diff options
authorMiquel Lionel <lionelmiquel@sfr.fr>2020-11-15 17:10:37 +0100
committerMiquel Lionel <lionelmiquel@sfr.fr>2020-11-15 17:10:37 +0100
commit38bffc04be31e117db77e94eeeac812cdce8da76 (patch)
parentdf8a67713a1893f14c0372f01c5b9af48de5a6f9 (diff)
on réécrit le script d'install un peu plus propre
On trouve une manière native de faire le checksum, yay. Il faut utiliser 'printf' et non 'echo' !
1 files changed, 130 insertions, 151 deletions
diff --git a/install.sh b/install.sh
index cb3b7d4..00d1089 100755
--- a/install.sh
+++ b/install.sh
@@ -1,154 +1,138 @@
# !/bin/sh
-THIS_SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
+set -o errexit
+#set -o pipefail
+#set -o nounset
+#set -o xtrace
command -V gpg >/dev/null 2>&1 && GPG="gpg" || GPG="gpg2"
-printf "Welcome to the gpigeon.cgi installer. We will first install the
-#apt install perl gcc make cpanminus libnet-ssleay-perl || exit 1
-#cpanm Digest::SHA Email::Valid String::Random HTML::Entities CGI CGI::Carp Net::SMTP Net::SMTPS GPG || ( printf "\nInstallation of dependencies failed\n" && exit 1 )
+self_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
+HAS_MAILSERVER=0 # 0 is the default, it'll use an external smtp server (your gmail
+# account /ISP subscriber mail address for example). Change to 1 if you have a local mail
+# server.
+GPG_XLONG='0x0000000000000000' # running 'gpg -k --keyid-format 0xlong yourmail@example.com' will
+# help you there.
+self_abort() {
+ printf "\n${BOLD}${RED}Aborting...${STYLE_END}\n"
+ exit 1
+list_setupvars() {
+ printf "\nThis is what has been configured so far:"
+ printf "\nGpigeon root directory: %s" "$ROOT_DIR"
+ printf "\nCGI script directory: %s" "$CGI_DIR"
+ printf "\nGpigeon ownership: %s:%s" "$SCRIPT_USER" "$SCRIPT_GROUP"
+ printf "\nGpigeon links folder: %s" "$LINKS_DIR"
+ printf "\nGpigeon GPG homedir: %s" "$GPG_DATA_DIR"
+ printf "\nGPG public key id: %s" "$GPG_XLONG"
+ printf "\nLocal mailserver method: "
+ if [ $HAS_MAILSERVER -eq 0 ]; then
+ printf "${RED}no${STYLE_END}\nMail address: %s\nMail password: %s\nExternal SMTP server and port: %s:%s\n" "$YOUR_EMAIL" "$MAIL_PW" "$SMTP" "$SMTP_P"
+ else
+ printf "${GREEN}yes${STYLE_END}\n"
+ fi
+ printf "App password: %s\n" "$APP_PW"
+ printf "\n"
-interact() {
+ printf "\nPress any key to continue (CTRL+C to abort)..."
+ read
- if [ $INSTALLING eq 1 ]; then
- echo "already installing !"
- exit 1
+__check_setupvars() {
+ if ! $GPG -k "$GPG_HEX" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null; then
+ printf "No GPG key pair are related to your email. Create one and launch
+ this script again."
+ self_abort
- printf "Choose a password for the gpigeon web application: \n"
- read -r -s _APP_PASSWORD
- printf "\nRepeat password: "
- done
- # prevent obscure errors with q{} from perl
- _APP_PASSWORD="$(echo $_APP_PASSWORD | sed s/{/\\\\{/g | sed s/}/\\\\}/g)"
- HASHED_PASSWORD=`perl -e "use Digest::SHA qw(sha256_hex);print sha256_hex(q{$_APP_PASSWORD});"`
- printf "\nPassword matches. The SHA256 hash of it is: \033[32m$HASHED_PASSWORD\033[0m\n"
- printf "\nWhat is your email address: "
- read -r _YOUR_EMAIL
- while ! echo "$_YOUR_EMAIL" | grep "$emailre" >/dev/null; do
- printf "\nYour email address is not a valid one. Type it again: "
- read -r _YOUR_EMAIL
- done
- printf "\033[32m$_YOUR_EMAIL\033[0m seems a valid e-mail address."
- while [[ -z $_YOUR_EMAIL_PASSWORD ]]; do
- printf "\nPassword for your email account: "
- done
- printf "\nAgain for confirmation: "
- done
- _YOUR_EMAIL_PASSWORD_VERIFICATION=$(printf '%s\n' "$_YOUR_EMAIL_PASSWORD" | sed -e 's/[]\/$*.^[]/\\&/g');
- domain="$(echo "$_YOUR_EMAIL" | sed "s/.*@//")"
- serverinfo="$(grep "^$domain" "domains.csv" 2>/dev/null)"
- if [ -z "$serverinfo" ]; then
- printf "\nAh. Your email domain isn't listed in the domains.csv file. Don't
- worry, you can find info relating to that easily on the domain website /
- the Internet, and type it in here."
- while ! echo "$smtp" | grep -Eo "[.[:alnum:]]"; do
- printf "\nWhat is the SMTP server address of your domain (typically like this: smtp.domain.net)? "
- read -r smtp
- done
- while ! echo "$sport" | grep -Eo "[0-9]{1,5}"; do
- printf "\nWhat is the SMTP server port (typically 465 or 587) ? "
- read -r sport
- done
- else
- print "Yay! Your email domain seems to be listed in domains.csv, so you don't
- have to manually type the smtp server address and port manually."
- IFS=, read service imap iport smtp sport <<EOF
- $serverinfo
- # smtp and sport variable are the only useful variable for our use case
+ if ! id $SCRIPT_USER; then
+ printf "\nThe user ${BOLD}$SCRIPT_USER${STYLE_END} doesn't exist. Edit
+ ${UNDL}$self_fullpath${STYLE_END} and search
+ for the ${BOLD}SCRIPT_USER${STYLE_END} variable.\n\n"
+ self_abort
- gpgidlong="$($GPG -k --with-colons $_YOUR_EMAIL| awk -F: '/^pub:/ {print $5}')"
- if [ -z gpgid ]; then
- printf "No GPG key pair are related to your email. Create one and launch
-this script again."
- exit 0
- else
- printf "\nGPG keyid associated to $_YOUR_EMAIL : \033[32m0x$gpgidlong\033[0m."
+ if ! getent group $SCRIPT_GROUP; then
+ echo "The ${BOLD}$SCRIPT_GROUP${END_STYLE} group doesn't exist. Edit $self_fullpath then modify
+ the SCRIPT_GROUP variable value."
+ self_abort
- while ! echo "$SCRIPT_DIR" | grep -Eo "^/"; do
- printf "\nWhich directory you want the script to be in (defaults to
- /var/www/cgi-bin/) ? Please provide an absolute path: "
- read -r SCRIPT_DIR
- done
- printf "\nWhat user and group you want to use for the gpigeon CGI script
- (defaults to www-data for both):"
- printf "\nUser: "
- read -r SCRIPT_USER
- printf "\nGroup (leave blank for same as user): "
- read -r SCRIPT_GROUP
- if [ -z SCRIPT_USER ]; then
- SCRIPT_USER='www-data'
+ if [ "$APP_PW" -eq "0" ] || [ -z $APP_PW ] ; then
+ echo "Please edit $0 with a text editor ($EDITOR I guess?) and change the
+ APP_PW variable."
+ self_abort
- while ! id $SCRIPT_USER; do
- printf "\nThe user you typed doesn't seem to exist. Try again with a valid one: "
- read -r SCRIPT_USER
- done
+ PW_LENGTH=$(echo $APP_PW | wc -L)
+ if [ $PW_LENGTH -le 8 ]; then
+ echo "Your password is too short, make it lengthier than 8 characters."
+ self_abort
+ fi
- if [ -z SCRIPT_GROUP ]; then
- fi
+ # prevent obscure errors with q{$APP_PW} in perl script
+ APP_PW_SANE="$(echo $APP_PW | sed s/{/\\\\{/g | sed s/}/\\\\}/g)"
- printf "\nWhere will be put the static files ? Defaults to /var/www/gpigeon."
+ # password checksum'd so no plaintext
+ HASHED_PASSWORD=$(printf "%s" "$APP_PW" | sha256sum)
+ if ! echo "$YOUR_EMAIL" | grep "$emailre" >/dev/null; then
+ printf "\nYour email address is not a valid one. Edit $self_fullpath and
+ modify the value of the YOUR_EMAIL variable."
+ fi
setup_gpigeon() {
- cp $THIS_SCRIPT_DIR/gpigeon-template.cgi $GPIGEON_SCRIPT
- sed "s/password_hash_goes_here/$HASHED_PASSWORD/g" -i $GPIGEON_SCRIPT
- sed "s/your_mail_address_goes_here/$_YOUR_EMAIL/g" -i $GPIGEON_SCRIPT
- sed "s/your_mail_address_password_goes_here/$_YOUR_EMAIL_PASSWORD_VERIFICATION/g" -i $GPIGEON_SCRIPT
- sed "s/smtp_domain_goes_here/$smtp/g" -i $GPIGEON_SCRIPT
- sed "s/smtp_port_goes_here/$sport/g" -i $GPIGEON_SCRIPT
- sed "s/gpgid_goes_here/$gpgidlong/g" -i $GPIGEON_SCRIPT
- printf "\n\nCreating script directory at $SCRIPT_DIR ..."
- mkdir -p "$SCRIPT_DIR/l" || exit 1
+ apt install perl gcc make cpanminus libnet-ssleay-perl || self_abort
+ cpanm Digest::SHA Email::Valid String::Random HTML::Entities CGI CGI::Carp Net::SMTP Net::SMTPS GPG || ( printf "\nInstallation of dependencies failed\n" && self_abort )
- printf "\nCreating static files directory at $GPIGEON_ROOT_DIR"
- mkdir -p "$GPIGEON_ROOT_DIR" || exit 1
+ cp $self_dir/gpigeon-template.cgi $SCRIPT
+ sed "s/password_hash_goes_here/$HASHED_PASSWORD/g" -i $SCRIPT
+ sed "s/your_mail_address_goes_here/$YOUR_EMAIL/g" -i $SCRIPT
+ sed "s/your_mail_address_password_goes_here/$YOUR_EMAIL_PW/g" -i $SCRIPT
+ sed "s/smtp_domain_goes_here/$SMTP/g" -i $SCRIPT
+ sed "s/smtp_port_goes_here/$SMTP_P/g" -i $SCRIPT
+ sed "s/gpgid_goes_here/$gpgidlong/g" -i $SCRIPT
- printf "\nCopying personalized gpigeon.cgi script to $SCRIPT_DIR ..."
+ printf "\nCreating static files directory at $ROOT_DIR"
+ mkdir -p "$ROOT_DIR" || self_abort
+ printf "\nCopying static files to $ROOT_DIR ..."
+ cp -r $self_dir/{merci/,index.html,gpigeon.css,favicon.ico} $ROOT_DIR || self_abort
- printf "\nCopying static files to $GPIGEON_ROOT_DIR ..."
+ printf "\n\nCreating script and links directory at $CGI_DIR ..."
+ mkdir -p {"$CGI_DIR","$LINKS_DIR"} || self_abort
- cp $THIS_SCRIPT_DIR/{merci/,index.html,gpigeon.css,favicon.ico} $GPIGEON_ROOT_DIR || exit 1
+ printf "\nCopying personalized gpigeon.cgi script to $CGI_DIR ..."
+ cp $SCRIPT $CGI_DIR/ || self_abort
- printf "\nSetting ownership as $SCRIPT_USER:$SCRIPT_GROUP for directory $SCRIPT_DIR ..."
+ printf "\nSetting ownership as $SCRIPT_USER:$SCRIPT_GROUP for directory $CGI_DIR ..."
+ chown $SCRIPT_GROUP:$SCRIPT_USER $CGI_DIR || self_abort
- printf "\nSetting ownership as $SCRIPT_USER:$SCRIPT_GROUP for static directory $GPIGEON_ROOT_DIR ..."
+ printf "\nSetting ownership as $SCRIPT_USER:$SCRIPT_GROUP for static directory $ROOT_DIR ..."
+ chown $SCRIPT_GROUP:$SCRIPT_USER $ROOT_DIR || self_abort
printf "\nSetting up the GPG directory for the script ..."
if [[ -z $GPG_DATA_DIR ]]; then
@@ -162,33 +146,28 @@ setup_gpigeon() {
chmod 600 $GPG_DATA_DIR
- printf "\n\033[32mCongrats, we are done! You should now configure your web server in
- order to execute the CGI scripts in the $SCRIPT_DIR folder. Manuals and
- official websites for these softwares should help you.\033[0m\n\n"
+ printf "${BOLD}${GREEN}Congrats, we are done!${END_STYLE} You should now manually configure your web server to execute the CGI scripts in the $CGI_DIR folder. Manuals and
+ official websites for these softwares should help you.\n\n"
+ exit 0
+ printf "\n -c checks variables"
+ printf "\n -l lists variables"
+ printf "\n -y checks variables and attempts to install gpigeon"
+ printf "\n -s install gpigeon"
+ printf "\n -h print this help"
+ printf "\n\n"
-while getopts "iu:g:PAm" o; do
- case "${o}" in
- i)
- interact
- setup_gpigeon;;
- u)
- echo user will be $SCRIPT_USER;;
- #exit 0
- g)
- echo group will be $SCRIPT_GROUP;;
- P)
- echo kek;;
- A)
- echo kuk;;
- *)
- printf "\nlol fuck off\n";;
-# echo "$@"
-# echo $GETOPTS
- esac
- shift
+while getopts "clysh" o; do
+ case "${o}" in
+ c) __check_setupvars && exit 0;;
+ l) list_setupvars && exit 0;;
+ y) __check_vars && setup_gpigeon;;
+ s) setup_gpigeon;;
+ h) _usage_;;
+ #i) interactive_setup;;
+ *) __check_vars && list_setupvars && setup_gpigeon
+ esac