using Gee; using Xmpp; using Xmpp.Xep; namespace Xmpp.Xep.InBandBytestreams { private const string NS_URI = ""; private const int SEQ_MODULUS = 65536; public class Module : XmppStreamModule, Iq.Handler { public static Xmpp.ModuleIdentity<Module> IDENTITY = new Xmpp.ModuleIdentity<Module>(NS_URI, "0047_in_band_bytestreams"); public override void attach(XmppStream stream) { stream.add_flag(new Flag()); stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).register_for_namespace(NS_URI, this); } public override void detach(XmppStream stream) { stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).unregister_from_namespace(NS_URI, this); } public async void on_iq_set(XmppStream stream, Iq.Stanza iq) { // the iq module ensures that there's only one child node StanzaNode? node = null; node = (node != null) ? node : iq.stanza.get_subnode("open", NS_URI); node = (node != null) ? node : iq.stanza.get_subnode("data", NS_URI); node = (node != null) ? node : iq.stanza.get_subnode("close", NS_URI); if (node == null) { stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, new Iq.Stanza.error(iq, new ErrorStanza.bad_request("unknown IBB action")) { to=iq.from }); return; } string? sid = node.get_attribute("sid"); if (sid == null) { stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, new Iq.Stanza.error(iq, new ErrorStanza.bad_request("missing sid")) { to=iq.from }); return; } Connection? conn = stream.get_flag(Flag.IDENTITY).get_connection(sid); if ( == "open") { if (conn == null) { stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, new Iq.Stanza.error(iq, new ErrorStanza.not_acceptable("unexpected IBB connection")) { to=iq.from }); return; } if (conn.state != Connection.State.WAITING_FOR_CONNECT) { stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, new Iq.Stanza.error(iq, new ErrorStanza.bad_request("IBB open for already open connection")) { to=iq.from }); return; } conn.handle_open(stream, node, iq); } else { if (conn == null || conn.state != Connection.State.CONNECTED) { stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, new Iq.Stanza.error(iq, new ErrorStanza.item_not_found()) { to=iq.from }); return; } if ( == "close") { conn.handle_close(stream, node, iq); } else { conn.handle_data(stream, node, iq); } } } public override string get_ns() { return NS_URI; } public override string get_id() { return; } } public class Connection : IOStream { public class Input : InputStream { private weak Connection connection; public Input(Connection connection) { this.connection = connection; } public override ssize_t read(uint8[] buffer, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError { throw new IOError.NOT_SUPPORTED("can't do non-async reads on in-band bytestreams"); } public override async ssize_t read_async(uint8[]? buffer, int io_priority = GLib.Priority.DEFAULT, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError { return yield connection.read_async(buffer, io_priority, cancellable); } public override bool close(Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError { throw new IOError.NOT_SUPPORTED("can't do non-async closes on in-band bytestreams"); } public override async bool close_async(int io_priority = GLib.Priority.DEFAULT, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError { return yield connection.close_read_async(io_priority, cancellable); } } public class Output : OutputStream { private weak Connection connection; public Output(Connection connection) { this.connection = connection; } public override ssize_t write(uint8[] buffer, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError { throw new IOError.NOT_SUPPORTED("can't do non-async writes on in-band bytestreams"); } public override async ssize_t write_async(uint8[]? buffer, int io_priority = GLib.Priority.DEFAULT, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError { return yield connection.write_async(buffer, io_priority, cancellable); } public override bool close(Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError { throw new IOError.NOT_SUPPORTED("can't do non-async closes on in-band bytestreams"); } public override async bool close_async(int io_priority = GLib.Priority.DEFAULT, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError { return yield connection.close_write_async(io_priority, cancellable); } } private Input input; private Output output; public override InputStream input_stream { get { return input; } } public override OutputStream output_stream { get { return output; } } public enum State { WAITING_FOR_CONNECT, CONNECTING, CONNECTED, DISCONNECTING, DISCONNECTED, ERROR, } public State state { get; private set; } Jid receiver_full_jid; public string sid { get; private set; } int block_size; int local_seq = 0; int remote_ack = 0; internal int remote_seq = 0; bool input_closed = false; bool output_closed = false; // ERROR string? error = null; XmppStream stream; int read_callback_priority; Cancellable? read_callback_cancellable = null; ulong read_callback_cancellable_id; SourceFunc? read_callback = null; int write_callback_priority; SourceFunc? write_callback = null; ulong write_callback_cancellable_id; Cancellable? write_callback_cancellable = null; // Need `Bytes` instead of `uint8[]` because the latter doesn't work in // parameter position of `LinkedList`. LinkedList<Bytes> received = new LinkedList<Bytes>(); private Connection(XmppStream stream, Jid receiver_full_jid, string sid, int block_size, bool initiate) { = stream; this.receiver_full_jid = receiver_full_jid; this.sid = sid; this.block_size = block_size; this.state = initiate ? State.CONNECTING : State.WAITING_FOR_CONNECT; input = new Input(this); output = new Output(this); } public void set_read_callback(owned SourceFunc callback, Cancellable? cancellable, int io_priority) throws IOError { if (read_callback != null) { throw new IOError.PENDING("only one async read is permitted at a time on an in-band bytestream"); } if (cancellable != null) { read_callback_cancellable_id = cancellable.connect(trigger_read_callback); } read_callback = (owned)callback; read_callback_cancellable = cancellable; read_callback_priority = io_priority; } public void set_write_callback(owned SourceFunc callback, Cancellable? cancellable, int io_priority) throws IOError { if (write_callback != null) { throw new IOError.PENDING("only one async write is permitted at a time on an in-band bytestream"); } if (cancellable != null) { write_callback_cancellable_id = cancellable.connect(trigger_write_callback); } write_callback = (owned)callback; write_callback_cancellable = cancellable; write_callback_priority = io_priority; } public void trigger_read_callback() { if (read_callback != null) { Idle.add((owned) read_callback, read_callback_priority); read_callback = null; if (read_callback_cancellable != null) { read_callback_cancellable.disconnect(read_callback_cancellable_id); } read_callback_cancellable = null; } } public void trigger_write_callback() { if (write_callback != null) { Idle.add((owned) write_callback, write_callback_priority); write_callback = null; if (write_callback_cancellable != null) { write_callback_cancellable.disconnect(write_callback_cancellable_id); } write_callback_cancellable = null; } } public async ssize_t read_async(uint8[]? buffer, int io_priority = GLib.Priority.DEFAULT, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError { while (true) { if (cancellable != null) { cancellable.set_error_if_cancelled(); } if (input_closed) { return 0; } Bytes? chunk = received.poll(); if (chunk != null) { int read = int.min(buffer.length, chunk.length); for (int i = 0; i < read; i++) { buffer[i] = chunk[i]; } if (buffer.length < chunk.length) { received.offer_head(chunk[buffer.length:chunk.length]); } return read; } if (state == Connection.State.DISCONNECTED) { return 0; } set_read_callback(read_async.callback, cancellable, io_priority); yield; } } public async ssize_t write_async(uint8[]? buffer, int io_priority = GLib.Priority.DEFAULT, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError { while (state == State.WAITING_FOR_CONNECT || state == State.CONNECTING) { if (cancellable != null) { cancellable.set_error_if_cancelled(); } set_write_callback(write_async.callback, cancellable, io_priority); yield; } throw_if_closed(); assert(state == State.CONNECTED); // TODO(hrxi): merging? int seq = local_seq; local_seq = (local_seq + 1) % SEQ_MODULUS; if (buffer.length > block_size) { buffer = buffer[0:block_size]; } StanzaNode data = new"data", NS_URI) .add_self_xmlns() .put_attribute("sid", sid) .put_attribute("seq", seq.to_string()) .put_node(new StanzaNode.text(Base64.encode(buffer))); Iq.Stanza iq = new Iq.Stanza.set(data) { to=receiver_full_jid }; set_write_callback(write_async.callback, cancellable, io_priority); stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, iq, (stream, iq) => { if (iq.is_error()) { set_error("sending failed"); } else if (remote_ack != seq) { set_error("out of order acks"); } else { remote_ack = (remote_ack + 1) % SEQ_MODULUS; if (local_seq == remote_ack) { trigger_write_callback(); } } }); yield; if (cancellable != null) { cancellable.set_error_if_cancelled(); } throw_if_error(); return buffer.length; } public async bool close_read_async(int io_priority = GLib.Priority.DEFAULT, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError { input_closed = true; if (!output_closed) { return true; } return yield close_async_impl(io_priority, cancellable); } public async bool close_write_async(int io_priority = GLib.Priority.DEFAULT, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError { output_closed = true; if (!input_closed) { return true; } return yield close_async_impl(io_priority, cancellable); } delegate void OnClose(bool success); private bool close_impl(Cancellable? cancellable, OnClose on_close) { if (state == State.DISCONNECTING || state == State.DISCONNECTED || state == State.ERROR) { on_close(true); return true; } if (state == State.WAITING_FOR_CONNECT) { state = State.DISCONNECTED; stream.get_flag(Flag.IDENTITY).remove_connection(this); trigger_read_callback(); on_close(true); return true; } state = State.DISCONNECTING; StanzaNode close = new"close", NS_URI) .add_self_xmlns() .put_attribute("sid", sid); Iq.Stanza iq = new Iq.Stanza.set(close) { to=receiver_full_jid }; stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, iq, (stream, iq) => { assert(state == State.DISCONNECTING); if (iq.is_error()) { set_error("disconnecting failed"); } else { state = State.DISCONNECTED; } stream.get_flag(Flag.IDENTITY).remove_connection(this); trigger_read_callback(); on_close(!iq.is_error()); }); return true; } private async bool close_async_impl(int io_priority = GLib.Priority.DEFAULT, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws IOError { SourceFunc callback = close_async_impl.callback; close_impl(cancellable, () => { Idle.add((owned) callback); }); yield; throw_if_error(); return true; } public static Connection create(XmppStream stream, Jid receiver_full_jid, string sid, int block_size, bool initiate) { Connection conn = new Connection(stream, receiver_full_jid, sid, block_size, initiate); if (initiate) { StanzaNode open = new"open", NS_URI) .add_self_xmlns() .put_attribute("block-size", block_size.to_string()) .put_attribute("sid", sid); Iq.Stanza iq = new Iq.Stanza.set(open) { to=receiver_full_jid }; stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, iq, (stream, iq) => { if (conn.state != State.CONNECTING) { assert(conn.state != State.CONNECTED); return; } if (!iq.is_error()) { conn.state = State.CONNECTED; stream.get_flag(Flag.IDENTITY).add_connection(conn); conn.trigger_write_callback(); } else { conn.set_error("connection failed"); } }); } else { stream.get_flag(Flag.IDENTITY).add_connection(conn); } return conn; } void throw_if_error() throws IOError { if (state == State.ERROR) { throw new IOError.FAILED(error); } } void throw_if_closed() throws IOError { throw_if_error(); if (state == State.DISCONNECTING || state == State.DISCONNECTED) { throw new IOError.CLOSED("can't read/write on a closed connection"); } } void set_error(string error) { if (state != State.WAITING_FOR_CONNECT && state != State.DISCONNECTING && state != State.DISCONNECTED && state != State.ERROR) { close_async.begin(); } state = State.ERROR; this.error = error; stream.get_flag(Flag.IDENTITY).remove_connection(this); } public void handle_open(XmppStream stream, StanzaNode open, Iq.Stanza iq) { assert(state == State.WAITING_FOR_CONNECT); int block_size = open.get_attribute_int("block-size"); string? stanza = open.get_attribute("stanza"); if (block_size < 0 || (stanza != null && stanza != "iq" && stanza != "message")) { set_error("invalid open"); stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, new Iq.Stanza.error(iq, new ErrorStanza.bad_request("missing block_size or invalid stanza")) { to=iq.from }); return; } if (stanza != null && stanza != "iq") { set_error("invalid open"); stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, new Iq.Stanza.error(iq, new ErrorStanza.feature_not_implemented("cannot use message stanzas for IBB")) { to=iq.from }); return; } if (block_size > this.block_size) { set_error("invalid open"); stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, new Iq.Stanza.error(iq, new, ErrorStanza.CONDITION_RESOURCE_CONSTRAINT, "opening a connection with a greater than negotiated/acceptable block size", null)) { to=iq.from }); return; } this.block_size = block_size; state = State.CONNECTED; stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, new Iq.Stanza.result(iq)); trigger_write_callback(); } public void handle_data(XmppStream stream, StanzaNode data, Iq.Stanza iq) { assert(state == State.CONNECTED); if (input_closed) { set_error("unexpected data"); stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, new Iq.Stanza.error(iq, new ErrorStanza.not_allowed("unexpected data")) { to=iq.from }); return; } int seq = data.get_attribute_int("seq"); // TODO(hrxi): return an error on malformed base64 (need to do this // according to the xep) uint8[] content = Base64.decode(data.get_string_content()); if (content.length > block_size) { set_error("data longer than negotiated block size"); stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, new Iq.Stanza.error(iq, new ErrorStanza.bad_request("data longer than negotiated block size")) { to=iq.from }); return; } if (seq < 0 || seq != remote_seq) { set_error("out of order data packets"); stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, new Iq.Stanza.error(iq, new, ErrorStanza.CONDITION_UNEXPECTED_REQUEST, "out of order data packets", null)) { to=iq.from }); return; } remote_seq = (remote_seq + 1) % SEQ_MODULUS; stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, new Iq.Stanza.result(iq)); if (content.length != 0) { received.offer(new Bytes.take(content)); trigger_read_callback(); } } public void handle_close(XmppStream stream, StanzaNode close, Iq.Stanza iq) { assert(state == State.CONNECTED); stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, new Iq.Stanza.result(iq)); stream.get_flag(Flag.IDENTITY).remove_connection(this); input_closed = true; output_closed = true; state = State.DISCONNECTED; trigger_read_callback(); } } public class Flag : XmppStreamFlag { public static FlagIdentity<Flag> IDENTITY = new FlagIdentity<Flag>(NS_URI, "in_band_bytestreams"); private HashMap<string, Connection> active = new HashMap<string, Connection>(); public void add_connection(Connection conn) { active[conn.sid] = conn; } public Connection? get_connection(string sid) { return active.has_key(sid) ? active[sid] : null; } public void remove_connection(Connection conn) { active.unset(conn.sid); } public override string get_ns() { return NS_URI; } public override string get_id() { return; } } }