path: root/xmpp-vala/src/module/xep/0167_jingle_rtp/jingle_rtp_module.vala
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Diffstat (limited to 'xmpp-vala/src/module/xep/0167_jingle_rtp/jingle_rtp_module.vala')
1 files changed, 175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xmpp-vala/src/module/xep/0167_jingle_rtp/jingle_rtp_module.vala b/xmpp-vala/src/module/xep/0167_jingle_rtp/jingle_rtp_module.vala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35e03168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmpp-vala/src/module/xep/0167_jingle_rtp/jingle_rtp_module.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+using Gee;
+using Xmpp;
+using Xmpp.Xep;
+namespace Xmpp.Xep.JingleRtp {
+public const string NS_URI = "urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:1";
+public const string NS_URI_AUDIO = "urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:audio";
+public const string NS_URI_VIDEO = "urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:video";
+public abstract class Module : XmppStreamModule {
+ public static Xmpp.ModuleIdentity<Module> IDENTITY = new Xmpp.ModuleIdentity<Module>(NS_URI, "0167_jingle_rtp");
+ private ContentType content_type;
+ public SessionInfoType session_info_type = new SessionInfoType();
+ protected Module() {
+ content_type = new ContentType(this);
+ }
+ public abstract async Gee.List<PayloadType> get_supported_payloads(string media);
+ public abstract async PayloadType? pick_payload_type(string media, Gee.List<PayloadType> payloads);
+ public abstract Stream create_stream(Jingle.Content content);
+ public abstract void close_stream(Stream stream);
+ public async Jingle.Session start_call(XmppStream stream, Jid receiver_full_jid, bool video) throws Jingle.Error {
+ Jingle.Module jingle_module = stream.get_module(Jingle.Module.IDENTITY);
+ Jid? my_jid = stream.get_flag(Bind.Flag.IDENTITY).my_jid;
+ if (my_jid == null) {
+ throw new Jingle.Error.GENERAL("Couldn't determine own JID");
+ }
+ ArrayList<Jingle.Content> contents = new ArrayList<Jingle.Content>();
+ // Create audio content
+ Parameters audio_content_parameters = new Parameters(this, "audio", yield get_supported_payloads("audio"));
+ Jingle.Transport? audio_transport = yield jingle_module.select_transport(stream, content_type.required_transport_type, content_type.required_components, receiver_full_jid, Set.empty());
+ if (audio_transport == null) {
+ throw new Jingle.Error.NO_SHARED_PROTOCOLS("No suitable audio transports");
+ }
+ Jingle.TransportParameters audio_transport_params = audio_transport.create_transport_parameters(stream, content_type.required_components, my_jid, receiver_full_jid);
+ Jingle.Content audio_content = new Jingle.Content.initiate_sent("voice", Jingle.Senders.BOTH,
+ content_type, audio_content_parameters,
+ audio_transport, audio_transport_params,
+ null, null,
+ my_jid, receiver_full_jid);
+ contents.add(audio_content);
+ Jingle.Content? video_content = null;
+ if (video) {
+ // Create video content
+ Parameters video_content_parameters = new Parameters(this, "video", yield get_supported_payloads("video"));
+ Jingle.Transport? video_transport = yield stream.get_module(Jingle.Module.IDENTITY).select_transport(stream, content_type.required_transport_type, content_type.required_components, receiver_full_jid, Set.empty());
+ if (video_transport == null) {
+ throw new Jingle.Error.NO_SHARED_PROTOCOLS("No suitable video transports");
+ }
+ Jingle.TransportParameters video_transport_params = video_transport.create_transport_parameters(stream, content_type.required_components, my_jid, receiver_full_jid);
+ video_content = new Jingle.Content.initiate_sent("webcam", Jingle.Senders.BOTH,
+ content_type, video_content_parameters,
+ video_transport, video_transport_params,
+ null, null,
+ my_jid, receiver_full_jid);
+ contents.add(video_content);
+ }
+ // Create session
+ try {
+ Jingle.Session session = yield jingle_module.create_session(stream, contents, receiver_full_jid);
+ return session;
+ } catch (Jingle.Error e) {
+ throw new Jingle.Error.GENERAL(@"Couldn't create Jingle session: $(e.message)");
+ }
+ }
+ public async Jingle.Content add_outgoing_video_content(XmppStream stream, Jingle.Session session) {
+ Jid my_jid = session.local_full_jid;
+ Jid receiver_full_jid = session.peer_full_jid;
+ Jingle.Content? content = null;
+ foreach (Jingle.Content c in session.contents.values) {
+ Parameters? parameters = c.content_params as Parameters;
+ if (parameters == null) continue;
+ if (parameters.media == "video") {
+ content = c;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (content == null) {
+ // Content for video does not yet exist -> create it
+ Parameters video_content_parameters = new Parameters(this, "video", yield get_supported_payloads("video"));
+ Jingle.Transport? video_transport = yield stream.get_module(Jingle.Module.IDENTITY).select_transport(stream, content_type.required_transport_type, content_type.required_components, receiver_full_jid, Set.empty());
+ if (video_transport == null) {
+ throw new Jingle.Error.NO_SHARED_PROTOCOLS("No suitable video transports");
+ }
+ Jingle.TransportParameters video_transport_params = video_transport.create_transport_parameters(stream, content_type.required_components, my_jid, receiver_full_jid);
+ content = new Jingle.Content.initiate_sent("webcam",
+ session.we_initiated ? Jingle.Senders.INITIATOR : Jingle.Senders.RESPONDER,
+ content_type, video_content_parameters,
+ video_transport, video_transport_params,
+ null, null,
+ my_jid, receiver_full_jid);
+ session.add_content.begin(content);
+ } else {
+ // Content for video already exists -> modify senders
+ bool we_initiated = session.we_initiated;
+ Jingle.Senders want_sender = we_initiated ? Jingle.Senders.INITIATOR : Jingle.Senders.RESPONDER;
+ if (content.senders == Jingle.Senders.BOTH || content.senders == want_sender) {
+ warning("want to add video but senders is already both/target");
+ } else if (content.senders == Jingle.Senders.NONE) {
+ content.modify(want_sender);
+ } else {
+ content.modify(Jingle.Senders.BOTH);
+ }
+ }
+ return content;
+ }
+ public override void attach(XmppStream stream) {
+ stream.get_module(ServiceDiscovery.Module.IDENTITY).add_feature(stream, NS_URI);
+ stream.get_module(ServiceDiscovery.Module.IDENTITY).add_feature(stream, NS_URI_AUDIO);
+ stream.get_module(ServiceDiscovery.Module.IDENTITY).add_feature(stream, NS_URI_VIDEO);
+ stream.get_module(Jingle.Module.IDENTITY).register_content_type(content_type);
+ stream.get_module(Jingle.Module.IDENTITY).register_session_info_type(session_info_type);
+ }
+ public override void detach(XmppStream stream) {
+ stream.get_module(ServiceDiscovery.Module.IDENTITY).remove_feature(stream, NS_URI);
+ stream.get_module(ServiceDiscovery.Module.IDENTITY).remove_feature(stream, NS_URI_AUDIO);
+ stream.get_module(ServiceDiscovery.Module.IDENTITY).remove_feature(stream, NS_URI_VIDEO);
+ }
+ public async bool is_available(XmppStream stream, Jid full_jid) {
+ bool? has_feature = yield stream.get_module(ServiceDiscovery.Module.IDENTITY).has_entity_feature(stream, full_jid, NS_URI);
+ if (has_feature == null || !(!)has_feature) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return yield stream.get_module(Jingle.Module.IDENTITY).is_available(stream, content_type.required_transport_type, content_type.required_components, full_jid);
+ }
+ public override string get_ns() { return NS_URI; }
+ public override string get_id() { return IDENTITY.id; }
+public class Crypto {
+ public string cryptoSuite { get; private set; }
+ public string keyParams { get; private set; }
+ public string? sessionParams { get; private set; }
+ public string? tag { get; private set; }
+ public static Crypto parse(StanzaNode node) {
+ Crypto crypto = new Crypto();
+ crypto.cryptoSuite = node.get_attribute("crypto-suite");
+ crypto.keyParams = node.get_attribute("key-params");
+ crypto.sessionParams = node.get_attribute("session-params");
+ crypto.tag = node.get_attribute("tag");
+ return crypto;
+ }
+ public StanzaNode to_xml() {
+ StanzaNode node = new StanzaNode.build("crypto", NS_URI)
+ .put_attribute("crypto-suite", cryptoSuite)
+ .put_attribute("key-params", keyParams);
+ if (sessionParams != null) node.put_attribute("session-params", sessionParams);
+ if (tag != null) node.put_attribute("tag", tag);
+ return node;
+ }