using Gee; using Xmpp.Xep; using Xmpp; namespace Xmpp.Xep.Jingle { class ContentNode { public Role creator; public string name; public Senders senders; public StanzaNode? description; public StanzaNode? transport; public StanzaNode? security; } [Version(deprecated = true)] ContentNode get_single_content_node(StanzaNode jingle) throws IqError { Gee.List contents = jingle.get_subnodes("content"); if (contents.size == 0) { throw new IqError.BAD_REQUEST("missing content node"); } if (contents.size > 1) { throw new IqError.NOT_IMPLEMENTED("can't process multiple content nodes"); } StanzaNode content = contents[0]; string? creator_str = content.get_attribute("creator"); // Vala can't typecheck the ternary operator here. Role? creator = null; if (creator_str != null) { creator = Role.parse(creator_str); } else { // TODO(hrxi): now, is the creator attribute optional or not (XEP-0166 // Jingle)? creator = Role.INITIATOR; } string? name = content.get_attribute("name"); Senders senders = Senders.parse(content.get_attribute("senders")); StanzaNode? description = get_single_node_anyns(content, "description"); StanzaNode? transport = get_single_node_anyns(content, "transport"); StanzaNode? security = get_single_node_anyns(content, "security"); if (name == null || creator == null) { throw new IqError.BAD_REQUEST("missing name or creator"); } return new ContentNode() { creator=creator, name=name, senders=senders, description=description, transport=transport, security=security }; } Gee.List get_content_nodes(StanzaNode jingle) throws IqError { Gee.List contents = jingle.get_subnodes("content"); if (contents.size == 0) { throw new IqError.BAD_REQUEST("missing content node"); } Gee.List list = new ArrayList(); foreach (StanzaNode content in contents) { string? creator_str = content.get_attribute("creator"); // Vala can't typecheck the ternary operator here. Role? creator = null; if (creator_str != null) { creator = Role.parse(creator_str); } else { // TODO(hrxi): now, is the creator attribute optional or not (XEP-0166 // Jingle)? creator = Role.INITIATOR; } string? name = content.get_attribute("name"); Senders senders = Senders.parse(content.get_attribute("senders")); StanzaNode? description = get_single_node_anyns(content, "description"); StanzaNode? transport = get_single_node_anyns(content, "transport"); StanzaNode? security = get_single_node_anyns(content, "security"); if (name == null || creator == null) { throw new IqError.BAD_REQUEST("missing name or creator"); } list.add(new ContentNode() { creator=creator, name=name, senders=senders, description=description, transport=transport, security=security }); } return list; } StanzaNode? get_single_node_anyns(StanzaNode parent, string? node_name = null) throws IqError { StanzaNode? result = null; foreach (StanzaNode child in parent.get_all_subnodes()) { if (node_name == null || == node_name) { if (result != null) { if (node_name != null) { throw new IqError.BAD_REQUEST(@"multiple $(node_name) nodes"); } else { throw new IqError.BAD_REQUEST(@"expected single subnode"); } } result = child; } } return result; } }