path: root/plugins/ice/src/transport_parameters.vala
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/ice/src/transport_parameters.vala')
1 files changed, 345 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/ice/src/transport_parameters.vala b/plugins/ice/src/transport_parameters.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62c04906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/ice/src/transport_parameters.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+using Gee;
+using Xmpp;
+using Xmpp.Xep;
+public class Dino.Plugins.Ice.TransportParameters : JingleIceUdp.IceUdpTransportParameters {
+ private Nice.Agent agent;
+ private uint stream_id;
+ private bool we_want_connection;
+ private bool remote_credentials_set;
+ private Map<uint8, DatagramConnection> connections = new HashMap<uint8, DatagramConnection>();
+ private DtlsSrtp.Handler? dtls_srtp_handler;
+ private class DatagramConnection : Jingle.DatagramConnection {
+ private Nice.Agent agent;
+ private DtlsSrtp.Handler? dtls_srtp_handler;
+ private uint stream_id;
+ private string? error;
+ private ulong sent;
+ private ulong sent_reported;
+ private ulong recv;
+ private ulong recv_reported;
+ private ulong datagram_received_id;
+ public DatagramConnection(Nice.Agent agent, DtlsSrtp.Handler? dtls_srtp_handler, uint stream_id, uint8 component_id) {
+ this.agent = agent;
+ this.dtls_srtp_handler = dtls_srtp_handler;
+ this.stream_id = stream_id;
+ this.component_id = component_id;
+ this.datagram_received_id = this.datagram_received.connect((datagram) => {
+ recv += datagram.length;
+ if (recv > recv_reported + 100000) {
+ debug("Received %lu bytes via stream %u component %u", recv, stream_id, component_id);
+ recv_reported = recv;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ public override async void terminate(bool we_terminated, string? reason_string = null, string? reason_text = null) {
+ yield base.terminate(we_terminated, reason_string, reason_text);
+ this.disconnect(datagram_received_id);
+ agent = null;
+ dtls_srtp_handler = null;
+ }
+ public override void send_datagram(Bytes datagram) {
+ if (this.agent != null && is_component_ready(agent, stream_id, component_id)) {
+ uint8[] encrypted_data = null;
+ if (dtls_srtp_handler != null) {
+ encrypted_data = dtls_srtp_handler.process_outgoing_data(component_id, datagram.get_data());
+ if (encrypted_data == null) return;
+ }
+ agent.send(stream_id, component_id, encrypted_data ?? datagram.get_data());
+ sent += datagram.length;
+ if (sent > sent_reported + 100000) {
+ debug("Sent %lu bytes via stream %u component %u", sent, stream_id, component_id);
+ sent_reported = sent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public TransportParameters(Nice.Agent agent, DtlsSrtp.CredentialsCapsule? credentials, Xep.ExternalServiceDiscovery.Service? turn_service, string? turn_ip, uint8 components, Jid local_full_jid, Jid peer_full_jid, StanzaNode? node = null) {
+ base(components, local_full_jid, peer_full_jid, node);
+ this.we_want_connection = (node == null);
+ this.agent = agent;
+ if (this.peer_fingerprint != null || !incoming) {
+ dtls_srtp_handler = setup_dtls(this, credentials);
+ own_fingerprint = dtls_srtp_handler.own_fingerprint;
+ if (incoming) {
+ own_setup = "active";
+ dtls_srtp_handler.mode = DtlsSrtp.Mode.CLIENT;
+ dtls_srtp_handler.peer_fingerprint = peer_fingerprint;
+ dtls_srtp_handler.peer_fp_algo = peer_fp_algo;
+ } else {
+ own_setup = "actpass";
+ dtls_srtp_handler.mode = DtlsSrtp.Mode.SERVER;
+ dtls_srtp_handler.setup_dtls_connection.begin((_, res) => {
+ var content_encryption = dtls_srtp_handler.setup_dtls_connection.end(res);
+ if (content_encryption != null) {
+ this.content.encryptions[content_encryption.encryption_ns] = content_encryption;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ agent.candidate_gathering_done.connect(on_candidate_gathering_done);
+ agent.initial_binding_request_received.connect(on_initial_binding_request_received);
+ agent.component_state_changed.connect(on_component_state_changed);
+ agent.new_selected_pair_full.connect(on_new_selected_pair_full);
+ agent.new_candidate_full.connect(on_new_candidate);
+ agent.controlling_mode = !incoming;
+ stream_id = agent.add_stream(components);
+ if (turn_ip != null) {
+ for (uint8 component_id = 1; component_id <= components; component_id++) {
+ agent.set_relay_info(stream_id, component_id, turn_ip, turn_service.port, turn_service.username, turn_service.password, Nice.RelayType.UDP);
+ debug("TURN info (component %i) %s:%u", component_id, turn_ip, turn_service.port);
+ }
+ }
+ string ufrag;
+ string pwd;
+ agent.get_local_credentials(stream_id, out ufrag, out pwd);
+ init(ufrag, pwd);
+ for (uint8 component_id = 1; component_id <= components; component_id++) {
+ // We don't properly get local candidates before this call
+ agent.attach_recv(stream_id, component_id, MainContext.@default(), on_recv);
+ }
+ agent.gather_candidates(stream_id);
+ }
+ private static DtlsSrtp.Handler setup_dtls(TransportParameters tp, DtlsSrtp.CredentialsCapsule credentials) {
+ var weak_self = WeakRef(tp);
+ DtlsSrtp.Handler dtls_srtp = new DtlsSrtp.Handler.with_cert(credentials);
+ dtls_srtp.send_data.connect((data) => {
+ TransportParameters self = (TransportParameters) weak_self.get();
+ if (self != null) self.agent.send(self.stream_id, 1, data);
+ });
+ return dtls_srtp;
+ }
+ private void on_candidate_gathering_done(uint stream_id) {
+ if (stream_id != this.stream_id) return;
+ debug("on_candidate_gathering_done in %u", stream_id);
+ for (uint8 i = 1; i <= components; i++) {
+ foreach (unowned Nice.Candidate nc in agent.get_local_candidates(stream_id, i)) {
+ if (nc.transport == Nice.CandidateTransport.UDP) {
+ JingleIceUdp.Candidate? candidate = candidate_to_jingle(nc);
+ if (candidate == null) continue;
+ debug("Local candidate summary: %s", agent.generate_local_candidate_sdp(nc));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_new_candidate(Nice.Candidate nc) {
+ if (nc.stream_id != stream_id) return;
+ JingleIceUdp.Candidate? candidate = candidate_to_jingle(nc);
+ if (candidate == null) return;
+ if (nc.transport == Nice.CandidateTransport.UDP) {
+ // Execution was in the agent thread before
+ add_local_candidate_threadsafe(candidate);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void handle_transport_accept(StanzaNode transport) throws Jingle.IqError {
+ debug("on_transport_accept from %s", peer_full_jid.to_string());
+ base.handle_transport_accept(transport);
+ if (dtls_srtp_handler != null && peer_fingerprint != null) {
+ dtls_srtp_handler.peer_fingerprint = peer_fingerprint;
+ dtls_srtp_handler.peer_fp_algo = peer_fp_algo;
+ if (peer_setup == "passive") {
+ dtls_srtp_handler.mode = DtlsSrtp.Mode.CLIENT;
+ dtls_srtp_handler.stop_dtls_connection();
+ dtls_srtp_handler.setup_dtls_connection.begin((_, res) => {
+ var content_encryption = dtls_srtp_handler.setup_dtls_connection.end(res);
+ if (content_encryption != null) {
+ this.content.encryptions[content_encryption.encryption_ns] = content_encryption;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ dtls_srtp_handler = null;
+ }
+ }
+ public override void handle_transport_info(StanzaNode transport) throws Jingle.IqError {
+ debug("on_transport_info from %s", peer_full_jid.to_string());
+ base.handle_transport_info(transport);
+ if (!we_want_connection) return;
+ if (remote_ufrag != null && remote_pwd != null && !remote_credentials_set) {
+ agent.set_remote_credentials(stream_id, remote_ufrag, remote_pwd);
+ remote_credentials_set = true;
+ }
+ for (uint8 i = 1; i <= components; i++) {
+ SList<Nice.Candidate> candidates = new SList<Nice.Candidate>();
+ foreach (JingleIceUdp.Candidate candidate in remote_candidates) {
+ if (candidate.component == i) {
+ candidates.append(candidate_to_nice(candidate));
+ }
+ }
+ int new_candidates = agent.set_remote_candidates(stream_id, i, candidates);
+ debug("Updated to %i remote candidates for candidate %u via transport info", new_candidates, i);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void create_transport_connection(XmppStream stream, Jingle.Content content) {
+ debug("create_transport_connection: %s", content.session.sid);
+ debug("local_credentials: %s %s", local_ufrag, local_pwd);
+ debug("remote_credentials: %s %s", remote_ufrag, remote_pwd);
+ debug("expected incoming credentials: %s %s", local_ufrag + ":" + remote_ufrag, local_pwd);
+ debug("expected outgoing credentials: %s %s", remote_ufrag + ":" + local_ufrag, remote_pwd);
+ we_want_connection = true;
+ if (remote_ufrag != null && remote_pwd != null && !remote_credentials_set) {
+ agent.set_remote_credentials(stream_id, remote_ufrag, remote_pwd);
+ remote_credentials_set = true;
+ }
+ for (uint8 i = 1; i <= components; i++) {
+ SList<Nice.Candidate> candidates = new SList<Nice.Candidate>();
+ foreach (JingleIceUdp.Candidate candidate in remote_candidates) {
+ if (candidate.ip.has_prefix("fe80::")) continue;
+ if (candidate.component == i) {
+ candidates.append(candidate_to_nice(candidate));
+ debug("remote candidate: %s", agent.generate_local_candidate_sdp(candidate_to_nice(candidate)));
+ }
+ }
+ int new_candidates = agent.set_remote_candidates(stream_id, i, candidates);
+ debug("Initiated component %u with %i remote candidates", i, new_candidates);
+ connections[i] = new DatagramConnection(agent, dtls_srtp_handler, stream_id, i);
+ content.set_transport_connection(connections[i], i);
+ }
+ base.create_transport_connection(stream, content);
+ }
+ private void on_component_state_changed(uint stream_id, uint component_id, uint state) {
+ if (stream_id != this.stream_id) return;
+ debug("stream %u component %u state changed to %s", stream_id, component_id, agent.get_component_state(stream_id, component_id).to_string());
+ may_consider_ready(stream_id, component_id);
+ if (incoming && dtls_srtp_handler != null && !dtls_srtp_handler.ready && is_component_ready(agent, stream_id, component_id) && dtls_srtp_handler.mode == DtlsSrtp.Mode.CLIENT) {
+ dtls_srtp_handler.setup_dtls_connection.begin((_, res) => {
+ Jingle.ContentEncryption? encryption = dtls_srtp_handler.setup_dtls_connection.end(res);
+ if (encryption != null) {
+ this.content.encryptions[encryption.encryption_ns] = encryption;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ private void may_consider_ready(uint stream_id, uint component_id) {
+ if (stream_id != this.stream_id) return;
+ if (connections.has_key((uint8) component_id) && !connections[(uint8)component_id].ready && is_component_ready(agent, stream_id, component_id) && (dtls_srtp_handler == null || dtls_srtp_handler.ready)) {
+ connections[(uint8)component_id].ready = true;
+ }
+ }
+ private void on_initial_binding_request_received(uint stream_id) {
+ if (stream_id != this.stream_id) return;
+ debug("initial_binding_request_received");
+ }
+ private void on_new_selected_pair_full(uint stream_id, uint component_id, Nice.Candidate p1, Nice.Candidate p2) {
+ if (stream_id != this.stream_id) return;
+ debug("new_selected_pair_full %u [%s, %s]", component_id, agent.generate_local_candidate_sdp(p1), agent.generate_local_candidate_sdp(p2));
+ }
+ private void on_recv(Nice.Agent agent, uint stream_id, uint component_id, uint8[] data) {
+ if (stream_id != this.stream_id) return;
+ uint8[] decrypt_data = null;
+ if (dtls_srtp_handler != null) {
+ decrypt_data = dtls_srtp_handler.process_incoming_data(component_id, data);
+ if (decrypt_data == null) return;
+ }
+ may_consider_ready(stream_id, component_id);
+ if (connections.has_key((uint8) component_id)) {
+ if (!connections[(uint8) component_id].ready) {
+ debug("on_recv stream %u component %u when state %s", stream_id, component_id, agent.get_component_state(stream_id, component_id).to_string());
+ }
+ connections[(uint8) component_id].datagram_received(new Bytes(decrypt_data ?? data));
+ } else {
+ debug("on_recv stream %u component %u length %u", stream_id, component_id, data.length);
+ }
+ }
+ private static Nice.Candidate candidate_to_nice(JingleIceUdp.Candidate c) {
+ Nice.CandidateType type;
+ switch (c.type_) {
+ case JingleIceUdp.Candidate.Type.HOST: type = Nice.CandidateType.HOST; break;
+ case JingleIceUdp.Candidate.Type.PRFLX: type = Nice.CandidateType.PEER_REFLEXIVE; break;
+ case JingleIceUdp.Candidate.Type.RELAY: type = Nice.CandidateType.RELAYED; break;
+ case JingleIceUdp.Candidate.Type.SRFLX: type = Nice.CandidateType.SERVER_REFLEXIVE; break;
+ default: assert_not_reached();
+ }
+ Nice.Candidate candidate = new Nice.Candidate(type);
+ candidate.component_id = c.component;
+ char[] foundation = new char[Nice.CANDIDATE_MAX_FOUNDATION];
+ Memory.copy(foundation, c.foundation.data, size_t.min(c.foundation.length, Nice.CANDIDATE_MAX_FOUNDATION - 1));
+ candidate.foundation = foundation;
+ candidate.addr = Nice.Address();
+ candidate.addr.init();
+ candidate.addr.set_from_string(c.ip);
+ candidate.addr.set_port(c.port);
+ candidate.priority = c.priority;
+ if (c.rel_addr != null) {
+ candidate.base_addr = Nice.Address();
+ candidate.base_addr.init();
+ candidate.base_addr.set_from_string(c.rel_addr);
+ candidate.base_addr.set_port(c.rel_port);
+ }
+ candidate.transport = Nice.CandidateTransport.UDP;
+ return candidate;
+ }
+ private static JingleIceUdp.Candidate? candidate_to_jingle(Nice.Candidate nc) {
+ JingleIceUdp.Candidate candidate = new JingleIceUdp.Candidate();
+ switch (nc.type) {
+ case Nice.CandidateType.HOST: candidate.type_ = JingleIceUdp.Candidate.Type.HOST; break;
+ case Nice.CandidateType.PEER_REFLEXIVE: candidate.type_ = JingleIceUdp.Candidate.Type.PRFLX; break;
+ case Nice.CandidateType.RELAYED: candidate.type_ = JingleIceUdp.Candidate.Type.RELAY; break;
+ case Nice.CandidateType.SERVER_REFLEXIVE: candidate.type_ = JingleIceUdp.Candidate.Type.SRFLX; break;
+ default: assert_not_reached();
+ }
+ candidate.component = (uint8) nc.component_id;
+ candidate.foundation = ((string)nc.foundation).dup();
+ candidate.generation = 0;
+ candidate.id = Random.next_int().to_string("%08x"); // TODO
+ char[] res = new char[NICE_ADDRESS_STRING_LEN];
+ nc.addr.to_string(res);
+ candidate.ip = (string) res;
+ candidate.network = 0; // TODO
+ candidate.port = (uint16) nc.addr.get_port();
+ candidate.priority = nc.priority;
+ candidate.protocol = "udp";
+ if (nc.base_addr.is_valid() && !nc.base_addr.equal(nc.addr)) {
+ res = new char[NICE_ADDRESS_STRING_LEN];
+ nc.base_addr.to_string(res);
+ candidate.rel_addr = (string) res;
+ candidate.rel_port = (uint16) nc.base_addr.get_port();
+ }
+ if (candidate.ip.has_prefix("fe80::")) return null;
+ return candidate;
+ }
+ public override void dispose() {
+ base.dispose();
+ agent = null;
+ dtls_srtp_handler = null;
+ connections.clear();
+ }