using Gee; using Xmpp; public delegate void Xmpp.Xep.Jingle.SessionTerminate(Jid to, string sid, StanzaNode reason); public class Xmpp.Xep.Jingle.Session : Object { public signal void terminated(XmppStream stream, bool we_terminated, string? reason_name, string? reason_text); public signal void additional_content_add_incoming(XmppStream stream, Content content); // INITIATE_SENT/INITIATE_RECEIVED -> CONNECTING -> PENDING -> ACTIVE -> ENDED public enum State { INITIATE_SENT, INITIATE_RECEIVED, ACTIVE, ENDED, } public XmppStream stream { get; set; } public State state { get; set; } public string sid { get; private set; } public Jid local_full_jid { get; private set; } public Jid peer_full_jid { get; private set; } public bool we_initiated { get; private set; } public HashMap<string, Content> contents_map = new HashMap<string, Content>(); public Gee.List<Content> contents = new ArrayList<Content>(); // Keep the order contents public SecurityParameters? security { get { return contents.to_array()[0].security_params; } } public Session.initiate_sent(XmppStream stream, string sid, Jid local_full_jid, Jid peer_full_jid) { = stream; this.sid = sid; this.local_full_jid = local_full_jid; this.peer_full_jid = peer_full_jid; this.state = State.INITIATE_SENT; this.we_initiated = true; } public Session.initiate_received(XmppStream stream, string sid, Jid local_full_jid, Jid peer_full_jid) { = stream; this.sid = sid; this.local_full_jid = local_full_jid; this.peer_full_jid = peer_full_jid; this.state = State.INITIATE_RECEIVED; this.we_initiated = false; } public void handle_iq_set(string action, StanzaNode jingle, Iq.Stanza iq) throws IqError { if (action.has_prefix("session-")) { switch (action) { case "session-accept": Gee.List<ContentNode> content_nodes = get_content_nodes(jingle); if (state != State.INITIATE_SENT) { throw new IqError.OUT_OF_ORDER("got session-accept while not waiting for one"); } handle_session_accept(content_nodes, jingle, iq); break; case "session-info": handle_session_info.begin(jingle, iq); break; case "session-terminate": handle_session_terminate(jingle, iq); break; default: throw new IqError.BAD_REQUEST("invalid action"); } } else if (action.has_prefix("content-")) { switch (action) { case "content-accept": ContentNode content_node = get_single_content_node(jingle); handle_content_accept(content_node); stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, new Iq.Stanza.result(iq)); break; case "content-add": ContentNode content_node = get_single_content_node(jingle); insert_content_node.begin(content_node, peer_full_jid); stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, new Iq.Stanza.result(iq)); break; case "content-modify": handle_content_modify(stream, jingle, iq); break; case "content-reject": case "content-remove": throw new IqError.NOT_IMPLEMENTED(@"$(action) is not implemented"); default: throw new IqError.BAD_REQUEST("invalid action"); } } else if (action.has_prefix("transport-")) { ContentNode content_node = get_single_content_node(jingle); if (!contents_map.has_key( { throw new IqError.BAD_REQUEST("unknown content"); } if (content_node.transport == null) { throw new IqError.BAD_REQUEST("missing transport node"); } Content content = contents_map[]; if (content_node.creator != content.content_creator) { throw new IqError.BAD_REQUEST("unknown content; creator"); } switch (action) { case "transport-accept": content.handle_transport_accept(stream, content_node.transport, jingle, iq); break; case "transport-info": content.handle_transport_info(stream, content_node.transport, jingle, iq); break; case "transport-reject": content.handle_transport_reject(stream, jingle, iq); break; case "transport-replace": content.handle_transport_replace(stream, content_node.transport, jingle, iq); break; default: throw new IqError.BAD_REQUEST("invalid action"); } } else if (action == "description-info") { ContentNode content_node = get_single_content_node(jingle); if (!contents_map.has_key( { throw new IqError.BAD_REQUEST("unknown content"); } Content content = contents_map[]; if (content_node.creator != content.content_creator) { throw new IqError.BAD_REQUEST("unknown content; creator"); } content.on_description_info(stream, content_node.description, jingle, iq); } else if (action == "security-info") { throw new IqError.NOT_IMPLEMENTED(@"$(action) is not implemented"); } else { throw new IqError.BAD_REQUEST("invalid action"); } } internal void insert_content(Content content) { this.contents_map[content.content_name] = content; this.contents.add(content); content.set_session(this); } internal async void insert_content_node(ContentNode content_node, Jid peer_full_jid) throws IqError { if (content_node.description == null || content_node.transport == null) { throw new IqError.BAD_REQUEST("missing description or transport node"); } Jid? my_jid = stream.get_flag(Bind.Flag.IDENTITY).my_jid; Transport? transport = stream.get_module(Jingle.Module.IDENTITY).get_transport(content_node.transport.ns_uri); ContentType? content_type = stream.get_module(Jingle.Module.IDENTITY).get_content_type(content_node.description.ns_uri); if (content_type == null) { // TODO(hrxi): how do we signal an unknown content type? throw new IqError.NOT_IMPLEMENTED("unknown content type"); } TransportParameters? transport_params = null; if (transport != null) { transport_params = transport.parse_transport_parameters(stream, content_type.required_components, my_jid, peer_full_jid, content_node.transport); } else { // terminate the session below } ContentParameters content_params = content_type.parse_content_parameters(content_node.description); SecurityPrecondition? precondition = != null ? stream.get_module(Jingle.Module.IDENTITY).get_security_precondition( : null; SecurityParameters? security_params = null; if (precondition != null) { debug("Using precondition %s", precondition.security_ns_uri()); security_params = precondition.parse_security_parameters(stream, my_jid, peer_full_jid,; } else if ( != null) { throw new IqError.NOT_IMPLEMENTED("unknown security precondition"); } TransportType type = content_type.required_transport_type; if (transport == null || transport.type_ != type) { terminate(ReasonElement.UNSUPPORTED_TRANSPORTS, null, "unsupported transports"); throw new IqError.NOT_IMPLEMENTED("unsupported transports"); } Content content = new Content.initiate_received(, content_node.senders, content_type, content_params, transport, transport_params, precondition, security_params, my_jid, peer_full_jid); insert_content(content); yield content_params.handle_proposed_content(stream, this, content); if (this.state == State.ACTIVE) { additional_content_add_incoming(stream, content); } } public async void add_content(Content content) { insert_content(content); StanzaNode content_add_node = new"jingle", NS_URI) .add_self_xmlns() .put_attribute("action", "content-add") .put_attribute("sid", sid) .put_node(new"content", NS_URI) .put_attribute("creator", "initiator") .put_attribute("name", content.content_name) .put_attribute("senders", content.senders.to_string()) .put_node(content.content_params.get_description_node()) .put_node(content.transport_params.to_transport_stanza_node())); Iq.Stanza iq = new Iq.Stanza.set(content_add_node) { to=peer_full_jid }; yield stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq_async(stream, iq); } private void handle_content_accept(ContentNode content_node) throws IqError { if (content_node.description == null || content_node.transport == null) throw new IqError.BAD_REQUEST("missing description or transport node"); if (!contents_map.has_key( throw new IqError.BAD_REQUEST("unknown content"); Content content = contents_map[]; if (content_node.creator != content.content_creator) warning("Counterpart accepts content with an unexpected `creator`"); if (content_node.senders != content.senders) warning("Counterpart accepts content with an unexpected `senders`"); if (content_node.transport.ns_uri != content.transport_params.ns_uri) throw new IqError.BAD_REQUEST("session-accept with unnegotiated transport method"); content.handle_accept(stream, content_node); } private void handle_content_modify(XmppStream stream, StanzaNode jingle_node, Iq.Stanza iq) throws IqError { ContentNode content_node = get_single_content_node(jingle_node); Content? content = contents_map[]; if (content == null) throw new IqError.BAD_REQUEST("no such content"); if (content_node.creator != content.content_creator) throw new IqError.BAD_REQUEST("mismatching creator"); Iq.Stanza result_iq = new Iq.Stanza.result(iq) { to=peer_full_jid }; stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, result_iq); content.handle_content_modify(stream, content_node.senders); } private void handle_session_accept(Gee.List<ContentNode> content_nodes, StanzaNode jingle, Iq.Stanza iq) throws IqError { string? responder_str = jingle.get_attribute("responder"); Jid responder = iq.from; if (responder_str != null) { try { responder = new Jid(responder_str); } catch (InvalidJidError e) { warning("Received invalid session accept: %s", e.message); } } // TODO(hrxi): more sanity checking, perhaps replace who we're talking to if (!responder.is_full()) { throw new IqError.BAD_REQUEST("invalid responder JID"); } foreach (ContentNode content_node in content_nodes) { handle_content_accept(content_node); } stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, new Iq.Stanza.result(iq)); state = State.ACTIVE; } private void handle_session_terminate(StanzaNode jingle, Iq.Stanza iq) throws IqError { string? reason_text = null; string? reason_name = null; StanzaNode? reason_node = iq.stanza.get_deep_subnode(NS_URI + ":jingle", NS_URI + ":reason"); if (reason_node != null) { if (reason_node.sub_nodes.size > 2) warning("Jingle session-terminate reason node w/ >2 subnodes: %s", iq.stanza.to_string()); StanzaNode? specific_reason_node = null; StanzaNode? text_node = null; foreach (StanzaNode node in reason_node.sub_nodes) { if ( == "text") { text_node = node; } else if (node.ns_uri == NS_URI) { specific_reason_node = node; } } reason_name = specific_reason_node != null ? : null; reason_text = text_node != null ? text_node.get_string_content() : null; if (reason_name != null && !( in ReasonElement.NORMAL_TERMINATE_REASONS)) { warning("Jingle session terminated: %s : %s", reason_name ?? "", reason_text ?? ""); } else { debug("Jingle session terminated: %s : %s", reason_name ?? "", reason_text ?? ""); } } foreach (Content content in contents) { content.terminate(false, reason_name, reason_text); } stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, new Iq.Stanza.result(iq)); // TODO(hrxi): also handle presence type=unavailable state = State.ENDED; terminated(stream, false, reason_name, reason_text); } private async void handle_session_info(StanzaNode jingle, Iq.Stanza iq) throws IqError { StanzaNode? info = get_single_node_anyns(jingle); if (info == null) { // Jingle session ping stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, new Iq.Stanza.result(iq)); return; } SessionInfoNs? info_ns = stream.get_module(Module.IDENTITY).get_session_info_type(info.ns_uri); if (info_ns == null) { throw new IqError.UNSUPPORTED_INFO("unknown session-info namespace"); } info_ns.handle_content_session_info(stream, this, info, iq); Iq.Stanza result_iq = new Iq.Stanza.result(iq) { to=peer_full_jid }; stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, result_iq); } private void accept() { if (state != State.INITIATE_RECEIVED) critical("Accepting a stream, but we're the initiator"); StanzaNode jingle = new"jingle", NS_URI) .add_self_xmlns() .put_attribute("action", "session-accept") .put_attribute("sid", sid); foreach (Content content in contents) { StanzaNode content_node = new"content", NS_URI) .put_attribute("creator", "initiator") .put_attribute("name", content.content_name) .put_attribute("senders", content.senders.to_string()) .put_node(content.content_params.get_description_node()) .put_node(content.transport_params.to_transport_stanza_node()); jingle.put_node(content_node); } Iq.Stanza iq = new Iq.Stanza.set(jingle) { to=peer_full_jid }; stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, iq); foreach (Content content2 in contents) { content2.on_accept(stream); } state = State.ACTIVE; } internal void accept_content(Content content) { if (state == State.INITIATE_RECEIVED) { bool all_accepted = true; foreach (Content c in contents) { if (c.state != Content.State.WANTS_TO_BE_ACCEPTED) { all_accepted = false; } } if (all_accepted) { accept(); } } else if (state == State.ACTIVE) { StanzaNode content_accept_node = new"jingle", NS_URI) .add_self_xmlns() .put_attribute("action", "content-accept") .put_attribute("sid", sid) .put_node(new"content", NS_URI) .put_attribute("creator", "initiator") .put_attribute("name", content.content_name) .put_attribute("senders", content.senders.to_string()) .put_node(content.content_params.get_description_node()) .put_node(content.transport_params.to_transport_stanza_node())); Iq.Stanza iq = new Iq.Stanza.set(content_accept_node) { to=peer_full_jid }; stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, iq); content.on_accept(stream); } } private void reject() { if (state != State.INITIATE_RECEIVED) critical("Accepting a stream, but we're the initiator"); terminate(ReasonElement.DECLINE, null, "declined"); } internal void reject_content(Content content) { if (state == State.INITIATE_RECEIVED) { reject(); } else { warning("not really handeling content rejects"); } } public void set_application_error(StanzaNode? application_reason = null) { terminate(ReasonElement.FAILED_APPLICATION, null, "application error"); } public void terminate(string? reason_name, string? reason_text, string? local_reason) { if (state == State.ENDED) return; if (state == State.ACTIVE) { string reason_str; if (local_reason != null) { reason_str = @"local session-terminate: $(local_reason)"; } else { reason_str = "local session-terminate"; } foreach (Content content in contents) { content.terminate(true, reason_name, reason_text); } } StanzaNode terminate_iq = new"jingle", NS_URI) .add_self_xmlns() .put_attribute("action", "session-terminate") .put_attribute("sid", sid); if (reason_name != null || reason_text != null) { StanzaNode reason_node = new"reason", NS_URI); if (reason_name != null) { reason_node.put_node(new, NS_URI)); } if (reason_text != null) { reason_node.put_node(new StanzaNode.text(reason_text)); } terminate_iq.put_node(reason_node); } Iq.Stanza iq = new Iq.Stanza.set(terminate_iq) { to=peer_full_jid }; stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, iq); state = State.ENDED; terminated(stream, true, reason_name, reason_text); } internal void send_session_info(StanzaNode child_node) { if (state == State.ENDED) return; StanzaNode node = new"jingle", NS_URI).add_self_xmlns() .put_attribute("action", "session-info") .put_attribute("sid", sid) // TODO put `initiator`? .put_node(child_node); Iq.Stanza iq = new Iq.Stanza.set(node) { to=peer_full_jid }; stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, iq); } internal void send_content_modify(Content content, Senders senders) { if (state == State.ENDED) return; StanzaNode node = new"jingle", NS_URI).add_self_xmlns() .put_attribute("action", "content-modify") .put_attribute("sid", sid) .put_node(new"content", NS_URI) .put_attribute("creator", content.content_creator.to_string()) .put_attribute("name", content.content_name) .put_attribute("senders", senders.to_string())); Iq.Stanza iq = new Iq.Stanza.set(node) { to=peer_full_jid }; stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, iq); } internal void send_transport_accept(Content content, TransportParameters transport_params) { if (state == State.ENDED) return; StanzaNode jingle_response = new"jingle", NS_URI) .add_self_xmlns() .put_attribute("action", "transport-accept") .put_attribute("sid", sid) .put_node(new"content", NS_URI) .put_attribute("creator", "initiator") .put_attribute("name", content.content_name) .put_node(transport_params.to_transport_stanza_node()) ); Iq.Stanza iq_response = new Iq.Stanza.set(jingle_response) { to=peer_full_jid }; stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, iq_response); } internal void send_transport_replace(Content content, TransportParameters transport_params) { if (state == State.ENDED) return; StanzaNode jingle = new"jingle", NS_URI) .add_self_xmlns() .put_attribute("action", "transport-replace") .put_attribute("sid", sid) .put_node(new"content", NS_URI) .put_attribute("creator", "initiator") .put_attribute("name", content.content_name) .put_node(transport_params.to_transport_stanza_node()) ); Iq.Stanza iq = new Iq.Stanza.set(jingle) { to=peer_full_jid }; stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, iq); } internal void send_transport_reject(Content content, StanzaNode transport_node) { if (state == State.ENDED) return; StanzaNode jingle_response = new"jingle", NS_URI) .add_self_xmlns() .put_attribute("action", "transport-reject") .put_attribute("sid", sid) .put_node(new"content", NS_URI) .put_attribute("creator", "initiator") .put_attribute("name", content.content_name) .put_node(transport_node) ); Iq.Stanza iq_response = new Iq.Stanza.set(jingle_response) { to=peer_full_jid }; stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, iq_response); } internal void send_transport_info(Content content, StanzaNode transport) { if (state == State.ENDED) return; StanzaNode jingle = new"jingle", NS_URI) .add_self_xmlns() .put_attribute("action", "transport-info") .put_attribute("sid", sid) .put_node(new"content", NS_URI) .put_attribute("creator", "initiator") .put_attribute("name", content.content_name) .put_node(transport) ); Iq.Stanza iq = new Iq.Stanza.set(jingle) { to=peer_full_jid }; stream.get_module(Iq.Module.IDENTITY).send_iq(stream, iq); } public bool senders_include_us(Senders senders) { switch (senders) { case Senders.BOTH: return true; case Senders.NONE: return false; case Senders.INITIATOR: return we_initiated; case Senders.RESPONDER: return !we_initiated; } assert_not_reached(); } public bool senders_include_counterpart(Senders senders) { switch (senders) { case Senders.BOTH: return true; case Senders.NONE: return false; case Senders.INITIATOR: return !we_initiated; case Senders.RESPONDER: return we_initiated; } assert_not_reached(); } }