diff options
authorMiquel Lionel <lionel@les-miquelots.net>2021-06-06 15:32:41 +0100
committerMiquel Lionel <lionelmiquel@sfr.fr>2021-06-06 15:32:41 +0100
commitbfe2259a237215da3dc43f0bfc9563e1d43f943f (patch)
parent10231a07a1ea47f6de56a468dd1daa2068ae50ae (diff)
a more verbose makefile and explicative readme.
- also genpass.pl didn't need a newline when priting argon2id hash
-rw-r--r--config.def.mk (renamed from config.mk)15
4 files changed, 196 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 16f4507..d54c135 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,64 +1,148 @@
+# you should comment this line @if non-GNU make
+# and execute genpass.pl manually and edit config.mk
+# with the resulting argon2id hash.
+RANDOM_ARGON2 := $(shell perl genpass.pl > genpass.txt && tail -1 genpass.txt)
include config.mk
- mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/cookies
- mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(_GPG_HOMEDIR)
- chmod 700 $(DESTDIR)$(_GPG_HOMEDIR)
- mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(WWWPREFIX)/cgi-bin/l
- cp -f gpigeon-template.cgi $(DESTDIR)$(WWWPREFIX)/cgi-bin/
- cp -f index.html $(DESTDIR)$(WWWPREFIX)/
- chmod 700 $(DESTDIR)$(WWWPREFIX)/cgi-bin/gpigeon.cgi
- if test -z '$(ARGON2ID_HASH)'; then \
- perl genpass.pl > genpass.txt; \
- ARGON2ID_HASH="`tail -1 genpass.txt`"; \
+gpigeon: gpigeon-template.cgi link-tmpl-template.cgi
+ @if test -z '$(PREFIX)'; then \
+ printf "\n$(RED)No \u0024PREFIX variable defined in config.mk.\n";\
+ printf "Look into config.def.mk for the defaults and fix that.$(STOP)\n";\
+ exit 1;\
+ else \
+ printf "\n\u0024PREFIX var is set to $(BOLD)$(PREFIX)$(STOP)";\
- sed -e 's|argon2id_hash_goes_here|$(ARGON2ID_HASH)|g' -i $(DESTDIR)$(WWWPREFIX)/cgi-bin/gpigeon.cgi
- sed -e "s|cookies_dir_goes_here|$(COOKIES_DIR)|g" -i $(DESTDIR)$(WWWPREFIX)/cgi-bin/gpigeon.cgi
- sed -e "s|link_template_path_goes_here|$(LINK_TEMPLATE_PATH)|g" -i $(DESTDIR)$(WWWPREFIX)/cgi-bin/gpigeon.cgi
- sed -e "s|msg_char_limit_goes_here|$(MSG_FORM_CHAR_LIMIT)|g" -i $(DESTDIR)$(LINK_TEMPLATE_PATH)
- cp -f link-tmpl.cgi $(DESTDIR)$(LINK_TEMPLATE_PATH)
- if test -n '$(MYMAIL_ADDR)'; then \
- sed -e "s|your_addr_goes_here|$(MYMAIL_ADDR)|g" -i $(DESTDIR)$(LINK_TEMPLATE_PATH); \
+ @if test -z '$(WWWPREFIX)'; then\
+ printf "\n${RED}No web directory defined in config.mk. Check your config.def.mk for the defaults and fix that.${STOP}";\
+ exit 1; \
+ else \
+ printf "\nThe WWW directory is $(BOLD)$(WWWPREFIX)$(STOP)";\
- if test -n '$(MYGPG_ID_0XLONG)'; then \
- sed -e "s|gpgid_goes_here|$(MYGPG_ID_0XLONG)|g" -i $(DESTDIR)$(LINK_TEMPLATE_PATH); \
- gpg --armor --export $(MYGPG_ID_0XLONG) > gpg.txt; \
- gpg --homedir "$(_GPG_HOMEDIR)" --import gpg.txt; \
+ @if test -n '$(COOKIES_DIR)'; then \
+ printf "\nThe cookies will be stored in ${BOLD}$(COOKIES_DIR)${STOP}"; \
+ sed -e 's|cookies_dir_goes_here|$(COOKIES_DIR)|g;' gpigeon-template.cgi > gpigeon.cgi; \
+ else \
+ printf "\n${RED}No cookie directory configured. Check your config.def.mk for the defaults and fix that.${STOP}" ;\
+ exit 1; \
+ fi
+ @if test -n '$(_GPG_HOMEDIR)'; then \
+ printf "\nThe home directory for GPG will be ${BOLD}$(_GPG_HOMEDIR)${STOP}" ;\
+ else \
+ printf "\n${RED}The GPG home directory for gpigeon wasn't set in config.mk . Fix that.${STOP}" ;\
+ $(MAKE) clean ;\
+ exit 1;\
- if test -n '$(MAILSENDER)'; then \
- sed -e "s|sender_addr_goes_here|$(MAILSENDER)|g" -i $(DESTDIR)$(LINK_TEMPLATE_PATH); \
+ @if test -n '$(LINK_TEMPLATE_PATH)'; then \
+ printf "\nLink template is at ${BOLD}$(LINK_TEMPLATE_PATH)${STOP}"; \
+ sed -e 's|link_template_path_goes_here|$(LINK_TEMPLATE_PATH)|g' gpigeon-template.cgi > gpigeon.cgi; \
+ else \
+ printf "\n${RED}The path for the link template wasn't set in your config.mk. Fix that.${STOP}" ;\
+ exit 1;\
+ fi
+ @if test -n '$(ARGON2ID_HASH)'; then\
+ printf "\nThe argon2id hash is ${BOLD}$(ARGON2ID_HASH)${STOP}"; \
+ sed -e 's|argon2id_hash_goes_here|$(ARGON2ID_HASH)|g' gpigeon-template.cgi > gpigeon.cgi; \
+ else \
+ sed -e 's|argon2id_hash_goes_here|$(RANDOM_ARGON2)|g' gpigeon-template.cgi > gpigeon.cgi; \
+ printf "\nThe variable ARGON2ID_HASH wasn't declared in your config.mk thus a password \nand its argon2id hash as been generated (look into `pwd`/genpass.txt)."; \
+ printf "\nYour password is:\n${BOLD}`head -1 genpass.txt`${STOP}"; \
+ printf "\nAnd the hash is:\n${BOLD}%s${STOP}\n\n" '${RANDOM_ARGON2}'; \
+ rm -f genpass.txt; \
- if test -n '$(SMTP_DOMAIN)'; then \
- sed -e "s|smtp_domain_goes_here|$(SMTP_DOMAIN)|g" -i $(DESTDIR)$(LINK_TEMPLATE_PATH); \
+ @if test -n '$(MYGPG_ID_0XLONG)'; then \
+ printf "Mails will be encrypted to you with the ${BOLD}$(MYGPG_ID_0XLONG)${STOP} GPG key\n"; \
+ sed -e 's|gpgid_goes_here|$(MYGPG_ID_0XLONG)|g' link-tmpl-template.cgi > link-tmpl.cgi; \
+ gpg --armor --export $(MYGPG_ID_0XLONG) > gpg.txt; \
+ else \
+ printf "${RED}No GPG key found because the 0xlong fingerprint format wasn't set in config.mk. Fix this.${STOP}\n";\
+ $(MAKE) clean;\
+ exit 1 ;\
- if test -n '$(SMTP_PORT)'; then \
- sed -e "s|smtp_port_goes_here|$(SMTP_PORT)|g" -i $(DESTDIR)$(LINK_TEMPLATE_PATH); \
+ @if test -n '$(MSG_FORM_CHAR_LIMIT)'; then \
+ printf "Message form will have a message limit of ${BOLD}$(MSG_FORM_CHAR_LIMIT) characters${STOP}\n"; \
+ sed -e "s|msg_char_limit_goes_here|$(MSG_FORM_CHAR_LIMIT)|g" link-tmpl-template.cgi > link-tmpl.cgi;\
+ else \
+ printf "${RED}No character limits were defined in your config.mk. Fix that.${STOP}\n" ;\
+ $(MAKE) clean ;\
+ exit 1;\
- if test -n '$(MAILSENDER_PW)'; then \
- sed -e "s|sender_pw_goes_here|$(MAILSENDER_PW)|g" -i $(DESTDIR)$(LINK_TEMPLATE_PATH); \
+ @if test -n '$(MYMAIL_ADDR)'; then \
+ printf "Your mail address is ${BOLD}$(MYMAIL_ADDR)${STOP}\n"; \
+ sed -e 's|your_addr_goes_here|$(MYMAIL_ADDR)|g' link-tmpl-template.cgi > link-tmpl.cgi; \
+ else \
+ printf "There's no mail adress configured for gpigeon in your config.mk !\n" ; \
+ $(MAKE) clean ; \
+ exit 1; \
- sed -e "s|has_mailserver_goes_here|$(HAS_MAILSERVER)|g" -i $(DESTDIR)$(LINK_TEMPLATE_PATH)
- sed -e "s|gpg_homedir_goes_here|$(_GPG_HOMEDIR)|g" -i $(DESTDIR)$(LINK_TEMPLATE_PATH)
- cp -f styles.css $(DESTDIR)$(WWWPREFIX)/
- chmod 644 $(DESTDIR)$(WWWPREFIX)/styles.css
- cp -f favicon.ico $(DESTDIR)$(WWWPREFIX)/
- chmod 644 $(DESTDIR)$(WWWPREFIX)/favicon.ico
- cp -rf merci $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/
- chmod 755 -R $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)
- if test -e 'genpass.txt'; then \
- printf "\n\nThe variable ARGON2ID_HASH wasn't declared thus a password and its argon2id hash as been generated (look into genpass.txt)."; \
- printf "\nYour password is:\n`head -1 genpass.txt`\n\n\n"; \
- rm -rf genpass.txt; \
+ @if [ '${HAS_MAILSERVER}' == '1' ]; then \
+ printf "Local mail server setup. ${BOLD}Mail::Sendmail module will be used to send the mails${STOP}.\n"; \
+ else \
+ printf "External mail server setup. ${BOLD}Net::SMTPS module will be used to send the mails${STOP}.\n"; \
+ if test -n '$(MAILSENDER)'; then \
+ printf "\tEncrypted mails will be sent from ${BOLD}$(MAILSENDER)${STOP}\n"; \
+ sed -e 's|sender_addr_goes_here|$(MAILSENDER)|g' link-tmpl-template.cgi > link-tmpl.cgi; \
+ else \
+ printf "\t${RED}No mail sender adress configured in your config.mk. Fix this.${STOP}\n" ; \
+ $(MAKE) clean ; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -n '$(MAILSENDER_PW)'; then \
+ printf "\tPassword for ${BOLD}${MAILSENDER}${STOP} is %s.\n" '${MAILSENDER_PW}'; \
+ sed -e 's|sender_pw_goes_here|$(MAILSENDER_PW)|g' link-tmpl-template.cgi > link-tmpl.cgi; \
+ else\
+ printf "\t${RED}Password for the sender address wasn't set in your config.mk. Fix this${STOP}.\n";\
+ $(MAKE) clean ; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -n '$(SMTP_DOMAIN)'; then \
+ printf "\tSMTP server: ${BOLD}$(SMTP_DOMAIN)${STOP}\n"; \
+ sed -e 's|smtp_domain_goes_here|$(SMTP_DOMAIN)|g' link-tmpl-template.cgi > link-tmpl.cgi; \
+ else\
+ printf "\t${RED}No SMTP server was configured in your config.mk. Fix this.${STOP}\n";\
+ $(MAKE) clean ; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ if test -n '$(SMTP_PORT)'; then \
+ printf "\tSMTP port: ${BOLD}$(SMTP_PORT)${STOP}\n"; \
+ sed -e 's|smtp_port_goes_here|$(SMTP_PORT)|g' link-tmpl-template.cgi > link-tmpl.cgi; \
+ else \
+ printf "\t${RED}No SMTP port configured in your config.mk. Fix this${STOP}.\n"; \
+ $(MAKE) clean ; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi; \
+ @sed -e 's|has_mailserver_goes_here|$(HAS_MAILSERVER)|g' link-tmpl-template.cgi > link-tmpl.cgi
+ @sed -e 's|gpg_homedir_goes_here|$(_GPG_HOMEDIR)|g' link-tmpl-template.cgi > link-tmpl.cgi
+ @printf "\nDone preparing files. You can now type\nsudo make install\nin your terminal.\n"
+ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(COOKIES_DIR)
+ mkdir -m700 -p $(DESTDIR)$(_GPG_HOMEDIR)
+ gpg --homedir "$(DESTDIR)$(_GPG_HOMEDIR)" --import gpg.txt; \
+ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(WWWPREFIX)/cgi-bin/l
+ install -Dm700 gpigeon.cgi $(DESTDIR)$(GPIGEON_PATH)
+ install -Dm600 link-tmpl.cgi $(DESTDIR)$(LINK_TEMPLATE_PATH)
+ install -Dm644 index.html favicon.ico styles.css -t $(DESTDIR)$(WWWPREFIX)/
+ install -Dm755 merci/* -t $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/merci/
rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)
- rm -f genpass.txt gpg.txt
+ rm -f genpass.txt gpg.txt link-tmpl.cgi gpigeon.cgi
.PHONY: clean install uninstall
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 873b3d9..ce87785 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-Gpigeon generate links for a non technical person or someone not familiar
-with GPG, so they can send you encrypted mails via a one-time
-web form.
+Gpigeon generate links for a GPG user to be sent to a non technical person (or
+not a GPG user) so they can send you encrypted mail messages via a one-time
+web link.
Feels of déjàvu ? I was inspired by https://hawkpost.co but wasn't really
interested in the multi-user perspective and managing a database.
- * Single user.
+ * Single user: no database required.
* One-time GPG form: after sending the encrypted message, the generated form
* Cookie based login. If you block cookies, it will switch back to
- hidden fields so you can still login, manage and create links.
- * A table of the links generated is visible after connecting so you can
- keep track of what has been created. You can also delete links
+ hidden fields so you can still login.
+ * A table of the links generated is visible when you connect so you can
+ keep track of what has been created. You can also delete link
individually, or all at once.
* No javascript used for the moment.
-You will need perl and the following modules and my perl version is v5.32.0, YMMV:
+You will need perl and the following modules and my perl version is **v5.34.0**, YMMV:
* HTML::Entities
@@ -39,20 +39,63 @@ You will need perl and the following modules and my perl version is v5.32.0, YMM
Having a webserver with CGI support or a separate CGI engine is needed. I'm using
nginx and fcgiwrap.
-A note on Net::SMTP and Net:SMTPS dependencies: if you have a mailserver well
+A note on **Net::SMTP** and **Net:SMTPS** dependencies: if you have a mailserver well
configured with SPF and OpenDKIM (so your chances to get your mail
treated as spam is greatly reduced) you should set the `HAS_MAILSERVER`
-variable to 1 in the config.mk file.
+variable in
+[link-tmpl.cgi](https://git.les-miquelots.net/gpigeon/plain/link-tmpl.cgi) to 1.
-Edit the config.mk file to customize the installation to your needs, and then
-`sudo make`
+Don't forget to copy `config.def.mk` into `config.mk` and tune
+the variable to your liking. Then, you can run the good old:
+make install #you'll maybe need sudo though
You should also look in the
-and [link-tmpl.cgi](https://git.les-miquelots.net/gpigeon/plain/link-tmpl.cgi) source code, you should figure things out quickly.
+and [link-tmpl-template.cgi](https://git.les-miquelots.net/gpigeon/plain/link-tmpl-template.cgi) source code, you should figure things out quickly.
**Hint**: look for variables values ending in _goes_here_.
+Your nginx configuration should look like this:
+server {
+ listen 80;
+ server_name ggon.example.com;
+ location / {
+ return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
+ }
+server {
+ listen 443 ssl http2;
+ root /var/www/gpigeon;
+ server_name ggon.example.com;
+ ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/ggon.example.com/fullchain.pem;
+ ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/ggon.example.com/privkey.pem;
+ error_log /var/log/gpigeon.log;
+ index index.html index.htm;
+ include /etc/nginx/hotlinking.conf;
+ location = /cgi-bin/gpigeon.cgi {
+ ssi off;
+ gzip off;
+ fastcgi_pass unix:/run/fcgiwrap.sock;
+ include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
+ }
+ location ~ ^/cgi-bin/l/(.*).cgi$ {
+ ssi off;
+ gzip off;
+ fastcgi_pass unix:/run/fcgiwrap.sock;
+ include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
+ }
+ include errorpages.conf;
diff --git a/config.mk b/config.def.mk
index abb2299..5917230 100644
--- a/config.mk
+++ b/config.def.mk
@@ -1,24 +1,25 @@
# Customize below to fit your system
# paths
-PREFIX = /usr/share/webapps/gpigeon
+PREFIX = /usr/share/gpigeon
LINK_TEMPLATE_PATH = $(PREFIX)/link-tmpl.cgi
WWWPREFIX = /var/www/gpigeon
+GPIGEON_PATH = $(WWWPREFIX)/cgi-bin/gpigeon.cgi
-# argon2id hash. generated by genpass.pl if empty
+# CGI tuning stuff
+# argon2id hash. generated by genpass.pl if empty when running make
# gpg and email vars
-HAS_MAILSERVER = 0# 0 if you'll use an external mail server, 1 if local.
+HAS_MAILSERVER = 0# choose 0 if you'll use an external mail server, 1 if local mail server installed.
# you don't need to set the 3 last variables if you got a local mailserver.
MYGPG_ID_0XLONG =# the 0xlong format of your gpg key.
MYMAIL_ADDR =# your mail address
-MAILSENDER =# the mailer address that'll send you the encrypted mails.
+MAILSENDER =# the mailer address that'll send you the encrypted mails
MAILSENDER_PW =# password for the mailer address
SMTP_DOMAIN =# smtp domain pour the mailer
SMTP_PORT =# smtp port for the mailer
-# CGI stuff
diff --git a/genpass.pl b/genpass.pl
index f7e6488..44b0f53 100755
--- a/genpass.pl
+++ b/genpass.pl
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ use Crypt::Argon2 qw/argon2id_pass/;
my $pass = `openssl rand -base64 32`;
my $salt = `openssl rand 16`;
chomp $pass;
-print "$pass\n";
-print argon2id_pass($pass, $salt, 3, '32M', 1, 32),"\n";
+print $pass,"\n";
+print argon2id_pass($pass, $salt, 3, '32M', 1, 32);