<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<component type="desktop">
  <launchable type="desktop-id">im.dino.Dino.desktop</launchable>
  <summary>Modern XMPP chat client</summary>
    <p>Dino is a modern open-source chat client for the desktop. It focuses on providing a clean and reliable Jabber/XMPP experience while having your privacy in mind.</p>
    <p>It supports end-to-end encryption with OMEMO and OpenPGP and allows configuring privacy-related features such as read receipts and typing notifications.</p>
    <p>Dino fetches history from the server and synchronizes messages with other devices.</p>
    <screenshot type="default">
  <translation type="gettext">dino</translation>
  <developer_name>Dino Development Team</developer_name>
  <url type="homepage">https://dino.im</url>
  <url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/dino/dino/issues</url>
  <url type="donation">https://dino.im/#donate</url>
  <url type="translate">https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/dino/</url>
    <color type="primary" scheme_preference="light">#B2DFDB</color>
    <color type="primary" scheme_preference="dark">#004D40</color>
    <release date="2023-02-07" version="0.4">
        <p>The 0.4 release adds support for message reactions and replies. Also, Dino is ported to GTK4.</p>
    <release date="2022-02-12" version="0.3">
        <p>The 0.3 release is all about calls. Dino now supports calls between two or more people!</p>
    <release date="2020-11-12" version="0.2">
        <p>The 0.2 release adds message correction, improves the file upload functionality and provides more information about message encryption.</p>
    <release date="2020-01-29" version="0.1">
        <p>The first Dino release! Dino is a secure and open-source application for decentralized messaging.</p>
  <content_rating type="oars-1.1">
    <content_attribute id="social-chat">intense</content_attribute>
    <content_attribute id="social-audio">intense</content_attribute>