using Gee; using Gtk; using Dino.Entities; using Xmpp; using Xmpp.Xep; namespace Dino.Ui.Util { private static Regex URL_REGEX; private static Regex CODE_BLOCK_REGEX; private static Map MATCHING_CHARS; private const unichar[] NON_TRAILING_CHARS = {'\'', '"', ',', '.', ';', '!', '?', '»', '”', '’', '`', '~', '‽', ':', '>', '*', '_'}; private const string[] ALLOWED_SCHEMAS = {"http", "https", "ftp", "ftps", "irc", "ircs", "xmpp", "mailto", "sms", "smsto", "mms", "tel", "geo", "openpgp4fpr", "im", "news", "nntp", "sip", "ssh", "bitcoin", "sftp", "magnet", "vnc"}; private const string[] tango_colors_light = {"FCE94F", "FCAF3E", "E9B96E", "8AE234", "729FCF", "AD7FA8", "EF2929"}; private const string[] tango_colors_medium = {"EDD400", "F57900", "C17D11", "73D216", "3465A4", "75507B", "CC0000"}; private const string[] material_colors_800 = {"D32F2F", "C2185B", "7B1FA2", "512DA8", "303F9F", "1976D2", "0288D1", "0097A7", "00796B", "388E3C", "689F38", "AFB42B", "FFA000", "F57C00", "E64A19", "5D4037"}; private const string[] material_colors_500 = {"F44336", "E91E63", "9C27B0", "673AB7", "3f51B5", "2196F3", "03A9f4", "00BCD4", "009688", "4CAF50", "8BC34a", "CDDC39", "FFC107", "FF9800", "FF5722", "795548"}; private const string[] material_colors_300 = {"E57373", "F06292", "BA68C8", "9575CD", "7986CB", "64B5F6", "4FC3F7", "4DD0E1", "4DB6AC", "81C784", "AED581", "DCE775", "FFD54F", "FFB74D", "FF8A65", "A1887F"}; private const string[] material_colors_200 = {"EF9A9A", "F48FB1", "CE93D8", "B39DDB", "9FA8DA", "90CAF9", "81D4FA", "80DEEA", "80CBC4", "A5D6A7", "C5E1A5", "E6EE9C", "FFE082", "FFCC80", "FFAB91", "BCAAA4"}; public static string get_consistent_hex_color(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Account account, Jid jid, bool dark_theme = false) { uint8[] rgb; if (stream_interactor.get_module(MucManager.IDENTITY).is_groupchat(jid.bare_jid, account) && jid.resourcepart != null) { rgb = ConsistentColor.string_to_rgb(jid.resourcepart); } else { rgb = ConsistentColor.string_to_rgb(jid.bare_jid.to_string()); } return "%.2x%.2x%.2x".printf(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); } public static string get_avatar_hex_color(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Account account, Jid jid, Conversation? conversation = null) { return get_consistent_hex_color(stream_interactor, account, get_relevant_jid(stream_interactor, account, jid, conversation)); } public static string get_name_hex_color(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Account account, Jid jid, bool dark_theme = false, Conversation? conversation = null) { return get_consistent_hex_color(stream_interactor, account, get_relevant_jid(stream_interactor, account, jid, conversation), dark_theme); } private static Jid get_relevant_jid(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Account account, Jid jid, Conversation? conversation = null) { Conversation conversation_ = conversation ?? stream_interactor.get_module(ConversationManager.IDENTITY).get_conversation(jid.bare_jid, account); if (conversation_ != null && conversation_.type_ == Conversation.Type.GROUPCHAT) { Jid? real_jid = stream_interactor.get_module(MucManager.IDENTITY).get_real_jid(jid, account); if (real_jid != null) { return real_jid.bare_jid; } } else { return jid.bare_jid; } return jid; } public static string color_for_show(string show) { switch(show) { case "online": return "#9CCC65"; case "away": return "#FFCA28"; case "chat": return "#66BB6A"; case "xa": return "#EF5350"; case "dnd": return "#EF5350"; default: return "#BDBDBD"; } } public static string get_conversation_display_name(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Conversation conversation) { return Dino.get_conversation_display_name(stream_interactor, conversation, _("%s from %s")); } public static string get_participant_display_name(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Conversation conversation, Jid participant, bool me_is_me = false) { return Dino.get_participant_display_name(stream_interactor, conversation, participant, me_is_me ? _("Me") : null); } public static string? get_real_display_name(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Account account, Jid jid, bool me_is_me = false) { return Dino.get_real_display_name(stream_interactor, account, jid, me_is_me ? _("Me") : null); } public static string get_groupchat_display_name(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Account account, Jid jid) { return Dino.get_groupchat_display_name(stream_interactor, account, jid); } public static string get_occupant_display_name(StreamInteractor stream_interactor, Conversation conversation, Jid jid, bool me_is_me = false, bool muc_real_name = false) { return Dino.get_occupant_display_name(stream_interactor, conversation, jid, me_is_me ? _("Me") : null); } public static Gdk.RGBA get_label_pango_color(Label label, string css_color) { Gtk.CssProvider provider = force_color(label, css_color); Gdk.RGBA color_rgba = label.get_style_context().get_color(); label.get_style_context().remove_provider(provider); return color_rgba; } public static string rgba_to_hex(Gdk.RGBA rgba) { return "#%02x%02x%02x%02x".printf( (uint)(Math.round(*255)), (uint)(Math.round(*255)), (uint)(Math.round(*255)), (uint)(Math.round(rgba.alpha*255))) .up(); } private const string force_background_css = "%s { background-color: %s; }"; private const string force_color_css = "%s { color: %s; }"; public static Gtk.CssProvider force_css(Gtk.Widget widget, string css) { var p = new Gtk.CssProvider(); try { #if GTK_4_12 && (VALA_0_56_GREATER_11 || VALA_0_58) p.load_from_string(css); #elif (VALA_0_56_11 || VALA_0_56_12) p.load_from_data(css, css.length); #else p.load_from_data(; #endif widget.get_style_context().add_provider(p, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION); } catch (GLib.Error err) { // handle err } return p; } public static void force_background(Gtk.Widget widget, string color, string selector = "*") { force_css(widget, force_background_css.printf(selector, color)); } public static Gtk.CssProvider force_color(Gtk.Widget widget, string color, string selector = "*") { return force_css(widget, force_color_css.printf(selector, color)); } public static void force_error_color(Gtk.Widget widget, string selector = "*") { force_color(widget, "@error_color", selector); } public static bool is_dark_theme(Gtk.Widget widget) { Gdk.RGBA bg = widget.get_style_context().get_color(); return ( > 0.5 && > 0.5 && > 0.5); } private static uint8 is24h = 0; public static bool is_24h_format() { if (is24h == 0) { string p_format = " "; // Leaving room to be filled by strftime Time.local(0).strftime((char[]), "%p"); is24h = p_format.strip() == "" ? 1 : -1; } return is24h == 1; } public static string format_time(DateTime datetime, string format_24h, string format_12h) { string format = Util.is_24h_format() ? format_24h : format_12h; if (!get_charset(null)) { // No UTF-8 support, use simple colon for time instead format = format.replace("∶", ":"); } return datetime.format(format); } public static Regex get_url_regex() { if (URL_REGEX == null) { URL_REGEX = /\b(((http|ftp)s?:\/\/|(ircs?|xmpp|mailto|sms|smsto|mms|tel|geo|openpgp4fpr|im|news|nntp|sip|ssh|bitcoin|sftp|magnet|vnc|urn):)\S+)/; } return URL_REGEX; } public static Map get_matching_chars() { if (MATCHING_CHARS == null) { MATCHING_CHARS = new HashMap(); MATCHING_CHARS[")".get_char(0)] = "(".get_char(0); MATCHING_CHARS["]".get_char(0)] = "[".get_char(0); MATCHING_CHARS["}".get_char(0)] = "{".get_char(0); } return MATCHING_CHARS; } public static string parse_add_markup(string s_, string? highlight_word, bool parse_links, bool parse_text_markup) { bool ignore_out_var = false; return parse_add_markup_theme(s_, highlight_word, parse_links, parse_text_markup, parse_text_markup, false, ref ignore_out_var); } public static string parse_add_markup_theme(string s_, string? highlight_word, bool parse_links, bool parse_text_markup, bool parse_quotes, bool dark_theme, ref bool theme_dependent, bool already_escaped_ = false) { string s = s_; bool already_escaped = already_escaped_; if (parse_quotes) { string gt = already_escaped ? ">" : ">"; Regex quote_regex = new Regex("((?<=\n)" + gt + ".*(\n|$))|(^" + gt + ".*(\n|$))"); MatchInfo quote_match_info; quote_regex.match(s.down(), 0, out quote_match_info); if (quote_match_info.matches()) { int start, end; string dim_color = dark_theme ? "#BDBDBD": "#707070"; theme_dependent = true; quote_match_info.fetch_pos(0, out start, out end); return parse_add_markup_theme(s[0:start], highlight_word, parse_links, parse_text_markup, parse_quotes, dark_theme, ref theme_dependent, already_escaped) + @"$gt" + parse_add_markup_theme(s[start + gt.length:end], highlight_word, parse_links, parse_text_markup, false, dark_theme, ref theme_dependent, already_escaped) + "" + parse_add_markup_theme(s[end:s.length], highlight_word, parse_links, parse_text_markup, parse_quotes, dark_theme, ref theme_dependent, already_escaped); } } if (parse_links && !already_escaped) { MatchInfo match_info; get_url_regex().match(s.down(), 0, out match_info); while (match_info.matches()) { int start, end; match_info.fetch_pos(0, out start, out end); string link = s[start:end]; if (GLib.Uri.parse_scheme(link) in ALLOWED_SCHEMAS) { Map matching_chars = get_matching_chars(); unichar close_char; int last_char_index = link.length; while (link.get_prev_char(ref last_char_index, out close_char)) { if (matching_chars.has_key(close_char)) { unichar open_char = matching_chars[close_char]; unichar char; int index = 0; int open = 0, close = 0; while (link.get_next_char(ref index, out char)) { if (char == open_char) { open++; } else if (char == close_char) { close++; } } if (close > open) { // Remove last char from url end -= close_char.to_string().length; link = s[start:end]; } else { break; } } else if (close_char in NON_TRAILING_CHARS) { // Remove last char from url end -= close_char.to_string().length; link = s[start:end]; } else { break; } } return parse_add_markup_theme(s[0:start], highlight_word, parse_links, parse_text_markup, false, dark_theme, ref theme_dependent, already_escaped) + "" + parse_add_markup_theme(link, highlight_word, false, false, false, dark_theme, ref theme_dependent, already_escaped) + "" + parse_add_markup_theme(s[end:s.length], highlight_word, parse_links, parse_text_markup, false, dark_theme, ref theme_dependent, already_escaped); }; } } if (!already_escaped) { s = Markup.escape_text(s); already_escaped = true; } if (highlight_word != null) { try { Regex highlight_regex = new Regex("\\b" + Regex.escape_string(highlight_word.down()) + "\\b"); MatchInfo match_info; highlight_regex.match(s.down(), 0, out match_info); if (match_info.matches()) { int start, end; match_info.fetch_pos(0, out start, out end); return parse_add_markup_theme(s[0:start], highlight_word, parse_links, parse_text_markup, false, dark_theme, ref theme_dependent, already_escaped) + "" + s[start:end] + "" + parse_add_markup_theme(s[end:s.length], highlight_word, parse_links, parse_text_markup, false, dark_theme, ref theme_dependent, already_escaped); } } catch (RegexError e) { assert_not_reached(); } } if (parse_text_markup) { string[] markup_string = new string[]{"`", "_", "*", "~"}; string[] convenience_tag = new string[]{"tt", "i", "b", "s"}; for (int i = 0; i < markup_string.length; i++) { string markup_esc = Regex.escape_string(markup_string[i]); try { Regex regex = new Regex("(^|\\s)" + markup_esc + "(\\S|\\S.*?\\S)" + markup_esc); MatchInfo match_info; regex.match(s.down(), 0, out match_info); if (match_info.matches()) { int start, end; match_info.fetch_pos(2, out start, out end); return parse_add_markup_theme(s[0:start-1], highlight_word, parse_links, parse_text_markup, false, dark_theme, ref theme_dependent, already_escaped) + "" + s[start-1:start] + "" + @"<$(convenience_tag[i])>" + s[start:end] + @"" + "" + s[end:end+1] + "" + parse_add_markup_theme(s[end+1:s.length], highlight_word, parse_links, parse_text_markup, false, dark_theme, ref theme_dependent, already_escaped); } } catch (RegexError e) { assert_not_reached(); } } } return s; } // Modifies `markups`. public string remove_fallbacks_adjust_markups(string text, bool contains_quote, Gee.List fallbacks, Gee.List markups) { string processed_text = text; foreach (var fallback in fallbacks) { if (fallback.ns_uri == Xep.Replies.NS_URI && contains_quote) { foreach (var fallback_location in fallback.locations) { processed_text = processed_text[0:processed_text.index_of_nth_char(fallback_location.from_char)] + processed_text[processed_text.index_of_nth_char(fallback_location.to_char):processed_text.length]; int length = fallback_location.to_char - fallback_location.from_char; foreach (Xep.MessageMarkup.Span span in markups) { if (span.start_char > fallback_location.to_char) { span.start_char -= length; } if (span.end_char > fallback_location.to_char) { span.end_char -= length; } } } } } return processed_text; } /** * This is a heuristic to count emojis in a string {@link} * * @param markup_text string to search in * @return number of emojis, or -1 if text includes non-emojis. */ public int get_only_emoji_count(string markup_text) { int emoji_no = 0; int index_ref = 0; unichar curchar = 0, altchar = 0; bool last_was_emoji = false, last_was_modifier_base = false, last_was_keycap = false; while (markup_text.get_next_char(ref index_ref, out curchar)) { if (last_was_emoji && last_was_keycap && curchar == 0x20E3) { // keycap sequence continue; } last_was_keycap = false; if (last_was_emoji && curchar == 0x200D && markup_text.get_next_char(ref index_ref, out curchar)) { // zero width joiner last_was_emoji = false; emoji_no--; } if (last_was_emoji && curchar == 0xFE0F) { // Variation selector after emoji is useless, ignoring. } else if (last_was_emoji && last_was_modifier_base && ICU.has_binary_property(curchar, ICU.Property.EMOJI_MODIFIER)) { // still an emoji, but no longer a modifier base last_was_modifier_base = false; } else if (ICU.has_binary_property(curchar, ICU.Property.EMOJI_PRESENTATION)) { if (ICU.has_binary_property(curchar, ICU.Property.EMOJI_MODIFIER_BASE)) { last_was_modifier_base = true; } emoji_no++; last_was_emoji = true; } else if (curchar == ' ') { last_was_emoji = false; } else if (markup_text.get_next_char(ref index_ref, out altchar) && altchar == 0xFE0F) { // U+FE0F = VARIATION SELECTOR-16 emoji_no++; last_was_emoji = true; last_was_keycap = (curchar >= 0x30 && curchar <= 0x39) || curchar == 0x23 || curchar == 0x2A; } else { return -1; } } return emoji_no; } public string summarize_whitespaces_to_space(string s) { try { return (/\s+/).replace_literal(s, -1, 0, " "); } catch (RegexError e) { critical("RegexError when summarizing whitespaces in '%s': %s", s, e.message); return s; } } public void present_window(Window window) { #if GDK3_WITH_X11 Gdk.X11.Window x11window = window.get_window() as Gdk.X11.Window; if (x11window != null) { window.present_with_time(Gdk.X11.get_server_time(x11window)); } else { window.present(); } #else window.present(); #endif } public bool use_csd() { return ((Application) GLib.Application.get_default()).use_csd(); } public Widget? widget_if_tooltips_active(Widget w) { return use_tooltips() ? w : null; } public string? string_if_tooltips_active(string? s) { return use_tooltips() ? s : null; } public bool use_tooltips() { return Gtk.MINOR_VERSION != 6 || (Gtk.MICRO_VERSION < 4 || Gtk.MICRO_VERSION > 6); } public static void menu_button_set_icon_with_size(MenuButton menu_button, string icon_name, int pixel_size) { #if GTK_4_6 && VALA_0_52 menu_button.set_child(new Image.from_icon_name(icon_name) { pixel_size=pixel_size }); #else menu_button.set_icon_name(icon_name); var button = menu_button.get_first_child() as Button; if (button == null) return; var box = button.child as Box; if (box == null) return; var image = box.get_first_child() as Image; if (image == null) return; image.pixel_size = pixel_size; #endif } }