path: root/gpigeon-template.cgi
diff options
authorMiquel Lionel <lionelmiquel@sfr.fr>2020-11-10 10:54:21 +0100
committerMiquel Lionel <lionelmiquel@sfr.fr>2020-11-10 10:54:21 +0100
commit61839232124e7db4f9384aac04cf9334ce8c7be4 (patch)
tree24e0befb452368d09a0204d985bbb43c9e91d9ad /gpigeon-template.cgi
Commit initial
On ajoute les fichiers. On normalise le nom des icônes en favicon.ico puis on met la notif de suppression des fichiers au-dessus du tableau, plus pratique si il y a BEAUCOUP de liens créés.
Diffstat (limited to 'gpigeon-template.cgi')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gpigeon-template.cgi b/gpigeon-template.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d3a9abd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gpigeon-template.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl -wT
+use Digest::SHA qw(sha256_hex);
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Email::Valid;
+use String::Random;
+use CGI qw(param cookie);
+use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
+sub escape_arobase {
+ my $mailaddress = shift;
+ my $arobase = '@';
+ my $escarobase = q{\@};
+ my $escapedmailaddress = $mailaddress;
+ $escapedmailaddress =~ s/$arobase/$escarobase/;
+ return $escapedmailaddress;
+sub untaint_cgi_filename {
+ my $filename = shift;
+ if ($filename =~ /^([-\@\w.\/]+)$/) {
+ #data untainted
+ $filename = $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ die "$!";
+ }
+ chomp $filename;
+ return $filename;
+sub notif_if_defined{
+ my $notif = shift;
+ if (defined $notif){
+ return $notif;
+ }
+my $PASSWD_HASH = q{password_hash_goes_here};
+my $cgi_query_get = CGI->new;
+my $PASSWD = $cgi_query_get->param('password');
+if ( sha256_hex($PASSWD) eq $PASSWD_HASH and $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'POST'){
+ $ENV{'PATH'}='/usr/bin';
+ my $HTML_CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER = 'Content-type: text/html';
+ my $HTML_CHARSET = '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;
+charset=utf-8">',"\n",'<meta charset="UTF-8">',"\n";
+ my $HTML_CSS = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
+ my $mymailaddr = q{your_mail_address_goes_here};
+ my $mymailaddr_password = q{your_mail_address_password_goes_here};
+ my $mymail_smtp = q{smtp_domain_goes_here};
+ my $mymail_smtport = q{smtp_port_goes_here};
+ my $mymail_gpgid = q{gpgid_goes_here};
+ my $myescapedmailaddr = escape_arobase($mymailaddr);
+ my @text_strings = ('La suppression a r&eacute;ussi !',
+ 'L&apos;adresse',
+ 'est valide !',
+ 'n&apos;est pas valide !',
+ 'sed "s/Inconnu', # displays on main page table when supposed sender isn't identified
+ 'La longueur du message doit être inférieure à 10000 charactères.',
+ 'Formulaire d&apos;envoi de messages GPG', # title for generated links
+ 'Rentrez votre message ci-dessous, ',
+ 'M&apos;envoyer le message',
+ 'Lien g&eacute;n&eacute;r&eacute; pour', #displays if link gen is successful
+ 'lien formulaire gpg', # mail subject when clicking a mailto: link in table
+ 'Ton lien est', # message when clicking a mailto: link in table
+ 'Supprimer', # text on button for deleting links
+ 'Mince! Je ne peux pas ouvrir', # message when file opening fails
+ 'GPIGEON.CGI: mails GPG pour le non-initié.', # main page title!
+ 'Salut et bienvenue.', # a greeting at the top of the main page.
+ 'Se d&eacute;connecter', # disconnect button text on main page
+ 'Actualiser la page', # refresh button text
+ 'G&eacute;n&eacute;rer lien', #link generation button text
+ "Liens g&eacute;n&eacute;r&eacute;s pour <b>$mymailaddr</b>:", # label above links table
+ 'Supprimer tous les liens', # delete all links button text
+ 'Lien', # first table header, 'Link'
+ 'Pour', # second table header, 'For'
+ 'Suppression', # third table header, 'Delete'
+ 'La suppression a &eacute;chou&eacute;. Voici la cause: '
+ );
+ my $psswd_formfield = '<input type="hidden" name="password" value="' . $cgi_query_get->param('password') . '">',"\n";
+ my ($notif_de_creation, $notif_mail_valide, $notif_suppression) = undef;
+ my @table_des_liens_crees = ();
+ if (defined $cgi_query_get->param('supprlien')){
+ my $pending_deletion = $cgi_query_get->param('supprlien');
+ my $relpath_todelete = "./l/$pending_deletion";
+ if (unlink untaint_cgi_filename($relpath_todelete)){
+ $notif_suppression='<span style="color:green">'.$text_strings[0].'</span>';
+ }
+ else {
+ $notif_suppression='<span style="color:red">'.$text_string[24].
+ $relpath_todelete.':'.$!.'</span>';
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $cgi_query_get->param('supprtout')){
+ opendir my $dir_handle, './l' or die "Can't open ./l: $!";
+ while (readdir $dir_handle) {
+ if ($_ ne '.' and $_ ne '..'){
+ my $relpath_todelete = "./l/$_";
+ unlink untaint_cgi_filename($relpath_todelete) or die "$!";
+ $notif_suppression='<span style="color:green">'.
+ $text_strings[0] .'</span>';
+ }
+ }
+ closedir $dir_handle;
+ }
+ if (defined $cgi_query_get->param('mail')){
+ my $entered_mail_addr = scalar $cgi_query_get->param('mail');
+ if ( Email::Valid->address($entered_mail_addr) ){
+ $notif_mail_valide = "<span style='color:green'>$text_strings[1]
+ $entered_mail_addr $text_strings[2]</span>";
+ my $escaped_entered_mail_addr = escape_arobase($entered_mail_addr);
+ my $random_mailform_fn_str = String::Random->new;
+ my @mailform_fn_str_buffer = ();
+ for (1..5){
+ push @mailform_fn_str_buffer,
+ $random_mailform_fn_str->randregex('\w{1,15}[0-9]{1,15}');
+ }
+ my $mailform_fn_str_buffer_nospace = join('',@mailform_fn_str_buffer);
+ "$mailform_fn_str_buffer_nospace.cgi";
+ if (open my $mailform_fh, ">", $MAILFORM_RELPATH){
+ print $mailform_fh '#! /usr/bin/perl -wT',"\n\n",
+ ' my $demandeur_du_lien = q{', $entered_mail_addr
+ , '};', "\n",
+ 'delete @ENV{qw(IFS PATH CDPATH BASH_ENV)};', "\n",
+ '$ENV{\'PATH\'}="/usr/bin";',
+ 'use warnings;', "\n",
+ 'use strict;',"\n",
+ 'use GPG;',"\n",
+ 'use Net::SMTP;',"\n",
+ 'use Net::SMTPS;',"\n",
+ 'use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);',
+ 'use CGI qw(param cookie);', "\n",
+ 'my $cgi_query_get = CGI->new;', "\n",
+ 'my $smtp = Net::SMTPS->new(\''. $mymail_smtp .'\', Port =>
+ \''. $mymail_smtport .'\',
+ doSSL => \'ssl\', Debug_SSL => 0);', "\n",
+ 'my ($msg, $enc_msg, $error_processing_msg) = undef;', "\n",
+ 'if (defined $cgi_query_get->param(\'msg\') and $ENV{\'REQUEST_METHOD\'} eq \'POST\'){',"\n",
+ ' $msg = $cgi_query_get->param(\'msg\');', "\n",
+ ' $msg =~ tr/\r//d;', "\n",
+ ' if (length $msg gt 10000){', "\n",
+ ' $error_processing_msg = q{<span style="color:red"><b>La longueur du message doit être inférieure à 10000 charactères.</b></span>};', "\n",
+ ' }', "\n",
+ ' my $gpg = new GPG(gnupg_path => "/usr/bin", homedir =>
+ "/usr/share/www-data/.gnupg/");', "\n",
+ ' $enc_msg = $gpg->encrypt("De la part de " .
+ $demandeur_du_lien . ":\n". $msg, \'0x'. $mymail_gpgid .'\') or die
+ $gpg->error();', "\n",
+ ' $smtp->auth(\''. $mymailaddr .'\', \''.
+ $mymailaddr_password .'\')
+ or die;', "\n",
+ ' $smtp->mail(\''. $mymailaddr .'\') or die "Net::SMTP module has broke:
+ $!.";', "\n",
+ 'if ($smtp->to(\''. $mymailaddr .'\')){', "\n",
+ '$smtp->data();', "\n",
+ '$smtp->datasend("To: '. $myescapedmailaddr .'\n");', "\n",
+ '$smtp->datasend("\n");', "\n",
+ '$smtp->datasend("$enc_msg\n");', "\n",
+ '$smtp->dataend();', "\n",
+ 'unlink "../' . $MAILFORM_RELPATH . '";', "\n",
+ 'print "Location: /gpigeon/merci/index.html\n\n";', "\n",
+ '}', "\n",
+ 'else {', "\n",
+ 'die $smtp->message();', "\n",
+ '}', "\n",
+ '}', "\n",
+ 'print "Content-type: text/html", "\n\n";', "\n",
+ 'print qq{<!DOCTYPE html>', "\n",
+ '<html>', "\n",
+ ' <head>', "\n",
+ ' <link rel="icon" sizes="48x48" ',"\n",
+ 'type="image/ico" href="/gpigeon/favicon.ico">', "\n",
+ $HTML_CSS, "\n",
+ $HTML_CHARSET, "\n",
+ '<title>Formulaire ', "\n",
+ 'd\'envoi de message GPG</title>',"\n",
+ ' </head>', "\n",
+ ' <body>', "\n",
+ ' <p>'. $text_strings[7] . '<b>'
+ .$escaped_entered_mail_addr .'</b> :</p>', "\n",
+ ' <form method="POST">', "\n",
+ ' <textarea "', "\n",
+ 'wrap="off" cols="50" rows="30" name="msg"
+ required></textarea>', "\n",
+ '<br>', "\n",
+ '$error_processing_msg', "\n",
+ '<br>', "\n",
+ '<input type="submit"
+ value="'. $text_strings[8] .'">', "\n",
+ ' </form>', "\n",
+ ' </body>', "\n",
+ '</html>};';
+ close $mailform_fh;
+ chmod(0755,$MAILFORM_RELPATH);
+ $notif_de_creation="<span style=\'color:green\'>$text_strings[9] $entered_mail_addr</span><br><a href=\'$MAILFORM_LINK\'>$MAILFORM_LINK</a>";
+ }
+ else{
+ close $mailform_fh and die "cant open $MAILFORM_RELPATH: $!";
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ $notif_mail_valide = "<span style='color:red'>$text_strings[1]
+ $entered_mail_addr $text_strings[3].</span>";
+ }
+ }
+ # ici on ouvre le dossier /var/www/cgi/cgi-bin/l qui contient les
+ # formulaires de contacts afin de lister son contenu
+ opendir my $dir_handle, './l' or die "Can't open ./l: $!";
+ while (readdir $dir_handle) {
+ if ($_ ne '.' and $_ ne '..'){
+ my $fichier_formu_mail = $_;
+ my $demandeur_du_lien = undef;
+ if (open my $fh_formu_mail , '<', "./l/$fichier_formu_mail"){
+ # le demandeur du lien est sur la 4ième ligne, d'où le 1..4
+ for (1..4){
+ $demandeur_du_lien = readline $fh_formu_mail;
+ $demandeur_du_lien =~ s/q\{(.*?)\}//i;
+ $demandeur_du_lien = $1;
+ }
+ close $fh_formu_mail;
+ if (not defined $demandeur_du_lien){
+ $demandeur_du_lien = $text_strings[4];
+ }
+ push @table_des_liens_crees, '<tr>',"\n",
+ "\t<td><a href='/cgi-bin/l/$fichier_formu_mail'>ici</a></td>", "\n",
+ "\t<td><a
+ href='mailto:$demandeur_du_lien?subject=$text_strings[10]",
+ "gpg&body=$text_strings[11] http://$SRV_NAME/cgi-bin/l/$fichier_formu_mail'>$demandeur_du_lien</a></td>", "\n",
+ '<td>
+ <form method="POST">
+ <input type="hidden" name="supprlien"
+ value="'.$fichier_formu_mail.'">
+ <input type="hidden" name="password"
+ value="'.$cgi_query_get->param('password').'">
+ <input type="submit" value="'. $text_strings[12] .'">
+ </form>
+ </td>', "\n",
+ '</tr>';
+ }
+ else {
+ close $fh_formu_mail;
+ die "Content-type: text/plain", "\n\n",
+ "$text_strings[13] $fichier_formu_mail: $!";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir $dir_handle;
+ '<!DOCTYPE html>', "\n",
+ '<html>', "\n",
+ '<head>', "\n",
+ '<link rel="icon" sizes="48x48" ',"\n",
+ 'type="image/ico" href="/gpigeon/favicon.ico">', "\n",
+ $HTML_CSS, "\n",
+ $HTML_CHARSET, "\n",
+ '<title>'. $text_strings[14] .'</title>', "\n",
+ '</head>', "\n",
+ '<body>', "\n",
+ '<p>'. $text_strings[15] .'</p>', "\n",
+ '<form method="POST">', "\n",
+ '<input type="hidden" name="password" value="0">', "\n",
+ '<input type="submit" value="'. $text_strings[16] .'">', "\n",
+ '</form>', "\n",
+ '<form method="POST">', "\n",
+ $psswd_formfield,
+ ' <input type="submit" value="'. $text_strings[17] .'">', "\n",
+ '</form>', "\n",
+ '<hr>', "\n",
+ '<br>', "\n",
+ '<form method="POST">', "\n",
+ $psswd_formfield,
+ 'Mail de la personne:<br>', "\n",
+ '<input tabindex="1" type="text" name="mail" maxlength="120">', "\n",
+ '<input tabindex="2" type="submit" value="'.
+ $text_strings[18] .'">', "\n",
+ '</form>', "\n",
+ notif_if_defined($notif_mail_valide), '<br>', "\n",
+ notif_if_defined($notif_de_creation),
+ '<hr>', "\n",
+ '<p>'. $text_strings[19] .'</p>', "\n",
+ '<form method="POST">', "\n",
+ $psswd_formfield,
+ '<input type="hidden" name="supprtout">', "\n",
+ '<input type="submit" value="'. $text_strings[20] .'">', "\n",
+ '</form>', "\n",
+ notif_if_defined($notif_suppression),
+ '<table>', "\n",
+ '<tr>', "\n",
+ '<th>'. $text_strings[21] .'</th>', "\n",
+ '<th>'. $text_strings[22] .'</th>', "\n",
+ '<th>'. $text_strings[23] .'</th>', "\n",
+ '</tr>', "\n",
+ "@table_des_liens_crees", "\n",
+ '</table>', "\n",
+ '</body>', "\n",
+ '</html>';
+else {
+ print 'Location: /gpigeon/index.html', "\n\n";