namespace Xmpp.Xep.Muc { public const StatusCode[] ROOM_CONFIGURATION_CODES = { StatusCode.LOGGING_ENABLED, StatusCode.LOGGING_DISABLED, StatusCode.NON_ANONYMOUS, StatusCode.SEMI_ANONYMOUS }; public const StatusCode[] USER_REMOVED_CODES = { StatusCode.BANNED, StatusCode.KICKED, StatusCode.REMOVED_AFFILIATION_CHANGE, StatusCode.REMOVED_MEMBERS_ONLY, StatusCode.REMOVED_SHUTDOWN }; public enum StatusCode { /** Inform user that any occupant is allowed to see the user's full JID */ JID_VISIBLE = 100, /** Inform user that his or her affiliation changed while not in the room */ AFFILIATION_CHANGED = 101, /** Inform occupants that room now shows unavailable members */ SHOWS_UNAVIABLE_MEMBERS = 102, /** Inform occupants that room now does not show unavailable members */ SHOWS_UNAVIABLE_MEMBERS_NOT = 103, /** Inform occupants that a non-privacy-related room configuration change has occurred */ CONFIG_CHANGE_NON_PRIVACY = 104, /** Inform user that presence refers to itself */ SELF_PRESENCE = 110, /** Inform occupants that room logging is now enabled */ LOGGING_ENABLED = 170, /** Inform occupants that room logging is now disabled */ LOGGING_DISABLED = 171, /** Inform occupants that the room is now non-anonymous */ NON_ANONYMOUS = 172, /** Inform occupants that the room is now semi-anonymous */ SEMI_ANONYMOUS = 173, /** Inform user that a new room has been created */ NEW_ROOM_CREATED = 201, /** Inform user that service has assigned or modified occupant's roomnick */ MODIFIED_NICK = 210, /** Inform user that he or she has been banned from the room */ BANNED = 301, /** Inform all occupants of new room nickname */ ROOM_NICKNAME = 303, /** Inform user that he or she has been kicked from the room */ KICKED = 307, /** Inform user that he or she is being removed from the room */ REMOVED_AFFILIATION_CHANGE = 321, /** Inform user that he or she is being removed from the room because the room has been changed to members-only and the user is not a member */ REMOVED_MEMBERS_ONLY = 322, /** Inform user that he or she is being removed from the room because the MUC service is being shut down */ REMOVED_SHUTDOWN = 332 } }