using Gdk; using Gee; using Gtk; using Dino.Entities; using Xmpp; namespace Dino.Ui { public class ChatTextViewController : Object { public signal void send_text(); public OccupantsTabCompletor occupants_tab_completor; private ChatTextView widget; public ChatTextViewController(ChatTextView widget, StreamInteractor stream_interactor) { this.widget = widget; occupants_tab_completor = new OccupantsTabCompletor(stream_interactor, widget.text_view); widget.send_text.connect(() => { send_text(); }); } public void initialize_for_conversation(Conversation conversation) { occupants_tab_completor.initialize_for_conversation(conversation); } } public class ChatTextView : Box { public signal void send_text(); public signal void cancel_input(); public ScrolledWindow scrolled_window = new ScrolledWindow() { propagate_natural_height=true, max_content_height=300 }; public TextView text_view = new TextView() { hexpand=true, wrap_mode=Gtk.WrapMode.WORD_CHAR, valign=Align.CENTER, margin_top=7, margin_bottom=7 }; private int vscrollbar_min_height; private SmileyConverter smiley_converter; construct { scrolled_window.set_child(text_view); this.append(scrolled_window); var text_input_key_events = new EventControllerKey(); text_input_key_events.key_pressed.connect(on_text_input_key_press); text_view.add_controller(text_input_key_events); smiley_converter = new SmileyConverter(text_view); scrolled_window.vadjustment.changed.connect(on_upper_notify); text_view.realize.connect(() => { var minimum_size = new Requisition(); scrolled_window.get_preferred_size(out minimum_size, null); vscrollbar_min_height = minimum_size.height; }); } private void on_upper_notify() { // hack. otherwise the textview would only show the last row(s) when entering a new row on some systems. if (text_view.get_height() < scrolled_window.max_content_height - 20) { scrolled_window.vadjustment.page_size = scrolled_window.vadjustment.upper; } // hack for vscrollbar not requiring space and making textview higher //TODO doesn't resize immediately scrolled_window.get_vscrollbar().visible = (scrolled_window.vadjustment.upper > scrolled_window.max_content_height - 2 * this.vscrollbar_min_height); } private bool on_text_input_key_press(uint keyval, uint keycode, Gdk.ModifierType state) { if (keyval in new uint[]{ Key.Return, Key.KP_Enter }) { if ((state & ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK) > 0) { text_view.buffer.insert_at_cursor("\n", 1); } else if (text_view.buffer.text.strip() != "") { send_text(); } return true; } if (keyval == Key.Escape) { cancel_input(); } return false; } } }