using Gee; namespace Xmpp.Xep.ServiceDiscovery { public class Flag : XmppStreamFlag { public static FlagIdentity IDENTITY = new FlagIdentity(NS_URI, "service_discovery"); private HashMap?> entity_features = new HashMap?>(Jid.hash_func, Jid.equals_func); private HashMap?> entity_identities = new HashMap?>(Jid.hash_func, Jid.equals_func); private HashMap?> entity_items = new HashMap?>(Jid.hash_func, Jid.equals_func); private Gee.Set own_features_ = new HashSet(); public Gee.List own_features { owned get { var ret = new ArrayList(); foreach (var feature in own_features_) ret.add(feature); return ret; } } private Gee.Set own_identities_ = new HashSet(Identity.hash_func, Identity.equals_func); public Gee.Set own_identities { owned get { return own_identities_.read_only_view; } } public Gee.Set? get_entity_categories(Jid jid) { return entity_identities.has_key(jid) ? entity_identities[jid] : null; // TODO isn’t this default for hashmap } public bool? has_entity_identity(Jid jid, string category, string type) { if (!entity_identities.has_key(jid)) return null; if (entity_identities[jid] == null) return false; foreach (Identity identity in entity_identities[jid]) { if (identity.category == category && identity.type_ == type) return true; } return false; } public bool? has_entity_feature(Jid jid, string feature) { if (!entity_features.has_key(jid)) return null; if (entity_features[jid] == null) return false; return entity_features[jid].contains(feature); } public void set_entity_identities(Jid jid, Gee.Set? identities) { entity_identities[jid] = identities; } public void set_entity_features(Jid jid, Gee.List? features) { entity_features[jid] = features; } public void set_entity_items(Jid jid, Gee.List? features) { entity_items[jid] = features; } public void add_own_feature(string feature) { if (own_features_.contains(feature)) { warning("Tried to add the feature %s a second time".printf(feature)); return; } own_features_.add(feature); } public void remove_own_feature(string feature) { own_features_.remove(feature); } public void add_own_identity(Identity identity) { own_identities_.add(identity); } public void remove_own_identity(Identity identity) { own_identities_.remove(identity); } public override string get_ns() { return NS_URI; } public override string get_id() { return; } } }