path: root/plugins/rtp/src/device.vala
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/rtp/src/device.vala')
1 files changed, 323 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/rtp/src/device.vala b/plugins/rtp/src/device.vala
index e25271b1..97258d0c 100644
--- a/plugins/rtp/src/device.vala
+++ b/plugins/rtp/src/device.vala
@@ -1,44 +1,64 @@
+using Xmpp.Xep.JingleRtp;
+using Gee;
public class Dino.Plugins.Rtp.Device : MediaDevice, Object {
+ private const int[] common_widths = {320, 360, 400, 480, 640, 960, 1280, 1920, 2560, 3840};
public Plugin plugin { get; private set; }
+ public CodecUtil codec_util { get { return plugin.codec_util; } }
public Gst.Device device { get; private set; }
- private string device_name;
- public string id { get {
- return device_name;
- }}
- private string device_display_name;
- public string display_name { get {
- return device_display_name;
- }}
+ public string id { get { return device_name; }}
+ public string display_name { get { return device_display_name; }}
public string detail_name { get {
return device.properties.get_string("alsa.card_name") ?? device.properties.get_string("alsa.id") ?? id;
- public Gst.Pipeline pipe { get {
- return plugin.pipe;
- }}
+ public Gst.Pipeline pipe { get { return plugin.pipe; }}
public string? media { get {
- if (device.device_class.has_prefix("Audio/")) {
+ if (device.has_classes("Audio")) {
return "audio";
- } else if (device.device_class.has_prefix("Video/")) {
+ } else if (device.has_classes("Video")) {
return "video";
} else {
return null;
- public bool is_source { get {
- return device.device_class.has_suffix("/Source");
- }}
- public bool is_sink { get {
- return device.device_class.has_suffix("/Sink");
- }}
+ public bool is_source { get { return device.has_classes("Source"); }}
+ public bool is_sink { get { return device.has_classes("Sink"); }}
+ private string device_name;
+ private string device_display_name;
+ private Gst.Caps device_caps;
private Gst.Element element;
private Gst.Element tee;
private Gst.Element dsp;
- private Gst.Element mixer;
+ private Gst.Base.Aggregator mixer;
private Gst.Element filter;
- private Gst.Element rate;
- private int links = 0;
+ private int links;
+ // Codecs
+ private Gee.Map<PayloadType, Gst.Element> codecs = new HashMap<PayloadType, Gst.Element>(PayloadType.hash_func, PayloadType.equals_func);
+ private Gee.Map<PayloadType, Gst.Element> codec_tees = new HashMap<PayloadType, Gst.Element>(PayloadType.hash_func, PayloadType.equals_func);
+ // Payloaders
+ private Gee.Map<PayloadType, Gee.Map<uint, Gst.Element>> payloaders = new HashMap<PayloadType, Gee.Map<uint, Gst.Element>>(PayloadType.hash_func, PayloadType.equals_func);
+ private Gee.Map<PayloadType, Gee.Map<uint, Gst.Element>> payloader_tees = new HashMap<PayloadType, Gee.Map<uint, Gst.Element>>(PayloadType.hash_func, PayloadType.equals_func);
+ private Gee.Map<PayloadType, Gee.Map<uint, uint>> payloader_links = new HashMap<PayloadType, Gee.Map<uint, uint>>(PayloadType.hash_func, PayloadType.equals_func);
+ // Bitrate
+ private Gee.Map<PayloadType, Gee.List<CodecBitrate>> codec_bitrates = new HashMap<PayloadType, Gee.List<CodecBitrate>>(PayloadType.hash_func, PayloadType.equals_func);
+ private class CodecBitrate {
+ public uint bitrate;
+ public int64 timestamp;
+ public CodecBitrate(uint bitrate) {
+ this.bitrate = bitrate;
+ this.timestamp = get_monotonic_time();
+ }
+ }
public Device(Plugin plugin, Gst.Device device) {
this.plugin = plugin;
@@ -57,25 +77,241 @@ public class Dino.Plugins.Rtp.Device : MediaDevice, Object {
public Gst.Element? link_sink() {
+ if (!is_sink) return null;
if (element == null) create();
- if (mixer != null) return mixer;
- if (is_sink && media == "audio") return filter;
+ if (mixer != null) {
+ Gst.Element rate = Gst.ElementFactory.make("audiorate", @"$(id)_rate_$(Random.next_int())");
+ pipe.add(rate);
+ rate.link(mixer);
+ return rate;
+ }
+ if (media == "audio") return filter;
return element;
- public Gst.Element? link_source() {
+ public Gst.Element? link_source(PayloadType? payload_type = null, uint ssrc = 0, int seqnum_offset = -1, uint32 timestamp_offset = 0) {
+ if (!is_source) return null;
if (element == null) create();
+ if (payload_type != null && ssrc != 0 && tee != null) {
+ bool new_codec = false;
+ string? codec = CodecUtil.get_codec_from_payload(media, payload_type);
+ if (!codecs.has_key(payload_type)) {
+ codecs[payload_type] = codec_util.get_encode_bin_without_payloader(media, payload_type, @"$(id)_$(codec)_encoder");
+ pipe.add(codecs[payload_type]);
+ new_codec = true;
+ }
+ if (!codec_tees.has_key(payload_type)) {
+ codec_tees[payload_type] = Gst.ElementFactory.make("tee", @"$(id)_$(codec)_tee");
+ codec_tees[payload_type].@set("allow-not-linked", true);
+ pipe.add(codec_tees[payload_type]);
+ codecs[payload_type].link(codec_tees[payload_type]);
+ }
+ if (!payloaders.has_key(payload_type)) {
+ payloaders[payload_type] = new HashMap<uint, Gst.Element>();
+ }
+ if (!payloaders[payload_type].has_key(ssrc)) {
+ payloaders[payload_type][ssrc] = codec_util.get_payloader_bin(media, payload_type, @"$(id)_$(codec)_$(ssrc)");
+ var payload = (Gst.RTP.BasePayload) ((Gst.Bin) payloaders[payload_type][ssrc]).get_by_name(@"$(id)_$(codec)_$(ssrc)_rtp_pay");
+ payload.ssrc = ssrc;
+ payload.seqnum_offset = seqnum_offset;
+ if (timestamp_offset != 0) {
+ payload.timestamp_offset = timestamp_offset;
+ }
+ pipe.add(payloaders[payload_type][ssrc]);
+ codec_tees[payload_type].link(payloaders[payload_type][ssrc]);
+ debug("Payload for %s with %s using ssrc %u, seqnum_offset %u, timestamp_offset %u", media, codec, ssrc, seqnum_offset, timestamp_offset);
+ }
+ if (!payloader_tees.has_key(payload_type)) {
+ payloader_tees[payload_type] = new HashMap<uint, Gst.Element>();
+ }
+ if (!payloader_tees[payload_type].has_key(ssrc)) {
+ payloader_tees[payload_type][ssrc] = Gst.ElementFactory.make("tee", @"$(id)_$(codec)_$(ssrc)_tee");
+ payloader_tees[payload_type][ssrc].@set("allow-not-linked", true);
+ pipe.add(payloader_tees[payload_type][ssrc]);
+ payloaders[payload_type][ssrc].link(payloader_tees[payload_type][ssrc]);
+ }
+ if (!payloader_links.has_key(payload_type)) {
+ payloader_links[payload_type] = new HashMap<uint, uint>();
+ }
+ if (!payloader_links[payload_type].has_key(ssrc)) {
+ payloader_links[payload_type][ssrc] = 1;
+ } else {
+ payloader_links[payload_type][ssrc] = payloader_links[payload_type][ssrc] + 1;
+ }
+ if (new_codec) {
+ tee.link(codecs[payload_type]);
+ }
+ return payloader_tees[payload_type][ssrc];
+ }
if (tee != null) return tee;
return element;
- public void unlink() {
+ private static double get_target_bitrate(Gst.Caps caps) {
+ if (caps == null || caps.get_size() == 0) return uint.MAX;
+ unowned Gst.Structure? that = caps.get_structure(0);
+ int num = 0, den = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
+ if (!that.has_field("width") || !that.get_int("width", out width)) return uint.MAX;
+ if (!that.has_field("height") || !that.get_int("height", out height)) return uint.MAX;
+ if (!that.has_field("framerate")) return uint.MAX;
+ Value framerate = that.get_value("framerate");
+ if (framerate.type() != typeof(Gst.Fraction)) return uint.MAX;
+ num = Gst.Value.get_fraction_numerator(framerate);
+ den = Gst.Value.get_fraction_denominator(framerate);
+ double pxs = ((double)num/(double)den) * (double)width * (double)height;
+ double br = Math.sqrt(Math.sqrt(pxs)) * 100.0 - 3700.0;
+ if (br < 128.0) return 128.0;
+ return br;
+ }
+ private Gst.Caps get_active_caps(PayloadType payload_type) {
+ return codec_util.get_rescale_caps(codecs[payload_type]) ?? device_caps;
+ }
+ private void apply_caps(PayloadType payload_type, Gst.Caps caps) {
+ plugin.pause();
+ debug("Set scaled caps to %s", caps.to_string());
+ codec_util.update_rescale_caps(codecs[payload_type], caps);
+ plugin.unpause();
+ }
+ private void apply_width(PayloadType payload_type, int new_width, uint bitrate) {
+ int device_caps_width, device_caps_height, active_caps_width, device_caps_framerate_num, device_caps_framerate_den;
+ device_caps.get_structure(0).get_int("width", out device_caps_width);
+ device_caps.get_structure(0).get_int("height", out device_caps_height);
+ device_caps.get_structure(0).get_fraction("framerate", out device_caps_framerate_num, out device_caps_framerate_den);
+ Gst.Caps active_caps = get_active_caps(payload_type);
+ if (active_caps != null && active_caps.get_size() > 0) {
+ active_caps.get_structure(0).get_int("width", out active_caps_width);
+ } else {
+ active_caps_width = device_caps_width;
+ }
+ if (new_width == active_caps_width) return;
+ int new_height = device_caps_height * new_width / device_caps_width;
+ Gst.Caps new_caps = new Gst.Caps.simple("video/x-raw", "width", typeof(int), new_width, "height", typeof(int), new_height, "framerate", typeof(Gst.Fraction), device_caps_framerate_num, device_caps_framerate_den, null);
+ double required_bitrate = get_target_bitrate(new_caps);
+ debug("Changing resolution width from %d to %d (requires bitrate %f, current target is %u)", active_caps_width, new_width, required_bitrate, bitrate);
+ if (bitrate < required_bitrate && new_width > active_caps_width) return;
+ apply_caps(payload_type, new_caps);
+ }
+ public void update_bitrate(PayloadType payload_type, uint bitrate) {
+ if (codecs.has_key(payload_type)) {
+ lock(codec_bitrates);
+ if (!codec_bitrates.has_key(payload_type)) {
+ codec_bitrates[payload_type] = new ArrayList<CodecBitrate>();
+ }
+ codec_bitrates[payload_type].add(new CodecBitrate(bitrate));
+ var remove = new ArrayList<CodecBitrate>();
+ foreach (CodecBitrate rate in codec_bitrates[payload_type]) {
+ if (rate.timestamp < get_monotonic_time() - 5000000L) {
+ remove.add(rate);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (rate.bitrate < bitrate) {
+ bitrate = rate.bitrate;
+ }
+ }
+ codec_bitrates[payload_type].remove_all(remove);
+ if (media == "video") {
+ if (bitrate < 128) bitrate = 128;
+ Gst.Caps active_caps = get_active_caps(payload_type);
+ double max_bitrate = get_target_bitrate(device_caps) * 2;
+ double current_target_bitrate = get_target_bitrate(active_caps);
+ int device_caps_width, active_caps_width;
+ device_caps.get_structure(0).get_int("width", out device_caps_width);
+ if (active_caps != null && active_caps.get_size() > 0) {
+ active_caps.get_structure(0).get_int("width", out active_caps_width);
+ } else {
+ active_caps_width = device_caps_width;
+ }
+ if (bitrate < 0.75 * current_target_bitrate && active_caps_width > common_widths[0]) {
+ // Lower video resolution
+ int i = 1;
+ for(; i < common_widths.length && common_widths[i] < active_caps_width; i++);if (common_widths[i] != active_caps_width) {
+ debug("Decrease resolution to ensure target bitrate (%u) is in reach (current resolution target bitrate is %f)", bitrate, current_target_bitrate);
+ }
+ apply_width(payload_type, common_widths[i-1], bitrate);
+ } else if (bitrate > 2 * current_target_bitrate && active_caps_width < device_caps_width) {
+ // Higher video resolution
+ int i = 0;
+ for(; i < common_widths.length && common_widths[i] <= active_caps_width; i++);
+ if (common_widths[i] != active_caps_width) {
+ debug("Increase resolution to make use of available bandwidth of target bitrate (%u) (current resolution target bitrate is %f)", bitrate, current_target_bitrate);
+ }
+ if (common_widths[i] > device_caps_width) {
+ // We never scale up, so just stick with what the device gives
+ apply_width(payload_type, device_caps_width, bitrate);
+ } else if (common_widths[i] != active_caps_width) {
+ apply_width(payload_type, common_widths[i], bitrate);
+ }
+ }
+ if (bitrate > max_bitrate) bitrate = (uint) max_bitrate;
+ }
+ codec_util.update_bitrate(media, payload_type, codecs[payload_type], bitrate);
+ unlock(codec_bitrates);
+ }
+ }
+ public void unlink(Gst.Element? link = null) {
if (links <= 0) {
critical("Link count below zero.");
+ if (link != null && is_source && tee != null) {
+ PayloadType payload_type = payloader_tees.first_match((entry) => entry.value.any_match((entry) => entry.value == link)).key;
+ uint ssrc = payloader_tees[payload_type].first_match((entry) => entry.value == link).key;
+ payloader_links[payload_type][ssrc] = payloader_links[payload_type][ssrc] - 1;
+ if (payloader_links[payload_type][ssrc] == 0) {
+ plugin.pause();
+ codec_tees[payload_type].unlink(payloaders[payload_type][ssrc]);
+ payloaders[payload_type][ssrc].set_locked_state(true);
+ payloaders[payload_type][ssrc].set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ payloaders[payload_type][ssrc].unlink(payloader_tees[payload_type][ssrc]);
+ pipe.remove(payloaders[payload_type][ssrc]);
+ payloaders[payload_type].unset(ssrc);
+ payloader_tees[payload_type][ssrc].set_locked_state(true);
+ payloader_tees[payload_type][ssrc].set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ pipe.remove(payloader_tees[payload_type][ssrc]);
+ payloader_tees[payload_type].unset(ssrc);
+ payloader_links[payload_type].unset(ssrc);
+ plugin.unpause();
+ }
+ if (payloader_links[payload_type].size == 0) {
+ plugin.pause();
+ tee.unlink(codecs[payload_type]);
+ codecs[payload_type].set_locked_state(true);
+ codecs[payload_type].set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ codecs[payload_type].unlink(codec_tees[payload_type]);
+ pipe.remove(codecs[payload_type]);
+ codecs.unset(payload_type);
+ codec_tees[payload_type].set_locked_state(true);
+ codec_tees[payload_type].set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ pipe.remove(codec_tees[payload_type]);
+ codec_tees.unset(payload_type);
+ payloaders.unset(payload_type);
+ payloader_tees.unset(payload_type);
+ payloader_links.unset(payload_type);
+ plugin.unpause();
+ }
+ }
+ if (link != null && is_sink && mixer != null) {
+ plugin.pause();
+ link.set_locked_state(true);
+ Gst.Base.AggregatorPad mixer_sink_pad = (Gst.Base.AggregatorPad) link.get_static_pad("src").get_peer();
+ link.get_static_pad("src").unlink(mixer_sink_pad);
+ mixer_sink_pad.set_active(false);
+ link.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ pipe.remove(link);
+ mixer.release_request_pad(mixer_sink_pad);
+ plugin.unpause();
+ }
if (links == 0) {
@@ -154,11 +390,16 @@ public class Dino.Plugins.Rtp.Device : MediaDevice, Object {
debug("Creating device %s", id);
element = device.create_element(id);
+ if (is_sink) {
+ element.@set("async", false);
+ element.@set("sync", false);
+ }
+ device_caps = get_best_caps();
if (is_source) {
element.@set("do-timestamp", true);
filter = Gst.ElementFactory.make("capsfilter", @"caps_filter_$id");
- filter.@set("caps", get_best_caps());
+ filter.@set("caps", device_caps);
@@ -174,22 +415,18 @@ public class Dino.Plugins.Rtp.Device : MediaDevice, Object {
(dsp ?? filter).link(tee);
- if (is_sink) {
- element.@set("async", false);
- element.@set("sync", false);
- }
if (is_sink && media == "audio") {
- filter = Gst.ElementFactory.make("capsfilter", @"caps_filter_$id");
- filter.@set("caps", get_best_caps());
- pipe.add(filter);
- if (plugin.echoprobe != null) {
- rate = Gst.ElementFactory.make("audiorate", @"rate_$id");
- rate.@set("tolerance", 100000000);
- pipe.add(rate);
- filter.link(rate);
- rate.link(plugin.echoprobe);
+ mixer = (Gst.Base.Aggregator) Gst.ElementFactory.make("audiomixer", @"mixer_$id");
+ pipe.add(mixer);
+ mixer.link(pipe);
+ if (plugin.echoprobe != null && !plugin.echoprobe.get_static_pad("src").is_linked()) {
+ mixer.link(plugin.echoprobe);
} else {
+ filter = Gst.ElementFactory.make("capsfilter", @"caps_filter_$id");
+ filter.@set("caps", device_caps);
+ pipe.add(filter);
+ mixer.link(filter);
@@ -197,38 +434,25 @@ public class Dino.Plugins.Rtp.Device : MediaDevice, Object {
private void destroy() {
- if (mixer != null) {
- if (is_sink && media == "audio" && plugin.echoprobe != null) {
- plugin.echoprobe.unlink(mixer);
- }
- int linked_sink_pads = 0;
- mixer.foreach_sink_pad((_, pad) => {
- if (pad.is_linked()) linked_sink_pads++;
- return true;
- });
- if (linked_sink_pads > 0) {
- warning("%s-mixer still has %i sink pads while being destroyed", id, linked_sink_pads);
+ if (is_sink) {
+ if (mixer != null) {
+ int linked_sink_pads = 0;
+ mixer.foreach_sink_pad((_, pad) => {
+ if (pad.is_linked()) linked_sink_pads++;
+ return true;
+ });
+ if (linked_sink_pads > 0) {
+ warning("%s-mixer still has %i sink pads while being destroyed", id, linked_sink_pads);
+ }
+ mixer.unlink(plugin.echoprobe ?? element);
- mixer.set_locked_state(true);
- mixer.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
- mixer.unlink(element);
- pipe.remove(mixer);
- mixer = null;
- } else if (is_sink && media == "audio") {
if (filter != null) {
- filter.unlink(rate ?? ((Gst.Element)plugin.echoprobe) ?? element);
+ filter.unlink(element);
filter = null;
- if (rate != null) {
- rate.set_locked_state(true);
- rate.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
- rate.unlink(plugin.echoprobe);
- pipe.remove(rate);
- rate = null;
- }
if (plugin.echoprobe != null) {
@@ -239,34 +463,42 @@ public class Dino.Plugins.Rtp.Device : MediaDevice, Object {
else if (is_source) element.unlink(tee);
element = null;
- if (filter != null) {
- filter.set_locked_state(true);
- filter.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
- filter.unlink(dsp ?? tee);
- pipe.remove(filter);
- filter = null;
- }
- if (dsp != null) {
- dsp.set_locked_state(true);
- dsp.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
- dsp.unlink(tee);
- pipe.remove(dsp);
- dsp = null;
+ if (mixer != null) {
+ mixer.set_locked_state(true);
+ mixer.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ pipe.remove(mixer);
+ mixer = null;
- if (tee != null) {
- int linked_src_pads = 0;
- tee.foreach_src_pad((_, pad) => {
- if (pad.is_linked()) linked_src_pads++;
- return true;
- });
- if (linked_src_pads != 0) {
- warning("%s-tee still has %d src pads while being destroyed", id, linked_src_pads);
+ if (is_source) {
+ if (filter != null) {
+ filter.set_locked_state(true);
+ filter.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ filter.unlink(dsp ?? tee);
+ pipe.remove(filter);
+ filter = null;
+ }
+ if (dsp != null) {
+ dsp.set_locked_state(true);
+ dsp.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ dsp.unlink(tee);
+ pipe.remove(dsp);
+ dsp = null;
+ }
+ if (tee != null) {
+ int linked_src_pads = 0;
+ tee.foreach_src_pad((_, pad) => {
+ if (pad.is_linked()) linked_src_pads++;
+ return true;
+ });
+ if (linked_src_pads != 0) {
+ warning("%s-tee still has %d src pads while being destroyed", id, linked_src_pads);
+ }
+ tee.set_locked_state(true);
+ tee.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
+ pipe.remove(tee);
+ tee = null;
- tee.set_locked_state(true);
- tee.set_state(Gst.State.NULL);
- pipe.remove(tee);
- tee = null;
debug("Destroyed device %s", id);
-} \ No newline at end of file