path: root/libdino/src/service/calls.vala
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Diffstat (limited to 'libdino/src/service/calls.vala')
1 files changed, 686 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libdino/src/service/calls.vala b/libdino/src/service/calls.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c3bbea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libdino/src/service/calls.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
+using Gee;
+using Xmpp;
+using Dino.Entities;
+namespace Dino {
+ public class Calls : StreamInteractionModule, Object {
+ public signal void call_incoming(Call call, Conversation conversation, bool video);
+ public signal void call_outgoing(Call call, Conversation conversation);
+ public signal void call_terminated(Call call, string? reason_name, string? reason_text);
+ public signal void counterpart_ringing(Call call);
+ public signal void counterpart_sends_video_updated(Call call, bool mute);
+ public signal void info_received(Call call, Xep.JingleRtp.CallSessionInfo session_info);
+ public signal void encryption_updated(Call call, Xep.Jingle.ContentEncryption? audio_encryption, Xep.Jingle.ContentEncryption? video_encryption, bool same);
+ public signal void stream_created(Call call, string media);
+ public static ModuleIdentity<Calls> IDENTITY = new ModuleIdentity<Calls>("calls");
+ public string id { get { return IDENTITY.id; } }
+ private StreamInteractor stream_interactor;
+ private Database db;
+ private HashMap<Account, HashMap<Call, string>> sid_by_call = new HashMap<Account, HashMap<Call, string>>(Account.hash_func, Account.equals_func);
+ private HashMap<Account, HashMap<string, Call>> call_by_sid = new HashMap<Account, HashMap<string, Call>>(Account.hash_func, Account.equals_func);
+ public HashMap<Call, Xep.Jingle.Session> sessions = new HashMap<Call, Xep.Jingle.Session>(Call.hash_func, Call.equals_func);
+ public HashMap<Account, Call> jmi_call = new HashMap<Account, Call>(Account.hash_func, Account.equals_func);
+ public HashMap<Account, string> jmi_sid = new HashMap<Account, string>(Account.hash_func, Account.equals_func);
+ public HashMap<Account, bool> jmi_video = new HashMap<Account, bool>(Account.hash_func, Account.equals_func);
+ private HashMap<Call, bool> counterpart_sends_video = new HashMap<Call, bool>(Call.hash_func, Call.equals_func);
+ private HashMap<Call, bool> we_should_send_video = new HashMap<Call, bool>(Call.hash_func, Call.equals_func);
+ private HashMap<Call, bool> we_should_send_audio = new HashMap<Call, bool>(Call.hash_func, Call.equals_func);
+ private HashMap<Call, Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters> audio_content_parameter = new HashMap<Call, Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters>(Call.hash_func, Call.equals_func);
+ private HashMap<Call, Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters> video_content_parameter = new HashMap<Call, Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters>(Call.hash_func, Call.equals_func);
+ private HashMap<Call, Xep.Jingle.Content> audio_content = new HashMap<Call, Xep.Jingle.Content>(Call.hash_func, Call.equals_func);
+ private HashMap<Call, Xep.Jingle.Content> video_content = new HashMap<Call, Xep.Jingle.Content>(Call.hash_func, Call.equals_func);
+ private HashMap<Call, HashMap<string, Xep.Jingle.ContentEncryption>> video_encryptions = new HashMap<Call, HashMap<string, Xep.Jingle.ContentEncryption>>(Call.hash_func, Call.equals_func);
+ private HashMap<Call, HashMap<string, Xep.Jingle.ContentEncryption>> audio_encryptions = new HashMap<Call, HashMap<string, Xep.Jingle.ContentEncryption>>(Call.hash_func, Call.equals_func);
+ public static void start(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Database db) {
+ Calls m = new Calls(stream_interactor, db);
+ stream_interactor.add_module(m);
+ }
+ private Calls(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Database db) {
+ this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor;
+ this.db = db;
+ stream_interactor.account_added.connect(on_account_added);
+ }
+ public Xep.JingleRtp.Stream? get_video_stream(Call call) {
+ if (video_content_parameter.has_key(call)) {
+ return video_content_parameter[call].stream;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public Xep.JingleRtp.Stream? get_audio_stream(Call call) {
+ if (audio_content_parameter.has_key(call)) {
+ return audio_content_parameter[call].stream;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public async Call? initiate_call(Conversation conversation, bool video) {
+ Call call = new Call();
+ call.direction = Call.DIRECTION_OUTGOING;
+ call.account = conversation.account;
+ call.counterpart = conversation.counterpart;
+ call.ourpart = conversation.account.full_jid;
+ call.time = call.local_time = call.end_time = new DateTime.now_utc();
+ call.state = Call.State.RINGING;
+ stream_interactor.get_module(CallStore.IDENTITY).add_call(call, conversation);
+ we_should_send_video[call] = video;
+ we_should_send_audio[call] = true;
+ Gee.List<Jid> call_resources = yield get_call_resources(conversation);
+ bool do_jmi = false;
+ Jid? jid_for_direct = null;
+ if (yield contains_jmi_resources(conversation.account, call_resources)) {
+ do_jmi = true;
+ } else if (!call_resources.is_empty) {
+ jid_for_direct = call_resources[0];
+ } else if (has_jmi_resources(conversation)) {
+ do_jmi = true;
+ }
+ if (do_jmi) {
+ XmppStream? stream = stream_interactor.get_stream(conversation.account);
+ jmi_call[conversation.account] = call;
+ jmi_video[conversation.account] = video;
+ jmi_sid[conversation.account] = Xmpp.random_uuid();
+ call_by_sid[call.account][jmi_sid[conversation.account]] = call;
+ var descriptions = new ArrayList<StanzaNode>();
+ descriptions.add(new StanzaNode.build("description", Xep.JingleRtp.NS_URI).add_self_xmlns().put_attribute("media", "audio"));
+ if (video) {
+ descriptions.add(new StanzaNode.build("description", Xep.JingleRtp.NS_URI).add_self_xmlns().put_attribute("media", "video"));
+ }
+ stream.get_module(Xmpp.Xep.JingleMessageInitiation.Module.IDENTITY).send_session_propose_to_peer(stream, conversation.counterpart, jmi_sid[call.account], descriptions);
+ } else if (jid_for_direct != null) {
+ yield call_resource(conversation.account, jid_for_direct, call, video);
+ }
+ conversation.last_active = call.time;
+ call_outgoing(call, conversation);
+ return call;
+ }
+ private async void call_resource(Account account, Jid full_jid, Call call, bool video, string? sid = null) {
+ XmppStream? stream = stream_interactor.get_stream(account);
+ if (stream == null) return;
+ Xep.Jingle.Session session = yield stream.get_module(Xep.JingleRtp.Module.IDENTITY).start_call(stream, full_jid, video, sid);
+ sessions[call] = session;
+ sid_by_call[call.account][call] = session.sid;
+ connect_session_signals(call, session);
+ }
+ public void end_call(Conversation conversation, Call call) {
+ XmppStream? stream = stream_interactor.get_stream(call.account);
+ if (stream == null) return;
+ if (call.state == Call.State.IN_PROGRESS || call.state == Call.State.ESTABLISHING) {
+ sessions[call].terminate(Xep.Jingle.ReasonElement.SUCCESS, null, "success");
+ call.state = Call.State.ENDED;
+ } else if (call.state == Call.State.RINGING) {
+ if (sessions.has_key(call)) {
+ sessions[call].terminate(Xep.Jingle.ReasonElement.CANCEL, null, "cancel");
+ } else {
+ // Only a JMI so far
+ stream.get_module(Xep.JingleMessageInitiation.Module.IDENTITY).send_session_retract_to_peer(stream, call.counterpart, jmi_sid[call.account]);
+ }
+ call.state = Call.State.MISSED;
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ call.end_time = new DateTime.now_utc();
+ remove_call_from_datastructures(call);
+ }
+ public void accept_call(Call call) {
+ call.state = Call.State.ESTABLISHING;
+ if (sessions.has_key(call)) {
+ foreach (Xep.Jingle.Content content in sessions[call].contents) {
+ content.accept();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Only a JMI so far
+ Account account = call.account;
+ string sid = sid_by_call[call.account][call];
+ XmppStream stream = stream_interactor.get_stream(account);
+ if (stream == null) return;
+ jmi_call[account] = call;
+ jmi_sid[account] = sid;
+ jmi_video[account] = we_should_send_video[call];
+ stream.get_module(Xep.JingleMessageInitiation.Module.IDENTITY).send_session_accept_to_self(stream, sid);
+ stream.get_module(Xep.JingleMessageInitiation.Module.IDENTITY).send_session_proceed_to_peer(stream, call.counterpart, sid);
+ }
+ }
+ public void reject_call(Call call) {
+ call.state = Call.State.DECLINED;
+ if (sessions.has_key(call)) {
+ foreach (Xep.Jingle.Content content in sessions[call].contents) {
+ content.reject();
+ }
+ remove_call_from_datastructures(call);
+ } else {
+ // Only a JMI so far
+ XmppStream stream = stream_interactor.get_stream(call.account);
+ if (stream == null) return;
+ string sid = sid_by_call[call.account][call];
+ stream.get_module(Xep.JingleMessageInitiation.Module.IDENTITY).send_session_reject_to_peer(stream, call.counterpart, sid);
+ stream.get_module(Xep.JingleMessageInitiation.Module.IDENTITY).send_session_reject_to_self(stream, sid);
+ remove_call_from_datastructures(call);
+ }
+ }
+ public void mute_own_audio(Call call, bool mute) {
+ we_should_send_audio[call] = !mute;
+ Xep.JingleRtp.Stream stream = audio_content_parameter[call].stream;
+ // The user might mute audio before a feed was created. The feed will be muted as soon as it has been created.
+ if (stream == null) return;
+ // Inform our counterpart that we (un)muted our audio
+ stream_interactor.module_manager.get_module(call.account, Xep.JingleRtp.Module.IDENTITY).session_info_type.send_mute(sessions[call], mute, "audio");
+ // Start/Stop sending audio data
+ Application.get_default().plugin_registry.video_call_plugin.set_pause(stream, mute);
+ }
+ public void mute_own_video(Call call, bool mute) {
+ we_should_send_video[call] = !mute;
+ if (!sessions.has_key(call)) {
+ // Call hasn't been established yet
+ return;
+ }
+ Xep.JingleRtp.Module rtp_module = stream_interactor.module_manager.get_module(call.account, Xep.JingleRtp.Module.IDENTITY);
+ if (video_content_parameter.has_key(call) &&
+ video_content_parameter[call].stream != null &&
+ sessions[call].senders_include_us(video_content[call].senders)) {
+ // A video feed has already been established
+ // Start/Stop sending video data
+ Xep.JingleRtp.Stream stream = video_content_parameter[call].stream;
+ if (stream != null) {
+ // TODO maybe the user muted video before the feed was created...
+ Application.get_default().plugin_registry.video_call_plugin.set_pause(stream, mute);
+ }
+ // Inform our counterpart that we started/stopped our video
+ rtp_module.session_info_type.send_mute(sessions[call], mute, "video");
+ } else if (!mute) {
+ // Need to start a new video feed
+ XmppStream stream = stream_interactor.get_stream(call.account);
+ rtp_module.add_outgoing_video_content.begin(stream, sessions[call], (_, res) => {
+ if (video_content_parameter[call] == null) {
+ Xep.Jingle.Content content = rtp_module.add_outgoing_video_content.end(res);
+ Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters? rtp_content_parameter = content.content_params as Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters;
+ if (rtp_content_parameter != null) {
+ connect_content_signals(call, content, rtp_content_parameter);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // If video_feed == null && !mute we're trying to mute a non-existant feed. It will be muted as soon as it is created.
+ }
+ public async bool can_do_audio_calls_async(Conversation conversation) {
+ if (!can_do_audio_calls()) return false;
+ return (yield get_call_resources(conversation)).size > 0 || has_jmi_resources(conversation);
+ }
+ private bool can_do_audio_calls() {
+ Plugins.VideoCallPlugin? plugin = Application.get_default().plugin_registry.video_call_plugin;
+ if (plugin == null) return false;
+ return plugin.supports("audio");
+ }
+ public async bool can_do_video_calls_async(Conversation conversation) {
+ if (!can_do_video_calls()) return false;
+ return (yield get_call_resources(conversation)).size > 0 || has_jmi_resources(conversation);
+ }
+ private bool can_do_video_calls() {
+ Plugins.VideoCallPlugin? plugin = Application.get_default().plugin_registry.video_call_plugin;
+ if (plugin == null) return false;
+ return plugin.supports("video");
+ }
+ private async Gee.List<Jid> get_call_resources(Conversation conversation) {
+ ArrayList<Jid> ret = new ArrayList<Jid>();
+ XmppStream? stream = stream_interactor.get_stream(conversation.account);
+ if (stream == null) return ret;
+ Gee.List<Jid>? full_jids = stream.get_flag(Presence.Flag.IDENTITY).get_resources(conversation.counterpart);
+ if (full_jids == null) return ret;
+ foreach (Jid full_jid in full_jids) {
+ bool supports_rtc = yield stream.get_module(Xep.JingleRtp.Module.IDENTITY).is_available(stream, full_jid);
+ if (!supports_rtc) continue;
+ ret.add(full_jid);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private async bool contains_jmi_resources(Account account, Gee.List<Jid> full_jids) {
+ XmppStream? stream = stream_interactor.get_stream(account);
+ if (stream == null) return false;
+ foreach (Jid full_jid in full_jids) {
+ bool does_jmi = yield stream_interactor.get_module(EntityInfo.IDENTITY).has_feature(account, full_jid, Xep.JingleMessageInitiation.NS_URI);
+ if (does_jmi) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private bool has_jmi_resources(Conversation conversation) {
+ int64 jmi_resources = db.entity.select()
+ .with(db.entity.jid_id, "=", db.get_jid_id(conversation.counterpart))
+ .join_with(db.entity_feature, db.entity.caps_hash, db.entity_feature.entity)
+ .with(db.entity_feature.feature, "=", Xep.JingleMessageInitiation.NS_URI)
+ .count();
+ return jmi_resources > 0;
+ }
+ public bool should_we_send_video(Call call) {
+ return we_should_send_video[call];
+ }
+ public Jid? is_call_in_progress() {
+ foreach (Call call in sessions.keys) {
+ if (call.state == Call.State.IN_PROGRESS || call.state == Call.State.RINGING || call.state == Call.State.ESTABLISHING) {
+ return call.counterpart;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ private void on_incoming_call(Account account, Xep.Jingle.Session session) {
+ if (!can_do_audio_calls()) {
+ warning("Incoming call but no call support detected. Ignoring.");
+ return;
+ }
+ bool counterpart_wants_video = false;
+ foreach (Xep.Jingle.Content content in session.contents) {
+ Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters? rtp_content_parameter = content.content_params as Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters;
+ if (rtp_content_parameter == null) continue;
+ if (rtp_content_parameter.media == "video" && session.senders_include_us(content.senders)) {
+ counterpart_wants_video = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Session might have already been accepted via Jingle Message Initiation
+ bool already_accepted = jmi_sid.has_key(account) &&
+ jmi_sid[account] == session.sid && jmi_call[account].account.equals(account) &&
+ jmi_call[account].counterpart.equals_bare(session.peer_full_jid) &&
+ jmi_video[account] == counterpart_wants_video;
+ Call? call = null;
+ if (already_accepted) {
+ call = jmi_call[account];
+ } else {
+ call = create_received_call(account, session.peer_full_jid, account.full_jid, counterpart_wants_video);
+ }
+ sessions[call] = session;
+ call_by_sid[account][session.sid] = call;
+ sid_by_call[account][call] = session.sid;
+ connect_session_signals(call, session);
+ if (already_accepted) {
+ accept_call(call);
+ } else {
+ stream_interactor.module_manager.get_module(account, Xep.JingleRtp.Module.IDENTITY).session_info_type.send_ringing(session);
+ }
+ }
+ private Call create_received_call(Account account, Jid from, Jid to, bool video_requested) {
+ Call call = new Call();
+ if (from.equals_bare(account.bare_jid)) {
+ // Call requested by another of our devices
+ call.direction = Call.DIRECTION_OUTGOING;
+ call.ourpart = from;
+ call.counterpart = to;
+ } else {
+ call.direction = Call.DIRECTION_INCOMING;
+ call.ourpart = account.full_jid;
+ call.counterpart = from;
+ }
+ call.account = account;
+ call.time = call.local_time = call.end_time = new DateTime.now_utc();
+ call.state = Call.State.RINGING;
+ Conversation conversation = stream_interactor.get_module(ConversationManager.IDENTITY).create_conversation(call.counterpart.bare_jid, account, Conversation.Type.CHAT);
+ stream_interactor.get_module(CallStore.IDENTITY).add_call(call, conversation);
+ conversation.last_active = call.time;
+ we_should_send_video[call] = video_requested;
+ we_should_send_audio[call] = true;
+ if (call.direction == Call.DIRECTION_INCOMING) {
+ call_incoming(call, conversation, video_requested);
+ } else {
+ call_outgoing(call, conversation);
+ }
+ return call;
+ }
+ private void on_incoming_content_add(XmppStream stream, Call call, Xep.Jingle.Session session, Xep.Jingle.Content content) {
+ Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters? rtp_content_parameter = content.content_params as Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters;
+ if (rtp_content_parameter == null) {
+ content.reject();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Our peer shouldn't tell us to start sending, that's for us to initiate
+ if (session.senders_include_us(content.senders)) {
+ if (session.senders_include_counterpart(content.senders)) {
+ // If our peer wants to send, let them
+ content.modify(session.we_initiated ? Xep.Jingle.Senders.RESPONDER : Xep.Jingle.Senders.INITIATOR);
+ } else {
+ // If only we're supposed to send, reject
+ content.reject();
+ }
+ }
+ connect_content_signals(call, content, rtp_content_parameter);
+ content.accept();
+ }
+ private void on_call_terminated(Call call, bool we_terminated, string? reason_name, string? reason_text) {
+ if (call.state == Call.State.RINGING || call.state == Call.State.IN_PROGRESS || call.state == Call.State.ESTABLISHING) {
+ call.end_time = new DateTime.now_utc();
+ }
+ if (call.state == Call.State.IN_PROGRESS) {
+ call.state = Call.State.ENDED;
+ } else if (call.state == Call.State.RINGING || call.state == Call.State.ESTABLISHING) {
+ if (reason_name == Xep.Jingle.ReasonElement.DECLINE) {
+ call.state = Call.State.DECLINED;
+ } else {
+ call.state = Call.State.FAILED;
+ }
+ }
+ call_terminated(call, reason_name, reason_text);
+ remove_call_from_datastructures(call);
+ }
+ private void on_stream_created(Call call, string media, Xep.JingleRtp.Stream stream) {
+ if (media == "video" && stream.receiving) {
+ counterpart_sends_video[call] = true;
+ video_content_parameter[call].connection_ready.connect((status) => {
+ counterpart_sends_video_updated(call, false);
+ });
+ }
+ stream_created(call, media);
+ // Outgoing audio/video might have been muted in the meanwhile.
+ if (media == "video" && !we_should_send_video[call]) {
+ mute_own_video(call, true);
+ } else if (media == "audio" && !we_should_send_audio[call]) {
+ mute_own_audio(call, true);
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_counterpart_mute_update(Call call, bool mute, string? media) {
+ if (!call.equals(call)) return;
+ if (media == "video") {
+ counterpart_sends_video[call] = !mute;
+ counterpart_sends_video_updated(call, mute);
+ }
+ }
+ private void connect_session_signals(Call call, Xep.Jingle.Session session) {
+ session.terminated.connect((stream, we_terminated, reason_name, reason_text) =>
+ on_call_terminated(call, we_terminated, reason_name, reason_text)
+ );
+ session.additional_content_add_incoming.connect((session,stream, content) =>
+ on_incoming_content_add(stream, call, session, content)
+ );
+ foreach (Xep.Jingle.Content content in session.contents) {
+ Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters? rtp_content_parameter = content.content_params as Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters;
+ if (rtp_content_parameter == null) continue;
+ connect_content_signals(call, content, rtp_content_parameter);
+ }
+ }
+ private void connect_content_signals(Call call, Xep.Jingle.Content content, Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters rtp_content_parameter) {
+ if (rtp_content_parameter.media == "audio") {
+ audio_content[call] = content;
+ audio_content_parameter[call] = rtp_content_parameter;
+ } else if (rtp_content_parameter.media == "video") {
+ video_content[call] = content;
+ video_content_parameter[call] = rtp_content_parameter;
+ }
+ rtp_content_parameter.stream_created.connect((stream) => on_stream_created(call, rtp_content_parameter.media, stream));
+ rtp_content_parameter.connection_ready.connect((status) => on_connection_ready(call, content, rtp_content_parameter.media));
+ content.senders_modify_incoming.connect((content, proposed_senders) => {
+ if (content.session.senders_include_us(content.senders) != content.session.senders_include_us(proposed_senders)) {
+ warning("counterpart set us to (not)sending %s. ignoring", content.content_name);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!content.session.senders_include_counterpart(content.senders) && content.session.senders_include_counterpart(proposed_senders)) {
+ // Counterpart wants to start sending. Ok.
+ content.accept_content_modify(proposed_senders);
+ on_counterpart_mute_update(call, false, "video");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ private void on_connection_ready(Call call, Xep.Jingle.Content content, string media) {
+ if (call.state == Call.State.RINGING || call.state == Call.State.ESTABLISHING) {
+ call.state = Call.State.IN_PROGRESS;
+ }
+ if (media == "audio") {
+ audio_encryptions[call] = content.encryptions;
+ } else if (media == "video") {
+ video_encryptions[call] = content.encryptions;
+ }
+ if ((audio_encryptions.has_key(call) && audio_encryptions[call].is_empty) || (video_encryptions.has_key(call) && video_encryptions[call].is_empty)) {
+ call.encryption = Encryption.NONE;
+ encryption_updated(call, null, null, true);
+ return;
+ }
+ HashMap<string, Xep.Jingle.ContentEncryption> encryptions = audio_encryptions[call] ?? video_encryptions[call];
+ Xep.Jingle.ContentEncryption? omemo_encryption = null, dtls_encryption = null, srtp_encryption = null;
+ foreach (string encr_name in encryptions.keys) {
+ if (video_encryptions.has_key(call) && !video_encryptions[call].has_key(encr_name)) continue;
+ var encryption = encryptions[encr_name];
+ if (encryption.encryption_ns == "http://gultsch.de/xmpp/drafts/omemo/dlts-srtp-verification") {
+ omemo_encryption = encryption;
+ } else if (encryption.encryption_ns == Xep.JingleIceUdp.DTLS_NS_URI) {
+ dtls_encryption = encryption;
+ } else if (encryption.encryption_name == "SRTP") {
+ srtp_encryption = encryption;
+ }
+ }
+ if (omemo_encryption != null && dtls_encryption != null) {
+ call.encryption = Encryption.OMEMO;
+ Xep.Jingle.ContentEncryption? video_encryption = video_encryptions.has_key(call) ? video_encryptions[call]["http://gultsch.de/xmpp/drafts/omemo/dlts-srtp-verification"] : null;
+ omemo_encryption.peer_key = dtls_encryption.peer_key;
+ omemo_encryption.our_key = dtls_encryption.our_key;
+ encryption_updated(call, omemo_encryption, video_encryption, true);
+ } else if (dtls_encryption != null) {
+ call.encryption = Encryption.DTLS_SRTP;
+ Xep.Jingle.ContentEncryption? video_encryption = video_encryptions.has_key(call) ? video_encryptions[call][Xep.JingleIceUdp.DTLS_NS_URI] : null;
+ bool same = true;
+ if (video_encryption != null && dtls_encryption.peer_key.length == video_encryption.peer_key.length) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < dtls_encryption.peer_key.length; i++) {
+ if (dtls_encryption.peer_key[i] != video_encryption.peer_key[i]) { same = false; break; }
+ }
+ }
+ encryption_updated(call, dtls_encryption, video_encryption, same);
+ } else if (srtp_encryption != null) {
+ call.encryption = Encryption.SRTP;
+ encryption_updated(call, srtp_encryption, video_encryptions[call]["SRTP"], false);
+ } else {
+ call.encryption = Encryption.NONE;
+ encryption_updated(call, null, null, true);
+ }
+ }
+ private void remove_call_from_datastructures(Call call) {
+ string? sid = sid_by_call[call.account][call];
+ sid_by_call[call.account].unset(call);
+ if (sid != null) call_by_sid[call.account].unset(sid);
+ sessions.unset(call);
+ counterpart_sends_video.unset(call);
+ we_should_send_video.unset(call);
+ we_should_send_audio.unset(call);
+ audio_content_parameter.unset(call);
+ video_content_parameter.unset(call);
+ audio_content.unset(call);
+ video_content.unset(call);
+ audio_encryptions.unset(call);
+ video_encryptions.unset(call);
+ }
+ private void on_account_added(Account account) {
+ call_by_sid[account] = new HashMap<string, Call>();
+ sid_by_call[account] = new HashMap<Call, string>();
+ Xep.Jingle.Module jingle_module = stream_interactor.module_manager.get_module(account, Xep.Jingle.Module.IDENTITY);
+ jingle_module.session_initiate_received.connect((stream, session) => {
+ foreach (Xep.Jingle.Content content in session.contents) {
+ Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters? rtp_content_parameter = content.content_params as Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters;
+ if (rtp_content_parameter != null) {
+ on_incoming_call(account, session);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ var session_info_type = stream_interactor.module_manager.get_module(account, Xep.JingleRtp.Module.IDENTITY).session_info_type;
+ session_info_type.mute_update_received.connect((session,mute, name) => {
+ if (!call_by_sid[account].has_key(session.sid)) return;
+ Call call = call_by_sid[account][session.sid];
+ foreach (Xep.Jingle.Content content in session.contents) {
+ if (name == null || content.content_name == name) {
+ Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters? rtp_content_parameter = content.content_params as Xep.JingleRtp.Parameters;
+ if (rtp_content_parameter != null) {
+ on_counterpart_mute_update(call, mute, rtp_content_parameter.media);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ session_info_type.info_received.connect((session, session_info) => {
+ if (!call_by_sid[account].has_key(session.sid)) return;
+ Call call = call_by_sid[account][session.sid];
+ info_received(call, session_info);
+ });
+ Xep.JingleMessageInitiation.Module mi_module = stream_interactor.module_manager.get_module(account, Xep.JingleMessageInitiation.Module.IDENTITY);
+ mi_module.session_proposed.connect((from, to, sid, descriptions) => {
+ if (!can_do_audio_calls()) {
+ warning("Incoming call but no call support detected. Ignoring.");
+ return;
+ }
+ bool audio_requested = descriptions.any_match((description) => description.ns_uri == Xep.JingleRtp.NS_URI && description.get_attribute("media") == "audio");
+ bool video_requested = descriptions.any_match((description) => description.ns_uri == Xep.JingleRtp.NS_URI && description.get_attribute("media") == "video");
+ if (!audio_requested && !video_requested) return;
+ Call call = create_received_call(account, from, to, video_requested);
+ call_by_sid[account][sid] = call;
+ sid_by_call[account][call] = sid;
+ });
+ mi_module.session_accepted.connect((from, sid) => {
+ if (!call_by_sid[account].has_key(sid)) return;
+ if (from.equals_bare(account.bare_jid)) { // Carboned message from our account
+ // Ignore carbon from ourselves
+ if (from.equals(account.full_jid)) return;
+ Call call = call_by_sid[account][sid];
+ call.state = Call.State.OTHER_DEVICE_ACCEPTED;
+ remove_call_from_datastructures(call);
+ } else if (from.equals_bare(call_by_sid[account][sid].counterpart)) { // Message from our peer
+ // We proposed the call
+ if (jmi_sid.has_key(account) && jmi_sid[account] == sid) {
+ call_resource.begin(account, from, jmi_call[account], jmi_video[account], jmi_sid[account]);
+ jmi_call.unset(account);
+ jmi_sid.unset(account);
+ jmi_video.unset(account);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ mi_module.session_rejected.connect((from, to, sid) => {
+ if (!call_by_sid[account].has_key(sid)) return;
+ Call call = call_by_sid[account][sid];
+ bool outgoing_reject = call.direction == Call.DIRECTION_OUTGOING && from.equals_bare(call.counterpart);
+ bool incoming_reject = call.direction == Call.DIRECTION_INCOMING && from.equals_bare(account.bare_jid);
+ if (!(outgoing_reject || incoming_reject)) return;
+ call.state = Call.State.DECLINED;
+ remove_call_from_datastructures(call);
+ call_terminated(call, null, null);
+ });
+ mi_module.session_retracted.connect((from, to, sid) => {
+ if (!call_by_sid[account].has_key(sid)) return;
+ Call call = call_by_sid[account][sid];
+ bool outgoing_retract = call.direction == Call.DIRECTION_OUTGOING && from.equals_bare(call.counterpart);
+ bool incoming_retract = call.direction == Call.DIRECTION_INCOMING && from.equals_bare(account.bare_jid);
+ if (!(outgoing_retract || incoming_retract)) return;
+ call.state = Call.State.MISSED;
+ remove_call_from_datastructures(call);
+ call_terminated(call, null, null);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file