using Gee; namespace Xmpp.Xep.Muc { private const string NS_URI = ""; private const string NS_URI_ADMIN = NS_URI + "#admin"; private const string NS_URI_OWNER = NS_URI + "#owner"; private const string NS_URI_USER = NS_URI + "#user"; private const string NS_URI_REQUEST = NS_URI + "#request"; public enum MucEnterError { PASSWORD_REQUIRED, BANNED, ROOM_DOESNT_EXIST, CREATION_RESTRICTED, USE_RESERVED_ROOMNICK, NOT_IN_MEMBER_LIST, NICK_CONFLICT, OCCUPANT_LIMIT_REACHED, } public enum Affiliation { NONE, ADMIN, MEMBER, OUTCAST, OWNER } public enum Role { NONE, MODERATOR, PARTICIPANT, VISITOR } public enum Feature { REGISTER, ROOMCONFIG, ROOMINFO, HIDDEN, MEMBERS_ONLY, MODERATED, NON_ANONYMOUS, OPEN, PASSWORD_PROTECTED, PERSISTENT, PUBLIC, ROOMS, SEMI_ANONYMOUS, STABLE_ID, TEMPORARY, UNMODERATED, UNSECURED } public static void add_muc_pm_message_stanza_x_node(MessageStanza message_stanza) { StanzaNode x_node = new"x", "").add_self_xmlns(); message_stanza.stanza.put_node(x_node); } public class JoinResult { public MucEnterError? muc_error; public string? stanza_error; public string? nick; public bool newly_created = false; } public class Module : XmppStreamModule { public static ModuleIdentity<Module> IDENTITY = new ModuleIdentity<Module>(NS_URI, "0045_muc_module"); public signal void received_occupant_affiliation(XmppStream stream, Jid jid, Affiliation? affiliation); public signal void received_occupant_jid(XmppStream stream, Jid jid, Jid? real_jid); public signal void received_occupant_role(XmppStream stream, Jid jid, Role? role); public signal void subject_set(XmppStream stream, string? subject, Jid jid); public signal void invite_received(XmppStream stream, Jid room_jid, Jid from_jid, string? password, string? reason); public signal void voice_request_received(XmppStream stream, Jid room_jid, Jid from_jid, string nick); public signal void room_info_updated(XmppStream stream, Jid muc_jid); public signal void self_removed_from_room(XmppStream stream, Jid jid, StatusCode code); public signal void removed_from_room(XmppStream stream, Jid jid, StatusCode? code); private ReceivedPipelineListener received_pipeline_listener; public Module() { received_pipeline_listener = new ReceivedPipelineListener(this); } public async JoinResult? enter(XmppStream stream, Jid bare_jid, string nick, string? password, DateTime? history_since, bool receive_history, StanzaNode? additional_node) { try { Presence.Stanza presence = new Presence.Stanza(); = bare_jid.with_resource(nick); StanzaNode x_node = new"x", NS_URI).add_self_xmlns(); if (password != null) { x_node.put_node(new"password", NS_URI).put_node(new StanzaNode.text(password))); } if (history_since != null || !receive_history) { StanzaNode history_node = new"history", NS_URI); x_node.put_node(history_node); if (history_since != null) { history_node.set_attribute("since", DateTimeProfiles.to_datetime(history_since)); } else if (!receive_history) { history_node.set_attribute("maxchars", "0"); } } presence.stanza.put_node(x_node); if (additional_node != null) { presence.stanza.put_node(additional_node); } stream.get_flag(Flag.IDENTITY).start_muc_enter(bare_jid,; query_room_info.begin(stream, bare_jid); stream.get_module(Presence.Module.IDENTITY).send_presence(stream, presence); var promise = new Promise<JoinResult?>(); stream.get_flag(Flag.IDENTITY).enter_futures[bare_jid] = promise; try { JoinResult? enter_result = yield promise.future.wait_async(); stream.get_flag(Flag.IDENTITY).enter_futures.unset(bare_jid); return enter_result; } catch (Gee.FutureError e) { return null; } } catch (InvalidJidError e) { return new JoinResult() { muc_error = MucEnterError.NICK_CONFLICT }; } } public void exit(XmppStream stream, Jid jid) { try { string nick = stream.get_flag(Flag.IDENTITY).get_muc_nick(jid); Presence.Stanza presence = new Presence.Stanza(); = jid.with_resource(nick); presence.type_ = Presence.Stanza.TYPE_UNAVAILABLE; stream.get_module(Presence.Module.IDENTITY).send_presence(stream, presence); } catch (InvalidJidError e) { warning("Tried to leave room with invalid nick: %s", e.message); } } public void change_subject(XmppStream stream, Jid jid, string subject) { MessageStanza message = new MessageStanza(); = jid; message.type_ = MessageStanza.TYPE_GROUPCHAT; message.stanza.put_node((new"subject")).put_node(new StanzaNode.text(subject))); stream.get_module(MessageModule.IDENTITY).send_message.begin(stream, message); } public void change_nick(XmppStream stream, Jid jid, string new_nick) { // TODO: Return if successful try { Presence.Stanza presence = new Presence.Stanza(); = jid.with_resource(new_nick); stream.get_module(Presence.Module.IDENTITY).send_presence(stream, presence); } catch (InvalidJidError e) { warning("Tried to change nick to invalid nick: %s", e.message); } } public void invite(XmppStream stream, Jid to_muc, Jid jid) { MessageStanza message = new MessageStanza(); = to_muc; StanzaNode invite_node = new"x", NS_URI_USER).add_self_xmlns() .put_node(new"invite", NS_URI_USER).put_attribute("to", jid.to_string())); message.stanza.put_node(invite_node); stream.get_module(MessageModule.IDENTITY).send_message.begin(stream, message); } public void request_voice(XmppStream stream, Jid to_muc) { MessageStanza message = new MessageStanza() { to=to_muc }; DataForms.DataForm submit_node = new DataForms.DataForm(); submit_node.get_submit_node(); DataForms.DataForm.Field field_node = new DataForms.DataForm.Field() { var="FORM_TYPE" }; field_node.set_value_string(NS_URI_REQUEST); DataForms.DataForm.ListSingleField single_field = new DataForms.DataForm.ListSingleField(new"field", DataForms.NS_URI)) { var="muc#role", label="Requested role", value="participant" }; submit_node.add_field(field_node); submit_node.add_field(single_field); message.stanza.put_node(submit_node.stanza_node); stream.get_module(MessageModule.IDENTITY).send_message.begin(stream, message); } public void kick(XmppStream stream, Jid jid, string nick) { change_role(stream, jid, nick, "none"); } /* XEP 0046: "A user cannot be kicked by a moderator with a lower affiliation." (XEP 0045 8.2) */ public bool kick_possible(XmppStream stream, Jid occupant) { try { Jid muc_jid = occupant.bare_jid; Flag flag = stream.get_flag(Flag.IDENTITY); string own_nick = flag.get_muc_nick(muc_jid); Affiliation my_affiliation = flag.get_affiliation(muc_jid, muc_jid.with_resource(own_nick)); Affiliation other_affiliation = flag.get_affiliation(muc_jid, occupant); switch (my_affiliation) { case Affiliation.MEMBER: if (other_affiliation == Affiliation.ADMIN || other_affiliation == Affiliation.OWNER) return false; break; case Affiliation.ADMIN: if (other_affiliation == Affiliation.OWNER) return false; break; case Affiliation.OWNER: return true; default: return false; } return true; } catch (InvalidJidError e) { warning("Tried to kick with invalid nick: %s", e.message); return false; } } public void change_role(XmppStream stream, Jid jid, string nick, string new_role) { StanzaNode query = new"query", NS_URI_ADMIN).add_self_xmlns(); query.put_node(new"item", NS_URI_ADMIN).put_attribute("nick", nick, NS_URI_ADMIN).put_attribute("role", new_role, NS_URI_ADMIN)); Iq.Stanza iq = new Iq.Stanza.set(query) { to=jid }; stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, iq); } public async void change_affiliation(XmppStream stream, Jid muc_jid, Jid? user_jid, string? nick, string new_affiliation) { StanzaNode item_node = new"item", NS_URI_ADMIN) .put_attribute("affiliation", new_affiliation, NS_URI_ADMIN); if (user_jid != null) { // Some servers don't allow full JIDs and reply error:modify - jid-malformed - "Bare JID expected, got full JID". Make them bare JIDs. item_node.put_attribute("jid", user_jid.bare_jid.to_string(), NS_URI_ADMIN); } if (nick != null) item_node.put_attribute("nick", nick, NS_URI_ADMIN); StanzaNode query = new"query", NS_URI_ADMIN).add_self_xmlns().put_node(item_node); Iq.Stanza iq = new Iq.Stanza.set(query) { to=muc_jid }; yield stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq_async(stream, iq); } public async DataForms.DataForm? get_config_form(XmppStream stream, Jid jid) { Iq.Stanza get_iq = new Iq.Stanza.get(new"query", NS_URI_OWNER).add_self_xmlns()) { to=jid }; Iq.Stanza result_iq = yield stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq_async(stream, get_iq); StanzaNode? x_node = result_iq.stanza.get_deep_subnode(NS_URI_OWNER + ":query", DataForms.NS_URI + ":x"); if (x_node != null) { DataForms.DataForm data_form = DataForms.DataForm.create_from_node(x_node); return data_form; } return null; } public async void set_config_form(XmppStream stream, Jid jid, DataForms.DataForm data_form) { StanzaNode stanza_node = new"query", NS_URI_OWNER); stanza_node.add_self_xmlns().put_node(data_form.get_submit_node()); Iq.Stanza set_iq = new Iq.Stanza.set(stanza_node) { to=jid }; yield stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq_async(stream, set_iq); } public override void attach(XmppStream stream) { stream.add_flag(new Flag()); stream.get_module(MessageModule.IDENTITY).received_message.connect(on_received_message); stream.get_module(MessageModule.IDENTITY).received_pipeline.connect(received_pipeline_listener); stream.get_module(Presence.Module.IDENTITY).received_available.connect(on_received_available); stream.get_module(Presence.Module.IDENTITY).received_presence.connect(check_for_enter_error); stream.get_module(Presence.Module.IDENTITY).received_unavailable.connect(on_received_unavailable); stream.get_module(ServiceDiscovery.Module.IDENTITY).add_feature(stream, NS_URI); } public override void detach(XmppStream stream) { stream.get_module(MessageModule.IDENTITY).received_message.disconnect(on_received_message); stream.get_module(MessageModule.IDENTITY).received_pipeline.disconnect(received_pipeline_listener); stream.get_module(Presence.Module.IDENTITY).received_available.disconnect(on_received_available); stream.get_module(Presence.Module.IDENTITY).received_presence.disconnect(check_for_enter_error); stream.get_module(Presence.Module.IDENTITY).received_unavailable.disconnect(on_received_unavailable); stream.get_module(ServiceDiscovery.Module.IDENTITY).remove_feature(stream, NS_URI); } public override string get_ns() { return NS_URI; } public override string get_id() { return; } private void on_received_message(XmppStream stream, MessageStanza message) { if (message.type_ == MessageStanza.TYPE_GROUPCHAT) { StanzaNode? subject_node = message.stanza.get_subnode("subject"); if (subject_node != null && message.body == null){ string subject = subject_node.get_string_content(); stream.get_flag(Flag.IDENTITY).set_muc_subject(message.from, subject); subject_set(stream, subject, message.from); } StanzaNode? x_node = message.stanza.get_subnode("x", NS_URI_USER); if (x_node != null) { Gee.List<int> status_codes = get_status_codes(x_node); if (!status_codes.is_empty) { if (status_codes.contains(StatusCode.CONFIG_CHANGE_NON_PRIVACY) || status_codes.contains(StatusCode.NON_ANONYMOUS) || status_codes.contains(StatusCode.SEMI_ANONYMOUS)) { query_room_info.begin(stream, message.from.bare_jid); } } } } } private void check_for_enter_error(XmppStream stream, Presence.Stanza presence) { Flag flag = stream.get_flag(Flag.IDENTITY); if (presence.is_error() && flag.is_muc_enter_outstanding() && flag.is_occupant(presence.from)) { Jid bare_jid = presence.from.bare_jid; ErrorStanza? error_stanza = presence.get_error(); if (flag.get_enter_id(bare_jid) == { MucEnterError? error = null; switch (error_stanza.condition) { case ErrorStanza.CONDITION_NOT_AUTHORIZED: if (ErrorStanza.TYPE_AUTH == error_stanza.type_) error = MucEnterError.PASSWORD_REQUIRED; break; case ErrorStanza.CONDITION_REGISTRATION_REQUIRED: if (ErrorStanza.TYPE_AUTH == error_stanza.type_) error = MucEnterError.NOT_IN_MEMBER_LIST; break; case ErrorStanza.CONDITION_FORBIDDEN: if (ErrorStanza.TYPE_AUTH == error_stanza.type_) error = MucEnterError.BANNED; break; case ErrorStanza.CONDITION_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: if (ErrorStanza.TYPE_WAIT == error_stanza.type_) error = MucEnterError.OCCUPANT_LIMIT_REACHED; break; case ErrorStanza.CONDITION_ITEM_NOT_FOUND: if (ErrorStanza.TYPE_CANCEL == error_stanza.type_) error = MucEnterError.ROOM_DOESNT_EXIST; break; case ErrorStanza.CONDITION_CONFLICT: if (ErrorStanza.TYPE_CANCEL == error_stanza.type_) error = MucEnterError.NICK_CONFLICT; break; case ErrorStanza.CONDITION_NOT_ALLOWED: if (ErrorStanza.TYPE_CANCEL == error_stanza.type_) error = MucEnterError.CREATION_RESTRICTED; break; case ErrorStanza.CONDITION_NOT_ACCEPTABLE: if (ErrorStanza.TYPE_CANCEL == error_stanza.type_) error = MucEnterError.USE_RESERVED_ROOMNICK; break; } if (error != null) { flag.enter_futures[bare_jid].set_value(new JoinResult() {muc_error=error}); } else { flag.enter_futures[bare_jid].set_value(new JoinResult() {stanza_error=error_stanza.condition}); } flag.finish_muc_enter(bare_jid); } } } private void on_received_available(XmppStream stream, Presence.Stanza presence) { Flag flag = stream.get_flag(Flag.IDENTITY); if (flag.is_occupant(presence.from)) { StanzaNode? x_node = presence.stanza.get_subnode("x", NS_URI_USER); if (x_node != null) { ArrayList<int> status_codes = get_status_codes(x_node); if (status_codes.contains(StatusCode.SELF_PRESENCE)) { Jid bare_jid = presence.from.bare_jid; if (flag.get_enter_id(bare_jid) != null) { // TODO only query that if we actually have the rights to query_affiliation.begin(stream, bare_jid, "member"); query_affiliation.begin(stream, bare_jid, "admin"); query_affiliation.begin(stream, bare_jid, "owner"); flag.finish_muc_enter(bare_jid); var join_result = new JoinResult() { nick=presence.from.resourcepart, newly_created=status_codes.contains(StatusCode.NEW_ROOM_CREATED) }; flag.enter_futures[bare_jid].set_value(join_result); } flag.set_muc_nick(presence.from); } string? affiliation_str = x_node.get_deep_attribute("item", "affiliation"); Affiliation? affiliation = null; if (affiliation_str != null) { affiliation = parse_affiliation(affiliation_str); flag.set_affiliation(presence.from.bare_jid, presence.from, affiliation); received_occupant_affiliation(stream, presence.from, affiliation); } string? jid_ = x_node.get_deep_attribute("item", "jid"); if (jid_ != null) { try { Jid jid = new Jid(jid_); flag.set_real_jid(presence.from, jid); if (affiliation != null) { stream.get_flag(Flag.IDENTITY).set_offline_member(presence.from, jid, affiliation); } received_occupant_jid(stream, presence.from, jid); } catch (InvalidJidError e) { warning("Received invalid occupant jid: %s", e.message); } } string? role_str = x_node.get_deep_attribute("item", "role"); if (role_str != null) { Role role = parse_role(role_str); flag.set_occupant_role(presence.from, role); received_occupant_role(stream, presence.from, role); } } } } private void on_received_unavailable(XmppStream stream, Presence.Stanza presence) { Flag flag = stream.get_flag(Flag.IDENTITY); if (!flag.is_occupant(presence.from)) return; StanzaNode? x_node = presence.stanza.get_subnode("x", NS_URI_USER); if (x_node == null) return; ArrayList<int> status_codes = get_status_codes(x_node); if (StatusCode.SELF_PRESENCE in status_codes) { flag.remove_occupant_info(presence.from); } foreach (StatusCode code in USER_REMOVED_CODES) { if (code in status_codes) { if (StatusCode.SELF_PRESENCE in status_codes) { flag.left_muc(stream, presence.from.bare_jid); self_removed_from_room(stream, presence.from, code); Presence.Flag presence_flag = stream.get_flag(Presence.Flag.IDENTITY); presence_flag.remove_presence(presence.from.bare_jid); } else { removed_from_room(stream, presence.from, code); } } } } private async void query_room_info(XmppStream stream, Jid jid) { ServiceDiscovery.InfoResult? info_result = yield stream.get_module(ServiceDiscovery.Module.IDENTITY).request_info(stream, jid); if (info_result == null) return; Gee.List<Feature> features = new ArrayList<Feature>(); foreach (ServiceDiscovery.Identity identity in info_result.identities) { if (identity.category == "conference" && != null) { stream.get_flag(Flag.IDENTITY).set_room_name(jid,; } } foreach (string feature in info_result.features) { Feature? parsed = null; switch (feature) { case "": parsed = Feature.REGISTER; break; case "": parsed = Feature.ROOMCONFIG; break; case "": parsed = Feature.ROOMINFO; break; case "": parsed = Feature.STABLE_ID; break; case "muc_hidden": parsed = Feature.HIDDEN; break; case "muc_membersonly": parsed = Feature.MEMBERS_ONLY; break; case "muc_moderated": parsed = Feature.MODERATED; break; case "muc_nonanonymous": parsed = Feature.NON_ANONYMOUS; break; case "muc_open": parsed = Feature.OPEN; break; case "muc_passwordprotected": parsed = Feature.PASSWORD_PROTECTED; break; case "muc_persistent": parsed = Feature.PERSISTENT; break; case "muc_public": parsed = Feature.PUBLIC; break; case "muc_rooms": parsed = Feature.ROOMS; break; case "muc_semianonymous": parsed = Feature.SEMI_ANONYMOUS; break; case "muc_temporary": parsed = Feature.TEMPORARY; break; case "muc_unmoderated": parsed = Feature.UNMODERATED; break; case "muc_unsecured": parsed = Feature.UNSECURED; break; } if (parsed != null) features.add(parsed); } stream.get_flag(Flag.IDENTITY).set_room_features(jid, features); room_info_updated(stream, jid); } private async Gee.List<Jid>? query_affiliation(XmppStream stream, Jid jid, string affiliation) { Iq.Stanza iq = new Iq.Stanza.get( new"query", NS_URI_ADMIN) .add_self_xmlns() .put_node(new"item", NS_URI_ADMIN) .put_attribute("affiliation", affiliation)) ) { to=jid }; Iq.Stanza iq_result = yield stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq_async(stream, iq); if (iq_result.is_error()) return null; StanzaNode? query_node = iq_result.stanza.get_subnode("query", NS_URI_ADMIN); if (query_node == null) return null; Gee.List<StanzaNode> item_nodes = query_node.get_subnodes("item", NS_URI_ADMIN); Gee.List<Jid> ret_jids = new ArrayList<Jid>(Jid.equals_func); foreach (StanzaNode item in item_nodes) { string jid__ = item.get_attribute("jid"); string? affiliation_ = item.get_attribute("affiliation"); if (jid__ != null && affiliation_ != null) { try { Jid jid_ = new Jid(jid__); stream.get_flag(Flag.IDENTITY).set_offline_member(iq_result.from, jid_, parse_affiliation(affiliation_)); ret_jids.add(jid_); received_occupant_jid(stream, iq_result.from, jid_); } catch (InvalidJidError e) { warning("Received invalid occupant jid: %s", e.message); } } } return ret_jids; } private static ArrayList<int> get_status_codes(StanzaNode x_node) { ArrayList<int> ret = new ArrayList<int>(); foreach (StanzaNode status_node in x_node.get_subnodes("status", NS_URI_USER)) { ret.add(int.parse(status_node.get_attribute("code"))); } return ret; } private static Affiliation parse_affiliation(string affiliation_str) { Affiliation affiliation; switch (affiliation_str) { case "admin": affiliation = Affiliation.ADMIN; break; case "member": affiliation = Affiliation.MEMBER; break; case "outcast": affiliation = Affiliation.OUTCAST; break; case "owner": affiliation = Affiliation.OWNER; break; default: affiliation = Affiliation.NONE; break; } return affiliation; } private static Role parse_role(string role_str) { Role role; switch (role_str) { case "moderator": role = Role.MODERATOR; break; case "participant": role = Role.PARTICIPANT; break; case "visitor": role = Role.VISITOR; break; default: role = Role.NONE; break; } return role; } } public class ReceivedPipelineListener : StanzaListener<MessageStanza> { private string[] after_actions_const = {"EXTRACT_MESSAGE_2"}; public override string action_group { get { return ""; } } public override string[] after_actions { get { return after_actions_const; } } Module outer; public ReceivedPipelineListener(Module outer) { this.outer = outer; } public override async bool run(XmppStream stream, MessageStanza message) { if (message.type_ == MessageStanza.TYPE_NORMAL) { StanzaNode? x_node = message.stanza.get_subnode("x", NS_URI_USER); if (x_node != null) { StanzaNode? invite_node = x_node.get_subnode("invite", NS_URI_USER); string? password = null; StanzaNode? password_node = x_node.get_subnode("password", NS_URI_USER); if (password_node != null) password = password_node.get_string_content(); if (invite_node != null) { Jid? from_jid = null; try { string from = invite_node.get_attribute("from"); if (from != null) from_jid = new Jid(from); } catch (InvalidJidError e) { warning("Received invite from invalid jid: %s", e.message); } if (from_jid != null) { StanzaNode? reason_node = invite_node.get_subnode("reason", NS_URI_USER); string? reason = null; if (reason_node != null) reason = reason_node.get_string_content(); bool is_mam_message = Xmpp.MessageArchiveManagement.MessageFlag.get_flag(message) != null; // TODO if (!is_mam_message) outer.invite_received(stream, message.from, from_jid, password, reason); return true; } } } StanzaNode? x_field_node = message.stanza.get_subnode("x", DataForms.NS_URI); if (x_field_node != null){ Gee.List<StanzaNode>? fields = x_field_node.get_subnodes("field", DataForms.NS_URI); Jid? from_jid = null; string? nick = null; if (fields.size!=0){ foreach (var field_node in fields){ string? var_ = field_node.get_attribute("var"); if (var_ == "muc#jid"){ StanzaNode? value_node = field_node.get_subnode("value", DataForms.NS_URI); try { if (value_node != null) from_jid = new Jid(value_node.get_string_content()); } catch (InvalidJidError e) { return false; } } else if (var_ == "muc#roomnick"){ StanzaNode? value_node = field_node.get_subnode("value", DataForms.NS_URI); if (value_node != null) nick = value_node.get_string_content(); } else if (var_ == "muc#role"){ StanzaNode? value_node = field_node.get_subnode("value", DataForms.NS_URI); if (value_node != null) { if (value_node.get_string_content() != "participant") { warning("Voice request with role other than participant"); } } } } if (from_jid == null || nick == null) { warning("Voice request without from_jid or nick"); return false; } outer.voice_request_received(stream, message.from, from_jid, nick); return true; } } } return false; } } }