using Gee; using Gtk; using Crypto; using Dino.Entities; using Xmpp; using Signal; namespace Dino.Plugins.Omemo { public class OmemoHttpFileMeta : HttpFileMeta { public uint8[] iv; public uint8[] key; } public class OmemoFileEncryptor : Dino.FileEncryptor, Object { public bool can_encrypt_file(Conversation conversation, FileTransfer file_transfer) { return file_transfer.encryption == Encryption.OMEMO; } public FileMeta encrypt_file(Conversation conversation, FileTransfer file_transfer) throws FileSendError { const uint KEY_SIZE = 32; const uint IV_SIZE = 12; var omemo_http_file_meta = new OmemoHttpFileMeta(); try { //Create a key and use it to encrypt the file uint8[] iv = new uint8[IV_SIZE]; Plugin.get_context().randomize(iv); uint8[] key = new uint8[KEY_SIZE]; Plugin.get_context().randomize(key); SymmetricCipher cipher = new SymmetricCipher("AES-GCM"); cipher.set_key(key); cipher.set_iv(iv); omemo_http_file_meta.iv = iv; omemo_http_file_meta.key = key; omemo_http_file_meta.size = file_transfer.size + 16; omemo_http_file_meta.mime_type = "omemo"; file_transfer.input_stream = new ConverterInputStream(file_transfer.input_stream, new SymmetricCipherEncrypter((owned) cipher, 16)); } catch (Crypto.Error error) { throw new FileSendError.ENCRYPTION_FAILED("OMEMO file encryption error: %s".printf(error.message)); } catch (GLib.Error error) { throw new FileSendError.ENCRYPTION_FAILED("OMEMO file encryption error: %s".printf(error.message)); } debug("Encrypting file %s as %s", file_transfer.file_name, file_transfer.server_file_name); return omemo_http_file_meta; } public FileSendData? preprocess_send_file(Conversation conversation, FileTransfer file_transfer, FileSendData file_send_data, FileMeta file_meta) { HttpFileSendData? send_data = file_send_data as HttpFileSendData; if (send_data == null) return null; OmemoHttpFileMeta? omemo_http_file_meta = file_meta as OmemoHttpFileMeta; if (omemo_http_file_meta == null) return null; // Convert iv and key to hex string iv_and_key = ""; foreach (uint8 byte in omemo_http_file_meta.iv) iv_and_key += byte.to_string("%02x"); foreach (uint8 byte in omemo_http_file_meta.key) iv_and_key += byte.to_string("%02x"); string aesgcm_link = send_data.url_down + "#" + iv_and_key; aesgcm_link = "aesgcm://" + aesgcm_link.substring(8); // replace https:// by aesgcm:// send_data.url_down = aesgcm_link; send_data.encrypt_message = true; return file_send_data; } } }