#!/bin/bash OPTS=`getopt -o "h" --long prefix:,enable-plugin:,disable-plugin:,valac:,valac-flags:,lib-suffix:,help,disable-fast-vapi,no-debug,fetch-only -n './configure' -- "$@"` if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "Failed parsing options." >&2 ; exit 1 ; fi eval set -- "$OPTS" PREFIX=${PREFIX:-/usr/local} VALA_EXECUTABLE=${VALA_EXECUTABLE:-$(which valac)} ENABLED_PLUGINS= DISABLED_PLUGINS= VALAC_FLAGS= DISABLE_FAST_VAPI= LIB_SUFFIX= NO_DEBUG= FETCH_ONLY= help() { cat << EOF Usage: ./configure [OPTIONS]... Options: -h, --help Print this help and exit --prefix=PREFIX Prepend PREFIX to program installation paths. [$PREFIX] --lib-suffix=SUFFIX Append SUFFIX to the directory name for libraries --no-debug Build without debug symbols --enable-plugin=PLUGIN Enable compilation of plugin PLUGIN. --disable-plugin=PLUGIN Disable compilation of plugin PLUGIN. --valac=VALAC Use VALAC as Vala pre-compiler. [$VALA_EXECUTABLE] --valac-flags=FLAGS Use FLAGS when invoking the vala compiler --disable-fast-vapi Disable the usage of Vala compilers fast-vapi feature. --fetch-only Only fetch the files required to run ./configure without network access later and exit EOF } while true; do case "$1" in --prefix ) PREFIX="$2"; shift; shift ;; --enable-plugin ) if [ "$ENABLED_PLUGINS" == "" ]; then ENABLED_PLUGINS="$2"; else ENABLED_PLUGINS="ENABLED_PLUGINS;$2"; fi; shift; shift ;; --disable-plugin ) if [ "$DISABLED_PLUGINS" == "" ]; then DISABLED_PLUGINS="$2"; else DISABLED_PLUGINS="DISABLED_PLUGINS;$2"; fi; shift; shift ;; --valac ) VALA_EXECUTABLE="$2"; shift; shift ;; --valac-flags ) VALAC_FLAGS="$2"; shift; shift ;; --lib-suffix ) LIB_SUFFIX="$2"; shift; shift ;; --disable-fast-vapi ) DISABLE_FAST_VAPI=yes; shift ;; --no-debug ) NO_DEBUG=yes; shift ;; --fetch-only ) FETCH_ONLY=yes; shift ;; -h | --help ) help; exit 0 ;; -- ) shift; break ;; * ) break ;; esac done if [ -d ".git" ]; then git submodule update --init 2>/dev/null elif [ -x $(which git) ]; then tmp=0 for i in $(cat .gitmodules | grep -n submodule | awk -F ':' '{print $1}') $(wc -l .gitmodules | awk '{print $1}'); do if ! [ $tmp -eq 0 ]; then name=$(cat .gitmodules | head -n $tmp | tail -n 1 | awk -F '"' '{print $2}') def=$(cat .gitmodules | head -n $i | tail -n $(($i-$tmp)) | awk -F ' ' '{print $1 $2 $3}') path=$(echo "$def" | grep '^path=' | awk -F '=' '{print $2}') url=$(echo "$def" | grep '^url=' | awk -F '=' '{print $2}') branch=$(echo "$def" | grep '^branch=' | awk -F '=' '{print $2}') if ! ls "$path"/* >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then if ! [ -x $(which git) ]; then echo "Failed retrieving missing files" exit 5 fi git clone "$url" "$path" 2>/dev/null if [[ "$branch" != "" ]]; then pushd "$path" > /dev/null git checkout "$branch" 2>/dev/null popd > /dev/null fi echo "Submodule path '$path': checked out '$branch' (via git clone)" fi fi tmp=$i done fi if [[ "$FETCH_ONLY" == "yes" ]]; then exit 0; fi if [ ! -x "$(which cmake 2>/dev/null)" ] then echo "-!- CMake required." exit 1 fi ninja_bin="$(which ninja-build 2>/dev/null)" if ! [ -x "$ninja_bin" ]; then ninja_bin="$(which ninja 2>/dev/null)" fi if [ -x "$ninja_bin" ]; then ninja_version=$($ninja_bin --version 2>/dev/null) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "-- Found Ninja: $ninja_bin (found version \"$ninja_version\")" cmake_type="Ninja" exec_bin="$ninja_bin" exec_command="$exec_bin" elif [[ "/usr/sbin/ninja" == "$ninja_bin" ]]; then echo "-- Ninja at $ninja_bin is not usable. Did you install 'ninja' instead of 'ninja-build'?" fi fi if ! [ -x "$exec_bin" ]; then make_bin="$(which make 2>/dev/null)" if [ -x "$make_bin" ]; then echo "-- Found Make: $make_bin" cmake_type="Unix Makefiles" exec_bin="$make_bin" exec_command="$exec_bin" echo "-- Running with make. Using Ninja (ninja-build) might improve build experience." fi fi if ! [ -x "$exec_bin" ]; then echo "-!- No compatible build system (Ninja, Make) found." exit 4 fi if [ -f ./build ] then echo "-!- ./build file exists. ./configure can't continue" exit 2 fi if [ -d build ] then last_type=`cat build/.cmake_type` if [ "$cmake_type" != "$last_type" ] then echo "-- Using different build system, cleaning build system files" cd build rm -r CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles cd .. fi fi mkdir -p build cd build echo "$cmake_type" > .cmake_type cmake -G "$cmake_type" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$PREFIX" -DENABLED_PLUGINS="$ENABLED_PLUGINS" -DDISABLED_PLUGINS="$DISABLED_PLUGINS" -DVALA_EXECUTABLE="$VALA_EXECUTABLE" -DCMAKE_VALA_FLAGS="$VALAC_FLAGS" -DDISABLE_FAST_VAPI="$DISABLE_FAST_VAPI" -DLIB_SUFFIX="$LIB_SUFFIX" -DNO_DEBUG="$NO_DEBUG" .. if [ "$cmake_type" == "Ninja" ] then cat << EOF > Makefile default: @sh -c "$exec_command" %: @sh -c "$exec_command \"\$@\"" EOF fi cd .. cat << EOF > Makefile default: @sh -c "cd build; $exec_command" %: @sh -c "cd build; $exec_command \"\$@\"" EOF echo "-- Configured. Type 'make' to build, 'make install' to install."