using Gdk; using Gtk; using Dino.Entities; using Xmpp; using Xmpp.Xep; namespace Dino.Ui { [GtkTemplate (ui = "/im/dino/Dino/add_conversation/conference_details_fragment.ui")] protected class ConferenceDetailsFragment : Box { public signal void joined(); public bool done { get { try { Jid parsed_jid = new Jid(jid); return parsed_jid.localpart != null && parsed_jid.resourcepart == null && nick != null; } catch (InvalidJidError e) { return false; } } private set {} } public Account account { owned get { return account_combobox.selected; } set { accounts_label.label = value.bare_jid.to_string(); account_combobox.selected = value; if (nick == null && value.alias != null) { nick = value.alias; } accounts_stack.set_visible_child_name("label"); } } public string jid { get { return jid_entry.text; } set { jid_label.label = value; jid_entry.text = value; jid_stack.set_visible_child_name("label"); } } public string? nick { get { return nick_entry.text != "" ? nick_entry.text : null; } set { nick_label.label = value ?? ""; nick_entry.text = value ?? ""; nick_stack.set_visible_child_name("label"); } } public string? password { get { return password_entry.text == "" ? null : password_entry.text; } set { password_label.label = value; password_entry.text = value; nick_stack.set_visible_child_name("label"); } } public bool fragment_active { get; set; default=true; } [GtkChild] private unowned Stack accounts_stack; [GtkChild] private unowned Button accounts_button; [GtkChild] private unowned Label accounts_label; [GtkChild] private unowned AccountComboBox account_combobox; [GtkChild] private unowned Stack jid_stack; [GtkChild] private unowned Button jid_button; [GtkChild] private unowned Label jid_label; [GtkChild] private unowned Entry jid_entry; [GtkChild] private unowned Stack nick_stack; [GtkChild] private unowned Button nick_button; [GtkChild] private unowned Label nick_label; [GtkChild] private unowned Entry nick_entry; [GtkChild] private unowned Stack password_stack; [GtkChild] private unowned Button password_button; [GtkChild] private unowned Label password_label; [GtkChild] private unowned Label password_text_label; [GtkChild] private unowned Entry password_entry; [GtkChild] private unowned Revealer notification_revealer; [GtkChild] private unowned Button notification_button; [GtkChild] private unowned Label notification_label; private StreamInteractor stream_interactor; private Button ok_button_; public Button ok_button { get { return ok_button_; } set { if (value != null) { value.clicked.connect(() => { on_ok_button_clicked.begin(); }); ok_button_ = value; } } } public ConferenceDetailsFragment(StreamInteractor stream_interactor) { this.stream_interactor = stream_interactor; account_combobox.initialize(stream_interactor); accounts_button.clicked.connect(() => { set_active_stack(accounts_stack); }); jid_button.clicked.connect(() => { set_active_stack(jid_stack); }); nick_button.clicked.connect(() => { set_active_stack(nick_stack); }); password_button.clicked.connect(() => { set_active_stack(password_stack); }); account_combobox.changed.connect(() => { accounts_label.label = account_combobox.selected.bare_jid.to_string(); }); accounts_label.label = account_combobox.selected.bare_jid.to_string(); jid_entry.key_release_event.connect(on_jid_key_release_event); nick_entry.key_release_event.connect(on_nick_key_release_event); password_entry.key_release_event.connect(on_password_key_release_event); jid_entry.key_release_event.connect(() => { done = true; return false; }); // just for notifying nick_entry.key_release_event.connect(() => { done = true; return false; }); notification_button.clicked.connect(() => { notification_revealer.set_reveal_child(false); }); clear(); } public void clear() { jid = ""; nick = ""; password = ""; password_text_label.visible = false; password_stack.visible = false; notification_revealer.set_reveal_child(false); reset_editable(); } public void reset_editable() { jid_stack.set_visible_child_name("entry"); accounts_stack.set_visible_child_name("entry"); nick_stack.set_visible_child_name("entry"); password_stack.set_visible_child_name("entry"); } private async void on_ok_button_clicked() { if (!fragment_active) return; ok_button.label = _("Joining…"); ok_button.sensitive = false; string label_text = ""; try { Jid parsed_jid = new Jid(jid); Muc.JoinResult? join_result = yield stream_interactor.get_module(MucManager.IDENTITY).join(account, parsed_jid, nick, password); ok_button.label = _("Join"); ok_button.sensitive = true; if (join_result == null || join_result.nick != null) { Conversation conversation = stream_interactor.get_module(ConversationManager.IDENTITY).create_conversation(parsed_jid, account, Conversation.Type.GROUPCHAT); Application app = GLib.Application.get_default() as Application; app.controller.select_conversation(conversation); joined(); return; } if (join_result.muc_error != null) { switch (join_result.muc_error) { case Muc.MucEnterError.PASSWORD_REQUIRED: label_text = _("Password required to enter room"); password_text_label.visible = true; password_stack.visible = true; break; case Muc.MucEnterError.BANNED: label_text = _("Banned from joining or creating conference"); break; case Muc.MucEnterError.ROOM_DOESNT_EXIST: label_text = _("Room does not exist"); break; case Muc.MucEnterError.CREATION_RESTRICTED: label_text = _("Not allowed to create room"); break; case Muc.MucEnterError.NOT_IN_MEMBER_LIST: label_text = _("Members-only room"); break; case Muc.MucEnterError.USE_RESERVED_ROOMNICK: case Muc.MucEnterError.NICK_CONFLICT: label_text = _("Choose a different nick"); break; case Muc.MucEnterError.OCCUPANT_LIMIT_REACHED: label_text = _("Too many occupants in room"); break; } } else if (join_result.stanza_error != null) { label_text = _("Could not connect to %s").printf((new Jid(jid)).domainpart); } } catch (InvalidJidError e) { label_text = _("Invalid address"); } notification_label.label = label_text; notification_revealer.set_reveal_child(true); } private bool on_jid_key_release_event(EventKey event) { jid_label.label = jid_entry.text; if (event.keyval == Key.Return) jid_stack.set_visible_child_name("label"); return false; } private bool on_nick_key_release_event(EventKey event) { nick_label.label = nick_entry.text; if (event.keyval == Key.Return) nick_stack.set_visible_child_name("label"); return false; } private bool on_password_key_release_event(EventKey event) { string filler = ""; for (int i = 0; i < password_entry.text.length; i++) filler += password_entry.get_invisible_char().to_string(); password_label.label = filler; if (event.keyval == Key.Return) password_stack.set_visible_child_name("label"); return false; } private void set_active_stack(Stack stack) { stack.set_visible_child_name("entry"); if (stack != accounts_stack) accounts_stack.set_visible_child_name("label"); if (stack != jid_stack) jid_stack.set_visible_child_name("label"); if (stack != nick_stack) nick_stack.set_visible_child_name("label"); if (stack != password_stack) password_stack.set_visible_child_name("label"); } } }