path: root/plugins/omemo/src/database.vala
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/omemo/src/database.vala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 249 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/omemo/src/database.vala b/plugins/omemo/src/database.vala
deleted file mode 100644
index bce1d4e6..00000000
--- a/plugins/omemo/src/database.vala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-using Gee;
-using Qlite;
-using Dino.Entities;
-namespace Dino.Plugins.Omemo {
-public class Database : Qlite.Database {
- private const int VERSION = 4;
- public class IdentityMetaTable : Table {
- public enum TrustLevel {
- public string to_string() {
- int val = this;
- return val.to_string();
- }
- }
- //Default to provide backwards compatability
- public Column<int> identity_id = new Column.Integer("identity_id") { not_null = true, min_version = 2, default = "-1" };
- public Column<string> address_name = new Column.Text("address_name") { not_null = true };
- public Column<int> device_id = new Column.Integer("device_id") { not_null = true };
- public Column<string?> identity_key_public_base64 = new Column.Text("identity_key_public_base64");
- public Column<bool> trusted_identity = new Column.BoolInt("trusted_identity") { default = "0", max_version = 1 };
- public Column<int> trust_level = new Column.Integer("trust_level") { default = TrustLevel.UNKNOWN.to_string(), min_version = 2 };
- public Column<bool> now_active = new Column.BoolInt("now_active") { default = "1" };
- public Column<long> last_active = new Column.Long("last_active");
- internal IdentityMetaTable(Database db) {
- base(db, "identity_meta");
- init({identity_id, address_name, device_id, identity_key_public_base64, trusted_identity, trust_level, now_active, last_active});
- index("identity_meta_idx", {identity_id, address_name, device_id}, true);
- index("identity_meta_list_idx", {identity_id, address_name});
- }
- public QueryBuilder with_address(int identity_id, string address_name) {
- return select().with(this.identity_id, "=", identity_id).with(this.address_name, "=", address_name);
- }
- public void insert_device_list(int32 identity_id, string address_name, ArrayList<int32> devices) {
- update().with(this.identity_id, "=", identity_id).with(this.address_name, "=", address_name).set(now_active, false).perform();
- foreach (int32 device_id in devices) {
- upsert()
- .value(this.identity_id, identity_id, true)
- .value(this.address_name, address_name, true)
- .value(this.device_id, device_id, true)
- .value(this.now_active, true)
- .value(this.last_active, (long) new DateTime.now_utc().to_unix())
- .perform();
- }
- }
- public int64 insert_device_bundle(int32 identity_id, string address_name, int device_id, Bundle bundle, TrustLevel trust) {
- if (bundle == null || bundle.identity_key == null) return -1;
- // Do not replace identity_key if it was known before, it should never change!
- string identity_key = Base64.encode(bundle.identity_key.serialize());
- RowOption row = with_address(identity_id, address_name).with(this.device_id, "=", device_id).single().row();
- if (row.is_present() && row[identity_key_public_base64] != null && row[identity_key_public_base64] != identity_key) {
- error("Tried to change the identity key for a known device id. Likely an attack.");
- }
- return upsert()
- .value(this.identity_id, identity_id, true)
- .value(this.address_name, address_name, true)
- .value(this.device_id, device_id, true)
- .value(this.identity_key_public_base64, identity_key)
- .value(this.trust_level, trust).perform();
- }
- public QueryBuilder get_trusted_devices(int identity_id, string address_name) {
- return this.with_address(identity_id, address_name)
- .with(this.trust_level, "!=", TrustLevel.UNTRUSTED)
- .with(this.now_active, "=", true);
- }
- public QueryBuilder get_known_devices(int identity_id, string address_name) {
- return this.with_address(identity_id, address_name)
- .with(this.trust_level, "!=", TrustLevel.UNKNOWN)
- .without_null(this.identity_key_public_base64);
- }
- public QueryBuilder get_unknown_devices(int identity_id, string address_name) {
- return this.with_address(identity_id, address_name)
- .with_null(this.identity_key_public_base64);
- }
- public QueryBuilder get_new_devices(int identity_id, string address_name) {
- return this.with_address(identity_id, address_name)
- .with(this.trust_level, "=", TrustLevel.UNKNOWN)
- .without_null(this.identity_key_public_base64);
- }
- public Row? get_device(int identity_id, string address_name, int device_id) {
- return this.with_address(identity_id, address_name)
- .with(this.device_id, "=", device_id).single().row().inner;
- }
- public QueryBuilder get_with_device_id(int device_id) {
- return select().with(this.device_id, "=", device_id);
- }
- }
- public class TrustTable : Table {
- public Column<int> identity_id = new Column.Integer("identity_id") { not_null = true };
- public Column<string> address_name = new Column.Text("address_name");
- public Column<bool> blind_trust = new Column.BoolInt("blind_trust") { default = "1" } ;
- internal TrustTable(Database db) {
- base(db, "trust");
- init({identity_id, address_name, blind_trust});
- index("trust_idx", {identity_id, address_name}, true);
- }
- public bool get_blind_trust(int32 identity_id, string address_name) {
- return this.select().with(this.identity_id, "=", identity_id)
- .with(this.address_name, "=", address_name)
- .with(this.blind_trust, "=", true).count() > 0;
- }
- }
- public class IdentityTable : Table {
- public Column<int> id = new Column.Integer("id") { primary_key = true, auto_increment = true };
- public Column<int> account_id = new Column.Integer("account_id") { unique = true, not_null = true };
- public Column<int> device_id = new Column.Integer("device_id") { not_null = true };
- public Column<string> identity_key_private_base64 = new Column.NonNullText("identity_key_private_base64");
- public Column<string> identity_key_public_base64 = new Column.NonNullText("identity_key_public_base64");
- internal IdentityTable(Database db) {
- base(db, "identity");
- init({id, account_id, device_id, identity_key_private_base64, identity_key_public_base64});
- }
- public int get_id(int account_id) {
- int id = -1;
- Row? row = this.row_with(this.account_id, account_id).inner;
- if (row != null) id = ((!)row)[this.id];
- return id;
- }
- }
- public class SignedPreKeyTable : Table {
- public Column<int> identity_id = new Column.Integer("identity_id") { not_null = true };
- public Column<int> signed_pre_key_id = new Column.Integer("signed_pre_key_id") { not_null = true };
- public Column<string> record_base64 = new Column.NonNullText("record_base64");
- internal SignedPreKeyTable(Database db) {
- base(db, "signed_pre_key");
- init({identity_id, signed_pre_key_id, record_base64});
- unique({identity_id, signed_pre_key_id});
- index("signed_pre_key_idx", {identity_id, signed_pre_key_id}, true);
- }
- }
- public class PreKeyTable : Table {
- public Column<int> identity_id = new Column.Integer("identity_id") { not_null = true };
- public Column<int> pre_key_id = new Column.Integer("pre_key_id") { not_null = true };
- public Column<string> record_base64 = new Column.NonNullText("record_base64");
- internal PreKeyTable(Database db) {
- base(db, "pre_key");
- init({identity_id, pre_key_id, record_base64});
- unique({identity_id, pre_key_id});
- index("pre_key_idx", {identity_id, pre_key_id}, true);
- }
- }
- public class SessionTable : Table {
- public Column<int> identity_id = new Column.Integer("identity_id") { not_null = true };
- public Column<string> address_name = new Column.NonNullText("name");
- public Column<int> device_id = new Column.Integer("device_id") { not_null = true };
- public Column<string> record_base64 = new Column.NonNullText("record_base64");
- internal SessionTable(Database db) {
- base(db, "session");
- init({identity_id, address_name, device_id, record_base64});
- unique({identity_id, address_name, device_id});
- index("session_idx", {identity_id, address_name, device_id}, true);
- }
- }
- public class ContentItemMetaTable : Table {
- public Column<int> content_item_id = new Column.Integer("message_id") { primary_key = true };
- public Column<int> identity_id = new Column.Integer("identity_id") { not_null = true };
- public Column<string> address_name = new Column.Text("address_name") { not_null = true };
- public Column<int> device_id = new Column.Integer("device_id") { not_null = true };
- public Column<bool> trusted_when_received = new Column.BoolInt("trusted_when_received") { not_null = true, default = "1" };
- internal ContentItemMetaTable(Database db) {
- base(db, "content_item_meta");
- init({content_item_id, identity_id, address_name, device_id, trusted_when_received});
- index("content_item_meta_device_idx", {identity_id, device_id, address_name});
- }
- public RowOption with_content_item(ContentItem item) {
- return row_with(content_item_id, item.id);
- }
- public QueryBuilder with_device(int identity_id, string address_name, int device_id) {
- return select()
- .with(this.identity_id, "=", identity_id)
- .with(this.address_name, "=", address_name)
- .with(this.device_id, "=", device_id);
- }
- }
- public IdentityMetaTable identity_meta { get; private set; }
- public TrustTable trust { get; private set; }
- public IdentityTable identity { get; private set; }
- public SignedPreKeyTable signed_pre_key { get; private set; }
- public PreKeyTable pre_key { get; private set; }
- public SessionTable session { get; private set; }
- public ContentItemMetaTable content_item_meta { get; private set; }
- public Database(string fileName) {
- base(fileName, VERSION);
- identity_meta = new IdentityMetaTable(this);
- trust = new TrustTable(this);
- identity = new IdentityTable(this);
- signed_pre_key = new SignedPreKeyTable(this);
- pre_key = new PreKeyTable(this);
- session = new SessionTable(this);
- content_item_meta = new ContentItemMetaTable(this);
- init({identity_meta, trust, identity, signed_pre_key, pre_key, session, content_item_meta});
- try {
- exec("PRAGMA synchronous=0");
- } catch (Error e) { }
- }
- public override void migrate(long oldVersion) {
- if(oldVersion == 1) {
- try {
- exec("DROP INDEX identity_meta_idx");
- exec("DROP INDEX identity_meta_list_idx");
- exec("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX identity_meta_idx ON identity_meta (identity_id, address_name, device_id)");
- exec("CREATE INDEX identity_meta_list_idx ON identity_meta (identity_id, address_name)");
- } catch (Error e) {
- stderr.printf("Failed to migrate OMEMO database\n");
- Process.exit(-1);
- }
- }
- }