[CCode (cheader_filename = "qrencode.h")] namespace Qrencode { [CCode (cname = "QRecLevel", cprefix = "QR_ECLEVEL_")] public enum ECLevel { L, M, Q, H } [CCode (cname = "QRencodeMode", cprefix = "QR_MODE_")] public enum EncodeMode { NUL, NUM, AN, [CCode (cname = "QR_MODE_8")] EIGHT_BIT, KANJI, STRUCTURE, ECI, FNC1FIRST, FNC1SECOND } [CCode (cname = "QRcode", free_function = "QRcode_free", has_type_id = false)] [Compact] public class QRcode { private int version; private int width; [CCode (array_length = false)] private uint8[] data; [CCode (cname = "QRcode_encodeString")] public QRcode (string str, int version = 0, ECLevel level = ECLevel.L, EncodeMode hint = EncodeMode.EIGHT_BIT, bool casesensitive = true); public Gdk.Paintable to_paintable(int module_size) { GLib.assert(module_size > 0); var dst_width = width*module_size; var dst_data = new uint8[dst_width*dst_width*3]; expand_and_upsample(data,width,width, dst_data,dst_width,dst_width); return new Gdk.MemoryTexture(dst_width, dst_width, Gdk.MemoryFormat.R8G8B8, new GLib.Bytes.take((owned) dst_data), dst_width*3); } /** Does 2D nearest-neighbor upsampling of an array of single-byte * samples, while expanding the least significant bit of each sample * to three 0-or-255 bytes. */ private void expand_and_upsample( uint8[] src, uint src_w, uint src_h, uint8[] dst, uint dst_w, uint dst_h) { GLib.assert(dst_w % src_w == 0); GLib.assert(dst_h % src_h == 0); var scale_x = dst_w/src_w, scale_y = dst_h/src_h; /* Doing the iteration in the order of destination samples for * improved cache-friendliness (dst is 48 times larger than src in * the typical case of scaling by 4x4). * The choice of multiple nested loops over a single one is for * avoiding a ton of divisions by non-constants. */ for (uint src_y = 0; src_y < src_h; ++src_y) { for (uint repeat_y = 0; repeat_y < scale_y; ++repeat_y) { var dst_y = src_y*scale_y + repeat_y; for (uint src_x = 0; src_x < src_w; ++src_x) { uint8 value = (src[src_y*src_w + src_x] & 1)==1 ? 0:255; for (uint repeat_x = 0; repeat_x < scale_x; ++repeat_x){ var dst_x = src_x*scale_x + repeat_x; var dst_idx = dst_y*dst_w + dst_x; dst[dst_idx*3+0] = value; dst[dst_idx*3+1] = value; dst[dst_idx*3+2] = value; } } } } } } }