using Gee; using Dino.Entities; using Xmpp; using Xmpp.Xep; private extern const size_t NICE_ADDRESS_STRING_LEN; public class Dino.Plugins.Ice.Plugin : RootInterface, Object { private HashMap<Account, uint> timeouts = new HashMap<Account, uint>(Account.hash_func, Account.equals_func); public Dino.Application app; public void registered(Dino.Application app) { Nice.debug_enable(true); = app; app.stream_interactor.module_manager.initialize_account_modules.connect((account, list) => { list.add(new Module()); }); app.stream_interactor.stream_attached_modules.connect((account, stream) => { if (stream.get_module(Socks5Bytestreams.Module.IDENTITY) != null) { stream.get_module(Socks5Bytestreams.Module.IDENTITY).set_local_ip_address_handler(get_local_ip_addresses); } if (stream.get_module(JingleRawUdp.Module.IDENTITY) != null) { stream.get_module(JingleRawUdp.Module.IDENTITY).set_local_ip_address_handler(get_local_ip_addresses); } }); app.stream_interactor.stream_negotiated.connect(external_discovery_refresh_services); } private async void external_discovery_refresh_services(Account account, XmppStream stream) { Module? ice_udp_module = stream.get_module(JingleIceUdp.Module.IDENTITY) as Module; if (ice_udp_module == null) return; Gee.List<Xep.ExternalServiceDiscovery.Service> services = yield ExternalServiceDiscovery.request_services(stream); foreach (Xep.ExternalServiceDiscovery.Service service in services) { if (service.transport == "udp" && (service.ty == "stun" || service.ty == "turn")) { InetAddress? ip = yield lookup_ipv4_addess(; if (ip == null) continue; if (ip.is_any || ip.is_link_local || ip.is_loopback || ip.is_multicast || ip.is_site_local) { warning("Ignoring STUN/TURN server at %s",; continue; } if (service.ty == "stun") { debug("Server offers STUN server: %s:%u, resolved to %s",, service.port, ip.to_string()); ice_udp_module.stun_ip = ip.to_string(); ice_udp_module.stun_port = service.port; } else if (service.ty == "turn") { debug("Server offers TURN server: %s:%u, resolved to %s",, service.port, ip.to_string()); ice_udp_module.turn_ip = ip.to_string(); ice_udp_module.turn_service = service; } } } if (ice_udp_module.stun_ip == null) { InetAddress ip = yield lookup_ipv4_addess(""); if (ip == null) return; debug("Using fallback STUN server:, resolved to %s", ip.to_string()); ice_udp_module.stun_ip = ip.to_string(); ice_udp_module.stun_port = 7886; } // Refresh TURN credentials before they expire if (ice_udp_module.turn_service != null) { DateTime? expires = ice_udp_module.turn_service.expires; if (expires != null) { uint refresh_delay = (uint) (expires.to_unix() - new DateTime.now_utc().to_unix()) / 2; if (refresh_delay >= 300 && refresh_delay <= (int64) uint.MAX) { // 5 min < refetch < max debug("Re-fetching TURN credentials in %u sec", refresh_delay); timeouts.unset(account); timeouts[account] = Timeout.add_seconds((uint) refresh_delay, () => { external_discovery_refresh_services.begin(account, stream); return false; }); } else { warning("TURN credentials' expiry time = %u, *not* re-fetching", refresh_delay); } } } } public void shutdown() { // Nothing to do } private async InetAddress? lookup_ipv4_addess(string host) { try { Resolver resolver = Resolver.get_default(); GLib.List<GLib.InetAddress>? ips = yield resolver.lookup_by_name_async(host); foreach (GLib.InetAddress ina in ips) { if (ina.get_family() != SocketFamily.IPV4) continue; return ina; } } catch (Error e) { warning("Failed looking up IP address of %s", host); } return null; } }