using Gdk; using Gee; using Gtk; using Dino.Entities; using Xmpp; namespace Dino.Ui { public class ChatTextViewController : Object { public signal void send_text(); public OccupantsTabCompletor occupants_tab_completor; private ChatTextView widget; public ChatTextViewController(ChatTextView widget, StreamInteractor stream_interactor) { this.widget = widget; occupants_tab_completor = new OccupantsTabCompletor(stream_interactor, widget.text_view); widget.send_text.connect(() => { send_text(); }); } public void initialize_for_conversation(Conversation conversation) { occupants_tab_completor.initialize_for_conversation(conversation); } } public class ChatTextView : Box { public signal void send_text(); public signal void cancel_input(); public ScrolledWindow scrolled_window = new ScrolledWindow() { propagate_natural_height=true, max_content_height=300, hexpand=true }; public TextView text_view = new TextView() { hexpand=true, wrap_mode=Gtk.WrapMode.WORD_CHAR, valign=Align.CENTER, margin_top=7, margin_bottom=7 }; private int vscrollbar_min_height; private uint wait_queue_resize; private SmileyConverter smiley_converter; private TextTag italic_tag; private TextTag bold_tag; private TextTag strikethrough_tag; construct { valign = Align.CENTER; scrolled_window.set_child(text_view); this.append(scrolled_window); var text_input_key_events = new EventControllerKey() { name = "dino-text-input-view-key-events" }; text_input_key_events.key_pressed.connect(on_text_input_key_press); text_view.add_controller(text_input_key_events); italic_tag = text_view.buffer.create_tag("italic"); = Pango.Style.ITALIC; bold_tag = text_view.buffer.create_tag("bold"); bold_tag.weight = Pango.Weight.BOLD; strikethrough_tag = text_view.buffer.create_tag("strikethrough"); strikethrough_tag.strikethrough = true; smiley_converter = new SmileyConverter(text_view); scrolled_window.vadjustment.changed.connect(on_upper_notify); text_view.realize.connect(() => { var minimum_size = Requisition(); scrolled_window.get_preferred_size(out minimum_size, null); vscrollbar_min_height = minimum_size.height; }); } public void set_text(Message message) { // Get a copy of the markup spans, such that we can modify them var markups = new ArrayList(); foreach (var markup in message.get_markups()) { markups.add(new Xep.MessageMarkup.Span() { types=markup.types, start_char=markup.start_char, end_char=markup.end_char }); } text_view.buffer.text = Util.remove_fallbacks_adjust_markups(message.body, message.quoted_item_id > 0, message.get_fallbacks(), markups); foreach (var markup in markups) { foreach (var ty in markup.types) { TextTag tag = null; switch (ty) { case Xep.MessageMarkup.SpanType.EMPHASIS: tag = italic_tag; break; case Xep.MessageMarkup.SpanType.STRONG_EMPHASIS: tag = bold_tag; break; case Xep.MessageMarkup.SpanType.DELETED: tag = strikethrough_tag; break; } TextIter start_selection, end_selection; text_view.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(out start_selection, markup.start_char); text_view.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(out end_selection, markup.end_char); text_view.buffer.apply_tag(tag, start_selection, end_selection); } } } public override void dispose() { base.dispose(); if (wait_queue_resize != 0) { Source.remove(wait_queue_resize); wait_queue_resize = 0; } } private void on_upper_notify() { // hack. otherwise the textview would only show the last row(s) when entering a new row on some systems. scrolled_window.height_request = int.min(scrolled_window.max_content_height, (int) scrolled_window.vadjustment.upper + text_view.margin_top + text_view.margin_bottom); scrolled_window.vadjustment.page_size = double.min(scrolled_window.height_request - (text_view.margin_top + text_view.margin_bottom), scrolled_window.vadjustment.upper); // hack for vscrollbar not requiring space and making textview higher //TODO doesn't resize immediately scrolled_window.get_vscrollbar().visible = (scrolled_window.vadjustment.upper > scrolled_window.max_content_height - 2 * this.vscrollbar_min_height); start_queue_resize_if_needed(); } private void start_queue_resize_if_needed() { if (wait_queue_resize == 0) { wait_queue_resize = Timeout.add(100, queue_resize_if_needed); } } private bool queue_resize_if_needed() { if (scrolled_window.get_height() == scrolled_window.height_request) { wait_queue_resize = 0; return false; } else { queue_resize(); return true; } } private bool on_text_input_key_press(EventControllerKey controller, uint keyval, uint keycode, Gdk.ModifierType state) { // Enter pressed -> Send message (except if it was Shift+Enter) if (keyval in new uint[]{ Key.Return, Key.KP_Enter }) { // Allow the text view to process the event. Needed for IME. if (text_view.im_context_filter_keypress(controller.get_current_event())) { return true; } if ((state & ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK) > 0) { // Let the default handler normally insert a newline if shift was hold return false; } else if (text_view.buffer.text.strip() != "") { send_text(); } return true; } if (keyval == Key.Escape) { cancel_input(); } // Style text section bold (CTRL + b) or italic (CTRL + i) if ((state & ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK) > 0) { if (keyval in new uint[]{ Key.i, Key.b }) { TextIter start_selection, end_selection; text_view.buffer.get_selection_bounds(out start_selection, out end_selection); TextTag tag = null; bool already_formatted = false; var markup_types = get_markup_types_from_iter(start_selection); if (keyval == Key.i) { tag = italic_tag; already_formatted = markup_types.contains(Xep.MessageMarkup.SpanType.EMPHASIS); } else if (keyval == Key.b) { tag = bold_tag; already_formatted = markup_types.contains(Xep.MessageMarkup.SpanType.STRONG_EMPHASIS); } else if (keyval == Key.s) { tag = strikethrough_tag; already_formatted = markup_types.contains(Xep.MessageMarkup.SpanType.DELETED); } if (tag != null) { if (already_formatted) { text_view.buffer.remove_tag(tag, start_selection, end_selection); } else { text_view.buffer.apply_tag(tag, start_selection, end_selection); } } } } return false; } public Gee.List get_markups() { var markups = new HashMap(); markups[Xep.MessageMarkup.SpanType.EMPHASIS] = Xep.MessageMarkup.SpanType.EMPHASIS; markups[Xep.MessageMarkup.SpanType.STRONG_EMPHASIS] = Xep.MessageMarkup.SpanType.STRONG_EMPHASIS; markups[Xep.MessageMarkup.SpanType.DELETED] = Xep.MessageMarkup.SpanType.DELETED; var ended_groups = new ArrayList(); Xep.MessageMarkup.Span current_span = null; TextIter iter; text_view.buffer.get_start_iter(out iter); int i = 0; do { var char_markups = get_markup_types_from_iter(iter); // Not the same set of markups as last character -> end all spans if (current_span != null && (!char_markups.contains_all(current_span.types) || !current_span.types.contains_all(char_markups))) { ended_groups.add(current_span); current_span = null; } if (char_markups.size > 0) { if (current_span == null) { current_span = new Xep.MessageMarkup.Span() { types=char_markups, start_char=i, end_char=i + 1 }; } else { current_span.end_char = i + 1; } } i++; } while (iter.forward_char()); if (current_span != null) { ended_groups.add(current_span); } return ended_groups; } private Gee.List get_markup_types_from_iter(TextIter iter) { var ret = new ArrayList(); foreach (TextTag tag in iter.get_tags()) { if ( == Pango.Style.ITALIC) { ret.add(Xep.MessageMarkup.SpanType.EMPHASIS); } else if (tag.weight == Pango.Weight.BOLD) { ret.add(Xep.MessageMarkup.SpanType.STRONG_EMPHASIS); } else if (tag.strikethrough) { ret.add(Xep.MessageMarkup.SpanType.DELETED); } } return ret; } } }