate = (double)new_lost / (double)(new_lost + new_received);
+ if (new_lost <= 0 || loss_rate < 0.02) {
+ remb = (uint)(1.08 * (double)remb);
+ } else if (loss_rate > 0.1) {
+ remb = (uint)((1.0 - 0.5 * loss_rate) * (double)remb);
+ }
+ remb = uint.max(remb, (uint)((new_octets * 8) / 1000));
+ remb = uint.max(16, remb); // Never go below 16
+ uint8[] data = new uint8[] {
+ 143, 206, 0, 5,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 'R', 'E', 'M', 'B',
+ 1, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0
+ };
+ data[4] = (uint8)((encode_pay.ssrc >> 24) & 0xff);
+ data[5] = (uint8)((encode_pay.ssrc >> 16) & 0xff);
+ data[6] = (uint8)((encode_pay.ssrc >> 8) & 0xff);
+ data[7] = (uint8)(encode_pay.ssrc & 0xff);
+ uint8 br_exp = 0;
+ uint32 br_mant = remb * 1000;
+ uint8 bits = (uint8)Math.log2(br_mant);
+ if (bits > 16) {
+ br_exp = (uint8)bits - 16;
+ br_mant = br_mant >> br_exp;
+ }
+ data[17] = (uint8)((br_exp << 2) | ((br_mant >> 16) & 0x3));
+ data[18] = (uint8)((br_mant >> 8) & 0xff);
+ data[19] = (uint8)(br_mant & 0xff);
+ data[20] = (uint8)((ssrc >> 24) & 0xff);
+ data[21] = (uint8)((ssrc >> 16) & 0xff);
+ data[22] = (uint8)((ssrc >> 8) & 0xff);
+ data[23] = (uint8)(ssrc & 0xff);
+ encrypt_and_send_rtcp(data);
+ }
+ }
+ return Source.CONTINUE;
+ }
+ private static void on_feedback_rtcp(Gst.Element session, uint type, uint fbtype, uint sender_ssrc, uint media_ssrc, Gst.Buffer? fci, Stream self) {
+ if (type == 206 && fbtype == 15 && fci != null && sender_ssrc.to_string() == self.participant_ssrc) {
+ // https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-alvestrand-rmcat-remb-03
+ uint8[] data;
+ fci.extract_dup(0, fci.get_size(), out data);
+ if (data[0] != 'R' || data[1] != 'E' || data[2] != 'M' || data[3] != 'B') return;
+ uint8 br_exp = data[5] >> 2;
+ uint32 br_mant = (((uint32)data[5] & 0x3) << 16) + ((uint32)data[6] << 8) + (uint32)data[7];
+ uint bitrate = (br_mant << br_exp) / 1000;
+ self.codec_util.update_bitrate(self.media, self.payload_type, self.encode, bitrate * 8);
+ }
+ }
+ private void prepare_local_crypto() {
+ if (local_crypto != null && local_crypto.is_valid && !crypto_session.has_encrypt) {
+ crypto_session.set_encryption_key(local_crypto.crypto_suite, local_crypto.key, local_crypto.salt);
+ debug("Setting up encryption with key params %s", local_crypto.key_params);
+ }
+ }
+ private Gst.FlowReturn on_new_sample(Gst.App.Sink sink) {
+ if (sink == null) {
+ debug("Sink is null");
+ return Gst.FlowReturn.EOS;
+ }
+ Gst.Sample sample = sink.pull_sample();
+ Gst.Buffer buffer = sample.get_buffer();
+ uint8[] data;
+ buffer.extract_dup(0, buffer.get_size(), out data);
+ prepare_local_crypto();
+ if (sink == send_rtp) {
+ if (crypto_session.has_encrypt) {
+ data = crypto_session.encrypt_rtp(data);
+ }
+ on_send_rtp_data(new Bytes.take((owned) data));
+ } else if (sink == send_rtcp) {
+ encrypt_and_send_rtcp((owned) data);
+ } else {
+ warning("unknown sample");
+ }
+ return Gst.FlowReturn.OK;
+ }
+ private void encrypt_and_send_rtcp(owned uint8[] data) {
+ if (crypto_session.has_encrypt) {
+ data = crypto_session.encrypt_rtcp(data);
+ }
+ if (rtcp_mux) {
+ on_send_rtp_data(new Bytes.take((owned) data));
+ } else {
+ on_send_rtcp_data(new Bytes.take((owned) data));
+ }
+ }
+ private static Gst.PadProbeReturn drop_probe() {
+ return Gst.PadProbeReturn.DROP;
+ }
+ public override void destroy() {
+ // Stop network communication
+ push_recv_data = false;
+ recv_rtp.end_of_stream();
+ recv_rtcp.end_of_stream();
+ send_rtp.new_sample.disconnect(on_new_sample);
+ send_rtcp.new_sample.disconnect(on_new_sample);
+ // Disconnect input device
+ if (input != null) {
+ input.unlink(encode);
+ input = null;
+ }
+ if (this._input_device != null) {
+ if (!paused) this._input_device.unlink();
+ this._input_device = null;
+ }
+ // Disconnect encode
+ encode.set_locked_state(true);
+ encode.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ encode.get_static_pad("src").unlink(send_rtp_sink_pad);
+ pipe.remove(encode);
+ encode = null;
+ encode_pay = null;
+ // Disconnect RTP sending
+ if (send_rtp_src_pad != null) {
+ send_rtp_src_pad.add_probe(Gst.PadProbeType.BLOCK, drop_probe);
+ send_rtp_src_pad.unlink(send_rtp.get_static_pad("sink"));
+ }
+ send_rtp.set_locked_state(true);
+ send_rtp.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ pipe.remove(send_rtp);
+ send_rtp = null;
+ // Disconnect decode
+ if (recv_rtp_src_pad != null) {
+ recv_rtp_src_pad.add_probe(Gst.PadProbeType.BLOCK, drop_probe);
+ recv_rtp_src_pad.unlink(decode.get_static_pad("sink"));
+ }
+ // Disconnect RTP receiving
+ recv_rtp.set_locked_state(true);
+ recv_rtp.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ recv_rtp.get_static_pad("src").unlink(recv_rtp_sink_pad);
+ pipe.remove(recv_rtp);
+ recv_rtp = null;
+ // Disconnect output
+ if (output != null) {
+ decode.unlink(output);
+ }
+ decode.set_locked_state(true);
+ decode.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ pipe.remove(decode);
+ decode = null;
+ decode_depay = null;
+ output = null;
+ // Disconnect output device
+ if (this._output_device != null) {
+ this._output_device.unlink();
+ this._output_device = null;
+ }
+ // Disconnect RTCP receiving
+ recv_rtcp.get_static_pad("src").unlink(recv_rtcp_sink_pad);
+ recv_rtcp.set_locked_state(true);
+ recv_rtcp.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ pipe.remove(recv_rtcp);
+ recv_rtcp = null;
+ // Disconnect RTCP sending
+ send_rtcp_src_pad.unlink(send_rtcp.get_static_pad("sink"));
+ send_rtcp.set_locked_state(true);
+ send_rtcp.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ pipe.remove(send_rtcp);
+ send_rtcp = null;
+ // Release rtp pads
+ rtpbin.release_request_pad(send_rtp_sink_pad);
+ send_rtp_sink_pad = null;
+ rtpbin.release_request_pad(recv_rtp_sink_pad);
+ recv_rtp_sink_pad = null;
+ rtpbin.release_request_pad(recv_rtcp_sink_pad);
+ recv_rtcp_sink_pad = null;
+ rtpbin.release_request_pad(send_rtcp_src_pad);
+ send_rtcp_src_pad = null;
+ send_rtp_src_pad = null;
+ recv_rtp_src_pad = null;
+ session = null;
+ }
+ private void prepare_remote_crypto() {
+ if (remote_crypto != null && remote_crypto.is_valid && !crypto_session.has_decrypt) {
+ crypto_session.set_decryption_key(remote_crypto.crypto_suite, remote_crypto.key, remote_crypto.salt);
+ debug("Setting up decryption with key params %s", remote_crypto.key_params);
+ }
+ }
+ private uint16 previous_video_orientation_degree = uint16.MAX;
+ public signal void video_orientation_changed(uint16 degree);
+ public override void on_recv_rtp_data(Bytes bytes) {
+ if (rtcp_mux && bytes.length >= 2 && bytes.get(1) >= 192 && bytes.get(1) < 224) {
+ on_recv_rtcp_data(bytes);
+ return;
+ }
+ prepare_remote_crypto();
+ uint8[] data = bytes.get_data();
+ if (crypto_session.has_decrypt) {
+ try {
+ data = crypto_session.decrypt_rtp(data);
+ } catch (Error e) {
+ warning("%s (%d)", e.message, e.code);
+ }
+ }
+ if (push_recv_data) {
+ Gst.Buffer buffer = new Gst.Buffer.wrapped((owned) data);
+ Gst.RTP.Buffer rtp_buffer;
+ if (Gst.RTP.Buffer.map(buffer, Gst.MapFlags.READ, out rtp_buffer)) {
+ if (rtp_buffer.get_extension()) {
+ Xmpp.Xep.JingleRtp.HeaderExtension? ext = header_extensions.first_match((it) => it.uri == "urn:3gpp:video-orientation");
+ if (ext != null) {
+ unowned uint8[] extension_data;
+ if (rtp_buffer.get_extension_onebyte_header(ext.id, 0, out extension_data) && extension_data.length == 1) {
+ bool camera = (extension_data[0] & 0x8) > 0;
+ bool flip = (extension_data[0] & 0x4) > 0;
+ uint8 rotation = extension_data[0] & 0x3;
+ uint16 rotation_degree = uint16.MAX;
+ switch(rotation) {
+ case 0: rotation_degree = 0; break;
+ case 1: rotation_degree = 90; break;
+ case 2: rotation_degree = 180; break;
+ case 3: rotation_degree = 270; break;
+ }
+ if (rotation_degree != previous_video_orientation_degree) {
+ video_orientation_changed(rotation_degree);
+ previous_video_orientation_degree = rotation_degree;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rtp_buffer.unmap();
+ }
+ // FIXME: VAPI file in Vala < 0.49.1 has a bug that results in broken ownership of buffer in push_buffer()
+ // We workaround by using the plain signal. The signal unfortunately will cause an unnecessary copy of
+ // the underlying buffer, so and some point we should move over to the new version (once we require
+ // Vala >= 0.50)
+ recv_rtp.push_buffer((owned) buffer);
+ Gst.FlowReturn ret;
+ GLib.Signal.emit_by_name(recv_rtp, "push-buffer", buffer, out ret);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void on_recv_rtcp_data(Bytes bytes) {
+ prepare_remote_crypto();
+ uint8[] data = bytes.get_data();
+ if (crypto_session.has_decrypt) {
+ try {
+ data = crypto_session.decrypt_rtcp(data);
+ } catch (Error e) {
+ warning("%s (%d)", e.message, e.code);
+ }
+ }
+ if (push_recv_data) {
+ Gst.Buffer buffer = new Gst.Buffer.wrapped((owned) data);
+ // See above
+ recv_rtcp.push_buffer((owned) buffer);
+ Gst.FlowReturn ret;
+ GLib.Signal.emit_by_name(recv_rtcp, "push-buffer", buffer, out ret);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void on_rtp_ready() {
+ // If full frame has been sent before the connection was ready, the counterpart would only display our video after the next full frame.
+ // Send a full frame to let the counterpart display our video asap
+ rtpbin.send_event(new Gst.Event.custom(
+ new Gst.Structure("GstForceKeyUnit", "all-headers", typeof(bool), true, null))
+ );
+ }
+ public override void on_rtcp_ready() {
+ int rtp_session_id = (int) rtpid;
+ uint64 max_delay = int.MAX;
+ Object rtp_session;
+ bool rtp_sent;
+ GLib.Signal.emit_by_name(rtpbin, "get-internal-session", rtp_session_id, out rtp_session);
+ GLib.Signal.emit_by_name(rtp_session, "send-rtcp-full", max_delay, out rtp_sent);
+ debug("RTCP is ready, resending rtcp: %s", rtp_sent.to_string());
+ }
+ public void on_ssrc_pad_added(string ssrc, Gst.Pad pad) {
+ debug("New ssrc %s with pad %s", ssrc, pad.name);
+ if (participant_ssrc != null && participant_ssrc != ssrc) {
+ warning("Got second ssrc on stream (old: %s, new: %s), ignoring", participant_ssrc, ssrc);
+ return;
+ }
+ participant_ssrc = ssrc;
+ recv_rtp_src_pad = pad;
+ if (decode != null) {
+ plugin.pause();
+ debug("Link %s to %s decode for %s", recv_rtp_src_pad.name, media, name);
+ recv_rtp_src_pad.link(decode.get_static_pad("sink"));
+ plugin.unpause();
+ }
+ }
+ public void on_send_rtp_src_added(Gst.Pad pad) {
+ send_rtp_src_pad = pad;
+ if (send_rtp != null) {
+ plugin.pause();
+ debug("Link %s to %s send_rtp for %s", send_rtp_src_pad.name, media, name);
+ send_rtp_src_pad.link(send_rtp.get_static_pad("sink"));
+ plugin.unpause();
+ }
+ }
+ public void set_input(Gst.Element? input) {
+ set_input_and_pause(input, paused);
+ }
+ private void set_input_and_pause(Gst.Element? input, bool paused) {
+ if (created && this.input != null) {
+ this.input.unlink(encode);
+ this.input = null;
+ }
+ this.input = input;
+ this.paused = paused;
+ if (created && sending && !paused && input != null) {
+ plugin.pause();
+ input.link(encode);
+ plugin.unpause();
+ }
+ }
+ public void pause() {
+ if (paused) return;
+ set_input_and_pause(null, true);
+ if (input_device != null) input_device.unlink();
+ }
+ public void unpause() {
+ if (!paused) return;
+ set_input_and_pause(input_device != null ? input_device.link_source() : null, false);
+ }
+ ulong block_probe_handler_id = 0;
+ public virtual void add_output(Gst.Element element) {
+ if (output != null) {
+ critical("add_output() invoked more than once");
+ return;
+ }
+ this.output = element;
+ if (created) {
+ plugin.pause();
+ decode.link(element);
+ if (block_probe_handler_id != 0) {
+ decode.get_static_pad("src").remove_probe(block_probe_handler_id);
+ }
+ plugin.unpause();
+ }
+ }
+ public virtual void remove_output(Gst.Element element) {
+ if (output != element) {
+ critical("remove_output() invoked without prior add_output()");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (created) {
+ block_probe_handler_id = decode.get_static_pad("src").add_probe(Gst.PadProbeType.BLOCK, drop_probe);
+ decode.unlink(element);
+ }
+ if (this._output_device != null) {
+ this._output_device.unlink();
+ this._output_device = null;
+ }
+ this.output = null;
+ }
+public class Dino.Plugins.Rtp.VideoStream : Stream {
+ private Gee.List<Gst.Element> outputs = new ArrayList<Gst.Element>();
+ private Gst.Element output_tee;
+ private Gst.Element rotate;
+ private ulong video_orientation_changed_handler;
+ public VideoStream(Plugin plugin, Xmpp.Xep.Jingle.Content content) {
+ base(plugin, content);
+ if (media != "video") critical("VideoStream created for non-video media");
+ }
+ public override void create() {
+ video_orientation_changed_handler = video_orientation_changed.connect(on_video_orientation_changed);
+ plugin.pause();
+ rotate = Gst.ElementFactory.make("videoflip", @"video_rotate_$rtpid");
+ pipe.add(rotate);
+ output_tee = Gst.ElementFactory.make("tee", @"video_tee_$rtpid");
+ output_tee.@set("allow-not-linked", true);
+ pipe.add(output_tee);
+ rotate.link(output_tee);
+ add_output(rotate);
+ base.create();
+ foreach (Gst.Element output in outputs) {
+ output_tee.link(output);
+ }
+ plugin.unpause();
+ }
+ private void on_video_orientation_changed(uint16 degree) {
+ if (rotate != null) {
+ switch (degree) {
+ case 0:
+ rotate.@set("method", 0);
+ break;
+ case 90:
+ rotate.@set("method", 1);
+ break;
+ case 180:
+ rotate.@set("method", 2);
+ break;
+ case 270:
+ rotate.@set("method", 3);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public override void destroy() {
+ foreach (Gst.Element output in outputs) {
+ output_tee.unlink(output);
+ }
+ base.destroy();
+ rotate.set_locked_state(true);
+ rotate.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ rotate.unlink(output_tee);
+ pipe.remove(rotate);
+ rotate = null;
+ output_tee.set_locked_state(true);
+ output_tee.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ pipe.remove(output_tee);
+ output_tee = null;
+ disconnect(video_orientation_changed_handler);
+ }
+ public override void add_output(Gst.Element element) {
+ if (element == output_tee || element == rotate) {
+ base.add_output(element);
+ return;
+ }
+ outputs.add(element);
+ if (output_tee != null) {
+ output_tee.link(element);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void remove_output(Gst.Element element) {
+ if (element == output_tee || element == rotate) {
+ base.remove_output(element);
+ return;
+ }
+ outputs.remove(element);
+ if (output_tee != null) {
+ output_tee.unlink(element);
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/rtp/src/video_widget.vala b/plugins/rtp/src/video_widget.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..351069a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/rtp/src/video_widget.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+public class Dino.Plugins.Rtp.VideoWidget : Gtk.Bin, Dino.Plugins.VideoCallWidget {
+ private static uint last_id = 0;
+ public uint id { get; private set; }
+ public Gst.Element element { get; private set; }
+ public Gtk.Widget widget { get; private set; }
+ public Plugin plugin { get; private set; }
+ public Gst.Pipeline pipe { get {
+ return plugin.pipe;
+ }}
+ private bool attached;
+ private Device? connected_device;
+ private Stream? connected_stream;
+ private Gst.Element convert;
+ public VideoWidget(Plugin plugin) {
+ this.plugin = plugin;
+ id = last_id++;
+ element = Gst.ElementFactory.make("gtksink", @"video_widget_$id");
+ if (element != null) {
+ Gtk.Widget widget;
+ element.@get("widget", out widget);
+ element.@set("async", false);
+ element.@set("sync", false);
+ this.widget = widget;
+ add(widget);
+ widget.visible = true;
+ // Listen for resolution changes
+ element.get_static_pad("sink").notify["caps"].connect(() => {
+ if (element.get_static_pad("sink").caps == null) return;
+ int width, height;
+ element.get_static_pad("sink").caps.get_structure(0).get_int("width", out width);
+ element.get_static_pad("sink").caps.get_structure(0).get_int("height", out height);
+ resolution_changed(width, height);
+ });
+ } else {
+ warning("Could not create GTK video sink. Won't display videos.");
+ }
+ }
+ public void display_stream(Xmpp.Xep.JingleRtp.Stream stream) {
+ if (element == null) return;
+ detach();
+ if (stream.media != "video") return;
+ connected_stream = stream as Stream;
+ if (connected_stream == null) return;
+ plugin.pause();
+ pipe.add(element);
+ convert = Gst.parse_bin_from_description(@"videoconvert name=video_widget_$(id)_convert", true);
+ convert.name = @"video_widget_$(id)_prepare";
+ pipe.add(convert);
+ convert.link(element);
+ connected_stream.add_output(convert);
+ element.set_locked_state(false);
+ plugin.unpause();
+ attached = true;
+ }
+ public void display_device(MediaDevice media_device) {
+ if (element == null) return;
+ detach();
+ connected_device = media_device as Device;
+ if (connected_device == null) return;
+ plugin.pause();
+ pipe.add(element);
+ convert = Gst.parse_bin_from_description(@"videoflip method=horizontal-flip name=video_widget_$(id)_flip ! videoconvert name=video_widget_$(id)_convert", true);
+ convert.name = @"video_widget_$(id)_prepare";
+ pipe.add(convert);
+ convert.link(element);
+ connected_device.link_source().link(convert);
+ element.set_locked_state(false);
+ plugin.unpause();
+ attached = true;
+ }
+ public void detach() {
+ if (element == null) return;
+ if (attached) {
+ if (connected_stream != null) {
+ connected_stream.remove_output(convert);
+ connected_stream = null;
+ }
+ if (connected_device != null) {
+ connected_device.link_source().unlink(element);
+ connected_device.unlink(); // We get a new ref to recover the element, so unlink twice
+ connected_device.unlink();
+ connected_device = null;
+ }
+ convert.set_locked_state(true);
+ convert.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ pipe.remove(convert);
+ convert = null;
+ element.set_locked_state(true);
+ element.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ pipe.remove(element);
+ attached = false;
+ }
+ }
+ public override void dispose() {
+ detach();
+ widget = null;
+ element = null;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/rtp/src/voice_processor.vala b/plugins/rtp/src/voice_processor.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..66e95d72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/rtp/src/voice_processor.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+using Gst;
+namespace Dino.Plugins.Rtp {
+public static extern Buffer adjust_to_running_time(Base.Transform transform, Buffer buf);
+public class Dino.Plugins.Rtp.EchoProbe : Audio.Filter {
+ private static StaticPadTemplate sink_template = {"sink", PadDirection.SINK, PadPresence.ALWAYS, {null, "audio/x-raw,rate=48000,channels=1,layout=interleaved,format=S16LE"}};
+ private static StaticPadTemplate src_template = {"src", PadDirection.SRC, PadPresence.ALWAYS, {null, "audio/x-raw,rate=48000,channels=1,layout=interleaved,format=S16LE"}};
+ public Audio.Info audio_info { get; private set; }
+ public signal void on_new_buffer(Buffer buffer);
+ private uint period_samples;
+ private uint period_size;
+ private Base.Adapter adapter = new Base.Adapter();
+ static construct {
+ add_static_pad_template(sink_template);
+ add_static_pad_template(src_template);
+ set_static_metadata("Acoustic Echo Canceller probe", "Generic/Audio", "Gathers playback buffers for echo cancellation", "Dino Team <contact@dino.im>");
+ }
+ construct {
+ set_passthrough(true);
+ }
+ public override bool setup(Audio.Info info) {
+ audio_info = info;
+ period_samples = info.rate / 100; // 10ms buffers
+ period_size = period_samples * info.bpf;
+ return true;
+ }
+ public override FlowReturn transform_ip(Buffer buf) {
+ lock (adapter) {
+ adapter.push(adjust_to_running_time(this, buf));
+ while (adapter.available() > period_size) {
+ on_new_buffer(adapter.take_buffer(period_size));
+ }
+ }
+ return FlowReturn.OK;
+ }
+ public override bool stop() {
+ adapter.clear();
+ return true;
+ }
+public class Dino.Plugins.Rtp.VoiceProcessor : Audio.Filter {
+ private static StaticPadTemplate sink_template = {"sink", PadDirection.SINK, PadPresence.ALWAYS, {null, "audio/x-raw,rate=48000,channels=1,layout=interleaved,format=S16LE"}};
+ private static StaticPadTemplate src_template = {"src", PadDirection.SRC, PadPresence.ALWAYS, {null, "audio/x-raw,rate=48000,channels=1,layout=interleaved,format=S16LE"}};
+ public Audio.Info audio_info { get; private set; }
+ private ulong process_outgoing_buffer_handler_id;
+ private uint adjust_delay_timeout_id;
+ private uint period_samples;
+ private uint period_size;
+ private Base.Adapter adapter = new Base.Adapter();
+ private EchoProbe? echo_probe;
+ private Audio.StreamVolume? stream_volume;
+ private ClockTime last_reverse;
+ private void* native;
+ static construct {
+ add_static_pad_template(sink_template);
+ add_static_pad_template(src_template);
+ set_static_metadata("Voice Processor (AGC, AEC, filters, etc.)", "Generic/Audio", "Pre-processes voice with WebRTC Audio Processing Library", "Dino Team <contact@dino.im>");
+ }
+ construct {
+ set_passthrough(false);
+ }
+ public VoiceProcessor(EchoProbe? echo_probe = null, Audio.StreamVolume? stream_volume = null) {
+ this.echo_probe = echo_probe;
+ this.stream_volume = stream_volume;
+ }
+ private static extern void* init_native(int stream_delay);
+ private static extern void setup_native(void* native);
+ private static extern void destroy_native(void* native);
+ private static extern void analyze_reverse_stream(void* native, Audio.Info info, Buffer buffer);
+ private static extern void process_stream(void* native, Audio.Info info, Buffer buffer);
+ private static extern void adjust_stream_delay(void* native);
+ private static extern void notify_gain_level(void* native, int gain_level);
+ private static extern int get_suggested_gain_level(void* native);
+ private static extern bool get_stream_has_voice(void* native);
+ public override bool setup(Audio.Info info) {
+ debug("VoiceProcessor.setup(%s)", info.to_caps().to_string());
+ audio_info = info;
+ period_samples = info.rate / 100; // 10ms buffers
+ period_size = period_samples * info.bpf;
+ adapter.clear();
+ setup_native(native);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public override bool start() {
+ native = init_native(150);
+ if (process_outgoing_buffer_handler_id == 0 && echo_probe != null) {
+ process_outgoing_buffer_handler_id = echo_probe.on_new_buffer.connect(process_outgoing_buffer);
+ }
+ if (stream_volume == null && sinkpad.get_peer() != null && sinkpad.get_peer().get_parent_element() is Audio.StreamVolume) {
+ stream_volume = sinkpad.get_peer().get_parent_element() as Audio.StreamVolume;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private bool adjust_delay() {
+ if (native != null) {
+ adjust_stream_delay(native);
+ return Source.CONTINUE;
+ } else {
+ adjust_delay_timeout_id = 0;
+ return Source.REMOVE;
+ }
+ }
+ private void process_outgoing_buffer(Buffer buffer) {
+ if (buffer.pts != uint64.MAX) {
+ last_reverse = buffer.pts;
+ }
+ analyze_reverse_stream(native, echo_probe.audio_info, buffer);
+ if (adjust_delay_timeout_id == 0 && echo_probe != null) {
+ adjust_delay_timeout_id = Timeout.add(1000, adjust_delay);
+ }
+ }
+ public override FlowReturn submit_input_buffer(bool is_discont, Buffer input) {
+ lock (adapter) {
+ if (is_discont) {
+ adapter.clear();
+ }
+ adapter.push(adjust_to_running_time(this, input));
+ }
+ return FlowReturn.OK;
+ }
+ public override FlowReturn generate_output(out Buffer output_buffer) {
+ lock (adapter) {
+ if (adapter.available() >= period_size) {
+ output_buffer = (Gst.Buffer) adapter.take_buffer(period_size).make_writable();
+ int old_gain_level = 0;
+ if (stream_volume != null) {
+ old_gain_level = (int) (stream_volume.get_volume(Audio.StreamVolumeFormat.LINEAR) * 255.0);
+ notify_gain_level(native, old_gain_level);
+ }
+ process_stream(native, audio_info, output_buffer);
+ if (stream_volume != null) {
+ int new_gain_level = get_suggested_gain_level(native);
+ if (old_gain_level != new_gain_level) {
+ debug("Gain: %i -> %i", old_gain_level, new_gain_level);
+ stream_volume.set_volume(Audio.StreamVolumeFormat.LINEAR, ((double)new_gain_level) / 255.0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return FlowReturn.OK;
+ }
+ public override bool stop() {
+ if (process_outgoing_buffer_handler_id != 0) {
+ echo_probe.disconnect(process_outgoing_buffer_handler_id);
+ process_outgoing_buffer_handler_id = 0;
+ }
+ if (adjust_delay_timeout_id != 0) {
+ Source.remove(adjust_delay_timeout_id);
+ adjust_delay_timeout_id = 0;
+ }
+ adapter.clear();
+ destroy_native(native);
+ native = null;
+ return true;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/rtp/src/voice_processor_native.cpp b/plugins/rtp/src/voice_processor_native.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a052cf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/rtp/src/voice_processor_native.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <gst/gst.h>
+#include <gst/audio/audio.h>
+#include <webrtc/modules/audio_processing/include/audio_processing.h>
+#include <webrtc/modules/interface/module_common_types.h>
+#include <webrtc/system_wrappers/include/trace.h>
+#define SAMPLE_RATE 48000
+struct _DinoPluginsRtpVoiceProcessorNative {
+ webrtc::AudioProcessing *apm;
+ gint stream_delay;
+ gint last_median;
+ gint last_poor_delays;
+extern "C" void *dino_plugins_rtp_adjust_to_running_time(GstBaseTransform *transform, GstBuffer *buffer) {
+ GstBuffer *copy = gst_buffer_copy(buffer);
+ GST_BUFFER_PTS(copy) = gst_segment_to_running_time(&transform->segment, GST_FORMAT_TIME, GST_BUFFER_PTS(buffer));
+ return copy;
+extern "C" void *dino_plugins_rtp_voice_processor_init_native(gint stream_delay) {
+ _DinoPluginsRtpVoiceProcessorNative *native = new _DinoPluginsRtpVoiceProcessorNative();
+ webrtc::Config config;
+ config.Set<webrtc::ExtendedFilter>(new webrtc::ExtendedFilter(true));
+ config.Set<webrtc::ExperimentalAgc>(new webrtc::ExperimentalAgc(true, 85));
+ native->apm = webrtc::AudioProcessing::Create(config);
+ native->stream_delay = stream_delay;
+ native->last_median = 0;
+ native->last_poor_delays = 0;
+ return native;
+extern "C" void dino_plugins_rtp_voice_processor_setup_native(void *native_ptr) {
+ _DinoPluginsRtpVoiceProcessorNative *native = (_DinoPluginsRtpVoiceProcessorNative *) native_ptr;
+ webrtc::AudioProcessing *apm = native->apm;
+ webrtc::ProcessingConfig pconfig;
+ pconfig.streams[webrtc::ProcessingConfig::kInputStream] =
+ webrtc::StreamConfig(SAMPLE_RATE, SAMPLE_CHANNELS, false);
+ pconfig.streams[webrtc::ProcessingConfig::kOutputStream] =
+ webrtc::StreamConfig(SAMPLE_RATE, SAMPLE_CHANNELS, false);
+ pconfig.streams[webrtc::ProcessingConfig::kReverseInputStream] =
+ webrtc::StreamConfig(SAMPLE_RATE, SAMPLE_CHANNELS, false);
+ pconfig.streams[webrtc::ProcessingConfig::kReverseOutputStream] =
+ webrtc::StreamConfig(SAMPLE_RATE, SAMPLE_CHANNELS, false);
+ apm->Initialize(pconfig);
+ apm->high_pass_filter()->Enable(true);
+ apm->echo_cancellation()->enable_drift_compensation(false);
+ apm->echo_cancellation()->set_suppression_level(webrtc::EchoCancellation::kModerateSuppression);
+ apm->echo_cancellation()->enable_delay_logging(true);
+ apm->echo_cancellation()->Enable(true);
+ apm->noise_suppression()->set_level(webrtc::NoiseSuppression::kModerate);
+ apm->noise_suppression()->Enable(true);
+ apm->gain_control()->set_analog_level_limits(0, 255);
+ apm->gain_control()->set_mode(webrtc::GainControl::kAdaptiveAnalog);
+ apm->gain_control()->set_target_level_dbfs(3);
+ apm->gain_control()->set_compression_gain_db(9);
+ apm->gain_control()->enable_limiter(true);
+ apm->gain_control()->Enable(true);
+ apm->voice_detection()->set_likelihood(webrtc::VoiceDetection::Likelihood::kLowLikelihood);
+ apm->voice_detection()->Enable(true);
+extern "C" void
+dino_plugins_rtp_voice_processor_analyze_reverse_stream(void *native_ptr, GstAudioInfo *info, GstBuffer *buffer) {
+ _DinoPluginsRtpVoiceProcessorNative *native = (_DinoPluginsRtpVoiceProcessorNative *) native_ptr;
+ webrtc::StreamConfig config(SAMPLE_RATE, SAMPLE_CHANNELS, false);
+ webrtc::AudioProcessing *apm = native->apm;
+ GstMapInfo map;
+ gst_buffer_map(buffer, &map, GST_MAP_READ);
+ webrtc::AudioFrame frame;
+ frame.num_channels_ = info->channels;
+ frame.sample_rate_hz_ = info->rate;
+ frame.samples_per_channel_ = gst_buffer_get_size(buffer) / info->bpf;
+ memcpy(frame.data_, map.data, frame.samples_per_channel_ * info->bpf);
+ int err = apm->AnalyzeReverseStream(&frame);
+ if (err < 0) g_warning("voice_processor_native.cpp: ProcessReverseStream %i", err);
+ gst_buffer_unmap(buffer, &map);
+extern "C" void dino_plugins_rtp_voice_processor_notify_gain_level(void *native_ptr, gint gain_level) {
+ _DinoPluginsRtpVoiceProcessorNative *native = (_DinoPluginsRtpVoiceProcessorNative *) native_ptr;
+ webrtc::AudioProcessing *apm = native->apm;
+ apm->gain_control()->set_stream_analog_level(gain_level);
+extern "C" gint dino_plugins_rtp_voice_processor_get_suggested_gain_level(void *native_ptr) {
+ _DinoPluginsRtpVoiceProcessorNative *native = (_DinoPluginsRtpVoiceProcessorNative *) native_ptr;
+ webrtc::AudioProcessing *apm = native->apm;
+ return apm->gain_control()->stream_analog_level();
+extern "C" bool dino_plugins_rtp_voice_processor_get_stream_has_voice(void *native_ptr) {
+ _DinoPluginsRtpVoiceProcessorNative *native = (_DinoPluginsRtpVoiceProcessorNative *) native_ptr;
+ webrtc::AudioProcessing *apm = native->apm;
+ return apm->voice_detection()->stream_has_voice();
+extern "C" void dino_plugins_rtp_voice_processor_adjust_stream_delay(void *native_ptr) {
+ _DinoPluginsRtpVoiceProcessorNative *native = (_DinoPluginsRtpVoiceProcessorNative *) native_ptr;
+ webrtc::AudioProcessing *apm = native->apm;
+ int median, std, poor_delays;
+ float fraction_poor_delays;
+ apm->echo_cancellation()->GetDelayMetrics(&median, &std, &fraction_poor_delays);
+ poor_delays = (int)(fraction_poor_delays * 100.0);
+ if (fraction_poor_delays < 0 || (native->last_median == median && native->last_poor_delays == poor_delays)) return;
+ g_debug("voice_processor_native.cpp: Stream delay metrics: median=%i std=%i poor_delays=%i%%", median, std, poor_delays);
+ native->last_median = median;
+ native->last_poor_delays = poor_delays;
+ if (poor_delays > 90) {
+ native->stream_delay = std::min(std::max(0, native->stream_delay + std::min(48, std::max(median, -48))), 384);
+ g_debug("voice_processor_native.cpp: set stream_delay=%i", native->stream_delay);
+ }
+extern "C" void
+dino_plugins_rtp_voice_processor_process_stream(void *native_ptr, GstAudioInfo *info, GstBuffer *buffer) {
+ _DinoPluginsRtpVoiceProcessorNative *native = (_DinoPluginsRtpVoiceProcessorNative *) native_ptr;
+ webrtc::StreamConfig config(SAMPLE_RATE, SAMPLE_CHANNELS, false);
+ webrtc::AudioProcessing *apm = native->apm;
+ GstMapInfo map;
+ gst_buffer_map(buffer, &map, GST_MAP_READWRITE);
+ webrtc::AudioFrame frame;
+ frame.num_channels_ = info->channels;
+ frame.sample_rate_hz_ = info->rate;
+ frame.samples_per_channel_ = info->rate / 100;
+ memcpy(frame.data_, map.data, frame.samples_per_channel_ * info->bpf);
+ apm->set_stream_delay_ms(native->stream_delay);
+ int err = apm->ProcessStream(&frame);
+ if (err >= 0) memcpy(map.data, frame.data_, frame.samples_per_channel_ * info->bpf);
+ if (err < 0) g_warning("voice_processor_native.cpp: ProcessStream %i", err);
+ gst_buffer_unmap(buffer, &map);
+extern "C" void dino_plugins_rtp_voice_processor_destroy_native(void *native_ptr) {
+ _DinoPluginsRtpVoiceProcessorNative *native = (_DinoPluginsRtpVoiceProcessorNative *) native_ptr;
+ delete native;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/rtp/vapi/gstreamer-rtp-1.0.vapi b/plugins/rtp/vapi/gstreamer-rtp-1.0.vapi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..30490896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/rtp/vapi/gstreamer-rtp-1.0.vapi
@@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
+// Fixme: This is fetched from development code of Vala upstream which fixed a few bugs.
+/* gstreamer-rtp-1.0.vapi generated by vapigen, do not modify. */
+[CCode (cprefix = "Gst", gir_namespace = "GstRtp", gir_version = "1.0", lower_case_cprefix = "gst_")]
+namespace Gst {
+ namespace RTCP {
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", has_type_id = false)]
+ [GIR (name = "RTCPBuffer")]
+ public struct Buffer {
+ public weak Gst.Buffer buffer;
+ public bool add_packet (Gst.RTCP.Type type, Gst.RTCP.Packet packet);
+ public bool get_first_packet (Gst.RTCP.Packet packet);
+ public uint get_packet_count ();
+ public static bool map (Gst.Buffer buffer, Gst.MapFlags flags, out Gst.RTCP.Buffer rtcp);
+ public static Gst.Buffer @new (uint mtu);
+ public static Gst.Buffer new_copy_data ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len", array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "guint")] uint8[] data);
+ public static Gst.Buffer new_take_data ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len", array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "guint")] owned uint8[] data);
+ public bool unmap ();
+ public static bool validate (Gst.Buffer buffer);
+ public static bool validate_data ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len", array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "guint")] uint8[] data);
+ [Version (since = "1.6")]
+ public static bool validate_data_reduced ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len", array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "guint")] uint8[] data);
+ [Version (since = "1.6")]
+ public static bool validate_reduced (Gst.Buffer buffer);
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", has_type_id = false)]
+ [GIR (name = "RTCPPacket")]
+ public struct Packet {
+ public weak Gst.RTCP.Buffer? rtcp;
+ public uint offset;
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public bool add_profile_specific_ext ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len", array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "guint")] uint8[] data);
+ public bool add_rb (uint32 ssrc, uint8 fractionlost, int32 packetslost, uint32 exthighestseq, uint32 jitter, uint32 lsr, uint32 dlsr);
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public uint8 app_get_data ();
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public uint16 app_get_data_length ();
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public unowned string app_get_name ();
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public uint32 app_get_ssrc ();
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public uint8 app_get_subtype ();
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public bool app_set_data_length (uint16 wordlen);
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public void app_set_name (string name);
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public void app_set_ssrc (uint32 ssrc);
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public void app_set_subtype (uint8 subtype);
+ public bool bye_add_ssrc (uint32 ssrc);
+ public bool bye_add_ssrcs ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len", array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "guint")] uint32[] ssrc);
+ public uint32 bye_get_nth_ssrc (uint nth);
+ public string bye_get_reason ();
+ public uint8 bye_get_reason_len ();
+ public uint bye_get_ssrc_count ();
+ public bool bye_set_reason (string reason);
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public bool copy_profile_specific_ext ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len", array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "guint")] out uint8[] data);
+ public uint8 fb_get_fci ();
+ public uint16 fb_get_fci_length ();
+ public uint32 fb_get_media_ssrc ();
+ public uint32 fb_get_sender_ssrc ();
+ public Gst.RTCP.FBType fb_get_type ();
+ public bool fb_set_fci_length (uint16 wordlen);
+ public void fb_set_media_ssrc (uint32 ssrc);
+ public void fb_set_sender_ssrc (uint32 ssrc);
+ public void fb_set_type (Gst.RTCP.FBType type);
+ public uint8 get_count ();
+ public uint16 get_length ();
+ public bool get_padding ();
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public bool get_profile_specific_ext ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len", array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "guint")] out unowned uint8[] data);
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public uint16 get_profile_specific_ext_length ();
+ public void get_rb (uint nth, out uint32 ssrc, out uint8 fractionlost, out int32 packetslost, out uint32 exthighestseq, out uint32 jitter, out uint32 lsr, out uint32 dlsr);
+ public uint get_rb_count ();
+ public Gst.RTCP.Type get_type ();
+ public bool move_to_next ();
+ public bool remove ();
+ public uint32 rr_get_ssrc ();
+ public void rr_set_ssrc (uint32 ssrc);
+ public bool sdes_add_entry (Gst.RTCP.SDESType type, [CCode (array_length_cname = "len", array_length_pos = 1.5, array_length_type = "guint8")] uint8[] data);
+ public bool sdes_add_item (uint32 ssrc);
+ public bool sdes_copy_entry (out Gst.RTCP.SDESType type, [CCode (array_length_cname = "len", array_length_pos = 1.5, array_length_type = "guint8")] out uint8[] data);
+ public bool sdes_first_entry ();
+ public bool sdes_first_item ();
+ public bool sdes_get_entry (out Gst.RTCP.SDESType type, [CCode (array_length_cname = "len", array_length_pos = 1.5, array_length_type = "guint8")] out unowned uint8[] data);
+ public uint sdes_get_item_count ();
+ public uint32 sdes_get_ssrc ();
+ public bool sdes_next_entry ();
+ public bool sdes_next_item ();
+ public void set_rb (uint nth, uint32 ssrc, uint8 fractionlost, int32 packetslost, uint32 exthighestseq, uint32 jitter, uint32 lsr, uint32 dlsr);
+ public void sr_get_sender_info (out uint32 ssrc, out uint64 ntptime, out uint32 rtptime, out uint32 packet_count, out uint32 octet_count);
+ public void sr_set_sender_info (uint32 ssrc, uint64 ntptime, uint32 rtptime, uint32 packet_count, uint32 octet_count);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_first_rb ();
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public uint16 xr_get_block_length ();
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public Gst.RTCP.XRType xr_get_block_type ();
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_dlrr_block (uint nth, out uint32 ssrc, out uint32 last_rr, out uint32 delay);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_prt_by_seq (uint16 seq, out uint32 receipt_time);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_prt_info (out uint32 ssrc, out uint8 thinning, out uint16 begin_seq, out uint16 end_seq);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_rle_info (out uint32 ssrc, out uint8 thinning, out uint16 begin_seq, out uint16 end_seq, out uint32 chunk_count);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_rle_nth_chunk (uint nth, out uint16 chunk);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_rrt (out uint64 timestamp);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public uint32 xr_get_ssrc ();
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_summary_info (out uint32 ssrc, out uint16 begin_seq, out uint16 end_seq);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_summary_jitter (out uint32 min_jitter, out uint32 max_jitter, out uint32 mean_jitter, out uint32 dev_jitter);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_summary_pkt (out uint32 lost_packets, out uint32 dup_packets);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_summary_ttl (out bool is_ipv4, out uint8 min_ttl, out uint8 max_ttl, out uint8 mean_ttl, out uint8 dev_ttl);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_voip_burst_metrics (out uint8 burst_density, out uint8 gap_density, out uint16 burst_duration, out uint16 gap_duration);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_voip_configuration_params (out uint8 gmin, out uint8 rx_config);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_voip_delay_metrics (out uint16 roundtrip_delay, out uint16 end_system_delay);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_voip_jitter_buffer_params (out uint16 jb_nominal, out uint16 jb_maximum, out uint16 jb_abs_max);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_voip_metrics_ssrc (out uint32 ssrc);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_voip_packet_metrics (out uint8 loss_rate, out uint8 discard_rate);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_voip_quality_metrics (out uint8 r_factor, out uint8 ext_r_factor, out uint8 mos_lq, out uint8 mos_cq);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_get_voip_signal_metrics (out uint8 signal_level, out uint8 noise_level, out uint8 rerl, out uint8 gmin);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool xr_next_rb ();
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cprefix = "GST_RTCP_", type_id = "gst_rtcpfb_type_get_type ()")]
+ [GIR (name = "RTCPFBType")]
+ public enum FBType {
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cprefix = "GST_RTCP_SDES_", type_id = "gst_rtcpsdes_type_get_type ()")]
+ [GIR (name = "RTCPSDESType")]
+ public enum SDESType {
+ END,
+ LOC,
+ [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_sdes_name_to_type")]
+ public static Gst.RTCP.SDESType from_string (string name);
+ [CCode (cname = "gst_rtcp_sdes_type_to_name")]
+ public unowned string to_string ();
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cprefix = "GST_RTCP_TYPE_", type_id = "gst_rtcp_type_get_type ()")]
+ [GIR (name = "RTCPType")]
+ public enum Type {
+ SR,
+ RR,
+ BYE,
+ APP,
+ XR
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cprefix = "GST_RTCP_XR_TYPE_", type_id = "gst_rtcpxr_type_get_type ()")]
+ [GIR (name = "RTCPXRType")]
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public enum XRType {
+ PRT,
+ RRT,
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTCP_MAX_BYE_SSRC_COUNT")]
+ public const int MAX_BYE_SSRC_COUNT;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTCP_MAX_RB_COUNT")]
+ public const int MAX_RB_COUNT;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTCP_MAX_SDES")]
+ public const int MAX_SDES;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTCP_MAX_SDES_ITEM_COUNT")]
+ public const int MAX_SDES_ITEM_COUNT;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTCP_REDUCED_SIZE_VALID_MASK")]
+ public const int REDUCED_SIZE_VALID_MASK;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTCP_VALID_MASK")]
+ public const int VALID_MASK;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTCP_VALID_VALUE")]
+ public const int VALID_VALUE;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTCP_VERSION")]
+ public const int VERSION;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h")]
+ public static uint64 ntp_to_unix (uint64 ntptime);
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h")]
+ public static uint64 unix_to_ntp (uint64 unixtime);
+ }
+ namespace RTP {
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", type_id = "gst_rtp_base_audio_payload_get_type ()")]
+ [GIR (name = "RTPBaseAudioPayload")]
+ public class BaseAudioPayload : Gst.RTP.BasePayload {
+ public Gst.ClockTime base_ts;
+ public int frame_duration;
+ public int frame_size;
+ public int sample_size;
+ [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+ protected BaseAudioPayload ();
+ public Gst.FlowReturn flush (uint payload_len, Gst.ClockTime timestamp);
+ public Gst.Base.Adapter get_adapter ();
+ public Gst.FlowReturn push ([CCode (array_length_cname = "payload_len", array_length_pos = 1.5, array_length_type = "guint")] uint8[] data, Gst.ClockTime timestamp);
+ public void set_frame_based ();
+ public void set_frame_options (int frame_duration, int frame_size);
+ public void set_sample_based ();
+ public void set_sample_options (int sample_size);
+ public void set_samplebits_options (int sample_size);
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ public bool buffer_list { get; set; }
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", type_id = "gst_rtp_base_depayload_get_type ()")]
+ [GIR (name = "RTPBaseDepayload")]
+ public abstract class BaseDepayload : Gst.Element {
+ public uint clock_rate;
+ public bool need_newsegment;
+ public weak Gst.Segment segment;
+ public weak Gst.Pad sinkpad;
+ public weak Gst.Pad srcpad;
+ [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+ protected BaseDepayload ();
+ [NoWrapper]
+ public virtual bool handle_event (Gst.Event event);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool is_source_info_enabled ();
+ [NoWrapper]
+ public virtual bool packet_lost (Gst.Event event);
+ [NoWrapper]
+ public virtual Gst.Buffer process (Gst.Buffer @in);
+ [NoWrapper]
+ public virtual Gst.Buffer process_rtp_packet (Gst.RTP.Buffer rtp_buffer);
+ public Gst.FlowReturn push (Gst.Buffer out_buf);
+ public Gst.FlowReturn push_list (Gst.BufferList out_list);
+ [NoWrapper]
+ public virtual bool set_caps (Gst.Caps caps);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public void set_source_info_enabled (bool enable);
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ [Version (since = "1.20")]
+ public bool auto_header_extension { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ [Version (since = "1.18")]
+ public int max_reorder { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool source_info { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ public Gst.Structure stats { owned get; }
+ [Version (since = "1.20")]
+ public signal void add_extension (owned Gst.RTP.HeaderExtension ext);
+ [Version (since = "1.20")]
+ public signal void clear_extensions ();
+ [Version (since = "1.20")]
+ public signal Gst.RTP.HeaderExtension request_extension (uint ext_id, string? ext_uri);
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", type_id = "gst_rtp_base_payload_get_type ()")]
+ [GIR (name = "RTPBasePayload")]
+ public abstract class BasePayload : Gst.Element {
+ [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+ protected BasePayload ();
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public Gst.Buffer allocate_output_buffer (uint payload_len, uint8 pad_len, uint8 csrc_count);
+ [NoWrapper]
+ public virtual Gst.Caps get_caps (Gst.Pad pad, Gst.Caps filter);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public uint get_source_count (Gst.Buffer buffer);
+ [NoWrapper]
+ public virtual Gst.FlowReturn handle_buffer (Gst.Buffer buffer);
+ public bool is_filled (uint size, Gst.ClockTime duration);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool is_source_info_enabled ();
+ public Gst.FlowReturn push (Gst.Buffer buffer);
+ public Gst.FlowReturn push_list (Gst.BufferList list);
+ [NoWrapper]
+ public virtual bool query (Gst.Pad pad, Gst.Query query);
+ [NoWrapper]
+ public virtual bool set_caps (Gst.Caps caps);
+ public void set_options (string media, bool @dynamic, string encoding_name, uint32 clock_rate);
+ [Version (since = "1.20")]
+ public bool set_outcaps_structure (Gst.Structure? s);
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public void set_source_info_enabled (bool enable);
+ [NoWrapper]
+ public virtual bool sink_event (Gst.Event event);
+ [NoWrapper]
+ public virtual bool src_event (Gst.Event event);
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ [Version (since = "1.20")]
+ public bool auto_header_extension { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ public int64 max_ptime { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ public int64 min_ptime { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ public uint mtu { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool onvif_no_rate_control { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ public bool perfect_rtptime { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ public uint pt { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ public int64 ptime_multiple { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ [Version (since = "1.18")]
+ public bool scale_rtptime { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ public uint seqnum { get; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ public int seqnum_offset { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public bool source_info { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ public uint ssrc { get; set; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ public Gst.Structure stats { owned get; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ public uint timestamp { get; }
+ [NoAccessorMethod]
+ public uint timestamp_offset { get; set; }
+ [Version (since = "1.20")]
+ public signal void add_extension (owned Gst.RTP.HeaderExtension ext);
+ [Version (since = "1.20")]
+ public signal void clear_extensions ();
+ [Version (since = "1.20")]
+ public signal Gst.RTP.HeaderExtension request_extension (uint ext_id, string ext_uri);
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", type_id = "gst_rtp_header_extension_get_type ()")]
+ [GIR (name = "RTPHeaderExtension")]
+ [Version (since = "1.20")]
+ public abstract class HeaderExtension : Gst.Element {
+ public uint ext_id;
+ [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
+ protected HeaderExtension ();
+ public static Gst.RTP.HeaderExtension? create_from_uri (string uri);
+ public uint get_id ();
+ public virtual size_t get_max_size (Gst.Buffer input_meta);
+ public string get_sdp_caps_field_name ();
+ public virtual Gst.RTP.HeaderExtensionFlags get_supported_flags ();
+ public unowned string get_uri ();
+ public virtual bool read (Gst.RTP.HeaderExtensionFlags read_flags, [CCode (array_length_cname = "size", array_length_pos = 2.5, array_length_type = "gsize", type = "const guint8*")] uint8[] data, Gst.Buffer buffer);
+ public virtual bool set_attributes_from_caps (Gst.Caps caps);
+ public bool set_attributes_from_caps_simple_sdp (Gst.Caps caps);
+ public virtual bool set_caps_from_attributes (Gst.Caps caps);
+ public bool set_caps_from_attributes_simple_sdp (Gst.Caps caps);
+ public void set_id (uint ext_id);
+ public virtual bool set_non_rtp_sink_caps (Gst.Caps caps);
+ [CCode (cname = "gst_rtp_header_extension_class_set_uri")]
+ public class void set_uri (string uri);
+ public void set_wants_update_non_rtp_src_caps (bool state);
+ public virtual bool update_non_rtp_src_caps (Gst.Caps caps);
+ public virtual size_t write (Gst.Buffer input_meta, Gst.RTP.HeaderExtensionFlags write_flags, Gst.Buffer output, [CCode (array_length_cname = "size", array_length_pos = 4.1, array_length_type = "gsize", type = "guint8*")] uint8[] data);
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", has_type_id = false)]
+ [GIR (name = "RTPBuffer")]
+ public struct Buffer {
+ public weak Gst.Buffer buffer;
+ public uint state;
+ [CCode (array_length = false)]
+ public weak void* data[4];
+ [CCode (array_length = false)]
+ public weak size_t size[4];
+ public bool add_extension_onebyte_header (uint8 id, [CCode (array_length_cname = "size", array_length_pos = 2.1, array_length_type = "guint")] uint8[] data);
+ public bool add_extension_twobytes_header (uint8 appbits, uint8 id, [CCode (array_length_cname = "size", array_length_pos = 3.1, array_length_type = "guint")] uint8[] data);
+ [CCode (cname = "gst_buffer_add_rtp_source_meta")]
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public static unowned Gst.RTP.SourceMeta? add_rtp_source_meta (Gst.Buffer buffer, uint32? ssrc, uint32? csrc, uint csrc_count);
+ public static void allocate_data (Gst.Buffer buffer, uint payload_len, uint8 pad_len, uint8 csrc_count);
+ public static uint calc_header_len (uint8 csrc_count);
+ public static uint calc_packet_len (uint payload_len, uint8 pad_len, uint8 csrc_count);
+ public static uint calc_payload_len (uint packet_len, uint8 pad_len, uint8 csrc_count);
+ public static int compare_seqnum (uint16 seqnum1, uint16 seqnum2);
+ public static uint32 default_clock_rate (uint8 payload_type);
+ public static uint64 ext_timestamp (ref uint64 exttimestamp, uint32 timestamp);
+ public uint32 get_csrc (uint8 idx);
+ public uint8 get_csrc_count ();
+ public bool get_extension ();
+ [Version (since = "1.2")]
+ public GLib.Bytes get_extension_bytes (out uint16 bits);
+ public bool get_extension_data (out uint16 bits, [CCode (array_length = false)] out unowned uint8[] data, out uint wordlen);
+ public bool get_extension_onebyte_header (uint8 id, uint nth, [CCode (array_length_cname = "size", array_length_pos = 3.1, array_length_type = "guint")] out unowned uint8[] data);
+ [Version (since = "1.18")]
+ public static bool get_extension_onebyte_header_from_bytes (GLib.Bytes bytes, uint16 bit_pattern, uint8 id, uint nth, [CCode (array_length_cname = "size", array_length_pos = 5.1, array_length_type = "guint")] out unowned uint8[] data);
+ public bool get_extension_twobytes_header (out uint8 appbits, uint8 id, uint nth, [CCode (array_length_cname = "size", array_length_pos = 4.1, array_length_type = "guint")] out unowned uint8[] data);
+ public uint get_header_len ();
+ public bool get_marker ();
+ public uint get_packet_len ();
+ public bool get_padding ();
+ [CCode (array_length = false)]
+ public unowned uint8[] get_payload ();
+ public Gst.Buffer get_payload_buffer ();
+ [Version (since = "1.2")]
+ public GLib.Bytes get_payload_bytes ();
+ public uint get_payload_len ();
+ public Gst.Buffer get_payload_subbuffer (uint offset, uint len);
+ public uint8 get_payload_type ();
+ [CCode (cname = "gst_buffer_get_rtp_source_meta")]
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public static unowned Gst.RTP.SourceMeta? get_rtp_source_meta (Gst.Buffer buffer);
+ public uint16 get_seq ();
+ public uint32 get_ssrc ();
+ public uint32 get_timestamp ();
+ public uint8 get_version ();
+ public static bool map (Gst.Buffer buffer, Gst.MapFlags flags, out Gst.RTP.Buffer rtp);
+ public static Gst.Buffer new_allocate (uint payload_len, uint8 pad_len, uint8 csrc_count);
+ public static Gst.Buffer new_allocate_len (uint packet_len, uint8 pad_len, uint8 csrc_count);
+ public static Gst.Buffer new_copy_data ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len", array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "gsize")] uint8[] data);
+ public static Gst.Buffer new_take_data ([CCode (array_length_cname = "len", array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "gsize")] owned uint8[] data);
+ public void pad_to (uint len);
+ public void set_csrc (uint8 idx, uint32 csrc);
+ public void set_extension (bool extension);
+ public bool set_extension_data (uint16 bits, uint16 length);
+ public void set_marker (bool marker);
+ public void set_packet_len (uint len);
+ public void set_padding (bool padding);
+ public void set_payload_type (uint8 payload_type);
+ public void set_seq (uint16 seq);
+ public void set_ssrc (uint32 ssrc);
+ public void set_timestamp (uint32 timestamp);
+ public void set_version (uint8 version);
+ public void unmap ();
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", has_type_id = false)]
+ [GIR (name = "RTPPayloadInfo")]
+ public struct PayloadInfo {
+ public uint8 payload_type;
+ public weak string media;
+ public weak string encoding_name;
+ public uint clock_rate;
+ public weak string encoding_parameters;
+ public uint bitrate;
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", has_type_id = false)]
+ [GIR (name = "RTPSourceMeta")]
+ [Version (since = "1.16")]
+ public struct SourceMeta {
+ public Gst.Meta meta;
+ public uint32 ssrc;
+ public bool ssrc_valid;
+ [CCode (array_length = false)]
+ public weak uint32 csrc[15];
+ public uint csrc_count;
+ public bool append_csrc ([CCode (array_length_cname = "csrc_count", array_length_pos = 1.1, array_length_type = "guint", type = "const guint32*")] uint32[] csrc);
+ public uint get_source_count ();
+ public bool set_ssrc (uint32? ssrc);
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cprefix = "GST_RTP_BUFFER_FLAG_", type_id = "gst_rtp_buffer_flags_get_type ()")]
+ [Flags]
+ [GIR (name = "RTPBufferFlags")]
+ [Version (since = "1.10")]
+ public enum BufferFlags {
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cprefix = "GST_RTP_BUFFER_MAP_FLAG_", type_id = "gst_rtp_buffer_map_flags_get_type ()")]
+ [Flags]
+ [GIR (name = "RTPBufferMapFlags")]
+ [Version (since = "1.6.1")]
+ public enum BufferMapFlags {
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cprefix = "GST_RTP_HEADER_EXTENSION_", type_id = "gst_rtp_header_extension_flags_get_type ()")]
+ [Flags]
+ [GIR (name = "RTPHeaderExtensionFlags")]
+ [Version (since = "1.20")]
+ public enum HeaderExtensionFlags {
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cprefix = "GST_RTP_PAYLOAD_", type_id = "gst_rtp_payload_get_type ()")]
+ [GIR (name = "RTPPayload")]
+ public enum Payload {
+ @1016,
+ G721,
+ GSM,
+ G723,
+ DVI4_8000,
+ DVI4_16000,
+ LPC,
+ G722,
+ L16_MONO,
+ CN,
+ MPA,
+ G728,
+ DVI4_11025,
+ DVI4_22050,
+ G729,
+ NV,
+ H261,
+ MPV,
+ MP2T,
+ H263;
+ public const string @1016_STRING;
+ public const string CELLB_STRING;
+ public const string CN_STRING;
+ public const string DVI4_11025_STRING;
+ public const string DVI4_16000_STRING;
+ public const string DVI4_22050_STRING;
+ public const string DVI4_8000_STRING;
+ public const string DYNAMIC_STRING;
+ public const string G721_STRING;
+ public const string G722_STRING;
+ public const int G723_53;
+ public const string G723_53_STRING;
+ public const int G723_63;
+ public const string G723_63_STRING;
+ public const string G723_STRING;
+ public const string G728_STRING;
+ public const string G729_STRING;
+ public const string GSM_STRING;
+ public const string H261_STRING;
+ public const string H263_STRING;
+ public const string JPEG_STRING;
+ public const string L16_MONO_STRING;
+ public const string L16_STEREO_STRING;
+ public const string LPC_STRING;
+ public const string MP2T_STRING;
+ public const string MPA_STRING;
+ public const string MPV_STRING;
+ public const string NV_STRING;
+ public const string PCMA_STRING;
+ public const string PCMU_STRING;
+ public const string QCELP_STRING;
+ public const int TS41;
+ public const string TS41_STRING;
+ public const int TS48;
+ public const string TS48_STRING;
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cprefix = "GST_RTP_PROFILE_", type_id = "gst_rtp_profile_get_type ()")]
+ [GIR (name = "RTPProfile")]
+ [Version (since = "1.6")]
+ public enum Profile {
+ AVP,
+ }
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTP_HDREXT_BASE")]
+ public const string HDREXT_BASE;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTP_HDREXT_ELEMENT_CLASS")]
+ [Version (since = "1.20")]
+ public const string HDREXT_ELEMENT_CLASS;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTP_HDREXT_NTP_56")]
+ public const string HDREXT_NTP_56;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTP_HDREXT_NTP_56_SIZE")]
+ public const int HDREXT_NTP_56_SIZE;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTP_HDREXT_NTP_64")]
+ public const string HDREXT_NTP_64;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTP_HDREXT_NTP_64_SIZE")]
+ public const int HDREXT_NTP_64_SIZE;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTP_HEADER_EXTENSION_URI_METADATA_KEY")]
+ [Version (since = "1.20")]
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTP_SOURCE_META_MAX_CSRC_COUNT")]
+ public const int SOURCE_META_MAX_CSRC_COUNT;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h", cname = "GST_RTP_VERSION")]
+ public const int VERSION;
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h")]
+ [Version (since = "1.20")]
+ public static GLib.List<Gst.RTP.HeaderExtension> get_header_extension_list ();
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h")]
+ public static bool hdrext_get_ntp_56 ([CCode (array_length_cname = "size", array_length_pos = 1.5, array_length_type = "guint")] uint8[] data, out uint64 ntptime);
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h")]
+ public static bool hdrext_get_ntp_64 ([CCode (array_length_cname = "size", array_length_pos = 1.5, array_length_type = "guint")] uint8[] data, out uint64 ntptime);
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h")]
+ public static bool hdrext_set_ntp_56 (void* data, uint size, uint64 ntptime);
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h")]
+ public static bool hdrext_set_ntp_64 (void* data, uint size, uint64 ntptime);
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h")]
+ public static unowned Gst.RTP.PayloadInfo? payload_info_for_name (string media, string encoding_name);
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h")]
+ public static unowned Gst.RTP.PayloadInfo? payload_info_for_pt (uint8 payload_type);
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h")]
+ public static GLib.Type source_meta_api_get_type ();
+ [CCode (cheader_filename = "gst/rtp/rtp.h")]
+ public static unowned Gst.MetaInfo? source_meta_get_info ();
+ }