path: root/vala-xmpp/src/core/stanza_node.vala
diff options
authorfiaxh <git@mx.ax.lt>2017-03-10 17:01:45 +0100
committerfiaxh <git@mx.ax.lt>2017-03-10 17:11:25 +0100
commit2fe8489d368a371aefbfbe66e74621a8df14cdc2 (patch)
tree4dec90236b28101383753ffe4a1c7a34b09b0208 /vala-xmpp/src/core/stanza_node.vala
parent7a1aa8c806a63cfd031c082524501e26d4a181ee (diff)
Rename vala-xmpp library to xmpp-vala
Diffstat (limited to 'vala-xmpp/src/core/stanza_node.vala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 297 deletions
diff --git a/vala-xmpp/src/core/stanza_node.vala b/vala-xmpp/src/core/stanza_node.vala
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dfacfdd..00000000
--- a/vala-xmpp/src/core/stanza_node.vala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-using Gee;
-namespace Xmpp.Core {
-public abstract class StanzaEntry {
- public string? ns_uri;
- public string name;
- public string? val;
- public string encoded_val {
- owned get {
- return val.replace("&", "&amp;").replace("\"", "&quot;").replace("'", "&apos;").replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;");
- }
- set {
- string tmp = value.replace("&gt;", ">").replace("&lt;", "<").replace("&apos;","'").replace("&quot;","\"");
- while (tmp.contains("&#")) {
- int start = tmp.index_of("&#");
- int end = tmp.index_of(";", start);
- if (end < start) break;
- unichar num = -1;
- if (tmp[start+2]=='x') {
- tmp.substring(start+3, start-end-3).scanf("%x", &num);
- } else {
- num = int.parse(tmp.substring(start+2, start-end-2));
- }
- tmp = tmp.splice(start, end, num.to_string());
- }
- val = tmp.replace("&amp;", "&");
- }
- }
- public virtual unowned string? get_string_content() {
- return val;
- }
-public class NoStanza : StanzaEntry {
- public NoStanza(string? name) {
- this.name = name;
- }
-public class StanzaNode : StanzaEntry {
- public ArrayList<StanzaNode> sub_nodes = new ArrayList<StanzaNode>();
- public ArrayList<StanzaAttribute> attributes = new ArrayList<StanzaAttribute>();
- public bool has_nodes = false;
- public bool pseudo = false;
- public StanzaNode () {}
- public StanzaNode.build(string name, string ns_uri = "jabber:client", ArrayList<StanzaNode>? nodes = null, ArrayList<StanzaAttribute>? attrs = null) {
- this.ns_uri = ns_uri;
- this.name = name;
- if (nodes != null) this.sub_nodes.add_all(nodes);
- if (attrs != null) this.attributes.add_all(attrs);
- }
- public StanzaNode.text(string text) {
- this.name = "#text";
- this.val = text;
- }
- public StanzaNode.encoded_text(string text) {
- this.name = "#text";
- this.encoded_val = text;
- }
- public StanzaNode add_self_xmlns() {
- return put_attribute("xmlns", ns_uri);
- }
- public unowned string? get_attribute(string name, string? ns_uri = null) {
- string _name = name;
- string? _ns_uri = ns_uri;
- if (_ns_uri == null) {
- if (_name.contains(":")) {
- var lastIndex = _name.last_index_of_char(':');
- _ns_uri = _name.substring(0, lastIndex);
- _name = _name.substring(lastIndex + 1);
- } else {
- _ns_uri = this.ns_uri;
- }
- }
- foreach(var attr in attributes) {
- if (attr.ns_uri == _ns_uri && attr.name == _name) return attr.val;
- }
- return null;
- }
- public StanzaAttribute get_attribute_raw(string name, string? ns_uri = null) {
- string _name = name;
- string? _ns_uri = ns_uri;
- if (_ns_uri == null) {
- if (_name.contains(":")) {
- var lastIndex = _name.last_index_of_char(':');
- _ns_uri = _name.substring(0, lastIndex);
- _name = _name.substring(lastIndex + 1);
- } else {
- _ns_uri = this.ns_uri;
- }
- }
- foreach(var attr in attributes) {
- if (attr.ns_uri == _ns_uri && attr.name == _name) return attr;
- }
- return null;
- }
- public ArrayList<StanzaAttribute> get_attributes_by_ns_uri(string ns_uri) {
- ArrayList<StanzaAttribute> ret = new ArrayList<StanzaAttribute> ();
- foreach(var attr in attributes) {
- if (attr.ns_uri == ns_uri) ret.add(attr);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- public StanzaEntry get(...) {
- va_list l = va_list();
- StanzaEntry? res = get_deep_attribute_(va_list.copy(l));
- if (res != null) return res;
- res = get_deep_subnode_(va_list.copy(l));
- if (res != null) return res;
- return new NoStanza("-");
- }
- public unowned string? get_deep_attribute(...) {
- va_list l = va_list();
- var res = get_deep_attribute_(va_list.copy(l));
- if (res == null) return null;
- return res.val;
- }
- public StanzaAttribute? get_deep_attribute_(va_list l) {
- StanzaNode? node = this;
- string? attribute_name = l.arg();
- if (attribute_name == null) return null;
- while(true) {
- string? s = l.arg();
- if (s == null) break;
- node = get_subnode(attribute_name);
- if (node == null) return null;
- attribute_name = s;
- }
- return node.get_attribute_raw(attribute_name);
- }
- public StanzaNode? get_subnode(string name, string? ns_uri = null, bool recurse = false) {
- string _name = name;
- string? _ns_uri = ns_uri;
- if (ns_uri == null) {
- if (_name.contains(":")) {
- var lastIndex = _name.last_index_of_char(':');
- _ns_uri = _name.substring(0, lastIndex);
- _name = _name.substring(lastIndex + 1);
- } else {
- _ns_uri = this.ns_uri;
- }
- }
- foreach(var node in sub_nodes) {
- if (node.ns_uri == _ns_uri && node.name == _name) return node;
- if (recurse) {
- var x = node.get_subnode(_name, _ns_uri, recurse);
- if (x != null) return x;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- public ArrayList<StanzaNode> get_subnodes(string name, string? ns_uri = null, bool recurse = false) {
- ArrayList<StanzaNode> ret = new ArrayList<StanzaNode>();
- if (ns_uri == null) ns_uri = this.ns_uri;
- foreach(var node in sub_nodes) {
- if (node.ns_uri == ns_uri && node.name == name) ret.add(node);
- if (recurse) {
- ret.add_all(node.get_subnodes(name, ns_uri, recurse));
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- public StanzaNode? get_deep_subnode(...) {
- va_list l = va_list();
- return get_deep_subnode_(va_list.copy(l));
- }
- public StanzaNode? get_deep_subnode_(va_list l) {
- StanzaNode? node = this;
- while(true) {
- string? s = l.arg();
- if (s == null) break;
- node = get_subnode(s);
- }
- return node;
- }
- public ArrayList<StanzaNode> get_all_subnodes() {
- return sub_nodes;
- }
- public void add_attribute(StanzaAttribute attr) {
- attributes.add(attr);
- }
- public override unowned string? get_string_content() {
- if (val != null) return val;
- if (sub_nodes.size == 1) return sub_nodes[0].get_string_content();
- return null;
- }
- public StanzaNode put_attribute(string name, string val, string? ns_uri = null) {
- if (name == "xmlns") ns_uri = XMLNS_URI;
- if (ns_uri == null) ns_uri = this.ns_uri;
- attributes.add(new StanzaAttribute.build(ns_uri, name, val));
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Set only occurence
- **/
- public void set_attribute(string name, string val, string? ns_uri = null) {
- if (ns_uri == null) ns_uri = this.ns_uri;
- foreach(var attr in attributes) {
- if (attr.ns_uri == ns_uri && attr.name == name) {
- attr.val = val;
- return;
- }
- }
- put_attribute(name, val, ns_uri);
- }
- public StanzaNode put_node(StanzaNode node) {
- sub_nodes.add(node);
- return this;
- }
- public string to_string(int i = 0) {
- string indent = string.nfill (i * 2, ' ');
- if (name == "#text") {
- return @"$indent$val\n";
- }
- var sb = new StringBuilder();
- sb.append(@"$indent<{$ns_uri}:$name");
- foreach (StanzaAttribute attr in attributes) {
- sb.append_printf(" %s", attr.to_string());
- }
- if (!has_nodes && sub_nodes.size == 0) {
- sb.append(" />\n");
- } else {
- sb.append(">\n");
- if (sub_nodes.size != 0) {
- foreach (StanzaNode subnode in sub_nodes) {
- sb.append(subnode.to_string(i+1));
- }
- sb.append(@"$indent</{$ns_uri}:$name>\n");
- }
- }
- return sb.str;
- }
- public string to_xml (NamespaceState? state = null) throws XmlError {
- NamespaceState my_state = state ?? new NamespaceState.for_stanza();
- if (name == "#text") return @"$encoded_val";
- foreach(var xmlns in get_attributes_by_ns_uri (XMLNS_URI)) {
- if (xmlns.name == "xmlns") {
- my_state = new NamespaceState.with_current(my_state, xmlns.val);
- } else {
- my_state = new NamespaceState.with_assoc(my_state, xmlns.val, xmlns.name);
- }
- }
- var sb = new StringBuilder();
- if (ns_uri == my_state.current_ns_uri) {
- sb.append(@"<$name");
- } else {
- sb.append_printf("<%s:%s", my_state.find_name (ns_uri), name);
- }
- var attr_ns_state = new NamespaceState.with_current(my_state, ns_uri);
- foreach (StanzaAttribute attr in attributes) {
- sb.append_printf(" %s", attr.to_xml(attr_ns_state));
- }
- if (!has_nodes && sub_nodes.size == 0) {
- sb.append("/>");
- } else {
- sb.append(">");
- if (sub_nodes.size != 0) {
- foreach (StanzaNode subnode in sub_nodes) {
- sb.append(subnode.to_xml(my_state));
- }
- if (ns_uri == my_state.current_ns_uri) {
- sb.append(@"</$name>");
- } else {
- sb.append_printf("</%s:%s>", my_state.find_name (ns_uri), name);
- }
- }
- }
- return sb.str;
- }