using Gee; using Qlite; using Xmpp; using Xmpp.Xep; using Dino.Entities; public class Dino.Reactions : StreamInteractionModule, Object { public static ModuleIdentity IDENTITY = new ModuleIdentity("reactions"); public string id { get { return; } } public signal void reaction_added(Account account, int content_item_id, Jid jid, string reaction); public signal void reaction_removed(Account account, int content_item_id, Jid jid, string reaction); private StreamInteractor stream_interactor; private Database db; private HashMap> reaction_infos = new HashMap>(); public static void start(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Database database) { Reactions m = new Reactions(stream_interactor, database); stream_interactor.add_module(m); } private Reactions(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Database database) { this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor; this.db = database; stream_interactor.account_added.connect(on_account_added); stream_interactor.get_module(ContentItemStore.IDENTITY).new_item.connect(on_new_item); } public void add_reaction(Conversation conversation, ContentItem content_item, string reaction) { Gee.List reactions = get_own_reactions(conversation, content_item); if (!reactions.contains(reaction)) { reactions.add(reaction); } try { send_reactions(conversation, content_item, reactions); reaction_added(conversation.account,, conversation.account.bare_jid, reaction); } catch (SendError e) {} } public void remove_reaction(Conversation conversation, ContentItem content_item, string reaction) { Gee.List reactions = get_own_reactions(conversation, content_item); reactions.remove(reaction); try { send_reactions(conversation, content_item, reactions); reaction_removed(conversation.account,, conversation.account.bare_jid, reaction); } catch (SendError e) {} } public Gee.List get_item_reactions(Conversation conversation, ContentItem content_item) { if (conversation.type_ == Conversation.Type.CHAT) { return get_chat_message_reactions(conversation.account, content_item); } else { return get_muc_message_reactions(conversation.account, content_item); } } public bool conversation_supports_reactions(Conversation conversation) { if (conversation.type_ == Conversation.Type.CHAT) { return true; } else { // The MUC server needs to 1) support stable stanza ids 2) either support occupant ids or be a private room (where we know real jids) var entity_info = stream_interactor.get_module(EntityInfo.IDENTITY); bool server_supports_sid = (entity_info.has_feature_cached(conversation.account, conversation.counterpart.bare_jid, Xep.UniqueStableStanzaIDs.NS_URI)) || (entity_info.has_feature_cached(conversation.account, conversation.counterpart.bare_jid, Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.NS_URI_2)); if (!server_supports_sid) return false; bool? supports_occupant_ids = entity_info.has_feature_cached(conversation.account, conversation.counterpart, Xep.OccupantIds.NS_URI); if (supports_occupant_ids) return true; return stream_interactor.get_module(MucManager.IDENTITY).is_private_room(conversation.account, conversation.counterpart); } } private void send_reactions(Conversation conversation, ContentItem content_item, Gee.List reactions) throws SendError { string? message_id = stream_interactor.get_module(ContentItemStore.IDENTITY).get_message_id_for_content_item(conversation, content_item); if (message_id == null) throw new SendError.Misc("No message for content_item"); XmppStream? stream = stream_interactor.get_stream(conversation.account); if (stream == null) throw new SendError.NoStream(""); var reactions_module = stream.get_module(Xmpp.Xep.Reactions.Module.IDENTITY); if (conversation.type_ == Conversation.Type.GROUPCHAT) { reactions_module.send_reaction.begin(stream, conversation.counterpart, "groupchat", message_id, reactions); // We save the reaction when it gets reflected back to us } else if (conversation.type_ == Conversation.Type.GROUPCHAT_PM) { reactions_module.send_reaction.begin(stream, conversation.counterpart, "chat", message_id, reactions); } else if (conversation.type_ == Conversation.Type.CHAT) { int64 now_millis = GLib.get_real_time () / 1000; reactions_module.send_reaction.begin(stream, conversation.counterpart, "chat", message_id, reactions, (_, res) => { try { reactions_module.send_reaction.end(res); save_chat_reactions(conversation.account, conversation.account.bare_jid,, now_millis, reactions); } catch (SendError e) {} }); } } private Gee.List get_own_reactions(Conversation conversation, ContentItem content_item) { if (conversation.type_ == Conversation.Type.CHAT) { return get_chat_user_reactions(conversation.account,, conversation.account.bare_jid) .emojis; } else if (conversation.type_ == Conversation.Type.GROUPCHAT) { string own_occupant_id = stream_interactor.get_module(MucManager.IDENTITY).get_own_occupant_id(conversation.account, content_item.jid); return get_muc_user_reactions(conversation.account,, own_occupant_id, conversation.account.bare_jid) .emojis; } return new ArrayList(); } private class ReactionsTime { public Gee.List? emojis = null; public int64 time = -1; } private ReactionsTime get_chat_user_reactions(Account account, int content_item_id, Jid jid) { int jid_id = db.get_jid_id(jid); QueryBuilder query = .with(db.reaction.account_id, "=", .with(db.reaction.content_item_id, "=", content_item_id) .with(db.reaction.jid_id, "=", jid_id); RowOption row = query.single().row(); ReactionsTime ret = new ReactionsTime(); if (row.is_present()) { ret.emojis = string_to_emoji_list(row[db.reaction.emojis]); ret.time = row[db.reaction.time]; } else { ret.emojis = new ArrayList(); ret.time = -1; } return ret; } private ReactionsTime get_muc_user_reactions(Account account, int content_item_id, string? occupant_id, Jid? real_jid) { if (occupant_id == null && real_jid == null) critical("Need occupant id or real jid of a reaction"); QueryBuilder query = .with(db.reaction.account_id, "=", .with(db.reaction.content_item_id, "=", content_item_id) .outer_join_with(db.occupantid,, db.reaction.occupant_id); if (occupant_id != null) { query.with(db.occupantid.occupant_id, "=", occupant_id); } else if (real_jid != null) { query.with(db.reaction.jid_id, "=", db.get_jid_id(real_jid)); } RowOption row = query.single().row(); ReactionsTime ret = new ReactionsTime(); if (row.is_present()) { ret.emojis = string_to_emoji_list(row[db.reaction.emojis]); ret.time = row[db.reaction.time]; } else { ret.emojis = new ArrayList(); ret.time = -1; } return ret; } private Gee.List string_to_emoji_list(string emoji_str) { ArrayList ret = new ArrayList(); foreach (string emoji in emoji_str.split(",")) { if (emoji.length != 0) ret.add(emoji); } return ret; } public Gee.List get_chat_message_reactions(Account account, ContentItem content_item) { QueryBuilder select = .with(db.reaction.account_id, "=", .with(db.reaction.content_item_id, "=", .order_by(db.reaction.time, "DESC"); var ret = new ArrayList(); var index = new HashMap(); foreach (Row row in select) { string emoji_str = row[db.reaction.emojis]; Jid jid = db.get_jid_by_id(row[db.reaction.jid_id]); foreach (string emoji in emoji_str.split(",")) { if (!index.has_key(emoji)) { index[emoji] = new ReactionUsers() { reaction=emoji, jids=new ArrayList(Jid.equals_func) }; ret.add(index[emoji]); } index[emoji].jids.add(jid); } } return ret; } public Gee.List get_muc_message_reactions(Account account, ContentItem content_item) { QueryBuilder select = .with(db.reaction.account_id, "=", .with(db.reaction.content_item_id, "=", .outer_join_with(db.occupantid,, db.reaction.occupant_id) .outer_join_with(db.jid,, db.reaction.jid_id) .order_by(db.reaction.time, "DESC"); string? own_occupant_id = stream_interactor.get_module(MucManager.IDENTITY).get_own_occupant_id(account, content_item.jid); var ret = new ArrayList(); var index = new HashMap(); foreach (Row row in select) { string emoji_str = row[db.reaction.emojis]; Jid jid = null; if (!db.jid.bare_jid.is_null(row)) { jid = new Jid(row[db.jid.bare_jid]); } else if (!db.occupantid.occupant_id.is_null(row)) { if (row[db.occupantid.occupant_id] == own_occupant_id) { jid = account.bare_jid; } else { string nick = row[db.occupantid.last_nick]; jid = content_item.jid.with_resource(nick); } } else { warning("Reaction with neither JID nor occupant id"); } foreach (string emoji in emoji_str.split(",")) { if (!index.has_key(emoji)) { index[emoji] = new ReactionUsers() { reaction=emoji, jids=new ArrayList(Jid.equals_func) }; ret.add(index[emoji]); } index[emoji].jids.add(jid); } } return ret; } private void on_account_added(Account account) { // TODO get time from delays stream_interactor.module_manager.get_module(account, Xmpp.Xep.Reactions.Module.IDENTITY).received_reactions.connect((stream, from_jid, message_id, reactions, stanza) => { on_reaction_received.begin(account, from_jid, message_id, reactions, stanza); }); } private async void on_reaction_received(Account account, Jid from_jid, string message_id, Gee.List reactions, MessageStanza stanza) { if (stanza.type_ == MessageStanza.TYPE_GROUPCHAT) { // Apply the same restrictions for incoming reactions as we do on sending them Conversation muc_conversation = stream_interactor.get_module(ConversationManager.IDENTITY).approx_conversation_for_stanza(from_jid, account.bare_jid, account, MessageStanza.TYPE_GROUPCHAT); bool muc_supports_reactions = conversation_supports_reactions(muc_conversation); if (!muc_supports_reactions) return; } Message reaction_message = yield stream_interactor.get_module(MessageProcessor.IDENTITY).parse_message_stanza(account, stanza); Conversation conversation = stream_interactor.get_module(ConversationManager.IDENTITY).get_conversation_for_message(reaction_message); int content_item_id = stream_interactor.get_module(ContentItemStore.IDENTITY).get_content_item_id_for_message_id(conversation, message_id); var reaction_info = new ReactionInfo() { conversation=conversation, from_jid=from_jid, reactions=reactions, stanza=stanza, received_time=new }; if (content_item_id != -1) { process_reaction_for_message(content_item_id, reaction_info); return; } // Store reaction infos for later processing after we got the message debug("Got reaction for %s but dont have message yet %s", message_id, db.get_jid_id(stanza.from.bare_jid).to_string()); if (!reaction_infos.has_key(message_id)) { reaction_infos[message_id] = new ArrayList(); } reaction_infos[message_id].add(reaction_info); } /* * When we get a new ContentItem, check if we have any reactions cached that apply to it. * If so, process the reactions, map and store them. */ private void on_new_item(ContentItem item, Conversation conversation) { string? stanza_id = stream_interactor.get_module(ContentItemStore.IDENTITY).get_message_id_for_content_item(conversation, item); if (stanza_id == null) return; Gee.List? reaction_info_list = reaction_infos[stanza_id]; if (reaction_info_list == null) return; Message? message = stream_interactor.get_module(ContentItemStore.IDENTITY).get_message_for_content_item(conversation, item); if (message == null) return; // Check if the (or potentially which) reaction fits the message var applicable_reactions = new ArrayList(); applicable_reactions.add_all_iterator(reaction_info_list.filter(info => info.conversation.equals(conversation))); foreach (ReactionInfo applicable_reaction in applicable_reactions) { reaction_info_list.remove(applicable_reaction); if (reaction_info_list.is_empty) { reaction_infos.unset(stanza_id); } debug("Got ContentItem for reaction %s", stanza_id); process_reaction_for_message(, applicable_reaction); } } private Message? get_message_for_reaction(Conversation conversation, string message_id) { // Query message from a specific account and counterpart. This also makes sure it's a valid reaction for the message. if (conversation.type_ == Conversation.Type.CHAT) { return stream_interactor.get_module(MessageStorage.IDENTITY).get_message_by_stanza_id(message_id, conversation); } else { return stream_interactor.get_module(MessageStorage.IDENTITY).get_message_by_server_id(message_id, conversation); } } private void process_reaction_for_message(int content_item_id, ReactionInfo reaction_info) { Account account = reaction_info.conversation.account; MessageStanza stanza = reaction_info.stanza; Jid from_jid = reaction_info.from_jid; Gee.List reactions = reaction_info.reactions; // Get reaction time DateTime? reaction_time = null; DelayedDelivery.MessageFlag? delayed_message_flag = DelayedDelivery.MessageFlag.get_flag(stanza); if (delayed_message_flag != null) { reaction_time = delayed_message_flag.datetime; } if (reaction_time == null) { MessageArchiveManagement.MessageFlag? mam_message_flag = MessageArchiveManagement.MessageFlag.get_flag(stanza); if (mam_message_flag != null) reaction_time = mam_message_flag.server_time; } var time_now = new DateTime.now_local(); if (reaction_time == null) reaction_time = time_now; if ( > 0) { reaction_time = reaction_info.received_time; } int64 reaction_time_long = (int64) (reaction_time.to_unix() * 1000 + reaction_time.get_microsecond() / 1000); // Get current reactions string? occupant_id = OccupantIds.get_occupant_id(stanza.stanza); Jid? real_jid = stream_interactor.get_module(MucManager.IDENTITY).get_real_jid(from_jid, account); if (stanza.type_ == MessageStanza.TYPE_GROUPCHAT && occupant_id == null && real_jid == null) { warning("Attempting to add reaction to message w/o knowing occupant id or real jid"); return; } ReactionsTime reactions_time = null; if (stanza.type_ == MessageStanza.TYPE_GROUPCHAT) { reactions_time = get_muc_user_reactions(account, content_item_id, occupant_id, real_jid); } else { reactions_time = get_chat_user_reactions(account, content_item_id, from_jid); } if (reaction_time_long <= reactions_time.time) { // We already have a more recent reaction return; } // Save reactions if (stanza.type_ == MessageStanza.TYPE_GROUPCHAT) { save_muc_reactions(account, content_item_id, from_jid, occupant_id, real_jid, reaction_time_long, reactions); } else { save_chat_reactions(account, from_jid, content_item_id, reaction_time_long, reactions); } // Notify about reaction changes Gee.List? current_reactions = reactions_time.emojis; Jid signal_jid = from_jid; if (stanza.type_ == MessageStanza.TYPE_GROUPCHAT && signal_jid.equals(stream_interactor.get_module(MucManager.IDENTITY).get_own_jid(from_jid, account))) { signal_jid = account.bare_jid; } else if (stanza.type_ == MessageStanza.TYPE_CHAT) { signal_jid = signal_jid.bare_jid; } foreach (string current_reaction in current_reactions) { if (!reactions.contains(current_reaction)) { reaction_removed(account, content_item_id, signal_jid, current_reaction); } } foreach (string new_reaction in reactions) { if (!current_reactions.contains(new_reaction)) { reaction_added(account, content_item_id, signal_jid, new_reaction); } } debug("reactions were: "); foreach (string reac in current_reactions) { debug(reac); } debug("reactions new : "); foreach (string reac in reactions) { debug(reac); } } private void save_chat_reactions(Account account, Jid jid, int content_item_id, int64 reaction_time, Gee.List reactions) { var emoji_builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < reactions.size; i++) { if (i != 0) emoji_builder.append(","); emoji_builder.append(reactions[i]); } db.reaction.upsert() .value(db.reaction.account_id,, true) .value(db.reaction.content_item_id, content_item_id, true) .value(db.reaction.jid_id, db.get_jid_id(jid), true) .value(db.reaction.emojis, emoji_builder.str, false) .value(db.reaction.time, (long)reaction_time, false) .perform(); } private void save_muc_reactions(Account account, int content_item_id, Jid jid, string? occupant_id, Jid? real_jid, int64 reaction_time, Gee.List reactions) { assert(occupant_id != null || real_jid != null); int jid_id = db.get_jid_id(jid); var emoji_builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < reactions.size; i++) { if (i != 0) emoji_builder.append(","); emoji_builder.append(reactions[i]); } var builder = db.reaction.upsert() .value(db.reaction.account_id,, true) .value(db.reaction.content_item_id, content_item_id, true) .value(db.reaction.emojis, emoji_builder.str, false) .value(db.reaction.time, (long)reaction_time, false); if (real_jid != null) { builder.value(db.reaction.jid_id, db.get_jid_id(real_jid), occupant_id == null); } if (occupant_id != null) { RowOption row = .with(db.occupantid.account_id, "=", .with(db.occupantid.jid_id, "=", jid_id) .with(db.occupantid.occupant_id, "=", occupant_id) .single().row(); int occupant_db_id = -1; if (row.is_present()) { occupant_db_id = row[]; } else { occupant_db_id = (int)db.occupantid.upsert() .value(db.occupantid.account_id,, true) .value(db.occupantid.jid_id, jid_id, true) .value(db.occupantid.occupant_id, occupant_id, true) .value(db.occupantid.last_nick, jid.resourcepart, false) .perform(); } builder.value(db.reaction.occupant_id, occupant_db_id, true); } builder.perform(); } } public class Dino.ReactionUsers { public string reaction { get; set; } public Gee.List jids { get; set; } } public class Dino.ReactionInfo { public Conversation conversation { get; set; } public Jid from_jid { get; set; } public Gee.List reactions { get; set; } public MessageStanza stanza { get; set; } public DateTime received_time { get; set; } }