using Gee; using Gtk; using Dino.Entities; namespace Dino.Ui.ManageAccounts { [GtkTemplate (ui = "/org/dino-im/manage_accounts/add_account_dialog.ui")] public class AddAccountDialog : Gtk.Dialog { public signal void added(Account account); [GtkChild] private Button cancel_button; [GtkChild] private Button ok_button; [GtkChild] private Entry alias_entry; [GtkChild] private Entry jid_entry; [GtkChild] private Entry password_entry; public AddAccountDialog(StreamInteractor stream_interactor) { Object(use_header_bar : 1); this.title = "Add Account"; cancel_button.clicked.connect(() => { close(); }); ok_button.clicked.connect(on_ok_button_clicked); jid_entry.changed.connect(on_jid_entry_changed); jid_entry.focus_out_event.connect(on_jid_entry_focus_out_event); } private void on_jid_entry_changed() { Jid? jid = Jid.parse(jid_entry.text); if (jid != null && jid.localpart != null && jid.resourcepart == null) { ok_button.set_sensitive(true); jid_entry.secondary_icon_name = null; } else { ok_button.set_sensitive(false); } } private bool on_jid_entry_focus_out_event() { Jid? jid = Jid.parse(jid_entry.text); if (jid == null || jid.localpart == null || jid.resourcepart != null) { jid_entry.secondary_icon_name = "dialog-warning-symbolic"; // TODO why doesn't the tooltip work jid_entry.set_icon_tooltip_text(EntryIconPosition.SECONDARY, "JID should be of the form \"\""); } else { jid_entry.secondary_icon_name = null; } return false; } private void on_ok_button_clicked() { Jid jid = new Jid(jid_entry.get_text()); string password = password_entry.get_text(); string alias = alias_entry.get_text(); Account account = new Account(jid, null, password, alias); added(account); close(); } } }