using Gee; using Xmpp; using Xmpp.Xep; public class Dino.Plugins.Rtp.CodecUtil { private Set supported_elements = new HashSet(); private Set unsupported_elements = new HashSet(); public static Gst.Caps get_caps(string media, JingleRtp.PayloadType payload_type) { Gst.Caps caps = new Gst.Caps.simple("application/x-rtp", "media", typeof(string), media, "payload", typeof(int),; //"channels", typeof(int), payloadType.channels, //"max-ptime", typeof(int), payloadType.maxptime); unowned Gst.Structure s = caps.get_structure(0); if (payload_type.clockrate != 0) { s.set("clock-rate", typeof(int), payload_type.clockrate); } if ( != null) { s.set("encoding-name", typeof(string),; } return caps; } public static string? get_codec_from_payload(string media, JingleRtp.PayloadType payload_type) { if ( != null) return; if (media == "audio") { switch ( { case 0: return "pcmu"; case 8: return "pcma"; } } return null; } public static string? get_media_type_from_payload(string media, JingleRtp.PayloadType payload_type) { return get_media_type(media, get_codec_from_payload(media, payload_type)); } public static string? get_media_type(string media, string? codec) { if (codec == null) return null; if (media == "audio") { switch (codec) { case "pcma": return "audio/x-alaw"; case "pcmu": return "audio/x-mulaw"; } } return @"$media/x-$codec"; } public static string? get_rtp_pay_element_name_from_payload(string media, JingleRtp.PayloadType payload_type) { return get_pay_candidate(media, get_codec_from_payload(media, payload_type)); } public static string? get_pay_candidate(string media, string? codec) { if (codec == null) return null; return @"rtp$(codec)pay"; } public static string? get_rtp_depay_element_name_from_payload(string media, JingleRtp.PayloadType payload_type) { return get_depay_candidate(media, get_codec_from_payload(media, payload_type)); } public static string? get_depay_candidate(string media, string? codec) { if (codec == null) return null; return @"rtp$(codec)depay"; } public static string[] get_encode_candidates(string media, string? codec) { if (codec == null) return new string[0]; if (media == "audio") { switch (codec) { case "opus": return new string[] {"opusenc"}; case "speex": return new string[] {"speexenc"}; case "pcma": return new string[] {"alawenc"}; case "pcmu": return new string[] {"mulawenc"}; } } else if (media == "video") { switch (codec) { case "h264": return new string[] {/*"msdkh264enc", */"vaapih264enc", "x264enc"}; case "vp9": return new string[] {/*"msdkvp9enc", */"vaapivp9enc" /*, "vp9enc" */}; case "vp8": return new string[] {/*"msdkvp8enc", */"vaapivp8enc", "vp8enc"}; } } return new string[0]; } public static string[] get_decode_candidates(string media, string? codec) { if (codec == null) return new string[0]; if (media == "audio") { switch (codec) { case "opus": return new string[] {"opusdec"}; case "speex": return new string[] {"speexdec"}; case "pcma": return new string[] {"alawdec"}; case "pcmu": return new string[] {"mulawdec"}; } } else if (media == "video") { switch (codec) { case "h264": return new string[] {/*"msdkh264dec", */"vaapih264dec"}; case "vp9": return new string[] {/*"msdkvp9dec", */"vaapivp9dec", "vp9dec"}; case "vp8": return new string[] {/*"msdkvp8dec", */"vaapivp8dec", "vp8dec"}; } } return new string[0]; } public static string? get_encode_prefix(string media, string codec, string encode) { if (encode == "msdkh264enc") return "video/x-raw,format=NV12 ! "; if (encode == "vaapih264enc") return "video/x-raw,format=NV12 ! "; return null; } public static string? get_encode_suffix(string media, string codec, string encode) { // H264 const string h264_suffix = " ! video/x-h264,profile=constrained-baseline ! h264parse"; if (encode == "msdkh264enc") return @" bitrate=256 rate-control=vbr target-usage=7$h264_suffix"; if (encode == "vaapih264enc") return @" bitrate=256 quality-level=7 tune=low-power$h264_suffix"; if (encode == "x264enc") return @" byte-stream=1 bitrate=256 profile=baseline speed-preset=ultrafast tune=zerolatency$h264_suffix"; if (media == "video" && codec == "h264") return h264_suffix; // VP8 if (encode == "msdkvp8enc") return " bitrate=256 rate-control=vbr target-usage=7"; if (encode == "vaapivp8enc") return " bitrate=256 rate-control=vbr quality-level=7"; if (encode == "vp8enc") return " target-bitrate=256000 deadline=1 error-resilient=1"; // OPUS if (encode == "opusenc") return " audio-type=voice"; return null; } public static string? get_decode_prefix(string media, string codec, string decode) { return null; } public bool is_element_supported(string element_name) { if (unsupported_elements.contains(element_name)) return false; if (supported_elements.contains(element_name)) return true; var test_element = Gst.ElementFactory.make(element_name, @"test-$element_name"); if (test_element != null) { supported_elements.add(element_name); return true; } else { debug("%s is not supported on this platform", element_name); unsupported_elements.add(element_name); return false; } } public string? get_encode_element_name(string media, string? codec) { foreach (string candidate in get_encode_candidates(media, codec)) { if (is_element_supported(candidate)) return candidate; } return null; } public string? get_pay_element_name(string media, string? codec) { string candidate = get_pay_candidate(media, codec); if (is_element_supported(candidate)) return candidate; return null; } public string? get_decode_element_name(string media, string? codec) { foreach (string candidate in get_decode_candidates(media, codec)) { if (is_element_supported(candidate)) return candidate; } return null; } public string? get_depay_element_name(string media, string? codec) { string candidate = get_depay_candidate(media, codec); if (is_element_supported(candidate)) return candidate; return null; } public void mark_element_unsupported(string element_name) { unsupported_elements.add(element_name); } public string? get_decode_bin_description(string media, string? codec, string? element_name = null, string? name = null) { if (codec == null) return null; string base_name = name ?? @"encode-$codec-$(Random.next_int())"; string depay = get_depay_element_name(media, codec); string decode = element_name ?? get_decode_element_name(media, codec); if (depay == null || decode == null) return null; string decode_prefix = get_decode_prefix(media, codec, decode) ?? ""; return @"$depay name=$base_name-rtp-depay ! $decode_prefix$decode name=$base_name-decode ! $(media)convert name=$base_name-convert"; } public Gst.Element? get_decode_bin(string media, JingleRtp.PayloadType payload_type, string? name = null) { string? codec = get_codec_from_payload(media, payload_type); string base_name = name ?? @"encode-$codec-$(Random.next_int())"; string? desc = get_decode_bin_description(media, codec, null, base_name); if (desc == null) return null; debug("Pipeline to decode %s %s: %s", media, codec, desc); Gst.Element bin = Gst.parse_bin_from_description(desc, true); = name; return bin; } public string? get_encode_bin_description(string media, string? codec, string? element_name = null, uint pt = 96, string? name = null) { if (codec == null) return null; string base_name = name ?? @"encode-$codec-$(Random.next_int())"; string pay = get_pay_element_name(media, codec); string encode = element_name ?? get_encode_element_name(media, codec); if (pay == null || encode == null) return null; string encode_prefix = get_encode_prefix(media, codec, encode) ?? ""; string encode_suffix = get_encode_suffix(media, codec, encode) ?? ""; if (media == "audio") { return @"audioconvert name=$base_name-convert ! audioresample name=$base_name-resample ! $encode_prefix$encode$encode_suffix ! $pay pt=$pt name=$base_name-rtp-pay"; } else { return @"$(media)convert name=$base_name-convert ! $encode_prefix$encode$encode_suffix ! $pay pt=$pt name=$base_name-rtp-pay"; } } public Gst.Element? get_encode_bin(string media, JingleRtp.PayloadType payload_type, string? name = null) { string? codec = get_codec_from_payload(media, payload_type); string base_name = name ?? @"encode-$codec-$(Random.next_int())"; string? desc = get_encode_bin_description(media, codec, null,, base_name); if (desc == null) return null; debug("Pipeline to encode %s %s: %s", media, codec, desc); Gst.Element bin = Gst.parse_bin_from_description(desc, true); = name; return bin; } }