public class Dino.Plugins.Rtp.Device : MediaDevice, Object { public Plugin plugin { get; private set; } public Gst.Device device { get; private set; } private string device_name; public string id { get { return device_name; }} private string device_display_name; public string display_name { get { return device_display_name; }} public string detail_name { get { return"alsa.card_name") ??"") ?? id; }} public Gst.Pipeline pipe { get { return plugin.pipe; }} public string? media { get { if (device.device_class.has_prefix("Audio/")) { return "audio"; } else if (device.device_class.has_prefix("Video/")) { return "video"; } else { return null; } }} public bool is_source { get { return device.device_class.has_suffix("/Source"); }} public bool is_sink { get { return device.device_class.has_suffix("/Sink"); }} private Gst.Element element; private Gst.Element tee; private Gst.Element dsp; private Gst.Element mixer; private Gst.Element filter; private Gst.Element rate; private int links = 0; public Device(Plugin plugin, Gst.Device device) { this.plugin = plugin; update(device); } public bool matches(Gst.Device device) { if ( == return true; return false; } public void update(Gst.Device device) { this.device = device; this.device_name =; this.device_display_name = device.display_name; } public Gst.Element? link_sink() { if (element == null) create(); links++; if (mixer != null) return mixer; if (is_sink && media == "audio") return filter; return element; } public Gst.Element? link_source() { if (element == null) create(); links++; if (tee != null) return tee; return element; } public void unlink() { if (links <= 0) { critical("Link count below zero."); return; } links--; if (links == 0) { destroy(); } } private Gst.Caps get_best_caps() { if (media == "audio") { return Gst.Caps.from_string("audio/x-raw,rate=48000,channels=1"); } else if (media == "video" && device.caps.get_size() > 0) { int best_index = 0; Value? best_fraction = null; int best_fps = 0; int best_width = 0; int best_height = 0; for (int i = 0; i < device.caps.get_size(); i++) { unowned Gst.Structure? that = device.caps.get_structure(i); if (!that.has_name("video/x-raw")) continue; int num = 0, den = 0, width = 0, height = 0; if (!that.has_field("framerate")) continue; Value framerate = that.get_value("framerate"); if (framerate.type() == typeof(Gst.Fraction)) { num = Gst.Value.get_fraction_numerator(framerate); den = Gst.Value.get_fraction_denominator(framerate); } else if (framerate.type() == typeof(Gst.ValueList)) { for(uint j = 0; j < Gst.ValueList.get_size(framerate); j++) { Value fraction = Gst.ValueList.get_value(framerate, j); int in_num = Gst.Value.get_fraction_numerator(fraction); int in_den = Gst.Value.get_fraction_denominator(fraction); int fps = den > 0 ? (num/den) : 0; int in_fps = in_den > 0 ? (in_num/in_den) : 0; if (in_fps > fps) { best_fraction = fraction; num = in_num; den = in_den; } } } else { debug("Unknown type for framerate: %s", framerate.type_name()); } if (den == 0) continue; if (!that.has_field("width") || !that.get_int("width", out width)) continue; if (!that.has_field("height") || !that.get_int("height", out height)) continue; int fps = num/den; if (best_fps < fps || best_fps == fps && best_width < width || best_fps == fps && best_width == width && best_height < height) { best_fps = fps; best_width = width; best_height = height; best_index = i; } } Gst.Caps res = caps_copy_nth(device.caps, best_index); unowned Gst.Structure? that = res.get_structure(0); Value framerate = that.get_value("framerate"); if (framerate.type() == typeof(Gst.ValueList)) { that.set_value("framerate", best_fraction); } debug("Selected caps %s", res.to_string()); return res; } else if (device.caps.get_size() > 0) { return caps_copy_nth(device.caps, 0); } else { return new Gst.Caps.any(); } } // Backport from gst_caps_copy_nth added in GStreamer 1.16 private static Gst.Caps caps_copy_nth(Gst.Caps source, uint index) { Gst.Caps target = new Gst.Caps.empty(); target.flags = source.flags; target.append_structure_full(source.get_structure(index).copy(), source.get_features(index).copy()); return target; } private void create() { debug("Creating device %s", id); plugin.pause(); element = device.create_element(id); pipe.add(element); if (is_source) { element.@set("do-timestamp", true); filter = Gst.ElementFactory.make("capsfilter", @"caps_filter_$id"); filter.@set("caps", get_best_caps()); pipe.add(filter);; #if WITH_VOICE_PROCESSOR if (media == "audio" && plugin.echoprobe != null) { dsp = new VoiceProcessor(plugin.echoprobe as EchoProbe, element as Gst.Audio.StreamVolume); = @"dsp_$id"; pipe.add(dsp);; } #endif tee = Gst.ElementFactory.make("tee", @"tee_$id"); tee.@set("allow-not-linked", true); pipe.add(tee); (dsp ?? filter).link(tee); } if (is_sink) { element.@set("async", false); element.@set("sync", false); } if (is_sink && media == "audio") { filter = Gst.ElementFactory.make("capsfilter", @"caps_filter_$id"); filter.@set("caps", get_best_caps()); pipe.add(filter); if (plugin.echoprobe != null) { rate = Gst.ElementFactory.make("audiorate", @"rate_$id"); rate.@set("tolerance", 100000000); pipe.add(rate);;;; } else {; } } plugin.unpause(); } private void destroy() { if (mixer != null) { if (is_sink && media == "audio" && plugin.echoprobe != null) { plugin.echoprobe.unlink(mixer); } int linked_sink_pads = 0; mixer.foreach_sink_pad((_, pad) => { if (pad.is_linked()) linked_sink_pads++; return true; }); if (linked_sink_pads > 0) { warning("%s-mixer still has %i sink pads while being destroyed", id, linked_sink_pads); } mixer.set_locked_state(true); mixer.set_state(Gst.State.NULL); mixer.unlink(element); pipe.remove(mixer); mixer = null; } else if (is_sink && media == "audio") { if (filter != null) { filter.set_locked_state(true); filter.set_state(Gst.State.NULL); filter.unlink(rate ?? ((Gst.Element)plugin.echoprobe) ?? element); pipe.remove(filter); filter = null; } if (rate != null) { rate.set_locked_state(true); rate.set_state(Gst.State.NULL); rate.unlink(plugin.echoprobe); pipe.remove(rate); rate = null; } if (plugin.echoprobe != null) { plugin.echoprobe.unlink(element); } } element.set_locked_state(true); element.set_state(Gst.State.NULL); if (filter != null) element.unlink(filter); else if (is_source) element.unlink(tee); pipe.remove(element); element = null; if (filter != null) { filter.set_locked_state(true); filter.set_state(Gst.State.NULL); filter.unlink(dsp ?? tee); pipe.remove(filter); filter = null; } if (dsp != null) { dsp.set_locked_state(true); dsp.set_state(Gst.State.NULL); dsp.unlink(tee); pipe.remove(dsp); dsp = null; } if (tee != null) { int linked_src_pads = 0; tee.foreach_src_pad((_, pad) => { if (pad.is_linked()) linked_src_pads++; return true; }); if (linked_src_pads != 0) { warning("%s-tee still has %d src pads while being destroyed", id, linked_src_pads); } tee.set_locked_state(true); tee.set_state(Gst.State.NULL); pipe.remove(tee); tee = null; } debug("Destroyed device %s", id); } }