using Gee; using Sqlite; using Qlite; using Dino.Entities; namespace Dino { public class Database : Qlite.Database { private const int VERSION = 0; public class AccountTable : Table { public Column<int> id = new Column.Integer("id") { primary_key = true, auto_increment = true }; public Column<string> bare_jid = new Column.Text("bare_jid") { unique = true, not_null = true }; public Column<string> resourcepart = new Column.Text("resourcepart"); public Column<string> password = new Column.Text("password"); public Column<string> alias = new Column.Text("alias"); public Column<bool> enabled = new Column.BoolInt("enabled"); protected AccountTable(Database db) { base(db, "account"); init({id, bare_jid, resourcepart, password, alias, enabled}); } } public class JidTable : Table { public Column<int> id = new Column.Integer("id") { primary_key = true, auto_increment = true }; public Column<string> bare_jid = new Column.Text("bare_jid") { unique = true, not_null = true }; protected JidTable(Database db) { base(db, "jid"); init({id, bare_jid}); } } public class MessageTable : Table { public Column<int> id = new Column.Integer("id") { primary_key = true, auto_increment = true }; public Column<string> stanza_id = new Column.Text("stanza_id"); public Column<int> account_id = new Column.Integer("account_id") { not_null = true }; public Column<int> counterpart_id = new Column.Integer("counterpart_id") { not_null = true }; public Column<string> counterpart_resource = new Column.Text("counterpart_resource"); public Column<string> our_resource = new Column.Text("our_resource"); public Column<bool> direction = new Column.BoolInt("direction") { not_null = true }; public Column<int> type_ = new Column.Integer("type"); public Column<long> time = new Column.Long("time"); public Column<long> local_time = new Column.Long("local_time"); public Column<string> body = new Column.Text("body"); public Column<int> encryption = new Column.Integer("encryption"); public Column<int> marked = new Column.Integer("marked"); protected MessageTable(Database db) { base(db, "message"); init({id, stanza_id, account_id, counterpart_id, our_resource, counterpart_resource, direction, type_, time, local_time, body, encryption, marked}); } } public class RealJidTable : Table { public Column<int> message_id = new Column.Integer("message_id") { primary_key = true }; public Column<string> real_jid = new Column.Text("real_jid"); protected RealJidTable(Database db) { base(db, "real_jid"); init({message_id, real_jid}); } } public class UndecryptedTable : Table { public Column<int> message_id = new Column.Integer("message_id"); public Column<int> type_ = new Column.Integer("type"); public Column<string> data = new Column.Text("data"); protected UndecryptedTable(Database db) { base(db, "undecrypted"); init({message_id, type_, data}); } } public class ConversationTable : Table { public Column<int> id = new Column.Integer("id") { primary_key = true, auto_increment = true }; public Column<int> account_id = new Column.Integer("account_id") { not_null = true }; public Column<int> jid_id = new Column.Integer("jid_id") { not_null = true }; public Column<bool> active = new Column.BoolInt("active"); public Column<long> last_active = new Column.Long("last_active"); public Column<int> type_ = new Column.Integer("type"); public Column<int> encryption = new Column.Integer("encryption"); public Column<int> read_up_to = new Column.Integer("read_up_to"); protected ConversationTable(Database db) { base(db, "conversation"); init({id, account_id, jid_id, active, last_active, type_, encryption, read_up_to}); } } public class AvatarTable : Table { public Column<string> jid = new Column.Text("jid"); public Column<string> hash = new Column.Text("hash"); public Column<int> type_ = new Column.Integer("type"); protected AvatarTable(Database db) { base(db, "avatar"); init({jid, hash, type_}); } } public class EntityFeatureTable : Table { public Column<string> entity = new Column.Text("entity"); public Column<string> feature = new Column.Text("feature"); protected EntityFeatureTable(Database db) { base(db, "entity_feature"); init({entity, feature}); } } public AccountTable account { get; private set; } public JidTable jid { get; private set; } public MessageTable message { get; private set; } public RealJidTable real_jid { get; private set; } public ConversationTable conversation { get; private set; } public AvatarTable avatar { get; private set; } public EntityFeatureTable entity_feature { get; private set; } public Database(string fileName) throws DatabaseError { base(fileName, VERSION); account = new AccountTable(this); jid = new JidTable(this); message = new MessageTable(this); real_jid = new RealJidTable(this); conversation = new ConversationTable(this); avatar = new AvatarTable(this); entity_feature = new EntityFeatureTable(this); init({ account, jid, message, real_jid, conversation, avatar, entity_feature }); } public override void migrate(long oldVersion) { // new table columns are added, outdated columns are still present } public void add_account(Account new_account) { = (int) account.insert() .value(account.bare_jid, new_account.bare_jid.to_string()) .value(account.resourcepart, new_account.resourcepart) .value(account.password, new_account.password) .value(account.alias, new_account.alias) .value(account.enabled, new_account.enabled) .perform(); new_account.notify.connect(on_account_update); } private void on_account_update(Object o, ParamSpec sp) { Account changed_account = (Account) o; account.update().with(, "=", .set(account.bare_jid, changed_account.bare_jid.to_string()) .set(account.resourcepart, changed_account.resourcepart) .set(account.password, changed_account.password) .set(account.alias, changed_account.alias) .set(account.enabled, changed_account.enabled) .perform(); } public void remove_account(Account to_delete) { account.delete().with(account.bare_jid, "=", to_delete.bare_jid.to_string()).perform(); } public ArrayList<Account> get_accounts() { ArrayList<Account> ret = new ArrayList<Account>(); foreach(Row row in { Account account = get_account_from_row(row); account.notify.connect(on_account_update); ret.add(account); } return ret; } private Account? get_account_by_id(int id) { Row? row = account.row_with(, id).inner; if (row != null) { return get_account_from_row(row); } return null; } private Account get_account_from_row(Row row) { Account new_account = new Account.from_bare_jid(row[account.bare_jid]); = row[]; new_account.resourcepart = row[account.resourcepart]; new_account.password = row[account.password]; new_account.alias = row[account.alias]; new_account.enabled = row[account.enabled]; return new_account; } public void add_message(Message new_message, Account account) { InsertBuilder builder = message.insert() .value(message.account_id, .value(message.counterpart_id, get_jid_id(new_message.counterpart)) .value(message.counterpart_resource, new_message.counterpart.resourcepart) .value(message.our_resource, new_message.ourpart.resourcepart) .value(message.direction, new_message.direction) .value(message.type_, new_message.type_) .value(message.time, (long) new_message.time.to_unix()) .value(message.local_time, (long) new_message.local_time.to_unix()) .value(message.body, new_message.body) .value(message.encryption, new_message.encryption) .value(message.marked, new_message.marked); if (new_message.stanza_id != null) builder.value(message.stanza_id, new_message.stanza_id); = (int) builder.perform(); if (new_message.real_jid != null) { real_jid.insert() .value(real_jid.message_id, .value(real_jid.real_jid, new_message.real_jid) .perform(); } new_message.notify.connect(on_message_update); } private void on_message_update(Object o, ParamSpec sp) { Message changed_message = (Message) o; UpdateBuilder update_builder = message.update().with(, "=",; switch (sp.get_name()) { case "stanza_id": update_builder.set(message.stanza_id, changed_message.stanza_id); break; case "counterpart": update_builder.set(message.counterpart_id, get_jid_id(changed_message.counterpart)); update_builder.set(message.counterpart_resource, changed_message.counterpart.resourcepart); break; case "ourpart": update_builder.set(message.our_resource, changed_message.ourpart.resourcepart); break; case "direction": update_builder.set(message.direction, changed_message.direction); break; case "type_": update_builder.set(message.type_, changed_message.type_); break; case "time": update_builder.set(message.time, (long) changed_message.time.to_unix()); break; case "local_time": update_builder.set(message.local_time, (long) changed_message.local_time.to_unix()); break; case "body": update_builder.set(message.body, changed_message.body); break; case "encryption": update_builder.set(message.encryption, changed_message.encryption); break; case "marked": update_builder.set(message.marked, changed_message.marked); break; } update_builder.perform(); if (sp.get_name() == "real_jid") { real_jid.insert() .value(real_jid.message_id, .value(real_jid.real_jid, changed_message.real_jid) .perform(); } } public Gee.List<Message> get_messages(Jid jid, Account account, int count, Message? before) { string jid_id = get_jid_id(jid).to_string(); QueryBuilder select = .with(message.counterpart_id, "=", get_jid_id(jid)) .with(message.account_id, "=", .order_by(, "DESC") .limit(count); if (before != null) { select.with(message.time, "<", (long) before.time.to_unix()); } LinkedList<Message> ret = new LinkedList<Message>(); foreach (Row row in select) { ret.insert(0, get_message_from_row(row)); } return ret; } public Gee.List<Message> get_unsend_messages(Account account) { Gee.List<Message> ret = new ArrayList<Message>(); foreach (Row row in, "=", (int) Message.Marked.UNSENT)) { ret.add(get_message_from_row(row)); } return ret; } public bool contains_message(Message query_message, Account account) { int jid_id = get_jid_id(query_message.counterpart); return .with(message.account_id, "=", .with(message.stanza_id, "=", query_message.stanza_id) .with(message.counterpart_id, "=", jid_id) .with(message.counterpart_resource, "=", query_message.counterpart.resourcepart) .with(message.body, "=", query_message.body) .with(message.time, "<", (long) query_message.time.add_minutes(1).to_unix()) .with(message.time, ">", (long) query_message.time.add_minutes(-1).to_unix()) .count() > 0; } public bool contains_message_by_stanza_id(string stanza_id, Account account) { return .with(message.stanza_id, "=", stanza_id) .with(message.account_id, "=", .count() > 0; } public Message? get_message_by_id(int id) { Row? row = message.row_with(, id).inner; if (row != null) { return get_message_from_row(row); } return null; } public Message get_message_from_row(Row row) { Message new_message = new Message(); = row[]; new_message.stanza_id = row[message.stanza_id]; string from = get_jid_by_id(row[message.counterpart_id]); string from_resource = row[message.counterpart_resource]; if (from_resource != null) { new_message.counterpart = new Jid(from + "/" + from_resource); } else { new_message.counterpart = new Jid(from); } new_message.direction = row[message.direction]; new_message.type_ = (Message.Type) row[message.type_]; new_message.time = new DateTime.from_unix_utc(row[message.time]); new_message.body = row[message.body]; new_message.account = get_account_by_id(row[message.account_id]); // TODO dont have to generate acc new new_message.marked = (Message.Marked) row[message.marked]; new_message.encryption = (Encryption) row[message.encryption]; new_message.real_jid = get_real_jid_for_message(new_message); new_message.notify.connect(on_message_update); return new_message; } public string? get_real_jid_for_message(Message message) { return{real_jid.real_jid}).with(real_jid.message_id, "=",[real_jid.real_jid]; } public void add_conversation(Conversation new_conversation) { var insert = conversation.insert() .value(conversation.jid_id, get_jid_id(new_conversation.counterpart)) .value(conversation.account_id, .value(conversation.type_, new_conversation.type_) .value(conversation.encryption, new_conversation.encryption) //.value(conversation.read_up_to, new_conversation.read_up_to) .value(,; if (new_conversation.last_active != null) { insert.value(conversation.last_active, (long) new_conversation.last_active.to_unix()); } else { insert.value_null(conversation.last_active); } = (int) insert.perform(); new_conversation.notify.connect(on_conversation_update); } public ArrayList<Conversation> get_conversations(Account account) { ArrayList<Conversation> ret = new ArrayList<Conversation>(); foreach (Row row in, "=", { ret.add(get_conversation_from_row(row)); } return ret; } private void on_conversation_update(Object o, ParamSpec sp) { Conversation changed_conversation = (Conversation) o; var update = conversation.update().with(conversation.jid_id, "=", get_jid_id(changed_conversation.counterpart)).with(conversation.account_id, "=", .set(conversation.type_, changed_conversation.type_) .set(conversation.encryption, changed_conversation.encryption) //.set(conversation.read_up_to, changed_conversation.read_up_to) .set(,; if (changed_conversation.last_active != null) { update.set(conversation.last_active, (long) changed_conversation.last_active.to_unix()); } else { update.set_null(conversation.last_active); } update.perform(); } private Conversation get_conversation_from_row(Row row) { Conversation new_conversation = new Conversation(new Jid(get_jid_by_id(row[conversation.jid_id])), get_account_by_id(row[conversation.account_id])); = row[]; = row[]; int64? last_active = row[conversation.last_active]; if (last_active != null) new_conversation.last_active = new DateTime.from_unix_utc(last_active); new_conversation.type_ = (Conversation.Type) row[conversation.type_]; new_conversation.encryption = (Encryption) row[conversation.encryption]; int? read_up_to = row[conversation.read_up_to]; if (read_up_to != null) new_conversation.read_up_to = get_message_by_id(read_up_to); new_conversation.notify.connect(on_conversation_update); return new_conversation; } public void set_avatar_hash(Jid jid, string hash, int type) { avatar.insert().or("REPLACE") .value(avatar.jid, jid.to_string()) .value(avatar.hash, hash) .value(avatar.type_, type) .perform(); } public HashMap<Jid, string> get_avatar_hashes(int type) { HashMap<Jid, string> ret = new HashMap<Jid, string>(Jid.hash_func, Jid.equals_func); foreach (Row row in{avatar.jid, avatar.hash}).with(avatar.type_, "=", type)) { ret[new Jid(row[avatar.jid])] = row[avatar.hash]; } return ret; } public void add_entity_features(string entity, ArrayList<string> features) { foreach (string feature in features) { entity_feature.insert() .value(entity_feature.entity, entity) .value(entity_feature.feature, feature) .perform(); } } public ArrayList<string> get_entity_features(string entity) { ArrayList<string> ret = new ArrayList<string>(); foreach (Row row in{entity_feature.feature}).with(entity_feature.entity, "=", entity)) { ret.add(row[entity_feature.feature]); } return ret; } private int get_jid_id(Jid jid_obj) { Row? row = jid.row_with(jid.bare_jid, jid_obj.bare_jid.to_string()).inner; return row != null ? row[] : add_jid(jid_obj); } private string? get_jid_by_id(int id) { return{jid.bare_jid}).with(, "=", id)[jid.bare_jid]; } private int add_jid(Jid jid_obj) { return (int) jid.insert().value(jid.bare_jid, jid_obj.bare_jid.to_string()).perform(); } } }