path: root/xmpp-vala/tests
diff options
authorMarvin W <git@larma.de>2017-05-13 17:43:51 +0200
committerMarvin W <git@larma.de>2017-08-12 11:59:38 +0200
commit6904bda756321c67bea0108342fa9ba859dd66e9 (patch)
tree24517bf54d6188af401afedd343c42b6ece3d1c6 /xmpp-vala/tests
parentdd88db7556a20707f6fe3c81b3c58df42a0f5224 (diff)
xmpp-vala: improve namespace handling, add some tests
Diffstat (limited to 'xmpp-vala/tests')
3 files changed, 278 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xmpp-vala/tests/common.vala b/xmpp-vala/tests/common.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b393ba79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmpp-vala/tests/common.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+namespace Xmpp.Test {
+int main(string[] args) {
+ GLib.Test.init(ref args);
+ GLib.Test.set_nonfatal_assertions();
+ TestSuite.get_root().add_suite(new Xmpp.Test.StanzaTest().get_suite());
+ return GLib.Test.run();
+bool fail_if(bool exp, string? reason = null) {
+ if (exp) {
+ if (reason != null) GLib.Test.message(reason);
+ GLib.Test.fail();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void fail_if_reached(string? reason = null) {
+ fail_if(true, reason);
+delegate void ErrorFunc() throws Error;
+void fail_if_not_error_code(ErrorFunc func, int expectedCode, string? reason = null) {
+ try {
+ func();
+ fail_if_reached(@"$(reason + ": " ?? "")no error thrown");
+ } catch (Error e) {
+ fail_if_not_eq_int(e.code, expectedCode, @"$(reason + ": " ?? "")catched unexpected error");
+ }
+bool fail_if_not(bool exp, string? reason = null) {
+ return fail_if(!exp, reason);
+bool fail_if_eq_int(int left, int right, string? reason = null) {
+ return fail_if(left == right, @"$(reason + ": " ?? "")$left == $right");
+bool fail_if_not_eq_node(Core.StanzaNode left, Core.StanzaNode right, string? reason = null) {
+ if (fail_if_not_eq_str(left.name, right.name, @"$(reason + ": " ?? "")name mismatch")) return true;
+ if (fail_if_not_eq_str(left.val, right.val, @"$(reason + ": " ?? "")val mismatch")) return true;
+ if (left.name == "#text") return false;
+ if (fail_if_not_eq_str(left.ns_uri, right.ns_uri, @"$(reason + ": " ?? "")ns_uri mismatch")) return true;
+ if (fail_if_not_eq_int(left.sub_nodes.size, right.sub_nodes.size, @"$(reason + ": " ?? "")sub node count mismatch")) return true;
+ if (fail_if_not_eq_int(left.attributes.size, right.attributes.size, @"$(reason + ": " ?? "")attributes count mismatch")) return true;
+ for (var i = 0; i < left.sub_nodes.size; i++) {
+ if (fail_if_not_eq_node(left.sub_nodes[i], right.sub_nodes[i], @"$(reason + ": " ?? "")$(i+1)th subnode mismatch")) return true;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < left.attributes.size; i++) {
+ if (fail_if_not_eq_attr(left.attributes[i], right.attributes[i], @"$(reason + ": " ?? "")$(i+1)th attribute mismatch")) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool fail_if_not_eq_attr(Core.StanzaAttribute left, Core.StanzaAttribute right, string? reason = null) {
+ if (fail_if_not_eq_str(left.name, right.name, @"$(reason + ": " ?? "")name mismatch")) return true;
+ if (fail_if_not_eq_str(left.val, right.val, @"$(reason + ": " ?? "")val mismatch")) return true;
+ if (fail_if_not_eq_str(left.ns_uri, right.ns_uri, @"$(reason + ": " ?? "")ns_uri mismatch")) return true;
+ return false;
+bool fail_if_not_eq_int(int left, int right, string? reason = null) {
+ return fail_if_not(left == right, @"$(reason + ": " ?? "")$left != $right");
+bool fail_if_not_eq_str(string? left, string? right, string? reason = null) {
+ bool nullcheck = (left == null || right == null) && (left != null && right != null);
+ if (left == null) left = "(null)";
+ if (right == null) right = "(null)";
+ return fail_if_not(!nullcheck && left == right, @"$(reason + ": " ?? "")$left != $right");
+bool fail_if_not_eq_uint8_arr(uint8[] left, uint8[] right, string? reason = null) {
+ if (fail_if_not_eq_int(left.length, right.length, @"$(reason + ": " ?? "")array length not equal")) return true;
+ return fail_if_not_eq_str(Base64.encode(left), Base64.encode(right), reason);
+bool fail_if_not_zero_int(int zero, string? reason = null) {
+ return fail_if_not_eq_int(zero, 0, reason);
+bool fail_if_zero_int(int zero, string? reason = null) {
+ return fail_if_eq_int(zero, 0, reason);
+bool fail_if_null(void* what, string? reason = null) {
+ return fail_if(what == null || (size_t)what == 0, reason);
diff --git a/xmpp-vala/tests/stanza.vala b/xmpp-vala/tests/stanza.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1662c9bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmpp-vala/tests/stanza.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+using Xmpp.Core;
+namespace Xmpp.Test {
+class StanzaTest : Gee.TestCase {
+ public StanzaTest() {
+ base("Stanza");
+ add_test("node_one", test_node_one);
+ add_test("typical_stream", test_typical_stream);
+ add_test("ack_stream", test_ack_stream);
+ }
+ private void test_node_one() {
+ var node1 = new StanzaNode.build("test", "ns1_uri")
+ .add_self_xmlns()
+ .put_attribute("ns2", "ns2_uri", XMLNS_URI)
+ .put_attribute("bla", "blub")
+ .put_node(new StanzaNode.build("testaa", "ns2_uri")
+ .put_attribute("ns3", "ns3_uri", XMLNS_URI))
+ .put_node(new StanzaNode.build("testbb", "ns3_uri")
+ .add_self_xmlns());
+ var xml1 = node1.to_xml();
+ var node2 = new StanzaReader.for_string(xml1).read_node();
+ fail_if_not(node1.equals(node2));
+ fail_if_not_eq_str(node1.to_string(), node2.to_string());
+ }
+ private void test_typical_stream() {
+ var stream = """
+ <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+ <stream:stream
+ to='example.com'
+ xmlns='jabber:client'
+ xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams'
+ version='1.0'>
+ <message from='laurence@example.net/churchyard'
+ to='juliet@example.com'
+ xml:lang='en'>
+ <body>I'll send a friar with speed, to Mantua, with my letters to thy lord.</body>
+ </message>
+ </stream:stream>
+ """;
+ var root_node_cmp = new StanzaNode.build("stream", "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams")
+ .put_attribute("to", "example.com")
+ .put_attribute("xmlns", "jabber:client")
+ .put_attribute("stream", "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams", XMLNS_URI)
+ .put_attribute("version", "1.0");
+ var node_cmp = new StanzaNode.build("message")
+ .put_attribute("from", "laurence@example.net/churchyard")
+ .put_attribute("to", "juliet@example.com")
+ .put_attribute("lang", "en", XML_URI)
+ .put_node(new StanzaNode.build("body")
+ .put_node(new StanzaNode.text("I'll send a friar with speed, to Mantua, with my letters to thy lord.")));
+ var reader = new StanzaReader.for_string(stream);
+ fail_if_not_eq_node(root_node_cmp, reader.read_root_node());
+ fail_if_not_eq_node(node_cmp, reader.read_node());
+ reader.read_node();
+ fail_if_not_error_code(() => reader.read_node(), 3, "end of stream should be reached");
+ }
+ private void test_ack_stream() {
+ var stream = """
+ <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+ <stream:stream
+ to='example.com'
+ xmlns='jabber:client'
+ xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams'
+ xmlns:ack='http://jabber.org/protocol/ack'
+ version='1.0'>
+ <stream:features>
+ <ack:ack/>
+ <bind xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind'>
+ <required/>
+ </bind>
+ </stream:features>
+ <ack:r/>
+ </stream:stream>
+ """;
+ var root_node_cmp = new StanzaNode.build("stream", "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams")
+ .put_attribute("to", "example.com")
+ .put_attribute("xmlns", "jabber:client")
+ .put_attribute("stream", "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams", XMLNS_URI)
+ .put_attribute("ack", "http://jabber.org/protocol/ack", XMLNS_URI)
+ .put_attribute("version", "1.0");
+ var node_cmp = new StanzaNode.build("features", XmppStream.NS_URI)
+ .put_node(new StanzaNode.build("ack", "http://jabber.org/protocol/ack"))
+ .put_node(new StanzaNode.build("bind", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind")
+ .add_self_xmlns()
+ .put_node(new StanzaNode.build("required", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind")));
+ var node2_cmp = new StanzaNode.build("r", "http://jabber.org/protocol/ack");
+ var reader = new StanzaReader.for_string(stream);
+ fail_if_not_eq_node(root_node_cmp, reader.read_root_node());
+ fail_if_not_eq_node(node_cmp, reader.read_node());
+ fail_if_not_eq_node(node2_cmp, reader.read_node());
+ reader.read_node();
+ fail_if_not_error_code(() => reader.read_node(), 3, "end of stream should be reached");
+ }
diff --git a/xmpp-vala/tests/testcase.vala b/xmpp-vala/tests/testcase.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd1fdefd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmpp-vala/tests/testcase.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+/* testcase.vala
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Julien Peeters
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * Author:
+ * Julien Peeters <contact@julienpeeters.fr>
+ */
+public abstract class Gee.TestCase : Object {
+ private GLib.TestSuite suite;
+ private Adaptor[] adaptors = new Adaptor[0];
+ public delegate void TestMethod ();
+ public TestCase (string name) {
+ this.suite = new GLib.TestSuite (name);
+ }
+ public void add_test (string name, owned TestMethod test) {
+ var adaptor = new Adaptor (name, (owned)test, this);
+ this.adaptors += adaptor;
+ this.suite.add (new GLib.TestCase (adaptor.name,
+ adaptor.set_up,
+ adaptor.run,
+ adaptor.tear_down ));
+ }
+ public virtual void set_up () {
+ }
+ public virtual void tear_down () {
+ }
+ public GLib.TestSuite get_suite () {
+ return this.suite;
+ }
+ private class Adaptor {
+ [CCode (notify = false)]
+ public string name { get; private set; }
+ private TestMethod test;
+ private TestCase test_case;
+ public Adaptor (string name,
+ owned TestMethod test,
+ TestCase test_case) {
+ this.name = name;
+ this.test = (owned)test;
+ this.test_case = test_case;
+ }
+ public void set_up (void* fixture) {
+ this.test_case.set_up ();
+ }
+ public void run (void* fixture) {
+ this.test ();
+ }
+ public void tear_down (void* fixture) {
+ this.test_case.tear_down ();
+ }
+ }