using Cairo; using Gee; using Gdk; using Gtk; using Xmpp.Util; namespace Dino.Ui { public class AvatarDrawer { public const string GRAY = "555753"; private Gee.List<AvatarTile> tiles = new ArrayList<AvatarTile>(); private int height = 35; private int width = 35; private bool gray; private int base_factor = 1; private string font_family = "Sans"; public AvatarDrawer size(int height, int width = height) { this.height = height; this.width = width; return this; } public AvatarDrawer grayscale() { this.gray = true; return this; } public AvatarDrawer tile(Pixbuf? image, string? name, string? hex_color) { tiles.add(new AvatarTile(image, name, hex_color)); return this; } public AvatarDrawer plus() { tiles.add(new AvatarTile(null, "…", GRAY)); return this; } public AvatarDrawer scale(int base_factor) { this.base_factor = base_factor; return this; } public AvatarDrawer font(string font_family) { this.font_family = font_family; return this; } public ImageSurface draw_image_surface() { ImageSurface surface = new ImageSurface(Format.ARGB32, width, height); draw_on_context(new Context(surface)); return surface; } public void draw_on_context(Cairo.Context ctx) { double radius = 3 * base_factor; double degrees = Math.PI / 180.0; ctx.new_sub_path(); ctx.arc(width - radius, radius, radius, -90 * degrees, 0 * degrees); ctx.arc(width - radius, height - radius, radius, 0 * degrees, 90 * degrees); ctx.arc(radius, height - radius, radius, 90 * degrees, 180 * degrees); ctx.arc(radius, radius, radius, 180 * degrees, 270 * degrees); ctx.close_path(); ctx.clip(); if (this.tiles.size == 4) { Cairo.Surface buffer = new Cairo.Surface.similar(ctx.get_target(), Cairo.Content.COLOR_ALPHA, width, height); Cairo.Context bufctx = new Cairo.Context(buffer); bufctx.scale(0.5, 0.5); bufctx.set_source_surface(sub_surface_idx(ctx, 0, width - 1, height - 1, 2 * base_factor), 0, 0); bufctx.paint(); bufctx.set_source_surface(sub_surface_idx(ctx, 1, width - 1, height - 1, 2 * base_factor), width + 1, 0); bufctx.paint(); bufctx.set_source_surface(sub_surface_idx(ctx, 2, width - 1, height - 1, 2 * base_factor), 0, height + 1); bufctx.paint(); bufctx.set_source_surface(sub_surface_idx(ctx, 3, width - 1, height - 1, 2 * base_factor), width + 1, height + 1); bufctx.paint(); ctx.set_source_surface(buffer, 0, 0); ctx.paint(); } else if (this.tiles.size == 3) { Cairo.Surface buffer = new Cairo.Surface.similar(ctx.get_target(), Cairo.Content.COLOR_ALPHA, width, height); Cairo.Context bufctx = new Cairo.Context(buffer); bufctx.scale(0.5, 0.5); bufctx.set_source_surface(sub_surface_idx(ctx, 0, width - 1, height - 1, 2 * base_factor), 0, 0); bufctx.paint(); bufctx.set_source_surface(sub_surface_idx(ctx, 1, width - 1, height * 2, 2 * base_factor), width + 1, 0); bufctx.paint(); bufctx.set_source_surface(sub_surface_idx(ctx, 2, width - 1, height - 1, 2 * base_factor), 0, height + 1); bufctx.paint(); ctx.set_source_surface(buffer, 0, 0); ctx.paint(); } else if (this.tiles.size == 2) { Cairo.Surface buffer = new Cairo.Surface.similar(ctx.get_target(), Cairo.Content.COLOR_ALPHA, width, height); Cairo.Context bufctx = new Cairo.Context(buffer); bufctx.scale(0.5, 0.5); bufctx.set_source_surface(sub_surface_idx(ctx, 0, width - 1, height * 2, 2 * base_factor), 0, 0); bufctx.paint(); bufctx.set_source_surface(sub_surface_idx(ctx, 1, width - 1, height * 2, 2 * base_factor), width + 1, 0); bufctx.paint(); ctx.set_source_surface(buffer, 0, 0); ctx.paint(); } else if (this.tiles.size == 1) { ctx.set_source_surface(sub_surface_idx(ctx, 0, width, height, base_factor), 0, 0); ctx.paint(); } else if (this.tiles.size == 0) { ctx.set_source_surface(sub_surface_idx(ctx, -1, width, height, base_factor), 0, 0); ctx.paint(); } if (gray) { // convert to greyscale ctx.set_operator(Cairo.Operator.HSL_COLOR); ctx.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1); ctx.rectangle(0, 0, width, height); ctx.fill(); // make the visible part more light ctx.set_operator(Cairo.Operator.ATOP); ctx.set_source_rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.7); ctx.rectangle(0, 0, width, height); ctx.fill(); } } private Cairo.Surface sub_surface_idx(Cairo.Context ctx, int idx, int width, int height, int font_factor = 1) { Gdk.Pixbuf? avatar = idx >= 0 ? tiles[idx].image : null; string? name = idx >= 0 ? tiles[idx].name : ""; string hex_color = !gray && idx >= 0 ? tiles[idx].hex_color : GRAY; return sub_surface(ctx, font_family, avatar, name, hex_color, width, height, font_factor); } private static Cairo.Surface sub_surface(Cairo.Context ctx, string font_family, Gdk.Pixbuf? avatar, string? name, string? hex_color, int width, int height, int font_factor = 1) { Cairo.Surface buffer = new Cairo.Surface.similar(ctx.get_target(), Cairo.Content.COLOR_ALPHA, width, height); Cairo.Context bufctx = new Cairo.Context(buffer); if (avatar == null) { set_source_hex_color(bufctx, hex_color ?? GRAY); bufctx.rectangle(0, 0, width, height); bufctx.fill(); string text = name == null ? "…" : name.get_char(0).toupper().to_string(); bufctx.select_font_face(font_family, Cairo.FontSlant.NORMAL, Cairo.FontWeight.NORMAL); bufctx.set_font_size(width / font_factor < 40 ? font_factor * 17 : font_factor * 25); Cairo.TextExtents extents; bufctx.text_extents(text, out extents); double x_pos = width/2 - (extents.width/2 + extents.x_bearing); double y_pos = height/2 - (extents.height/2 + extents.y_bearing); bufctx.move_to(x_pos, y_pos); bufctx.set_source_rgba(1, 1, 1, 1); bufctx.show_text(text); } else { double w_scale = (double) width / avatar.width; double h_scale = (double) height / avatar.height; double scale = double.max(w_scale, h_scale); bufctx.scale(scale, scale); double x_off = 0, y_off = 0; if (scale == h_scale) { x_off = (width / scale - avatar.width) / 2.0; } else { y_off = (height / scale - avatar.height) / 2.0; } Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf(bufctx, avatar, x_off, y_off); bufctx.get_source().set_filter(Cairo.Filter.BEST); bufctx.paint(); } return buffer; } private static void set_source_hex_color(Cairo.Context ctx, string hex_color) { ctx.set_source_rgba((double) from_hex(hex_color.substring(0, 2)) / 255, (double) from_hex(hex_color.substring(2, 2)) / 255, (double) from_hex(hex_color.substring(4, 2)) / 255, hex_color.length > 6 ? (double) from_hex(hex_color.substring(6, 2)) / 255 : 1); } } private class AvatarTile { public Pixbuf? image { get; private set; } public string? name { get; private set; } public string? hex_color { get; private set; } public AvatarTile(Pixbuf? image, string? name, string? hex_color) { this.image = image; = name; this.hex_color = hex_color; } } }