using Gee; public interface Xmpp.WriteNodeFunc : Object { public abstract async void write_stanza(XmppStream stream, StanzaNode node, int io_priority = Priority.DEFAULT, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError; } public abstract class Xmpp.IoXmppStream : XmppStream { private IOStream? stream; internal Cancellable cancellable; internal StanzaReader? reader; internal StanzaWriter? writer; internal WriteNodeFunc? write_obj = null; protected IoXmppStream(Jid remote_name, Cancellable? cancellable = null) { base(remote_name); this.cancellable = cancellable ?? new Cancellable(); } public void cancel() { cancellable.cancel(); } public override async void disconnect() throws IOError { disconnected = true; cancel(); if (writer == null || reader == null || stream == null) { throw new IOError.CLOSED("trying to disconnect, but no stream open"); } log.str("OUT", "</stream:stream>", this); yield writer.write("</stream:stream>", Priority.LOW, new Cancellable()); yield stream.close_async(); } public void reset_stream(IOStream stream) { = stream; reader = new StanzaReader.for_stream(stream.input_stream, cancellable); writer = new StanzaWriter.for_stream(stream.output_stream, cancellable); require_setup(); } public override async StanzaNode read() throws IOError { StanzaReader? reader = this.reader; if (reader == null) throw new IOError.NOT_CONNECTED("trying to read, but no stream open"); StanzaNode node = yield ((!)reader).read_node(); log.node("IN", node, this); return node; } [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.1", replacement = "write_async")] public override void write(StanzaNode node, int io_priority = Priority.DEFAULT) { write_async.begin(node, io_priority, null, (obj, res) => { try { write_async.end(res); } catch (Error e) { warning("Error while writing: %s", e.message); } }); } public override async void write_async(StanzaNode node, int io_priority = Priority.DEFAULT, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError { if (write_obj != null) { yield write_obj.write_stanza(this, node, io_priority, cancellable ?? this.cancellable); } else { StanzaWriter? writer = this.writer; if (writer == null) throw new IOError.NOT_CONNECTED("trying to write, but no stream open"); log.node("OUT", node, this); yield ((!)writer).write_node(node, io_priority, cancellable ?? this.cancellable); } } internal IOStream? get_stream() { return stream; } public override async void setup() throws IOError { StanzaNode outs = new"stream", "") .put_attribute("to", remote_name.to_string()) .put_attribute("version", "1.0") .put_attribute("xmlns", "jabber:client") .put_attribute("stream", "", XMLNS_URI); outs.has_nodes = true; log.node("OUT ROOT", outs, this); yield write_async(outs, Priority.HIGH, cancellable); received_root_node(this, yield read_root()); setup_needed = false; } private async StanzaNode read_root() throws IOError { StanzaReader? reader = this.reader; if (reader == null) throw new IOError.NOT_CONNECTED("trying to read, but no stream open"); StanzaNode node = yield ((!)reader).read_root_node(); log.node("IN ROOT", node, this); return node; } }