path: root/xmpp-vala/src/module/xep/0353_call_invite_message.vala
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Diffstat (limited to 'xmpp-vala/src/module/xep/0353_call_invite_message.vala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/xmpp-vala/src/module/xep/0353_call_invite_message.vala b/xmpp-vala/src/module/xep/0353_call_invite_message.vala
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--- a/xmpp-vala/src/module/xep/0353_call_invite_message.vala
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-using Gee;
-namespace Xmpp.Xep.CallInvites {
- public const string NS_URI = "urn:xmpp:call-message:1";
- public class Module : XmppStreamModule {
- public static ModuleIdentity<Module> IDENTITY = new ModuleIdentity<Module>(NS_URI, "call_invites");
- public signal void call_proposed(Jid from, Jid to, string call_id, bool video, Gee.List<StanzaNode> join_methods, MessageStanza message);
- public signal void call_retracted(Jid from, Jid to, string call_id, string message_type);
- public signal void call_accepted(Jid from, Jid to, string call_id, string message_type);
- public signal void call_rejected(Jid from, Jid to, string call_id, string message_type);
- public signal void call_left(Jid from, Jid to, string call_id, string message_type);
- public void send_jingle_propose(XmppStream stream, string call_id, Jid invitee, string sid, bool video) {
- StanzaNode jingle_node = new StanzaNode.build("jingle", CallInvites.NS_URI)
- .put_attribute("sid", sid);
- send_propose(stream, call_id, invitee, jingle_node, video, false, MessageStanza.TYPE_CHAT);
- }
- public void send_muji_propose(XmppStream stream, string call_id, Jid invitee, Jid muc_jid, bool video, string message_type) {
- StanzaNode muji_node = new StanzaNode.build("muji", Muji.NS_URI).add_self_xmlns()
- .put_attribute("room", muc_jid.to_string());
- send_propose(stream, call_id, invitee, muji_node, video, true, message_type);
- }
- private void send_propose(XmppStream stream, string call_id, Jid invitee, StanzaNode inner_node, bool video, bool multiparty, string message_type) {
- StanzaNode invite_node = new StanzaNode.build("propose", NS_URI).add_self_xmlns()
- .put_attribute("id", call_id)
- .put_attribute("video", video.to_string())
- .put_attribute("multi", multiparty.to_string())
- .put_node(inner_node);
- MessageStanza invite_message = new MessageStanza() { to=invitee, type_=message_type };
- MessageProcessingHints.set_message_hint(invite_message, MessageProcessingHints.HINT_STORE);
- invite_message.stanza.put_node(invite_node);
- stream.get_module(MessageModule.IDENTITY).send_message.begin(stream, invite_message);
- }
- public void send_retract(XmppStream stream, Jid to, string call_id, string message_type) {
- send_message(stream, to, call_id, "retract", "cancel", message_type);
- }
- public void send_accept(XmppStream stream, Jid inviter, string call_id, StanzaNode? inner_node, string message_type) {
- StanzaNode accept_node = new StanzaNode.build("accept", NS_URI).add_self_xmlns()
- .put_attribute("id", call_id);
- if (inner_node != null) accept_node.put_node(inner_node);
- MessageStanza invite_message = new MessageStanza() { to=inviter, type_=message_type };
- MessageProcessingHints.set_message_hint(invite_message, MessageProcessingHints.HINT_STORE);
- invite_message.stanza.put_node(accept_node);
- stream.get_module(MessageModule.IDENTITY).send_message.begin(stream, invite_message);
- }
- public void send_reject(XmppStream stream, Jid to, string call_id, string message_type) {
- send_message(stream, to, call_id, "reject", "busy", message_type);
- }
- public void send_finish(XmppStream stream, Jid to, string call_id, string message_type) {
- send_message(stream, to, call_id, "finish", "success", message_type);
- }
- private void send_message(XmppStream stream, Jid to, string call_id, string action, string? reason, string message_type) {
- StanzaNode inner_node = new StanzaNode.build(action, NS_URI).add_self_xmlns().put_attribute("id", call_id);
- if (reason != null) inner_node.put_node(new StanzaNode.build("reason", NS_URI).put_node(new StanzaNode.build(reason, NS_URI)));
- MessageStanza message = new MessageStanza() { to=to, type_=message_type };
- message.stanza.put_node(inner_node);
- MessageProcessingHints.set_message_hint(message, MessageProcessingHints.HINT_STORE);
- stream.get_module(MessageModule.IDENTITY).send_message.begin(stream, message);
- }
- private void on_received_message(XmppStream stream, MessageStanza message) {
- Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.MessageFlag? mam_flag = Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.MessageFlag.get_flag(message);
- if (mam_flag != null) return;
- StanzaNode? relevant_node = null;
- foreach (StanzaNode node in message.stanza.sub_nodes) {
- if (node.ns_uri == NS_URI) {
- relevant_node = node;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (relevant_node == null) return;
- string? call_id = relevant_node.get_attribute("id");
- if (call_id == null) return;
- if (relevant_node.name == "propose") {
- if (relevant_node.sub_nodes.is_empty) return;
- // If there's also a JMI node, just use that one instead.
- foreach (StanzaNode node in message.stanza.sub_nodes) {
- if (node.ns_uri == JingleMessageInitiation.NS_URI) return;
- }
- bool video = relevant_node.get_attribute_bool("video", false);
- call_proposed(message.from, message.to, call_id, video, relevant_node.sub_nodes, message);
- return;
- }
- switch (relevant_node.name) {
- case "accept":
- call_accepted(message.from, message.to, call_id, message.type_);
- break;
- case "retract":
- call_retracted(message.from, message.to, call_id, message.type_);
- break;
- case "reject":
- call_rejected(message.from, message.to, call_id, message.type_);
- break;
- case "finish":
- call_left(message.from, message.to, call_id, message.type_);
- break;
- }
- }
- public override void attach(XmppStream stream) {
- stream.get_module(MessageModule.IDENTITY).received_message.connect(on_received_message);
- }
- public override void detach(XmppStream stream) {
- stream.get_module(MessageModule.IDENTITY).received_message.disconnect(on_received_message);
- }
- public override string get_ns() { return NS_URI; }
- public override string get_id() { return IDENTITY.id; }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file